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I watched that through a year or two ago. I really enjoyed the early episodes, but man, did it go way off the rails at the end. I maintain that what happened was that they finally succeeded in breaking Number Six, and the last couple episodes are just the lunatic ravings of his shattered mind.
Off Topic / Re: What are we Reading Now: Conan the Librarian
« Last post by Zematus737 on Today at 10:08:14 »
actually they are descendants of groups that ghenghis khan  displaced when he started his empire a lot of them initially came from central asia and their lines got pretty diluted by the time they reached europe around late 13th century

I have read that the Khans were actually descended from Scythian lords who were the originators of the feudal system.  It was the Persians who borrowed this to form satrapies.  And that the Persians themselves were considered to have homogenized to these systems being that they were neighbors and RELATIVES of the Scythian royal Aryan bloodlines.  See Beckwith's, The Scythian Empire.
For example, we already have LR and SR Torpedoes.  That could be expanded to Thunderbolts and Missile Artillery.  But, we could go a little further.

Underwater artillery in the form of Depth Charges.  These would be dropped from the surface by ships or aircraft.

You have underwater mines available.  Those can be used in place of depth charges when deployed at a certain depth by mine dispenser Units.  Weapon delivered mines sink to the bottom in BF.  See TO:AUE pg 179 and pg 89 of IO:BF.
ok call me boring...but since i sleep little and rarely repeat watch anything...i descided to re watch mini series from 1967
the prisoner...
i find i still enjoy one episode the most hammer into anvil
not for action but for psychological warfare and possibly the best episode written for the show not to mention the performances were top notch and ahead of their time and i still judge movies and shows by the bar that episode set
You need to set Availability Era to Jihad on the MUL, instead of Intro Era.
I think Gavin Marik-Davion is the single most interesting character. What’s his angle? Is he trying to help Julian, or displace him? What resources does he have access to? A lot of mystery there yet to be revealed.

I think Julian and Trillian are both in interesting, tricky situations.  While they may not be personally as interesting (though I *don’t* find Julian to be just a Victor clone as some have said in the past), I am interested to see how they navigate their respective ships of state through the particularly treacherous seas they find themselves in.
If HPGs aren't inviolate, I don't see how they survive outside of heavily defended core worlds.
Off Topic / Re: My running days are over
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 09:13:24 »
I've also seen hand crank cardio machines if walking becomes problematic.
It's good to see data scientists reminding everyone it's about more than just sensors... :)
Thanks!  ...but I don't own them?  I'll keep looking, can somebody give names?
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