Author Topic: The Wolf Revenants - Wolf-in-Exile in the IlClan era  (Read 1253 times)


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The Wolf Revenants - Wolf-in-Exile in the IlClan era
« on: 13 November 2023, 23:08:57 »
If there is one major complaint I have with the IlClan era, it would be the decision to have Clan Wolf-in-Exile join Alaric and his actively imperialistic polity. To me, it feels wildly out of character that they would all but unanimously go along with it. So I am taking inspiration from people like Kojak and tassa_kay and creating my own non-canon unit, a understrength Cluster of diehard Wardens who refused to serve Alaric and have returned to continue fighting for their ally's in the Lyran Commonwealth and Kell Hounds.

Omnimech configurations:,83198.msg1974833.html#new

Wolf Revenants

Forever Faithful
1 Cluster
Unit Insignia: A Grey Wolf Howling in front of a Steiner Blue Moon
Unit Colours: The Wolf Revenants use the Red-Brown paint scheme of Clan Wolf-in-Exile’s Alpha Galaxy, but adds Steiner blue accents to show their loyalty to their Lyran Allies.

The decision to rejoin Clan Wolf after the IlClan trial was not a universally popular choice amongst Clan Wolf-in-Exile. While every survivor of Arc Royal could agree that Malvina Hazen had to die for the Inner Sphere to be made safe, that did not mean that they were comfortable with destroying the Republic of the Sphere, or serving under a man who had done such damage to the Lyran Commonwealth. Eventually a compromise was reached and defended with a Trial of Refusal. The entire Clan would travel to Terra and fight the Jade Falcons, but those who were unwilling to serve Alaric Ward would be allowed to leave, and would return to Donegal under the command of the charismatic Star Colonel Devlin Carns. In the end, an understrength Cluster would return as the Wolf Revenants, ready to continue Warding the Inner Sphere and honour their alliances with the Lyran Commonwealth and any surviving Kell Hounds.
Unit Tactics: Aware of their limited resources and recruitment options, the Wolf Revenants have become practised in using Hit and Run tactics to maximise their abilities to do damage. Star Colonel Carns has been drilling his Cluster to work alongside the LCAF, however they have not been used in joint operations yet.
(Special Combat Abilities:  Esprit de Corps and Hit and Run)

Commanding Officer
Star Colonel Devlin Carns
Born: 3115, Arc Royal (35 in 3151)
Named for Devlin Stone, Devlin Carns was seen as a future Khan of Clan Wolf-in-Exile. Charming, witty, and with absolutely no sense of superiority to Freeborns, he was well liked and respected by both his Clan and their Kell Hounds allies. A staunch Warden and ristar, Carns earned his bloodname in time to participate in the discussions on whether to align with the Crusader Wolves in Operation Hammerfall. He saw his distrust for the Crusader’s vindicated by their betrayal, and was shocked when the Exiles did not completely cut ties with their dark kin. Carbs continued to impress during the Exile's desperate defence of the Lyran Commonwealth against the Golden Ordun, and had emerged as the leader of the arch-Warden faction in the dark days following the fall of Arc Royal. He pushed the compromise that would allow the Revenants to return to the Lyran Commonwealth, and defeated Khan Miriam Shaw in a boxing match to win the Trial of Refusal that ensured the acceptance of it. He would lead his fellow dissenters against Clan Jade Falcon on Terra, ensuring that her brand of malignancy was purged from the Inner Sphere, before leaving Terra to return to Donegal; where he would continue Ulric Kerensky and Phelan Kell’s vision for Clan Wolf, now piloting a captured Hierofalcon.
(1/2 SPA’s: Human TRO, Tactical Genius, Weapon Specialist: ER Medium Laser)

Command Star
Hierofalcon - Star Colonel Devlin Carns
Linebacker - Mechwarrior Nieve
Stormcrow - Mechwarrior Cerise
Shadow Cat - Mechwarrior Narayan
Pouncer - Mechwarrior Biel
« Last Edit: 18 November 2023, 21:08:05 by VensersRevenge »
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Re: The Wolf Revenants - Wolf-in-Exile in the IlClan era
« Reply #1 on: 13 November 2023, 23:27:30 »
Supernova Trinary

Nova Captain Grace Sender
Born: 3117, Arc Royal (33 in 3151)
      Considered the best duellist in the Revenants, Grace Sender is also one of the least physically intimidating. Born to a sibko that combined Sender genes with McCorkell genes captured from the Snow Ravens, she ended up with a much smaller build that reminded people of an aerospace pilot. Knowing that she was always at a disadvantage in close combat, Grace became uncannily skilled in ranged combat, something that has made her deadly in the cockpit of her Timber Wolf. Unusually amongst the Clans, even the liberal Wolves-in-Exile, Sender has developed a skill at logistics, making her invaluable to her old friend Devlin Carns. Her pragmatism and focus on practical details makes her the perfect foil to the idealistic Star Colonel, and he has entrusted her with the Supernova Trinary that makes up the majority of the Revenants striking power and she serves as his second in command.
(0/2 SPA’s: Combat Intuition, Sniper)

Star Commander Caroline
Born: 3100, Arc Royal (51 in 3151)
Born on January 1, 3100 as part of a sibko meant to be leaders for the new century, Caroline never lived up to those expectations. She had a fine career, never quite good enough to be sponsored for a bloodname, and seemed content with becoming a solahma trainer for the next generation of Exiles. The chaos of the Dark Ages forced her to return to active duty, and while she has not flown up the ranks, she has realised that she does not want to be just solahma after all. Knowing she had no chance of frontline combat with the IlClan, she returned to Donegal, where Devlin Carns has promised her that she will continue to be valued as a combatant as well as a source of experience for the younger warriors in the Cluster.

Star Commander Sohrab
Born: 3131, Arc Royal (20 in 3151)
The top student in his sibko, A hero of the evacuation of Arc Royal who’s coordination of his sibko’s retreat while successfully saving valuable supplies. A man who fought a Trial of Refusal to get an early Trial of Position to fight on Terra, a Trial he won with aplomb before defeating two ‘Mechs at the same time in his Trial of Position. An ace in the IlClan trial. All at the age of twenty. Sohrab should be the biggest ristar in his Clan, with sponsors knocking down the door for his Trial of Bloodright. There is just one problem. He’s an idealist. Instead of being feted with glories by the IlClan, he followed Devlin Carns to an uncertain future in the Lyran Commonwealth because he believes it is the right thing to do.Now Sohrab cannot return to the IlClan, and has dedicated his life to fighting it for a state whose flaws he does not understand.
(2/2 SPA: Multitasker)

Nova Commander Zachary Sradac
Born: 3115, Arc Royal (35 in 3151)
Zachary Sradac was in the same sibko as Devlin Carns, and the two became close friends and confidants from a young age. While Carns turned into an inspirational leader and gifted politician, Zachary developed a talent for black ops and spying, even serving as an attache to LIC for a short time during Operation HAMMERFALL. When the decision was made to form the Wolf Revenants, Sradac was the first man Carns turned to, and his actions on Terra secured the Colossus class dropship that allowed the Revenants to withdraw as easily as they did. Zachary Sradacc is now for all intents and purposes the head of the Watch, and has been debriefing with LIC to prepare the Revenants for their next steps and give the LCAF the intelligence they need to deploy their forces to intelligently take advantage of weakness in the Wolf Empire and Jade Falcon Occupation Zone.

Nova Commander Varda Fetladral
Born 3127, Donegal (24 in 3151)
When Clan Wolf-in-Exile set up the Assault Tech Industries factory on Donegal, they also decided to create a small sibko setup to lessen their reliance on Arc Royal. Varda was one of the warriors born and trained on Donegal, and has never actually set foot on Arc Royal.This has led to a degree of discrimination from many of the Arc Royal native Wolves, and despite winning her Bloodname, Varda Fetladral never felt particularly respected by the senior elements of the Clan. When it came to making the decision to merge with the IlClan, a cause championed by those least sympathetic to her, or return to her home to continue protecting Donegal, it was an easy choice.

Star Commander Jason Thompson
Born: 3120, Csesztreg (30 in 3151)
Jason was born in a minor sibko on Csesztreg, and was never expected to amount to much more than another Elemental for the Hell’s Horses touman. His life would change dramatically when he managed to win his bloodname. Normally, that would be one of the best days of a Clan warrior’s life, but David Thompson had the bad fortune to defeat Star Commander Eliazer, a protege of the head of the Hell’s Horses Watch David Thompson. Incensed at seeing his mentee humiliated by a nobody, David Thompson had Jason Thompson assigned to the fiercely Mongol Beta Galaxy, knowing the moderate Warden would be miserable, but could hardly protest being placed in a premier Galaxy. He watched in horror as the Golden Ordun slaughtered its way into Lyran space, and was badly wounded by Malvina Hazen’s orbital bombardment on Timkovichi. Rescued by the Kell Hounds and brought to Arc Royal, Jason Thompson joined the Wolves-in-Exile to fight against the Jade Falcons and other Mongols. He is deeply suspicious of all Jade Falcons, seeing them as inherently prone to Malvina Hazen’s cruelty, causing clashes with Star Commander Ella.

Nova 1:
Timber Wolf - Nova Captain Grace Sender
    Black Wolf Point - Star Commander Caroline
Vulture Mk. IV - Mechwarrior Bernt
    Black Wolf Point - Point Commander Lindsay
Linebacker - Mechwarrior Oluwafunmilayo Ward
    Black Wolf Point - Point Commander Lusineh
Arctic Fox - Mechwarrior Inderpal Vickers   
    Black Wolf Point - Point Commander Liselot
Gauntlet - Mechwarrior Anette
    Black Wolf Point - Point Commander Charalampos

Nova 2:
Hel - Star Commander Sohrab
    Elemental Point - Nova Commander Zachary Sradac
Sojourner - Mechwarrior Nana
    Elemental Point - Point Commander Ehecatl
Sojourner - Mechwarrior Fáelán
    Elemental Point - Point Commander Máighréad
Black Hawk KU - Mechwarrior Zainabu
    Elemental Point - Point Commander Georges
Avatar - Mechwarrior Ignatius
    Elemental Point - Point Commander Maryanne

Nova 3:
Ion Sparrow - Nova Commander Varda Fetladral
    Cuchulainn Point - Star Commander Jason Thompson
Phantom - Mechwarrior Aylen
    Cuchulainn Point - Point Commander Jere
Phantom - Mechwarrior Ceri
    Cuchulainn Point - Point Commander Socheat
Fire Moth - Mechwarrior Oluwaseyi
    Cuchulainn Point - Point Commander Zhenya
Fire Moth - Mechwarrior Brooklyn
    Cuchulainn Point - Point Commander Muhamad

« Last Edit: 16 November 2023, 16:49:41 by VensersRevenge »
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Re: The Wolf Revenants - Wolf-in-Exile in the IlClan era
« Reply #2 on: 13 November 2023, 23:34:35 »
Battlemech Binary

Star Captain Phelan Kerensky
Born 3128, Arc Royal (23 in 3151)
      Born to a Ranna Kerensky-Phelan Kell sibko, Phelan Kerensky and his sibmates were intended to be the guardians of the Clan’s future. Unfortunately, Malvina Hazen got in the way. Forced to be sent to his Trial of Position early to reinforce Arc Royal’s defenders, Phelan ended up being the only member of his sibko to make it off Arc Royal, heroically fighting alongside Devlin Carns. Winning his bloodname as the Clan determined their future on Donegal, Kerensky would side with his mentor in opposing joining Alaric’s Wolves. Leaving Terra piloting an Orion IIC, Kerensky has been forced to serve as the closest thing the Revenants have to a Loremaster. He agrees with Carns’ refusal to bow to the Wolf Empire, but fears for the morale of the Cluster as time passes, and still doubts his ability to serve as the icon he was bred to be.
(2/2 SPA’s: Demoralizer, Iron Will)

Star Commander Derek Brahe
Born 3125, Arc Royal (26 in 3151)
The Wolves-in-Exile have a long history of alliance with the Kell Hounds, and during the Republic Era, sought to strengthen those ties further. This included experimental sibko’s using the genetic legacy of Kell Hounds heroes, with the full permission of them or their family. Derek Brahe, a genetic descendent of Akira Brahe, is the most successful of these warriors, and was even able to found the Brahe bloodname. Unsurprisingly cose to Kell Hounds as well, often training with his comrades in the time before Arc Royal fell, Derek Brahe wants to reclaim his old home and connection with the Hounds, something that would be impossible if he joined the IlClan.
(3/4  SPA: Sandblaster)

Star 1:
Orion IIC - Star Captain Phelan Kerensky
Zeus 11S - Mechwarrior Matilde
Mad Cat Mk. II - Mechwarrior Vítězslav
Warhammer C 3 - Mechwarrior Nagore
Tundra Wolf 2 - Mechwarrior Cal

Star 2:
Griffin IIC - Star Commander Derek Brahe
Jaguar - Mechwarrior Yoel
Commando 9S - Mechwarrior Iolanda
Jaguar 2 - Mechwarrior Anish
Koshi 2 - Mechwarrior Iona

« Last Edit: 16 November 2023, 16:51:11 by VensersRevenge »
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Re: The Wolf Revenants - Wolf-in-Exile in the IlClan era
« Reply #3 on: 13 November 2023, 23:35:07 »
Vehicle Trinary

Star Captain Paget Mehta
Born 3125, Arc Royal (25 in 3151)
      A ristar and protege of Loremaster Lukas Mehta, Paget Mehta’s Jengiz was shot down in the defence of Arc Royal. While she was recovered and successfully evacuated, an injury caused in the crash made it impossible for her to operate an aerospace fighter at the high G’s necessary to continue serving. The lack of warriors left, combined with her bloodname meant that she was not forcefully retired, and instead got the opportunity to retrain as a VTOL pilot, which she quickly excelled at. Many expected her to support rejoining the Wolf Empire, as she held Crusader sympathetic beliefs, but the feeling of abandonment from many of her fellow warriors during her convalescence led to her siding with Devlin Carns, one of the only people to continue showing her empathy and respect during those dark days. While she is still less ideologically committed to the Warden cause than most of the other Revenants, Mehta is willing to fight and die for Devlin Carns, and is willing to have her mind changed on her politics.
(3/2 SPA’s: Cluster Hitter)

Star Commander Ryan
Born: 3127, Donegal (24 in 3151)
A member of the same Fetladral sibko as Varda Fetladral, Ryan could have become a Mechwarrior. Instead, he failed to make a kill in his Trial of Position. Fortunately for him, the Wolves-in-Exile didn’t have the luxury of throwing him to another caste, and he was given a second chance as a vehicle commander. He was able to excel in that role, but the humiliation still stays with Ryan. He knows that even if the Clan still existed, it is vanishingly unlikely that he would ever be allowed to fight for a Bloodname, and he doubted the IlClan would have anything to offer him. Better to return to Donegal, his home. Devlin Carns can’t afford to be picky.

Star Commander Ella
Born: 3128, Sudeten (23 in 3151)
As Malvina Hazen’s Mongol ideology spread through Clan Jade Falcon, its cruelty began having negative effects on every aspect of the Clan, including its training of warriors. Ella is a victim of this change. Born to one of the uncommon Binetti Mechwarrior lineages, she excelled in her sibko, but had the bad fortune of having her Trial of Position conducted by hardcore Mongols. After earning her first kill, one of the warriors conducting the Trial started a melee by deliberately firing at her cockpit, wanting to ensure that a non-Mongol wouldn’t weaken Clan Jade Falcon. Ella survived, but her wounds made her unable to pilot a Battlemech again, and she was assigned to a garrison Star on Upano, Unsurprisingly embittered towards the Mongol movement and Clan Jade Falcon as a whole, she happily became a bondswoman to Devlin Carns when he defeated her tank, and soon regained her warrior status in Clan Wolf-in-Exile.
(2/4 SPA: Range Master Long)

Star 1:
2x Garuda - Star Captain Paget Mehta
2x Joust BE701 - Point Commander Teresė
2x Striker Laser - Point Commander Iyov
2x Skanda - Point Commander Lucy
2x Yasha - Point Commander Celyn

Star 2:
2x Axel IIC - Star Commander Ryan
2x Carnivore Export - Point Commander Cassarah
2x Gurzil - Point Commander Arsenios
2x Patton Ultra - Point Commander Petra
2x Patton Ultra - Point Commander Zamir

Star 3:
2x Morrigu - Star Commander Ella
2x Heimdall - Point Commander Tsisana
2x Alacorn VI - Point Commander Nur
2x Sturmfeur Assault - Point Commander Steinarr
2x Demolisher Clan - Point Commander Kusuma

« Last Edit: 30 November 2023, 22:50:19 by VensersRevenge »
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Re: The Wolf Revenants - Wolf-in-Exile in the IlClan era
« Reply #4 on: 13 November 2023, 23:35:22 »
Aerospace Binary

Star Captain Jaime Rhyde
Born: 3120, Arc Royal (31 in 3151)
      The only person to make it through their sibko, Jaime felt that they had a lot to prove to a Clan wary of their blood heritage. This led to them becoming incredibly skilled at both dogfighting and at CAS missions, something that would be essential to a Clan trying to do as much as possible with limited resources. Earning a nomination and then a Rhyde bloodname shortly before Arc Royal, they led the way in punching through the Jade Falcon aerospace cordon to allow for the remnants of the Clan to escape to Donegal. Now a prominent member of the surviving Clan, and one of the few to maintain a position of neutrality in the opening stages of the Clan’s deliberations on whether to rejoin Clan Wolf, Rhyde was heavily courted by both factions, knowing they would be able to swing their Binary with them. No one knows exactly what Devlin Carns said to them, but ultimately Jaime Rhyde sided with him, and did indeed lead their entire Binary into an uncertain future.
(2/3 SPA’s: Shaky Stick, Sandblaster)

Star Commander Alexis Nygren
Born: 3124, Arc Royal (27 in 3151)
Alexis Nygren was supposed to be a symbol of the continuing pride of Clan Wolf-in-Exile. Instead she became a symbol of it’s breakdown. Born to a sibko using the genes of Carew Nygren, Alexis and her sibmates were supposed to continue the example of the famed hero. Instead she watched an era of relative peace collapse like a house of cards, had some of her trainers pulled back to the colours to fight Clanners worse than any Carew Nygren could have imagined, and finished her Trial of Position to see her home attacked by those abominations soon after. Alexis earned her stripes in the desperate fighting of Arc Royal, and was sponsored for a Bloodname when the Clan Council was desperately pretending that Clan Wolf-in-Exile could recover on Donegal. Alexis Nygren followed her Star Captain to follow Devlin Carns, but the truth is she didn’t do it because of her Warden politics. Her Clan died when Arc Royal fell, and all that’s left are it’s death throes in her opinion. Better to die with some honour fighting for themselves, and rejoin their ancestors, instead of becoming slaves to Alaric Ward.
(3/2 SPA: Ride the Wash)

Star 1:
2x Scytha - Star Captain Jaime Rhyde
2x Morgenstern - Point Commander Clovis
2x Morgenstern - Point Commander Tatjana
2x Eisensturm - Point Commander Demyan
2x Eisensturm - Point Commander Wahida

Star 2:
2x Turk - Star Commander Alexis Nygren
2x Tomahawk C - Point Commander Fred
2x Issus - Point Commander Patricia
2x Sabre 27b - Point Commander Oskar
2x Chaeronea - Point Commander Nora

« Last Edit: 30 November 2023, 22:48:49 by VensersRevenge »
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Re: The Wolf Revenants - Wolf-in-Exile in the IlClan era
« Reply #5 on: 13 November 2023, 23:38:49 »
Naval Command

Star Commodore Raphael Lankenau
Born: 3097, Dante (54 in 3151)
      The oldest member of the Revenants, Raphael Lankenau is also one of the only bloodnamed to not be born a member of the Wolves-in-Exile. Soon after his Trial of Position on Dante, a Wolf-in-Exile force challenged the Snow Ravens to a Trial of Possession for the patrilineal use of McCorkell bloodname. He was one of the defenders, and when his Corax was shot down, he was taken as a bondsman by the Wolves-in-Exile. He quickly re-earned his warrior status, and soon became one of the premier dropship captains in the Clan. He was even skilled enough to win a Lankenau bloodname, winning through the Grand Melee, although he has not won his genetic lineage. Originally, Raphael Lankenau agreed to join Alaric Ward after the IlClan trial, but realising that it would invite comparisons between him and Haake Sukhanov, a comparison that would damage the prestige of his bloodhouse. Instead he took his Isegrim into service with the Revenants, and was rewarded with a promotion to Star Commodore, and leadership over the small fleet of dropships and the Star Lord the Wolf Revenants have under their control.

Star Lord - Kerensky's Hope
Isegrim - Dauntless Honour
Broadsword - Fang
Colossus - Fist of the Republic
Sassanid - Artaxerxes
Miraborg - Caitlin Kell
Mule - Reelin
« Last Edit: 30 November 2023, 22:51:58 by VensersRevenge »
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Re: The Wolf Revenants - Wolf-in-Exile in the IlClan era
« Reply #6 on: 16 November 2023, 16:53:20 »
Added bios of all Star Commanders.
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