Author Topic: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone  (Read 1913 times)


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Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« on: 14 May 2023, 02:31:03 »
Hi all,
Going to be reworking the Ursa Corps mercenary command that I will be making with quite a bit of the new plastic minis that I've gotten over the years, and with the ones releasing with the next Kickstarter release painted up to their color scheme (was thinking of them having a dark brown armor plate, maybe with reflective gold/orange viewscreens).
Another point of note I plan on painting all the vehicles acquired from the new KS with a "desert" tan and brown camo scheme, so that they can easily be used in my various factions (listed below).

After listening to MechanicalFrog's New Explorer Corps series, including the latest video, can't wait for more. I was inspired to rework some more of my custom mercenary story design, which I have to admit kind of fell off the burner. I also had some inspiration from DuskHaunters as well. Here's to hoping that I could get some of the more "interesting" story ideas trapped inside my head to come out on paper/text. I just need to come up with a way to write out the stories that might be tied to this force.

This new origin was inspired by a awesome person on FB Battletech page, and so I'd love to hear all your thoughts and opinion on options for this design going forwards....There are some Options listed in the equipment section that I'm still working on, and I'd like to get your opinions on the options listed.
Please read over what I've entered below, there are a few spots were I have a couple OPTIONS. Example would be their JShips & DShips during the 3100s.

= 3000s - 3030s =
     The unit known as Ursa Corps would start out as a small combined arms force of several small mercenary commands, hired on as armed security for a entrepreneurial ship captain. This captain, Theodore Ursa, would form a trading company that works out of a heavily modified Jumbo-class dropship. The Ursa Corporation would offer repair and refit services for military and civilian hardware to those willing to pay their fees. In addition the company would buy, trade, and sell military equipment. They operate out of the Periphery region on the boarder of Capellan, FedSuns, Taurian, and Canopian space.
     Ursa Corporation's security forces include several small mercenary commands hired on for defense of the dropship, it's crew, and Ursa himself as he conducts his business. Included in this security force are a small reinforced lance of battlemechs, some armored assets, very well trained infantry/marines, and a top notch technical staff.
     Following work from his contacts within ComStar Theodore would move U.C. to the newly forming Free Rasalhague Republic region. Taking up contracts moving military hardware across the region, his son and daughter would get their first baptism in fire during the Ronin Wars. While his son took after his mother in becoming a solid mechwarrior, his daughter would inherit his keen mind for business.
= 3050s - 3060s =
     The unit was in the Rasalhague region when the Clans swept their way through the Inner Sphere. Theo would lose his wife to the clans when her battlemech was destroyed, and almost lost the life of his son, who was forced to punch out of his crippled mech. Sean Ursa, Theo's son, was only able to escape capture from the clans thanks to the brave men and women of Rasalhague militia forces that they were on world to train and supply. He would have to fight in a gruella war with the clans, after the U.C. dropship and it's crew being captured, against the clan's second line garrison upon the main front line moving on to new worlds for conquest.
     With a great effort from U.C. and Rasalhague militia forces the space port would be captured, along with tons of Clan equipment and personnel. It was only thanks to the assistance of ComStar the U.C., remnant militia, and even some clanners seeking a way out would these forces escape the clan occupation zone and return to FRR friendly territory. Upon their return Theodore Ursa's health would force him to retire and leave the company to his children. They would combine the Rasalhague militia remnants, what remained of U.C.'s security force plus technical staff, and even some of the Clan technicians into a new Mercenary command, Ursa Corps.
     Sean and Alina Ursa would pull in all the favors that their father had built over the years, as well as sell off loads of captured clan hardware, to begin rebuilding the military force known as Ursa Corps. It was during this rebuild period they would receive the news that ComStar would have victory on Tukayyid. As for the rebuild, they would include some clan mechs, some heavier designs fresh off the assembly line, and all their equipment having some form of clan upgrades. In addition to replace the now devastated infantry assets of the unit are now not only rebuilt, but augmented with an additional formation of IS Standard Battle Armor. Two of the newest members of the unit a pair of veteran clan elementals aided in the training of the largest members of the new U.C. infantry force.
     The U.C. would support I.S. forces in the renewed offensive against the Clans during Operation Bulldog and Taskforce Serpent. During this period they would engage with the clans using their experience and augmented hardware to win victories and salvage. Sean would be killed during the final moments of the last engagements of the destruction of Clan Smoke Jaguars.
= 3067 - 3100 =
    After the events of the Blakist destruction of the Inner Sphere, the force known as Ursa Corps would merge with the newly forming Republic of the Sphere armed forces, effectively vanishing for a time.
= 3140s - Current =
     Following the collapse of the Republic of the Sphere to the clans a descendent of Theodore Ursa would reform Ursa Corps. Taking on members of the from RotS military and those dispossessed by the Clan occupation, and their military hardware, the unit would go back to operating as a arms merchant force with a heavy military force as security. They would move towards the Federated Suns and Draconis Combine region, not straying too far from the clan boarders, so that they can acquire some more merchandise.

     Okay so some of this is alterable due to the future releases by CGL and more. Also if I find some suggestions that would be very interesting to go with.

= 3000 - 3040 =

Jumbo-class Dropship
     Heavily modified to act as a mobile repair and refit depo. This conversion was accomplished by converting the lower cargo hold (4400 ton) into a mech / vehicle repair depo, by mounting multiple vehicle and mech cubicles. Above this hold the second hold (4400tons) carries cargo, general goods, and more merchandise. Next the third hold (1330tons) is converted to accommodate the additional personnel (techs, clerks, infantry, dependents, etc...). On the same level sits the two Small Craft bays, which typically carry a pair of Aerospace Fighters for defense.
Going from the Lowest deck upwards (not sure how to alter dropships, making the assumtion that you can insert bays/cubicles for the tonnage you have, finding the Techmanual a bit confusing in this regard)...
Lower Cargo Hold -
     3020s add in 14 Battlemech Cubicles (5 for the security, 2 for Scavengers, and a couple for Industrial Loaders, while the rest are for "merchandise" in need of repair and refits. Add 12 Heavy Vehicle cubicles (Artillery, Security forces tanks, and "Merch" needing repairs/refits. 12 Light Vehicle cubes (security APCs, repair teams support vehicles, etc.). Lastly in the 3060s they'd add in some battlearmor bays to store their new BA troops. Rest of the space is dedicated to spare parts and ammo for the units aboard. This hold converted to hold...14 mech, 12 hvees, 12 lvees, 9 squads of battlearmor...
Going up the 4 (200ton) lifts to the next cargo deck
     General cargo storage for merchandise, spare parts, and more
Up another series of elevators to the next floor, and last cargo hold...
     Sharing the floor with the two small craft bays (aerospace fighters) is the smallest of the three cargo bays, this one is converted to add additional life support, and some more dual, single, and barracks style occupancy quarters, as well as communal washroom facilities. This is were the unit's dependents, and even some of the senior members of the force live. It also hold the barracks for the security forces marine contingent.

WHM-6D Warhammer, Converted with small lasers removed (as well as a ton of armor) to add on a pair of Medium Lasers
CRD-3D Crusader
TDR-5S Thunderbolt, Removing the SRM launchers and their ammo for more heat sinks
DV-6M Dervish, removing the SRM launchers and their ammo for a pair of Medium Lasers and heat sinks
FS9-A Firestarter
SC-V Scavenger
SC-V Scavenger

  Options include Maxim, Condor, Pegasus (cargo), Schreck, Basilisk Artillery, lighter artillery, etc...
They would also have a suite of technical support vehicles, including Battlemech Recovery Vehicles, Coolant Trucks, Prime Movers, Support Trucks, etc...

  Platoon or two of well trained marines/infantrymen. They would have capabilities to work as force recon, bodyguards, and even space marines guarding the Dropship from enemy boarders.

     Used for escorting the Dropship(s) to their landing zones.

= 3050s - 3067 =
     Following the rebuilding after their near annihilation to the hands of the Clans they would have newer equipment and more.

     Not sure if they managed to successfully get their older Jumbo rebuilt. One Dropship design I really love and would be interesting at this time would be the Fortress, now being brought back into production. THOUGHTS?

     Still having the pair of Scavengers they now have some more mechs, including some machines built by the clans.
Machines that I'm interested in....

   Dervish, Griffin IIC, Shadow Hawk IIC
   Warhammer, Thunderbolt, Crusader, Flashman, Guillotine, Grizzly
   Awesome, Devastator, Highlander, Nightstar, Pillager

Other machines that don't have models that I'd like...
Firestarter-Omni, Thanatos, Salamander, Templar

     They'd get ahold of some more vehicles to provide better armored base security.
Patton (or Axel), SturmFeur, Von Luckner, SRM/LRM Carriers, etc...while maintaining the Maxim (converted to haul BA), condor, and Cargo Pegasus, etc..

     Rebuilt infantry units, maybe even adding on Jump Infantry units. They would also acquire quite a few IS battle armor, either the IS Standard or the Gray Death Standard designs.

     Used for escorting the Dropship(s) to their landing zones.

= 3100s and beyond =
     This version of the force is very much in flux, since there are a lot of mechs, vehicles, and battle armor designs that I really like, but are at the moment not being manufactured in a miniature format.
I will be presenting you folks a few options that I was looking at. Combining equipment from either their former military background OR combineing equipment captured from the Clan invaders. You folks opinions would be greatly appreciated.

A) Invader-class Jumpship
B) Odyssey-class Jumpship

A) 1 Fortress-class   +   2 Union X-class
B) 2 Trutzburg-class   +   1 Polaris-class   +   1 Mule II-class

     Okay since the ilclan era has a lot of mech designs that I like I will leave you folks a list or two containing the mechs that I'm interested in for this force. Keep in mind they work across the Combine, FedSuns, and even reach out to the IS Clans to acquire their "merchandise".

   Firestarter, Cougar, KitFox
   Chameleon, Dervish, Griffin IIC, Shadow Hawk IIC, Stormcrow
   Crusader, Thunderbolt, Guillotine, Warhammer, Flashman, Timber Wolf, Loki MkII, Grizzly
   Awesome, Highlander, Devastator, Pillager, Nightstar, Regent, Blood Asp
Other mechs without minis that I was interested in include...
Gambit, Hollander III (PPC version), Calliope, Firestarter (Omni), Marshal, Rawhide, Lament, Carronade, Hound, Thanatos, Mad Dog MkIV, Doloire, Salamander, Mad Cat MkII
A couple of newer designs to add on...
     Bakeneko, Inferno, Templar III

     They would have most of the same equipment from their predecessor, including fire support, close support, technical support, etc...

    Besides the standard foot and jump infantry this new force would include quite a few new Battle Armored formations. Battle Armor that I'm looking at for this force include...

Inner Sphere
   Gray Death Infiltrator, Gray Death Heavy, Gray Death Standard, Inner Sphere Standard, Longinus, Kopis, Xiphos
Clan - not sure as to how they'd get some of these, thoughts?
   Elemental, Calisto, Storm Bird

     Used for escorting the Dropship(s) to their landing zones.
     Aerospace Fighters from the Republic of the Sphere: Poignard, Sagittarii, Schrack, Simurgh (these I do quite enjoy the looks of)
     Another fighter that I like the look of, but find it would be difficult to acquire (unless they were to find a few left behind in a old cache) would be the Chippewa IIC from clan Mongoose.
     Some Lyran fighters Sternensturm and Morgenstern (really like the Morgen)
    Then there is the fun Yun from the Confederation (it can even deploy Battle Armor).

3000-3051 = Owner Theodore Ursa / Wife Isabell Ursa leads the security forces mech lance
3053-3058 = Sean Ursa and Alina Ursa lead the unit together after their fathers forced retirement
3058-         = Alina Ursa
3151-current = Major Zachariah Lockmere reforms the unit that was his great grandfather forged during the third succession war.

3000-3049 = Militia, Pirates, Combine Ronin
3050-3060 = The Clans Smoke Jaguar, Wolf, and Ghost Bear (maybe even Falcon)
3100-Current = Combine, Wolf, FedSuns, Militia, Pirates

1 ) Opinions for the lore of this force?
2 ) Opinions of which version of their space fleet in 3100s A OR B?
3 ) Opinions of the mechs listed as options for the eras listed?
4 ) Thoughts on other pieces of equipment, maybe even story ideas that you all could recommend?

5 ) Thoughts on types of infantry? I know that I will want to have marines for security of the Ships, foot troops to act as bodyguards for the "salesmen", and recon assets for the security units when they do some "merch-runs".
6 ) Was thinking of making their 3100s variant security a reinforced combined arms formation, 1 mech company, 1 vehicle company, 1 battle armor company, and 1 infantry company. They would also have support assets (artillery, recon, aerospace support). Thoughts on some of the units listed in this approach?
7 ) Thoughts of solid aerospace fighter assets?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope to hear your thoughts and opinions,

Alternative Starter Dropship weirdness...
A weird alternative dropship for the force in 3020s would be a heavily retrofitted
Design A:
Union (2708 edition)…
Based of the reading from the TRO 3057 *Revised*
Lower Mechbay = carries the security force's lance of battlemechs (Thunderbolt, Crusader, Dervish, Firestarter)
     ON the same level the 2 aerospace fighter bays have been replaced with accommodations for a company of infantry (in this case 1 platoon of security, 1 platoon of engineers/techs, 1 platoon of ???) and augmented life support.
Upper Mechbay = Carries the DS merchandise, converted as needed for Vehicles, mechs, general cargo, etc...
Design B:
Seeker (2815 edition)
Why is the Seekers mass so out of wack? 6700 tons to 3900 tons is a drastic difference, and the cargo capacity alterations is also wacky.
Fun little thing can accommodate a (with modifications in the TRO) a Lance of mechs, 28 Light vees (nothing is stopping them combining some of these compartments for heavy vehicles), 1600t cargo, and 4 foot platoons. It is a monster

5/19/23 = Edit : Added some choices of Aerospace Fighters, and a rough-out design idea for the Jumbo-class Dropship. Some more choices for the 3100s mech force.
« Last Edit: 19 May 2023, 15:46:28 by GreyDeathangel »

Iron Grenadier

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Re: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« Reply #1 on: 14 May 2023, 07:45:49 »
Interesting unit, sounds a little like the Battle Magic command.  :thumbsup:

For the 3100's and beyond, I would go with the Odyssey class Jumpship option.

For dropships - the "Elephant" class .

I could be wrong, but the Trutzburg and Polaris seem like they'd be extremely rare for a small merc unit. The Elephant would be rare too, but it might be easier to explain coming from RotS space. The Trutzberg are also "difficult to maintain" and only like 20 of the Polaris was built.

Another dropship would be the "Assault Triumph" (take 2 of these)

I'd suggest the 3082 variant, which I think RoTS used.

Finally, I'd keep the Jumbo. Maybe Zachariah found it in mothballs?

So that gives you -
Elephant: 12 Battlemechs / 8 Heavy Vehicles / 4 Small Craft / 4 Jump Infantry Platoons
Assault Triumph (x2): 12 Battlemechs each / 6 Aerospace Fighters each / 12 Heavy vehicles each / 8 Light vehicles each / 16 squads of Battle Armor each

So -
36 Battlemechs
32 Heavy Vehicles
16 Light Vehicles
32 squads/Battle Armor
4 Platoons Jump Infantry
12 AeroSpace Fighters
4 Small Craft

Plus whatever the Jumbo can carry.

As far as Battlemech selection goes, you got some great choices listed. I might suggest a few more industrial mechs like a Patron, Powerman, Hyena or Pompier to add in. Battle Armor maybe some Gorilla and PowerLoader's


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Re: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« Reply #2 on: 14 May 2023, 12:07:16 »
Interesting unit, sounds a little like the Battle Magic command.  :thumbsup:
Just went back and watched the lore for these guys. Very similar, and I kind of like that, there is plenty of room in the I.S. for more than one large Arms Dealing companies.  ;)

As for the rest of your recommendations Let's go through it shall we...
Okay I was really thinking of going towards the Odyssey-class JShip cause it has some serious utility.

For the Dropships,
I agree the Trutzburg and Polaris are a rare breed of DShip I only mention them cause their design (at least the Polaris) is so dang nice.
Elephant - That was another design that I was seriously looking at, partially cause of the whole ComStar angle that they were tied to in their early years.
Assault Triumph - While I'm not a large fan of Aerodyne designs this one looks like a absolutely mad beast of a dropship, personally I prefer the spheroids due to their independent nature of not needing a large landing field, but this design might make me consider it.
Jumbo - This would be a solid cargo hauler, would you think that it would still have parts or even someone making parts for it in the ilClan era?
Thoughts on the Fortress and Union-X combo?
Secondary side note, if I was to go with the Odyssey and have a recovered jumbo, they might still have it configured before the Jihad. Instead of having the security unit stored onboard they could instead use all those mech/vehicle bays for repair and refits for their client or soon to be clients.

I'm glad to hear, I mainly picked my mechs based off of what ones I liked the looks and lore of. After all I plan on building and painting the unit, so which ones I will enjoy make more sense.
Some conversion ideas that I'm currently working on, example of a conversion that I'm toying around with at the moment involves my many Warhammers, plan is to remove the SRM from one (for the 6D variant) and adding it to another one (for potentially the C3 variant, which becomes IS Clan general in the ilClan era). Another mech that I was looking at was the 2N Axman, I like the Axman and might have to add it to the list.
They would defiantly need some Industrials and loader Armors, cant expect some folks to have to lug all that heavy cargo with their bare hands.

Iron Grenadier

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Re: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« Reply #3 on: 14 May 2023, 12:43:33 »

Jumbo - This would be a solid cargo hauler, would you think that it would still have parts or even someone making parts for it in the ilClan era?
Thoughts on the Fortress and Union-X combo?
Secondary side note, if I was to go with the Odyssey and have a recovered jumbo, they might still have it configured before the Jihad. Instead of having the security unit stored onboard they could instead use all those mech/vehicle bays for repair and refits for their client or soon to be clients.

On the Jumbo - I'd say there is a good secondary market for parts on it. It was being produced at one time by every star-nation in the Inner Sphere.

On the Fortress and Union-X combo - I think this is a fantastic combination for a raiding unit. 28 'Mechs, 12 heavy vehicle's, 4 Aerospace fighters, 10 squads of battle armor and 3 platoons of infantry is what you'd be able to deploy, depending on the Union-X variant.

If you go with the 3071 version, then it's 20 each Mechs and Heavy Vee's, 8 Aerospace fighters, 24 squads of battle armor. And the 3 infantry platoons.

Either way I think is a solid choice, just different flavor and focus.

Certainly be able to carry other equipment as cargo in the Jumbo, which just takes time to unload.


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Re: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« Reply #4 on: 14 May 2023, 14:13:02 »
I kinda like the idea of Mercenary Arms Dealer and his support crew who does repairs on old gear, sells new and used hardware traveling the Periphery region in an old Jumbo of Capellan, FedSuns, Taurian, and Canopian space.

This could make a great Role Playing game, with the subcommands in the hands of different players.

Unfortunately from the plot line, I doubt the Warhammer 6D makes it away from the Clans when then they come.  If they do, ER PPC and DHS makes a great upgrade.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« Reply #5 on: 14 May 2023, 16:52:02 »
I kinda like the idea of Mercenary Arms Dealer and his support crew who does repairs on old gear, sells new and used hardware traveling the Periphery region in an old Jumbo of Capellan, FedSuns, Taurian, and Canopian space.

This could make a great Role Playing game, with the subcommands in the hands of different players.

Unfortunately from the plot line, I doubt the Warhammer 6D makes it away from the Clans when then they come.  If they do, ER PPC and DHS makes a great upgrade.
I was having some fun after hearing some guy on FB talking about converting a Union and transporting/servicing machines for their campaign. Also their were a lot of references for fried chicken. Yeah this would indeed be a fun RPG game, too bad at the moment I don't have any groups. What RPG games set in the BT universe would you recommend?

Spoiler on the story that I'm working on, Sean Ursa would be the pilot of the 6D Warhammer, being forced to eject after he encountered the clans while the U.C. was working in the Rasalhague region. Being rescued by some Rasalhague militia infantrymen, he'd fight alongside them till they were able to make it off world back to unoccupied space.
A variant of the Warhammer that I was also looking at, that would have to be acquired after the clans started invading would be the Wolf Dragoons C3 variant, and it looks nice for the later ilClan era, in which the variant is considered (according to the MUL) to be a IS Clan General machine.

On the Jumbo - I'd say there is a good secondary market for parts on it. It was being produced at one time by every star-nation in the Inner Sphere.

On the Fortress and Union-X combo - I think this is a fantastic combination for a raiding unit. 28 'Mechs, 12 heavy vehicle's, 4 Aerospace fighters, 10 squads of battle armor and 3 platoons of infantry is what you'd be able to deploy, depending on the Union-X variant.

If you go with the 3071 version, then it's 20 each Mechs and Heavy Vee's, 8 Aerospace fighters, 24 squads of battle armor. And the 3 infantry platoons.

Either way I think is a solid choice, just different flavor and focus.

Certainly be able to carry other equipment as cargo in the Jumbo, which just takes time to unload.

I was originally thinking for the Dropships was for 1 Fortress (3058) 2 Union-X (3071) and 1 Jumbo (U.C. Refit)

Totaling them having
ON the Dropships
     20 Mechs, 20 Heavy Vehicles, 8 Aerospace Fighters, 24 Battle Armors, and 3 Infantry Platoons. Plus they'd have all the extra cubicles for mechs/vehicles on the Jumbo, so that they could do repair/refit jobs on the move between job sites.
ON the Jumpship
     1 Small Craft, 2 Battle Armor Points (who knows, maybe they've integrated clan troops into their ranks at this time.
 Didn't the RotS have a few Clan Enclaves located in it's boarders.

This force includes the security force, the technical staff needed to do the refit/repair jobs, and so they could conduct their business with some protection from hostile elements, including the occasional planetary leaders who don't appreciate them doing arms deals within their boarders, pirates, and others. In addition they could use some of their military assets for "Demonstration" raid/assaults, and also could commence raids on targets for more "Merchandise" that they can't trade for.

In addition to the mechs listed above, most don't have minis, but...
    Kintaro, Bakeneko, Quasimodo, Stormwolf, Rime Otter, Firestorm
    Vulpes, Inferno, Arcas
    Templar III, Orochi, Tenshi, Mastadon, Alpha Wolf, Juliano


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Re: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« Reply #6 on: 14 May 2023, 20:05:13 »
I was having some fun after hearing some guy on FB talking about converting a Union and transporting/servicing machines for their campaign. Also their were a lot of references for fried chicken. Yeah this would indeed be a fun RPG game, too bad at the moment I don't have any groups. What RPG games set in the BT universe would you recommend?

Spoiler on the story that I'm working on, Sean Ursa would be the pilot of the 6D Warhammer, being forced to eject after he encountered the clans while the U.C. was working in the Rasalhague region. Being rescued by some Rasalhague militia infantrymen, he'd fight alongside them till they were able to make it off world back to unoccupied space.
A variant of the Warhammer that I was also looking at, that would have to be acquired after the clans started invading would be the Wolf Dragoons C3 variant, and it looks nice for the later ilClan era, in which the variant is considered (according to the MUL) to be a IS Clan General machine.

So we used to have "Amazing" Marcus Backmann a Merchant Jumpship with Leopard Dropship Backmann Overdrive Trading Post in our old Merc Campaign Game who basicly worked that same area.  Had 2 Mechs: Blackjack and Centurion for his security mechs, There was an reinforced armored lance and of course the Techs and some Infantry.  But his biggest security was that he was friends with most Mercs and Militia units in the region and no one wanted to see him go away.  And over the years of playing as the Mercs got bigger and better so did Marcus, with upgrading to a Union with a full lance of mechs, 2 aerospace fighter, ground vehicles.  He was who bought salvage we didn't need, provide resupply both new and used.   

Well I am old school so I would suggest Mechwarrior 2nd for the PCs.

so you are looking at a Warhammer 8D?

and at least he survived the the shooting..  and got to learn to live as Infantry Man for a while.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« Reply #7 on: 14 May 2023, 21:13:08 »
so you are looking at a Warhammer 8D?

and at least he survived the the shooting..  and got to learn to live as Infantry Man for a while.
Interesting I'll have to go an look at those ideas for interesting story ideas for the unit.

The C 3 variant of the Warhammer is a nasty piece of work, it was brought to the I.S. by the Wolfs Dragoons. It is classed as a Clan-tech variant, with Clan Endo and XL, 17DHS, to cool a ECM, 2ERPPCs, 2MPL, 2ERMLas, 2SSRM6, and a anti-personnel pod. I'm pretty sure it's one of those designs that they brought thinking it was Out of Date for the I.S., only to find out that it is very powerful if handled correctly.
You can find it in the Recognition Guide: ilClan, Vol. 07. It looks like the era it was deployed during 2874, or the "Golden Century".
I am seriously looking into getting all the Rec.Guides for the ilClan, cause they give us some nice new units to mess around with.

Yeah he got lucky to survive ejecting from his mech, only to have to be a infantryman for some time.


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Re: Arms Dealers in the Far Future - Ursa Corps Redone
« Reply #8 on: 19 May 2023, 15:45:52 »
So we used to have "Amazing" Marcus Backmann a Merchant Jumpship with Leopard Dropship Backmann Overdrive Trading Post in our old Merc Campaign Game who basicly worked that same area.  Had 2 Mechs: Blackjack and Centurion for his security mechs, There was an reinforced armored lance and of course the Techs and some Infantry.  But his biggest security was that he was friends with most Mercs and Militia units in the region and no one wanted to see him go away.  And over the years of playing as the Mercs got bigger and better so did Marcus, with upgrading to a Union with a full lance of mechs, 2 aerospace fighter, ground vehicles.  He was who bought salvage we didn't need, provide resupply both new and used.   

That sounds like a wonderful story design. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who thought of doing this.
Was also thinking of smaller Dropship designs, examples would include the Seeker or the Union.

Some of the variants that I was looking at for the mechs in this unit...
Firestarter (A, N)
Chameleon (8V)
Dervish (6M , 9D *I like the MML system*)
Crusader (3R , 3D , 7W)
Flashman (7K , 8K , 10E)
Guillotine (4L , 7M)
Thunderbolt (5S , 7M)
Warhammer (6D , 7M , 7K , C 3 *the Dragoon clan refit version*)
Awesome (8Q , 9Q , 11H)
Devastator (2 , 11)
Highlander (732 , 732b , 740)
Nightstar (9J , 10D)
Pillager (3Z , 6Z)
Griffin IIC (1 , 2)
Shadow Hawk IIC (1)
Stormcrow (OMNI)
Loki MkII (OMNI)
Timber Wolf (OMNI)
Blood Asp (OMNI)
Regent (OMNI)
Variants for mechs that don't have minis yet...(5/19/23)
Marshal (X1, 2L)
Rawhide (R1)
StormWolf (OMNI)
Carronade (7M)
Hound (2F)
Mad Dog IV (OMNI)
Doloire (OMNI)
Mad Cat MkII (1 , 3)
Templar and Templar III (OMNI)
Rime Otter
Alpha Wolf

« Last Edit: 19 May 2023, 16:02:24 by GreyDeathangel »