Author Topic: "Midterm from Hell" - July 20, Tempe AZ  (Read 1477 times)


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"Midterm from Hell" - July 20, Tempe AZ
« on: 12 July 2013, 17:32:35 »
Mission Synopsis: October, 3080. A Capellan quick-strike force has been sent to destroy the NAIS training facility on the Federated Suns planet of Axton.

Time: We are scheduled to start at 12:00pm; last round will be called at 6:00pm.
Unit selection: Miniatures & record sheets for pre-made forces will be provided, or players may bring their own. 

  • 4500 BV, no aerospace.
  • Capellans: Max three units, minimum walk/cruise speed of 4. Bringing over three units incurs a penalty: for each unit over three, the total BV available is reduced by 10% (450 BV).
  • Fed Suns: Max three units. Bringing over three units incurs a penalty: for each unit over three, the total BV available is reduced by 10% (450 BV).
  • Skills: Capellans may be no worse than Gunnery 4, Piloting 5. FedSuns forces may have only one pilot (a teacher) better than Gunnery 4, Piloting 5. Skills may not differ by more than two.
  • All units must be selected from the faction list at Set search filters to the appropriate faction and set the era to "Jihad."
  • Make the GM's life easy by making forces for both sides; if you have a preference, show up a little early.
  • Bringing assembled miniatures that match units your force will give that model one point of Edge, usable to re-roll one roll directly affecting it once during the battle. This does not apply to forces provided by the GM.

Terrain and setup description: The battle will be held on a 4’ x 6’ map (2” hexes; 24x36). The mountainous terrain is snow-covered and windy -- expect the map to be covered in at least Thin Snow (TacOps p52), temperatures around -40 (TacOps p62), and winds in the Light to Moderate Gale range (TacOps p61).
Victory Conditions: Victory points are scored equal to the BV of destroyed units plus one half the BV of crippled or withdrawn units (crippled units that withdraw count full BV).
Special Rules: With a few exceptions, only Total Warfare rules will be used. Equipment not excepted below may be brought, but not used.
  • There is no “edge of the world.” If a 'mech is up against a map edge, the three hexes that would be surrounding the 'mech off the board are now legal hexes for movement; occupying any of those hexes opens up more hexes, etc.
  • In addition to the inclement weather mentioned above, the following rules from Tactical Operations will be used: Floating Crits, Sprinting, Evading, Crawling, Careful Stand, Firing When Down, ECCM, Expanded Backward Movement, Expanded Stacking, Gauss Shut Off, Active Probe Targeting.


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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  • Posts: 1255
  • I paid for my Atlas by selling action figures.
Re: "Midterm from Hell" - July 20, Tempe AZ
« Reply #1 on: 22 July 2013, 11:38:30 »
A split decision -- on table one the Capellans crushed the FedSuns defenders, while on table two the reverse happened.

On table one, the Capellans brought a swarm of Warhammers, and while they took heavy damage, once the Nightstar went down it was all over.  The Nightstar got one gauss rifle critted; explosion -> 2 pilot hits -> failed consciousness roll.  'Mech falls (third pilot hit).  Physical phase: kick, floating crit, other arm -> other gauss goes boom -> two more pilot hits.  Good night, sweet prince, and may angels sing thee to thy rest...  The game was called with it close on points, but the Templar was inches away from being crippled (and a round of solid fire away from scrap), while the Capellans still had several functional Warhammers.

Table two had the Capellans unable to win initiative most of the battle, foiling their attempt to overwhelm the defenders with speed and numbers.  Also, the FedSuns average to-hit roll looked to be about an 8, maybe 8.5.  The Capellans had the FedSuns' Stalker on the ropes when they took out a leg -- but it stood up the next turn (needing a 10)!  Figuring their only hope was to put that beast down for good, they threw more fire on it, forcing a PSR (at 11).  Stalker remains up, and the game was called with 2/3 of a Marauder selling itself to cover the retreat of the Wraith (the remainder of the Capellan force was already lying in pieces on the snow).


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Re: "Midterm from Hell" - July 20, Tempe AZ
« Reply #2 on: 26 July 2013, 12:28:38 »
Sounds like it was a fun game,  sorry to have missed it but vacation to cooler weather took priority.

So is there a date for when is the next game scheduled ?

I work the 7th so I'm hoping its 9/14 ?

3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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  • Posts: 1255
  • I paid for my Atlas by selling action figures.
Re: "Midterm from Hell" - July 20, Tempe AZ
« Reply #3 on: 26 July 2013, 13:24:05 »
Haven't scheduled anything yet, but I'll try to do that in the next few weeks.