Author Topic: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!  (Read 235972 times)

A. Lurker

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #60 on: 09 August 2011, 11:24:21 »
TW p258, under crippling damage:
"If all of a 'Mech's weapons are destroyed and it can no longer move, the 'Mech is considered destroyed."  So perhaps it's my reading half a step too far into "considered destroyed."  Certainly, an engine, a head, and 195 belts of machine gun ammo aren't going anywhere.

When a unit is considered destroyed for gameplay purposes is governed by the "Destroying a Unit" section on TW p. 128. The sentence you're quoting is from the "Creating Scenarios" chapter (specifically the Forced Withdrawal rules), which (a) in that context concerns itself more with when a unit should count as "destroyed" as far as scenario victory conditions are concerned and (b) isn't technically even part of the "standard" game rules as per its own introduction on p. 256.

So, yeah, I think you've been reading a bit too far in the wrong spot. :) By the criteria on page 128, that Stinger was in fact not yet quite destroyed -- one point of CT internal structure left, head, pilot, and engine all intact. No reason to take it off the map just yet.

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #61 on: 09 August 2011, 13:12:17 »
I think I can top that Stinger... this is from the entitystatus.txt of my most recent battle:

Model: Hunchback IIC -
Pilot: Ulvi (4/3)
--- Armor: 8/96-------------------------------------------
--- Internal: 3/83----------------------------------------
         FRONT                REAR                INTERNAL
         ( 8)                 (**)                  ( 3)
      /xx|xx|xx\           /xx|xx|xx\            /xx|xx|xx\
     (xx/ || \xx)         (   |  |   )          (xx/ || \xx)
       /  /\  \               /  \                /  /\  \
      (xx/  \xx)             /    \              (xx/  \xx)


Yup... it´s just an orphaned head lying around on the battlefield. And you´ll note that the head wasn´t even scratched!
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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #62 on: 09 August 2011, 21:34:45 »
I don't think I've ever seen both legs of a 'Mech get totally critted-out in one turn before(ATM12 HE ammo + a Streak-6 doesn't hurt):
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Man O' War (Gargoyle) E (Timerlane)
    Heavy Medium Laser at Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1); needs 5, rolls 7 : hits  LA
        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 10 damage to LA. Armor destroyed, 5 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LA. Roll is 7; no effect.

    Heavy Medium Laser at Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1); needs 5, rolls 4 : misses.

    ATM 12 at Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1); needs 5, rolls 7 : 10 high-explosive missile(s) hit (w/ +2 bonus).

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 5 damage to RL. 4 Armor remaining.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 5 damage to RA. 15 Armor remaining.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 5 damage to RL. Armor destroyed, 15 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RL. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Foot.
            CRITICAL HIT on Hip.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 5 damage to LL. Armor destroyed, 14 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Hip.
            CRITICAL HIT on Foot.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 5 damage to LL. 9 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Upper Leg.
            CRITICAL HIT on Lower Leg.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 5 damage to LL. 4 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 7; no effect.

    Streak SRM 6 at Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1); needs 5, rolls 10 : 6 missile(s) hit.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 2 damage to CT. 24 Armor remaining.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RA. 13 Armor remaining.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 2 damage to CT. 22 Armor remaining.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 2 damage to HD. 2 Armor remaining.

        Pilot of Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) "Unnamed" takes 1 damage.        
Pilot of Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) "Unnamed" needs a 5 to stay conscious.  Rolls 2 : blacks out.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RL. 13 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RL. Roll is 11; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Upper Leg.
            CRITICAL HIT on Lower Leg.

        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 2 damage to CT (critical). 20 Armor remaining.

         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

    ER Micro Laser at Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1); needs 6, rolls 7 : hits  LT (critical)
        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LT (critical). 12 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 4; no effect.

         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 7; no effect.

    ER Micro Laser at Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1); needs 6, rolls 8 : hits  RT
        Marauder MAD-5S (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RT. 5 Armor remaining.
A little disappointed he passed out; I'd love to have had the final PSR math text output for all those actuators(I do have the extended leg damage rule on). :P


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #63 on: 10 August 2011, 07:17:53 »
Duelling Hollanders? This will end well!

Weapons fire for Hollander II BZK-F7 (BobBattleBot)
    Heavy Gauss Rifle at Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster); needs 8, rolls 8 : hits  RL
        Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster) takes 25 damage to RL. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,
        9 damage transfers to RT.

         Critical hit on RL. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Lower Leg.
            CRITICAL HIT on Foot.
        Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster) takes 9 damage to RT. Armor destroyed, 7 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Heat Sink.
            CRITICAL HIT on +Gauss Rifle.
*** Gauss Rifle EXPLODES!  20 DAMAGE! ***        
Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster) suffers catastrophic damage, but the autoeject system was engaged.            
Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster) must make a piloting skill check (landing in heavy woods).
                Needs 9 [5 (ejecting) + 1 (automatic ejection) + 3 (landing in heavy woods)], rolls 6 : fails.
        Pilot of MechWarrior The Calimarettes (Zogster) "The Calimarettes" takes 1 damage.                    
The pilot ejects safely!

*** Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster) DESTROYED by ejection! ***        Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster) takes 20 damage to RT. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Right Arm blown off.
        13 damage transfers to CT.

         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on +Gauss Rifle.
        Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster) takes 13 damage to CT. SECTION DESTROYED,

         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.
            CRITICAL HIT on Standard Gyro.

Weapons fire for Hollander BZK-F3 (Zogster)
    Gauss Rifle at Hollander II BZK-F7 (BobBattleBot); needs 6, rolls 9 : hits  RT
        Hollander II BZK-F7 (BobBattleBot) takes 15 damage to RT. Armor destroyed, 4 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on +Heavy Gauss Rifle.

*** Heavy Gauss Rifle EXPLODES!  25 DAMAGE! ***        
Hollander II BZK-F7 (BobBattleBot) suffers catastrophic damage, but the autoeject system was engaged.            
Hollander II BZK-F7 (BobBattleBot) must make a piloting skill check (landing in clear terrain).
                Needs 4 [5 (ejecting) + 1 (automatic ejection) - 2 (landing in clear terrain)], rolls 9 : succeeds.                    
The pilot ejects safely!

*** Hollander II BZK-F7 (BobBattleBot) DESTROYED by ejection! ***        Hollander II BZK-F7 (BobBattleBot) takes 25 damage to RT. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Right Arm blown off.
        21 damage transfers to CT.

         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 5; no effect.
        Hollander II BZK-F7 (BobBattleBot) takes 21 damage to CT. SECTION DESTROYED,

         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 3; no effect.

Heavy PPC: Not only are you dead, but your cremation is free of charge!

Weapons fire for Thunderbolt TDR-10M (Rickosaur)
    Heavy PPC at Stiletto STO-4A (BobBurningBot); needs 7, rolls 9 : hits  HD
        Stiletto STO-4A (BobBurningBot) takes 15 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,

*** Stiletto STO-4A (BobBurningBot) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Life Support.

« Last Edit: 10 August 2011, 07:23:09 by Deadborder »
Author of BattleCorps stories Grand Theft Agro and Zero Signal

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #64 on: 14 August 2011, 13:05:12 »
so i heard this thread was back up. time to throw my old favorites and some new ones back in. lol.

first turn, first shot i fired. i knew it was gonna be a bad day.

i <3 breaking megamek

more first turn bad luck... this is what i saw happen

this is pretty sure what everyone else saw happen

main character in my campaign taking a gauss slug to the face like a boss and surviving

this direwolf hadn't taken a single hit over the course of the game... this is just embarrassing.

because explosive decompression is win.

an ejected enemy mechwarrior tried to charge my mech.... i captured him and he has been one of my most epic pilots since

epic flail. lol.

most damage i've ever done to someone's head in a single shot


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #65 on: 14 August 2011, 13:22:14 »
drove a tank through the back of a mech's head.

not as big of an ammo explosion as mr. coyote but at least it wasn't me in the tank

coulda been worse but still facepalm worthy

i almost could have gone through his arm into the torso, through the center torso, out the other torso, through the far arm with a single hit. lol. i <3 aerospace

i think the enemy was having nap time. lol

best DFA ever!

tsm hunchback punting completely through the leg and torso of a direwolf.

my custom atlas has either the best luck or the worst luck. first round. very first shot fired. i quit that game. lol

vindi running around poking things with his pointy stick like a boss

my custom atlas punching right through the center of a mostly clean mech.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #66 on: 14 August 2011, 13:28:47 »
i cried a little... my custom atlas headed to davy jones locker.

i was very upset! lol. two 30 point punches to the head.

and last but certainly not least... WORST DFA EVER! i'm still not sure how this even happened. i tried to dfa a nova cat but somehow ended up with him falling on top of me from 2 elevation levels up effectively dfa'ing me...


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #67 on: 15 August 2011, 11:51:34 »
He is dead, Jim.

Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) A (DarkISI)
    ER PPC at King Crab KGC-010 (Nichmich); needs 8, rolls 12 : hits  HD
        King Crab KGC-010 (Nichmich) takes 15 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,

*** King Crab KGC-010 (Nichmich) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 7; no effect.

    ER PPC at King Crab KGC-010 (Nichmich); needs 8, rolls 11 : hits  HD
        King Crab KGC-010 (Nichmich) takes 15 damage to HD.
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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #68 on: 20 August 2011, 00:17:08 »

Weapons fire for Kraken (Bane) ID:1 (Coyote808)
    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 9 : 2 shot(s) hit (w/ -2 malus).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 1 damage to LT. 31 Armor remaining.

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 1 damage to RL. 41 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 7 : misses.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 4 : misses.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 9 : 1 shot(s) hit (w/ -2 malus).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 1 damage to LA. 33 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 4 : misses.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 10 : 2 shot(s) hit (w/ -2 malus).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 1 damage to HD. 8 Armor remaining.

        Pilot of Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) "Mutherref Jing" takes 1 damage.       
Pilot of Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) "Mutherref Jing" needs a 3 to stay conscious.  Rolls 5 : successful!

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 1 damage to HD. 7 Armor remaining.

        Pilot of Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) "Mutherref Jing" takes 1 damage.       
Pilot of Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) "Mutherref Jing" needs a 5 to stay conscious.  Rolls 4 : blacks out.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 6 : misses.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 9 : 1 shot(s) hit (w/ -2 malus).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 1 damage to LL. 41 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 6 : misses.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 9 : 1 shot(s) hit (w/ -2 malus).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 1 damage to LT (critical). 30 Armor remaining.

         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Ultra AC/2 Ammo (35).
*** Ultra AC/2 Ammo EXPLODES!  70 DAMAGE! ***        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 70 damage to LT. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Left Arm blown off.
            remaining 49 damage prevented by CASE.

         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

        Pilot of Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) "Mutherref Jing" takes 2 damage.

    Machine Gun at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1), the shot is an automatic miss (Target out of range), rolls 4 : misses.
    Machine Gun at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1), the shot is an automatic miss (Target out of range), rolls 10 : misses.
    Machine Gun at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1), the shot is an automatic miss (Target out of range), rolls 5 : misses.
    Machine Gun at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1), the shot is an automatic miss (Target out of range), rolls 5 : misses.

Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) must make 1 piloting skill roll(s) and automatically fails (Pilot unconscious).
    Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) falls on its left side, suffering 10 damage.
        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 5 damage to LL. 36 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 5 damage to LL. 31 Armor remaining.
Pilot of Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) "Mutherref Jing" cannot avoid damage.
        Pilot of Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) "Mutherref Jing" takes 1 damage.

Weapons fire for Kraken (Bane) ID:1 (Coyote808)
    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 7 : 1 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to CTR. 11 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 7 : 1 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RL. 39 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 6 : 2 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to CTR. 9 Armor remaining.

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LA.        2 damage transfers to LTR.
        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LTR.        2 damage transfers to CTR.
        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to CTR. 7 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 5 : 2 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LL. 29 Armor remaining.

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RL. 37 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 10 : 2 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to HD. 5 Armor remaining.

        Pilot of Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) "Mutherref Jing" takes 1 damage.
*** Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) DESTROYED by pilot death! ***
        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RTR. 8 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 4 : 1 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RA. 32 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 9 : 1 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RTR. 6 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 12 : 1 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RL (critical). 35 Armor remaining.

         Critical hit on RL. Roll is 5; no effect.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 8 : 1 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RA. 30 Armor remaining.

    Ultra AC/2 at Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1); needs 2, rolls 10 : 2 shot(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LA.        2 damage transfers to LTR.
        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LTR.        2 damage transfers to CTR.
        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to CTR. 5 Armor remaining.

        Kraken (Bane) ID:2 (Bot1) takes 2 damage to RTR. 4 Armor remaining.
« Last Edit: 20 August 2011, 01:11:52 by Coyote_808 »

We are just watching the younger generation Warriors plan.  It gives the older ones of the Clan
time to pause and reflect on the future.  Well, that and I think we ran out of food in the Den... - Blackhorse 6

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #69 on: 20 August 2011, 00:19:31 »
I'll be honest, that one's easier to tell who does what when it's not Hot Bane On Bane Action.
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!
Fühlt nicht durch dich Jadefalke Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr!


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #70 on: 20 August 2011, 05:17:47 »
Look before you leap, I guess?

Movement Phase

Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) must make a piloting skill check while moving from hex 1517 to hex 1518 (leaping (leg damage)).
Needs 13 [3 (Base piloting skill) + 10 (leaping (leg damage))], rolls 9 : fails.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LL. 37 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to RL. 37 Armor remaining.

         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Foot.

         Critical hit on RL. Roll is 5; no effect.

Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) must make a piloting skill check while moving from hex 1517 to hex 1518 (leaping (fall)).
Needs 8 [3 (Base piloting skill) + 5 (leaping (fall))], rolls 5 : fails.
Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) falls 5 level(s) into hex 1518
    Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) falls on its left side, suffering 60 damage.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LA. 29 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LT. 17 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LL. 32 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LA. 24 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to CT. 41 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LT (critical). 12 Armor remaining.

         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 7; no effect.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LA. 19 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LT. 7 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LT. 2 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to CT. 36 Armor remaining.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LT. Armor destroyed, 18 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Ultra AC/10 Ammo (10).
*** Ultra AC/10 Ammo EXPLODES!  100 DAMAGE! ***        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 100 damage to LT. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Left Arm blown off.
            remaining 82 damage prevented by CASE.

         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Ultra AC/10 Ammo (10).
*** Ultra AC/10 Ammo EXPLODES!  100 DAMAGE! ***        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 100 damage to LT.            remaining 100 damage prevented by CASE.

        Pilot of Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) "Martha Shadrin" takes 2 damage.        
Pilot of Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) "Martha Shadrin" needs a 3 to stay conscious.  Rolls 3 : successful!
Pilot of Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) "Martha Shadrin" needs a 5 to stay conscious.  Rolls 8 : successful!

            CRITICAL HIT on Ultra AC/10 Ammo (10).
*** Ultra AC/10 Ammo EXPLODES!  100 DAMAGE! ***        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 100 damage to LT.            remaining 100 damage prevented by CASE.

        Pilot of Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) "Martha Shadrin" takes 2 damage.        
Pilot of Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) "Martha Shadrin" needs a 7 to stay conscious.  Rolls 10 : successful!
Pilot of Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) "Martha Shadrin" needs a 10 to stay conscious.  Rolls 10 : successful!

        Pilot of Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) "Martha Shadrin" takes 2 damage.
*** Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) DESTROYED by pilot death! ***        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LT.        5 damage transfers to CT.
        Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to CT. 31 Armor remaining.

Pilot of Kraken (Bane) 2 ID:1 (Coyote808) "Martha Shadrin" must roll 7 to avoid damage; rolls 9 : succeeds.
Loki (Hellbringer) H ID:2 (Bot1) needs a 3 to avoid falling while walking backwards over an elevation change, rolls 7.

We are just watching the younger generation Warriors plan.  It gives the older ones of the Clan
time to pause and reflect on the future.  Well, that and I think we ran out of food in the Den... - Blackhorse 6

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #71 on: 30 August 2011, 06:22:04 »
MadCats are tough!  :o
Weapons fire for Rifleman IIC (Icchan)
    Large Pulse Laser at Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1); needs 4, rolls 8 : hits  (using Rear table) RTR
        Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) takes 10 damage to RTR. Armor destroyed, 13 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on LRM 15 Ammo (8).
*** LRM 15 Ammo EXPLODES!  120 DAMAGE! ***        Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) takes 120 damage to RT. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Right Arm blown off.

            remaining 107 damage prevented by CASE.

         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 11; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on AMS Ammo (23).
*** AMS Ammo EXPLODES!  46 DAMAGE! ***        Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) takes 46 damage to RT.            remaining 46 damage prevented by CASE.

        Pilot of Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) "Tex And" takes 2 damage.        
Pilot of Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) "Tex And" needs a 5 to stay conscious.  Rolls 6 : successful!
Pilot of Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) "Tex And" needs a 7 to stay conscious.  Rolls 2 : blacks out.

            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

        Pilot of Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) "Tex And" takes 2 damage.

    Large Pulse Laser at Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1); needs 4, rolls 8 : hits  (using Rear table) LA
        Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) takes 10 damage to LA. Armor destroyed, 9 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LA. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on ER Large Laser.

    Large Pulse Laser at Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1); needs 4, rolls 10 : hits  (using Rear table) LL
        Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) takes 10 damage to LL. 14 Armor remaining.

    Large Pulse Laser at Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1); needs 4, rolls 11 : hits  (using Rear table) LA
        Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) takes 10 damage to LA. SECTION DESTROYED,
        1 damage transfers to LTR.

         Critical hit on LA. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on ER Large Laser.

        Mad Cat (Timber Wolf) C (Bot1) takes 1 damage to LTR. 6 Armor remaining.
And it was still up!
Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen,
Tod und Verzweiflung flammet um mich her!
Fühlt nicht durch dich Jadefalke Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr!


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #72 on: 04 September 2011, 01:44:04 »
Not a crazy hit - but there were plenty of those - but more of a "WTF" moment courtesy of the Bot (or, as we call him, "Bob").

In the movement phase, Bob decides to take a very unsual tactical step: He jumps four of his mechs into the water. Not only that, but he jumps two of them out into depth 2+ water, as can be seen below...

(Bob's mechs are the green-brown ones that are in the water)

I admit now that I wasn't expecting that...
Author of BattleCorps stories Grand Theft Agro and Zero Signal

How to Draw MegaMek Icons the Deadborder Way. Over 9000 so far. Determination or madness?


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #73 on: 04 September 2011, 07:51:50 »
Personally I make a policy of never having the bot start out with deep water or large buildings in its setup area. I've had battles start with just a bunch of falling damage reports, and then there wasn't much left to do... ::)


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #74 on: 04 September 2011, 19:26:07 »
Me either, which makes that little tactical move even more fun - the Bot went out of its way to find water to sink into.
Author of BattleCorps stories Grand Theft Agro and Zero Signal

How to Draw MegaMek Icons the Deadborder Way. Over 9000 so far. Determination or madness?


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #75 on: 07 September 2011, 19:21:09 »
They say that the pinnacle of the Art of War is to defeat your opponent without fighting.  Here is a perfect example.  8)
Code: [Select]
Initiative Phase for Round #1
txMaddog rolls a 8[8+0].
Bot1 rolls a 6[6+0].

The turn order for movement is:
  Bot1, txMaddog

Wind direction is Southwest.  Wind strength is Calm.  The weather is Clear.  Visibility is Daylight.
txMaddog: 616 BV remaining (from 616 initially) 0 BV fled
Bot1: 610 BV remaining (from 610 initially) 0 BV fled

Movement Phase

Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) must make a piloting skill check while moving in hex 1303 (running & turning on pavement).
Needs 4 [5 (Base piloting skill) - 1 (running & turning on pavement)], rolls 4 : succeeds.

Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) must make a piloting skill check while moving in hex 0901 (running & turning on pavement).
Needs 6 [5 (Base piloting skill) + 1 (running & turning on pavement)], rolls 3 : falls.
Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) falls 0 level(s) into hex 0901
    Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) falls on its rear, suffering 3 damage.
        Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) takes 3 damage to RL. 10 Armor remaining.

Pilot of Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) "Kirsi Koriche" must roll 6 to avoid damage; rolls 5 : fails.
        Pilot of Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) "Kirsi Koriche" takes 1 damage.       
Pilot of Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) "Kirsi Koriche" needs a 3 to stay conscious.  Rolls 9 : successful!

*** Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) has skidded off the field. ***

End Phase
Team 1 has achieved all required victory conditions!


Fan Fund the SC-V-1 "Vampyr" ScavengerMech!!  Why should the combat pilots have all the fun??


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #76 on: 21 September 2011, 09:38:53 »
I did not save it, but I just had a bot with four infantry units score three seperate head hits on my mech with three of the four units. The fourth unit did not fire at me, thank god.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #77 on: 21 September 2011, 17:39:41 »
They say that the pinnacle of the Art of War is to defeat your opponent without fighting.  Here is a perfect example.  8)
Code: [Select]
Initiative Phase for Round #1
txMaddog rolls a 8[8+0].
Bot1 rolls a 6[6+0].

The turn order for movement is:
  Bot1, txMaddog

Wind direction is Southwest.  Wind strength is Calm.  The weather is Clear.  Visibility is Daylight.
txMaddog: 616 BV remaining (from 616 initially) 0 BV fled
Bot1: 610 BV remaining (from 610 initially) 0 BV fled

Movement Phase

Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) must make a piloting skill check while moving in hex 1303 (running & turning on pavement).
Needs 4 [5 (Base piloting skill) - 1 (running & turning on pavement)], rolls 4 : succeeds.

Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) must make a piloting skill check while moving in hex 0901 (running & turning on pavement).
Needs 6 [5 (Base piloting skill) + 1 (running & turning on pavement)], rolls 3 : falls.
Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) falls 0 level(s) into hex 0901
    Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) falls on its rear, suffering 3 damage.
        Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) takes 3 damage to RL. 10 Armor remaining.

Pilot of Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) "Kirsi Koriche" must roll 6 to avoid damage; rolls 5 : fails.
        Pilot of Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) "Kirsi Koriche" takes 1 damage.       
Pilot of Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) "Kirsi Koriche" needs a 3 to stay conscious.  Rolls 9 : successful!

*** Falcon FLC-4N (Bot1) has skidded off the field. ***

End Phase
Team 1 has achieved all required victory conditions!


Awesome!  I lost that way once.  Ever since then, I no longer allow skidding off the field!


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #78 on: 22 September 2011, 03:19:46 »
One of our regular players is more of a tank fan than I used to be (and my orginal forum name was Tankdriver). He has twice skidded off the map. Skidded into a building at least twice and once skidded off a level 3 hill to level 0. Yet he continues to go back to tanks.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #79 on: 23 September 2011, 11:20:09 »
Code: [Select]

Weapons fire for Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 )
    Medium Laser at Warhammer WHM-6K (38TH 23 REBELS); needs 5, rolls 5 :  - Glancing Blow - hits  RL
    Medium Laser at Warhammer WHM-6K (38TH 23 REBELS); needs 5, rolls 6 : hits  LT
    Large Laser at Warhammer WHM-6K (38TH 23 REBELS); needs 5, rolls 6 : hits  CT
    Medium Laser at Warhammer WHM-6K (38TH 23 REBELS); needs 5, rolls 10 :  - Direct Blow - hits  RA
    Large Laser at Warhammer WHM-6K (38TH 23 REBELS); needs 5, rolls 8 :  - Direct Blow - hits  RT
        ***The safety systems on the engine fail catastrophically resulting in a cascading engine failure!
        Start Secondary Damage Report.
        Building #20552 absorbs 7 points of damage.
        Building #24648 absorbs 14 points of damage.
        Building #28744 absorbs 14 points of damage.
        Building #24652 absorbs 28 points of damage.
        Building #26704 absorbs 28 points of damage.
        Building #28752 absorbs 28 points of damage.
        Building #30800 absorbs 14 points of damage.
        Building #30800 absorbs 7 points of damage.
        Building #24660 absorbs 14 points of damage.
        Building #30804 absorbs 7 points of damage.
        Building #24664 absorbs 7 points of damage.
        Building #24664 absorbs 7 points of damage.
        Thug THG-11E (38TH 23 ) is hit for 7 damage!
        Thug THG-11E (38TH 23 ) takes 5 damage to LT. 14 Armor remaining.
        Thug THG-11E (38TH 23 ) takes 2 damage to LL. 22 Armor remaining.
        Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) is hit for 7 damage!
        Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) takes 5 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,
*** Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) DESTROYED by damage! ***
        Pilot of Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) "Kate? Vojtek" takes 3 damage.       
Pilot of Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) "Kate? Vojtek" needs a 7 to stay conscious.  Rolls 7 : successful!
Pilot of Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) "Kate? Vojtek" needs a 10 to stay conscious.  Rolls 8 : blacks out.
Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) suffers catastrophic damage, but the autoeject system was engaged.           
Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) must make a piloting skill check (landing in light woods).
                Needs 13 [5 (ejecting) + 3 (pilot unconscious) + 1 (automatic ejection) + 2 (Head Internal Structure Damage) + 2 (landing in light woods)], rolls 6 : fails.
        Pilot of MechWarrior Kate? Vojtek (38TH 23 ) "Kate? Vojtek" takes 3 damage.
*** MechWarrior Kate? Vojtek (38TH 23 ) DESTROYED by pilot death! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Life Support.
            CRITICAL HIT on Life Support.
        Black Knight BL-6-KNT #2 (38TH 23 ) takes 2 damage to LA. 20 Armor remaining.
        End Secondary Damage Report.

Yeah, that did not go as planned...


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #80 on: 23 September 2011, 16:12:01 »
here's a megamek breaking winner.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #81 on: 23 September 2011, 21:17:11 »
Code: [Select]
"Pilot needs 2147483647 to avoid skid..."

Plain awesome.   ;D


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #82 on: 24 September 2011, 02:38:08 »
After kicking the leg off of a Hunchback-SP in a game I just played, I was horrified to see it rise up on a roll of a 10 and begin vomiting SRMs and lasers at my 'Mechs once more.  So, I had my fast-moving Hermes run over and try and push it over, twice.  Both times, it remained standing, until I jumped my Wolverine over to give it a good kick, and it fell over again at that.  Then I moved away from it to concentrate on its lancemates, but lo and behold, the one-legged Hunchback rose up, and began to fire again, with ridiculous accuracy for its 4/5 pilot!  By this point, the rest of my Lance, a custom Awesome and a Trebuchet have disintegrated, and I can only settle to attempt to destroy the Hunchie out of sheer spite.  Maybe I could've legged the enemy Zeus if I tried instead, but this zombie Hunchie just had to die!  I kicked it back over with a very narrow roll on its pilot's part, and then the next turn it critted its CT SRM ammo failing at getting up.  But holy crap, that thing just refused to die for the longest time, and delivered so much pain!  It also got really lucky on a lot of rolls from my long-range weapons whiffing at it early on.
What the heck is a Piranha Rat?!?

those can be some of the best posts evar! wake up the next day and be all like, wait, I posted what!?!?


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #83 on: 24 September 2011, 08:13:28 »
I forgot to save it, but just last night, I had this happen. Four player free for all. Two tanks, including my fortune and two battlemechs including a down-teched black knight. The other mech pummels the black knight to the point where it cannot get up and is completely immobile. Meanwhile I am Clustering and solid shotting the other tank to scrap, though it TOOK FOREVER. Finally I finish it off and turn towards the other battlemech, while he slowly makes his way to me. I continue to mix clusters with solid shots and just about have him when he finally blows away my front ammo and destroys the internal structure.

So it is looking like a win for battlemech 2 as he just has to turn arounds and headcap the immobile mech. Well he just happens to be running pretty hot. He decides to walk into the small lake to cool and take the kill shot. I tried dropping hints that this was a bad idea, but he did it anyway.

Armor breach= one dead mech (according to the graveyard "killed by: pilot error"
The winner of the game was the black knight the did nothing for the last 4 or 5 turns but lie on the ground immobile in a corner.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #84 on: 28 September 2011, 08:42:17 »
Ok, this is a long one, but it is worth it.

Weapons fire for Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion)
    Medium Laser at Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2); needs 4, rolls 4 : hits  (using Left Side table) CT
        Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2) takes 5 damage to CT. 8 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 2; no effect.

    Snub-Nose PPC at Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2); needs 4, rolls 6 : hits  (using Left Side table) CT
        Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2) takes 10 damage to CT. SECTION DESTROYED,

*** Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

    Medium Laser at Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2); needs 4, rolls 11 : hits  (using Left Side table) RL
        Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2) takes 5 damage to RL. 10 Armor remaining.

Weapons fire for Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2)
    SRM 6 at Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion); needs 4, rolls 7 : 5 missile(s) hit.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to LT. Armor destroyed, 6 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Double Heat Sink.
            CRITICAL HIT on Jump Jet.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to LL. 7 Armor remaining.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to RL. 1 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RL. Roll is 6; no effect.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to RA. 4 Armor remaining.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to RT. 1 Armor remaining.

    Medium Laser at Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion); needs 4, rolls 5 : hits  CT
        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 5 damage to CT. Armor destroyed, 7 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 12; 3 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.
            CRITICAL HIT on Standard Gyro.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

    Medium Laser at Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion); needs 4, rolls 5 : hits  CT
        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 5 damage to CT. 2 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

*** Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) DESTROYED by engine destruction! ***
    Medium Laser at Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion); needs 4, rolls 5 : hits  HD
        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 5 damage to HD. 4 Armor remaining.

        Pilot of Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) "Ma-Leu-Da Yu" takes 1 damage.
    SRM 6 at Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion); needs 4, rolls 7 : 6 missile(s) hit.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to CT. SECTION DESTROYED,

         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Standard Gyro.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to LL. 5 Armor remaining.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to RA. 2 Armor remaining.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to LA. 6 Armor remaining.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to LT. 4 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 5; no effect.

        Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion) takes 2 damage to RT. Armor destroyed, 6 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 12; 3 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Double Heat Sink.
            CRITICAL HIT on Jump Jet.
            CRITICAL HIT on Double Heat Sink.

Physical Attack Phase

Heat Phase

Control Rolls

End Phase


Winner is: the Chicago Cubs!!!

Scorpion: 0 BV remaining (from 1477 initially) 0 BV fled
Bot2: 0 BV remaining (from 1358 initially) 0 BV fled

Graveyard contains:
MechWarrior Samra Sarbans (Bot3)
Gunnery Skill : Samra Sarbans [3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion)

Night Hawk NTK-2Q (Bot1)
Pilot : Moniku Watanabe [3/4] ( 2 hit(s) )
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion)

Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion)
Pilot : Ma-Leu-Da Yu [3/3] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 4
Destroyed by Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2)

Trebuchet TBT-5S (Bot2)
Pilot : Silvie Anis [3/4] ( 1 hit(s) )
Kills : 1
Destroyed by Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion)

The following utterly destroyed units are not available for salvage:
Vulcan VT-6M (Bot3)
Pilot : Samra Sarbans [3/3]
Kills : 0
Destroyed by Falcon FLC-4Nb (Scorpion)

Detailed unit status saved to entitystatus.txt


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #85 on: 30 September 2011, 14:08:22 »
Mutual Assured Destruction...gotta love it!


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #86 on: 01 October 2011, 08:40:25 »


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #87 on: 01 October 2011, 08:42:58 »
I just realized I got credit for killing myself.

Pa Weasley

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #88 on: 02 October 2011, 17:49:55 »
Double blackout!
Weapons fire for Nobori-nin (Huntsman) Khan (Pa Weasley)
    Improved Heavy Medium Laser at Shadow Cat C (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 2 : misses.

    Improved Heavy Medium Laser at Shadow Cat C (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 9 : hits  (using Left Side table) LL
        ???? (????) takes ???? damage to ????. ???? Armor remaining.

    Improved Heavy Medium Laser at Shadow Cat C (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 9 : hits  (using Left Side table) LT
        ???? (????) takes ???? damage to ????. Armor destroyed, ???? Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on ????. Roll is ????; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on ????.
            CRITICAL HIT on ????.
*** ???? EXPLODES!  ???? DAMAGE! ***        ???? (????) takes ???? damage to ????. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF ???? blown off.
            remaining ???? damage prevented by CASE.

         Critical hit on ????. Roll is ????; no effect.

        Pilot of ???? (????) "????" takes ???? damage.        
Pilot of ???? (????) "????" needs a ???? to stay conscious.  Rolls ???? : successful!
Pilot of ???? (????) "????" needs a ???? to stay conscious.  Rolls ???? : blacks out.

    ATM 9 at Shadow Cat C (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 3 : misses.

Weapons fire for ???? (????)
    ???? at ???? (????); needs ????, rolls ???? : misses.

    ???? at ???? (????); needs ????, rolls ???? : misses.

    ???? at ???? (????); needs ????, rolls ???? : hits ???? ????
        Nobori-nin (Huntsman) Khan (Pa Weasley) takes 7 damage to RT. Armor destroyed, 11 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.
            CRITICAL HIT on +Improved Heavy Medium Laser.
*** Improved Heavy Medium Laser EXPLODES!  5 DAMAGE! ***        Nobori-nin (Huntsman) Khan (Pa Weasley) takes 5 damage to RT. 6 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 4; no effect.

        Pilot of Nobori-nin (Huntsman) Khan (Pa Weasley) "Dorian Chiaromonte" takes 2 damage.        
Pilot of Nobori-nin (Huntsman) Khan (Pa Weasley) "Dorian Chiaromonte" needs a 3 to stay conscious.  Rolls 9 : successful!
Pilot of Nobori-nin (Huntsman) Khan (Pa Weasley) "Dorian Chiaromonte" needs a 5 to stay conscious.  Rolls 3 : blacks out.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #89 on: 02 October 2011, 18:31:50 »
1... 2... 3...

