Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109227 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #630 on: 22 April 2022, 08:23:20 »

Oniwatori {king chicken} are native wild fowl that resemble chickens that stand approximately one meter tall. They are found across Nejiro in forests, jungles, and grassland with trees to roost in. They fly short distances, are aggressive, and quick. They are omnivorous and consume seeds, fruit, nuts, small reptiles and amphibians, insects, flowers, leaves, small rodents, fish, or really anything remotely edible that can fit in their mouth. They are commonly found in shades of red and brown, with rooster tails in shades ranging from blue green buff to iridescent blackish blue. Hens lay extra large eggs with golden brown shells in hidden nests and roosts. Some farmers raise them domestically with the assistance of herd and guardian dogs. Molted feathers are popular with fly fishermen, crafters, and costumers. Post mortem feathers are harvested for uses such as plant pots, feather meal, insulation, and cellulose fibers for textiles and plastics.   

« Last Edit: 22 April 2022, 14:03:35 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #631 on: 22 April 2022, 10:31:40 »
2 items of interest:

Is there a date for may?

Is there a racing industry for the chocobo? If not "Ibis" will try and start one, because of the sheer absurdity of it.
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #632 on: 23 April 2022, 08:50:44 »
Are we having a battle tomorrow? What forces should we bring?
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #633 on: 23 April 2022, 12:52:26 »
Are we having a battle tomorrow? What forces should we bring?

yes. bring both your attack units. the one for the guns and the one that was just shot at  >:D


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #634 on: 23 April 2022, 17:31:51 »
I thought that it was next weekend.  I made plans for tomorrow.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #635 on: 23 April 2022, 19:48:50 »
I thought that it was next weekend.  I made plans for tomorrow.

No for some reason I said the 29th ... that is Friday  :-X

Enjoy what you have planed for  :thumbsup:

« Last Edit: 23 April 2022, 19:51:03 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #636 on: 23 April 2022, 19:49:47 »
“Command to GSF we have a sat photo of the gun emplacements.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #637 on: 24 April 2022, 01:58:44 »
“Command to GSF we have a sat photo of the gun emplacements.”


OOG: Anthony, I'm going to need a Karnov and 2 Longinus squads as well as something to represent the Mauna Kea for tomorrow.

Looking at the photo, I'm guessing that's where the Long Toms are and the one building with the turrets around it is the Shiro.
« Last Edit: 24 April 2022, 02:00:36 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #638 on: 24 April 2022, 08:22:28 »

OOG: Anthony, I'm going to need a Karnov and 2 Longinus squads as well as something to represent the Mauna Kea for tomorrow.

Looking at the photo, I'm guessing that's where the Long Toms are and the one building with the turrets around it is the Shiro.

no this is gust the big guns. the Shiro itself is a bit north and has smaller weapons to protect it.

The tall building is the OP for the guns. The different pillbox placments have MG. The larger bunkers have heavy weapons. The tank turrets are what they are.

Got you covered for the toys.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #639 on: 24 April 2022, 22:35:12 »
“Give us an hour to get ashore and another to poke around.” Ali Babba will tell the skipper of the Kea. “That should give both teams to see what they have to play with.” Looking at Lojnant Sjalbranna. “Will you take the left?”
“That will work for us. We will fly in at wave top and drop in at the far point by the pillbox.” Looking at the sat image they have.
“Good we will use the small boats to get to the beach here then work our way in at this turret.” Pointing to the Scimitar turret on the cliff at the beach edge.
“Just make sure all of you are under cover by 0300 as the Destroyer is going to drop some rounds to get those gun crews take shelter.”
“We plan to be inside way before that.” Both team leaders respond.

“Hay look these guys don’t think that anyone would be coming in from the land side. The box is open and nobody is home.”
“OK we have a way in. Stay sharp and use the new toys. Keep them alive for two reasons, one dead men can’t talk and our paymasters don’t like unnecessary breakage.”
“Roger that.” From all members of the 190th as they get ready to play tunnel rat.

“Good thing these things have motors. Be a long time rowing.”
“Cut the noise, we are not looking to tell them we are here after all. Besides you will need the energy to climb that cliff side.”

“Wow that was some climb.”
“Now get you butts moving to that bunker.”
“YO boss nobody is home.”
“OK let me in. Nobody is home but the door is locked.” Reaching in to his bag of tricks. “Open and let me in.” and the door opens.
“What not using the line boss?”
“Way too old hat … maybe later.” As they move in to the tunnels under the site. “Keep your eyes open and mouths shut. Try not to kill them. They don’t talk when dead.”

The Manua Kea and the two Hammer’s patrol boats move close to sure so that they can deploy infantry units they have. All three boats are running at low power so the mufflers keep the noise form the engines down. The skipper of the Kea informs all assault units that the three boats will be close by to give fire support as needed but will be running silent until the fireworks start, so they do not get the attention of the gun crews.

Paval will ask command if the Destroyer off shore can drop some rounds on the coast to keep the Nakazawa gun crews heads down while they off load the infantry they have.

“Shujin George I want you and your team on the Tengoku no hoshi in five mikes. Have Tai-i Takahashi go to Moro to pick up units that will be dropped on Nakasawa’a gun site. I want you their ten mikes ago!”
“Hai Sho-sa!”

A little while after 0300 the coast area north of Nazakawa Shiro is shelled by the Destroyer.

A quarter after three in the morning things get hot at the site of Nakazawa’s Costal gun emplacements.

“OK I will give you one chance to live. Shut down you vehicles and you live don’t and I roast all of you!!” From the loud speakers on the Phoenix Hawk.
Looking at the BattleMech closing on them and another one just behind the two motorized squads turn off the vehicles.
“OK we need to setup security for when they come back.” From Captain Theophanos. The Goblins may have moved off for now but when they find friends they will be back.”

“Gentlemen, just where do you think you are going?” From the OP tower base a squad from the 190th pops out the entrance at the base that the spotter team just exited. “To all GSF units most of the underground is locked down. The joint is large so do take care and check targets before pulling the trigger. We that have been running the tunnels that you for doing so.”

A barking will come from the gun bunker that the Eagles just exited.

“GSF command guns are ours. Get the main assault force moving. We will hold until they make our POZ. Just tell them not to take their sweet about it.” Captain Theophanos will send to command.

The other three squad members will retrieve what they can of their fallen team member.

“OK so this will have to do. I can respect it as well.” Ali Babba will turn from the gun captain. “Babba to Captain Theophanos the gun crews will not fire on the Shire or Nakazawa forces. We have them and I understand this.”

“OK people time to move. The assault force has the guns and we need to move before Nakazawa and the Black Dracs push our people out.” Grayjoy gets his Marauder moving.
“You heard the man, get moving.” The Black Knight falls in behind him. “Any units with damage hold the back door.”

“That she demon! Get me the ‘Mech commander now!”
‘Yes sir.”
“What do you need now?”
“I need you exit and you here now That she demon just had her thrice cursed GSF hit and take control my costal guns.”
“So send in you troops the deal with this. We are holding your main line and if you do not think they will move if we do you had better think again.”
“Well with the guns how long do you thing you can hold with the artillery they have? Also the other she witch dropped ‘Mechs and armor to help the attack force.”
“I see you and our problem. We will move to area three. It can handle our DropShip but you will not be able bring much.”
“At this point I have no choice. How long?”
“Our ship will be on site in two hours.”
“I will be there with time to spare.”

“Flight control I have a DS moving to just outside Nakazawa Shiro. It is nor squawking any ID.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #640 on: 24 April 2022, 23:31:17 »
From: Ironborn comms traffic (transcript):

(Capt. Pavel Markov, Mauna Kea): "We have the guns, sir.  The artillery crews have taken shelter inside the bunker to hide from the Hammers' troops, but it's only a matter of time before we force our way in.  Nearly all of the seaside turrets have been taken out."

(Col. Euron Greyjoy, Marauder "Silence"): "Roger that.  Vladeska, Carlos, Maria, report."

(Sgt. Vladeska Drakov, Karnov "Talon"): "Portside Thumper is silent.  No casualties taken.  Although the Longinus armor is taking a little longer vacating the building."

(Corporal Ling Shan, Longinus Alpha squad leader): (Sound of metal being crushed out of shape)  "FINALLY!  Took you guys long enough breaking that ammo loader.  The sarge is waiting for us outside.  Let's double time it, people!"

(Drakov): "I see them coming out now.  The observation post is ours as well, though the battle armor had some trouble getting through the doors.  They spotted some rats fleeing the sinking ship, but couldn't get the drop on them."

(Greyjoy): "They won't get far with all the troops we dropped on them.  Carlos?"

(Sgt. Carlos Sandoval, Hawk Moth):  "We dropped some of the land-facing turrets.  We can clear them given enough time.  Suffered rotor damage, but nothing substantial."

(Greyjoy): "Continue to provide support for our forces there, Sergeant."

(Sandoval):  "Yes, sir."

(Lt. Maria Botley, Phoenix Hawk "Matriarch"): (shouting over external loudspeaker) "OK, I will give you one chance to live.  Shut down your vehicles and you live.  Don't and I roast all of you!"

(Greyjoy): "Having fun, Lieutenant?"

(Botley): "I caught two motorized infantry squads, Colonel.  Pegged one of 'em.  Their friends all bugged out when they saw our 'Mechs.  4 Goblins and 2 more infantry squads, gunning it to the east.  I got the stragglers.  They've complied like good boys and powered down.  What do ya want me ta do with them?"

(Greyjoy):  "Put them with the other prisoners.  Jack can have them once we get back."

(Botley):  "It's a nice view from over here.  Maybe I'll keep this place."

(Greyjoy):  "You can try, but I don't think the Governor will be too happy about that.  (To the GSF main force)  "OK people, time to move.  The assault force has the guns and we need to move before Nakazawa and the Black Dracs push our people out.  (To the ordinance unit) Julia, get the recovery and ordinance truck out of here.  Suzaku, Alpha Platoon. protect the trucks."

(Mechwarrior Fuka Hiyami "Suzaku", Marauder "Crow's Eye"): "Hai, Colonel."

(Greyjoy): "The rest of you, on me.  Today, Nakazawa gets his, one way or the other."
« Last Edit: 24 April 2022, 23:46:44 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #641 on: 24 April 2022, 23:42:33 »
« Last Edit: 24 April 2022, 23:46:20 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #642 on: 25 April 2022, 00:28:10 »
Well done dude  :thumbsup:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #643 on: 25 April 2022, 05:59:22 »
Way to go!


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #644 on: 25 April 2022, 11:55:18 »
“We are pulling back. The GSF has taken control of the artillery. All ‘Mech units are to move out now.”
“What about the armored units?”
“The heavy armor will cover the ‘Mechs and hovers as they move to the LZ, they will hold until we are clear.”
“The hovers will cover our rear just in case the GSF break the line?”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #645 on: 25 April 2022, 15:38:09 »
Sorry I missed the game. :-[


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #646 on: 27 April 2022, 12:51:31 »
Rainbow is a small city densely packed with buildings and people. The current population of 1,053,367 lives and works in just 167 square kilometers in the northwestern jungle highlands of Shinrin between the Tozai no Nettaiurin {living jewel rainforest} and the Ran Jangala {orchid jungle}. It is a high energy city and only dims the lights, so to say, between two and five am. It is a Free City started by a cooperative of several nearby industrial parks that moved together due to severe flooding. The city is built on the north side of a bowl shaped crater on the top of a rounded hill mostly covered in foliage, Haree Chotee {green peak}, one thousand three hundred twenty seven meters above sea level and just under one thousand meters across. The hill is belived to be the remains of a long extinct shield volcano. Due to the regular amounts of humidity and rainfall most days are quite foggy - parasols, umbrellas, and hats of all kinds are omnipresent, but on clear days the humidity engenders dozens of rainbows over the green covered hills. This phenomenon brought about the city's name. The Chowa no Kawa {harmony river} passes slightly northeast of the city, accessible by canals it serves to move cargo into the city, (and around the region) via river barges and junks, and then southeast to Lake Wanaka and the city of Majuro. There are a dozen freight railways bringing materials and goods from bananas to teak from plantations and mines across the continent into the city. There are also several high speed rail lines that provide speedy passenger service to the cities of Samar, Yakan, and Majuro from the modern architctural marvel of Enfys Station {rainbow}; whose diamond gridded compound curved steel shell is covered in a plastic based transparent polymer roof system that allows diffuse sunlight to illuminate the building and maintain a cool temperature in the interior. At night the Station is illuminated by programmable energy effecient lights glowing from the arched roof. The Rainbow Aerodrome is large enough to land small craft and carries cargo and passengers to worldwide intercontinental, island, and stellar destinations daily. The city is governed by a publicly elected Council that appoints a Mayor, (currently Tobiah Lausen) to professionally oversee the administrative operations of the city and implement Council policies. The city population is ethnically mixed and a melting pot of planetary diversity. Though the city is young, Rainbow was charterd by Parliament just seventy eight years ago, it is the fastest growing economy on planet and attracts workers, investors, and business to the wide array of opportunities available from planetary, stellar, and interstellar sources. Most travel inside the city is via subway, even cargo and mail. Except for main thoroughfares, most roadways are narrow lanes allowing more space for warehouses, factories, and apartment buildings, walking and bicycling are highly encouraged. The city architecture has a pleasing mix of high rises, shikumen {an architectural style combining east asian and western elements} and art deco (with great attention paid to thermodynamic engineering). Typically buildings are an average of six stories and constructed of stone or brick with a heavy wooden door and a stylistic stone arch. The city's byword is innovation and the economy depends on such in its industry, commerce, transport, trade, and finance sectors. The city manufactures mostly consumer goods and mass market goods, making a wide variety of products such as sports equipment, baby products, bicycles, brushes, radios, notebooks, ball bearings, tablets, personal care products, parasols, furniture, hats, power cells, appliances, umbrellas, integrated circuits, cookware, and electronic bidets. But there are also textile mills, agricultural processing plants, food and beverage factories, and distilleries. Wholesale and retail are also important to the city's livelihood and shopping venues, arcades, and markets are heavily distributed throughout the city, street vendors are ubiquitous. The media and film industry both have more than a minor presence, many film and television studios are headquartered in Rainbow. The city has scores of cinemas and multiplexes and there are two major Film Festivals hosted in the city each year - Animation is Film in September, and The Golden Flower Film Festival in February. There is a strong spectator sport culture and Kickboxing and MMA Fighting have as high a popularity as Association Football and Basketball. The Twin Kirin ball clubs are well ranked in their leagues and enjoy a high level of support from the residents. Tourism is another large portion of Rainbow's economy, as Shinrin, and Rainbow in particular have some of the highest disposable income levels on Nejiro, so many of Nejiro's finest resorts, hotel chains, cuisine, and amusements have representation here. Greenlands Public Park is one hundred and eighteen thousand meters of curated green spaces and gardens that hosts the Tako to Ongaku-sai {kite and music festival} every October. The Choa Po Seu {tiger shrine} is a beautiful chinese joss house dedicated to the chinese tiger god of good fortune, it features southern chinese architecture and design, that is especially busy during the New Year Holidays when many come to ask for success in their careers, love, money, or fertility. The Festival of Hearts is a street festival that explodes through Rainbow on the weekends between Valentine's and White Day celebrating romance, love, and joy, with hearts of all sizes, shapes, colors, and fabrications on display everywhere throughout the city. Samkranti {astrological passage} marks the arrival of spring in April and is celebrated for four days around the solstice with traditional rituals, parties, and festivals, as well as a city wide water fight that most residents, and a large amount of tourists, participate in. Though December and January is when the tourists really flock to Shinrin in general, and Rainbow in particular, for the most sunshine hours of the year - not to mention the most photogenic rainbows. One of the most well known businesses with their origin in Rainbow is the Mad Hatter Tea Company. The company owns several tea plantations, urban and vertical farms that grow reserve and rare teas, and also has a digital store and boutique stores in most of the high end shopping venues on planet and the stellar system, that offers exclusive and common blends of tea leaves, a wide array of tea paraphernalia, teaware, biscuits, and an ever changing limited monthly offering of hats of all shapes and sizes. Mount Bromo is a primary attraction a few dozen kilometers southwest of the city in the Valley of Flowers National Park, an active volcano whose top has been blown off. The crater inside constantly belches white smoke and other particles, and is surrounded by the Sea of Sand, fine volcanic ash with an overall unsettling and unearthly effect. Also in the park is Lake Toba, an immense volcanic lake about one hundred kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide, formed by an eruption some seventy thousand years ago, one of the largest resurgent caldera on Nejiro. The island in the middle of the lake, Berdea {green} has two lakes, Myrtle and Kaitoke, and many come to relax in their warm mineral waters.   

« Last Edit: 04 May 2022, 10:56:00 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #647 on: 27 April 2022, 17:01:50 »
So next mission date is 5/29

With Nakazawa's big guns now out of the picture it is time for the main assault force to get moving.

With a few days time to make repairs and the big guns down the GSF has its chance to get Lord Nakazawa and bring him to justice for his actions.

You will need to move fast and hit hard as a report of an inbound DropShip has come in. You will need to get past his line and stop him from getting on that ship.

You did what repairs you could in the fiels and it is time to move out your assault units.
« Last Edit: 28 April 2022, 11:24:43 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #648 on: 04 May 2022, 10:01:49 »
Now just a few years from its bicentenary, the city of Majuro (population as of last census 2,062,347) began its charter process by the Saganami Dai Ichizoku after the second time the Vulcan Arms Industrial Park outgrew its borders (also chartered by the Saganami Dai Ichizoku). Majuro is built near the shores of Lake Wanaka, the largest freshwater body on the continent. The lake is 1636 km long and 279 km wide, with an average depth of 745 meters and a maximum depth of 1643 meters, in a rift valley formed by the genesis of the Gakkel Ridge. The bottom of of the lake is 1186 meters below sea level, but below this lies some seven kilometers of sediment, placing the rift floor between eight and eleven kilometers below the surface. There are severeal hydrothermal vents at the bottom of the lake with water reaching temperatures as high as fifty degrees celsius in places. Stormy weather on the lake is common and can result in waves as high as five meters. Over three hundred rivers and streams drain into the massive lake. The largest outflow tributary is the Flowerdale River which flows 1736 km northeast to the Akai Umi {red ocean}, with an average depth of ninety two meters it is navigable by both barges, and freighters with a maximum draft of sixteen meters. Majuro is the second largest center of heavy industry on Nejiro. Like Leyte, it is a fortified multi-walled city, both for protection from hostile forces, and to protect the city and environment from hazardous materials and processes. Many walled wards of the city also have moats of various sizes and materials to assist in seperation of hazardous materials and processes from other wards. Walls, residences, civic, and government buildings are lime-washed with crushed nacre (both for safety and an iconic, artistic appearance), all other buildings are whitewashed with a variety of earths and pozzolanic materials to achieve a wide span of color across the city, with an architectural watchword of elegance in form and function. The city keeps the most stringent safety and environmental protection standards globally. Majuro is one of the largest employers of engineers and technicians, with some of the highest salaries on Nejiro. STEM, the science news monthly magazine and broadcast channel, is headquartered here along with their digital and media production studios for educational and news programs. The Institute of Technology, a city sponsored public school teaching secondary thru university students, is associated with both the Guild apprenticeship system, and Nagoya University, and enjoys research and internship exchanges and collaborations with many of the city's and Nejiro's government departments, guilds, industries, and businesses, and graduates some of the finest field scientists and engineers in system. Majuro's endeavors include all aspects of industry from raw materials processing to aeronautics and robotics manufacturing. Its shipbuilding encompasses both military and civilian river, coastal, and deep water craft. Majuro is the third largest railroad manufacturer after Leyte and Tarawa. Majuro also manufactures heavy machine tools and equipment for mining, construction, transportation, power generation, materials production, and factories. Tourism is not a priority of the city economy, but it does have a few tourist centered activities such as sailing regattas, and lake activities. There is also the Rakko Hozon (a Crown Nature Preserve) on the opposite side of the lake, to which the gravid rakko females begin to arrive in late May and early June for their nesting grounds (established millenia before the founding of the city). Rakko {walking whales} are a protected species, an unofficial mascot of the city. They are large semiaquatic, furred, omnivorous, cetecea, with powerful jaws, nonretractile claws, strong limbs, and flipper like hind feet. They average about four meters long (with some males reaching five or six meters) and weigh about two hundred kilograms. On land; which they come to for fresh water, vegetation, and to give birth during the dry season; they waddle somewhat, but swims powerfully and gracefully in water where they spend the majority of their time, and hunt large fish like sunfish and sharks cooperatively. The last two weeks of the dry season, in November, the Flowerdale River trade lanes and Majuro Port shut down for the Rakko Gather to allow pods to rejoin and greet the new pups and return to sea without interference (after several early incidences led to greatly damaged ships and loss of life), only sailing vessels (unpowered and of limited metric) are allowed on the lake at this time. Over time this has become somewhat of a festival, very popular with photographers, tourists, and sailors. Photographers and tourists are allowed to observe through cameras, binoculars, or telescopes from outside a certain zone that stretches well into Lake Wanaka (there are usually several larger rakko males on sentry duty). City Security, and law enforcement is handled by a cooperative effort between the Saganami Household Guard, the Nejiro Defense Troop, Nejiro Peace Oficers, and the NPO Sea Patrol. Emergency services and hazardous materials mitigation on land and water are provided by the Nejiro Fire Brigade which serves the city from over two dozen houses.There is a publicly elected City Council which in turn elects a Mayor (currently Milton Bai). The largest airport on Shinrin is the Majuro Intercontinental, located on the outskirts of the city, has daily cargo and passenger flights worldwide, an irregular dropship schedule, and regular small craft flights across the stellar system. The jewel of the city is the art noveau style Majuro Station, home to a great many high speed passenger and freight lines that travel the continent daily, and also to the monorail and tram systems that serve as public transportation for the city.   

« Last Edit: 04 May 2022, 21:37:23 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #649 on: 04 May 2022, 20:53:07 »

The Vulcan Arms Industrial Park was established by Phoenix Mercantile among the remains of some Terran Hegemony facilities soon after they established relations within the local system, over a century before the establishment of Nejiro. It started as a trade station and a place to process raw materials and agricultural products traded from the locals and slowly developed into military manufacturing and research and development labs in the interim years. Currently Vulcan Arms Industrial Park is the equivalent of four closed secure industrial parks bordered against each other plus the original facilities, all chartered by the Saganami Dai Ichizoku and Parliament. Vulcan Arms is one of the more secure locations on planet. It holds factories, workshops, and warehouses for the production, distribution, customization, maintenance, repair, and upgrade of military weapons, vehicles, gear, equipment, and supplies. It is also home to military research and development labs for the Military Ministry, the Defense Ministry, the Public Safety Ministry, and several Nejiroan defense contractors, including the primary laboratory of the Advanced Research Projects Agency. Vulcan Arms is located  a few hundred kilometers north of Majuro on the eastern coast of Shinrin, on a tropical savanna near kilometers of pink sand beaches and the deeply violet waters of the Akai Umi. It has its own naval port and yard, commercial port, rail station, and air station. The 53431 residents have a half dozen guard gated communities with shops, marinas and yacht clubs, entertainment and cultural venues, parks and greenspaces, shrines and temples, restaurants and pubs, a light rail public transport system, as well as a central Town Hall and elected Mayor (currently Kamila Kawabe). Both the Saganami Household Guard and Saganami Security keep permanent contingents here, as well as the NPO, the NPO Sea Patrol, the Nejiro Fire Brigade, the Nejiro Defense Troop, and a few Nejiroan PMC security contingents.     

« Last Edit: 04 May 2022, 20:54:38 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #650 on: 05 May 2022, 10:08:08 »

Literature of any sort is fascinating. The passion of our entire species is contained in the great works of the people that have come and gone before us. The written word is the greatest and most amazing discovery of humankind when it's all said and done. It changed our ability to communicate, and it ensured that we would be able to pass on the stories that make up the fabric of our societies.     
                                                              Keira Marcos 

« Last Edit: 10 May 2022, 11:23:26 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #651 on: 05 May 2022, 11:20:18 »
boxes addressed to commanders and/or MWR officers of each active GSF, DCA, DCMS, NDT, NPO, NFB, Nejiroan Licensed and Registered PMC/PSC, Ichizoku Militia, ComStar, and emergency service units with full color pamphlets, registration forms, volunteer application forms, and donation sponsor forms arrive by the end of January 3069 in english or kanji as appropriate

                                                                             RED Group Inc. Presents

                                                                                 The Gauntlet OCR   

                                                                             Green vs Blue Challenge   

An annual charitable event with half the ticket fees and proceeds to benefit the Nejiro Public Parks Services, the Morale & Welfare Funds and the Dependent Funds of the Nejiro Defense Ministry Armed Forces (Green), and the Ministry of Public Safety Emergency Services Personnel (Blue) at Eyr Graig Koen {eagle rock park}, Hilo on Saturday the 29th and Sunday the 30th April 3069. Registration deadline 31 March 3069.   

Participant tickets (300 Ryu each - 20+)  includes discounted hotel or camping accommodations, free parking, safety gear, hydration stations, access to the locker rooms, both team events, the 5K Fun Mud Run, the Tadpole Course, [similar to the original Ninja Warrior game show course in Japan] and the RED Market   

Spectator Tickets (50 Ryu each)  includes parking, bag check, access to the Viewing Areas and The Stands, the 5K Fun Mud Run (14+), the Tadpole Course (14+), and the Red Market 

Prizes include limited edition Gauntlet OCR and Green vs Blue Challenge t-shirts, embroidered clean up hat, and yukata in the appropriate colors, mission patches, vinyl stickers, and challenge coins for events, medals for the team with the best Grinder time, exclusive sponsor swag, post event celebratory drinks

Day One Team Event (team minimum is three, maximum is ten): The Grinder 

A fifteen kilometer obstacle course race with over thirty obstacles with variable challenges that may include - [thumbnail pictures with titles] Tarzan Swings, Belly Buster, Alligator Crawl, Slide for Life, Barb Wire Crawl, Mud Pit, Stake and Bar, Salmon Run, Black Ops, Strong Hold, Guillotine, Ship Boarding, Jump and Duck, Cargo Net, Chopper, Red Wings, Rope Climb, Sprints, Walk the Plank, Get a Grip, Kraken, Boiling Thunder, Siege Wall, Cliffhanger, Viking Tables, Extortion 17, Hale of Fire, Night Crawler, Pearl Dive, Brute Force, Dead Weight, Dry Hole, Swingers Ball, The Maze, Duck and Cover, Parker Parkour   

Day Two Team Event (team minimum is three, maximum is ten): Infinite Hero   

A ten hour themed endurance challenge that begins with a mission brief with maps and intelligence and proceeds through obstacles, challenges, puzzles, and problem solving scenarios and concludes at the extraction point. Will your unit be able to complete all the tasks and make it out safely? Teams are encouraged to band together solving complex physical and mental problems as they endure and overcome as one. The event uses OCR obstacles with twists like blindfolds, backwards, bound together team members, changes in direction, object retrieval, object reorientation and movement, that make you rethink how obstacles should be done. Beware traps, ambushes, 'rockfalls', 'fire', 'flood', 'mortar', and 'artillery' fire ('explosions' are armed with edible biodegradable glitter pods from air compressed shooters). Please wear the provided helmets, gloves, and safety goggles individually provided via your entrance application and fee.

Infinite Hero Mandatory Gear: plain black t-shirt, compass, rucksack, three liters of water, electrolytes, fast carb snacks, headlamp with extra power packs, two chemlights, roll of duct tape, thirty meters of paracord, pocket knife or multitool, black sharpie marker, blank index cards, one or two 2 meter pieces of pvc pipe, five gallon bucket   

[social events (side quests?!) are opportunities where units may develop future intelligence, logistical, and/or auxiliary resources]   

« Last Edit: 06 January 2023, 02:04:41 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #652 on: 05 May 2022, 15:06:32 »

Samar {evening conversation including music and poetry}, a college town, is a small city chartered by the Koizumi Dai Ichizoku near the northern tip of the Saihokutan Hanto {northernmost peninsula} of Shinrin east of the Gakkel Ridge. There are several private and public universities and colleges that are well known and well respected located here, among them Samar University, Sakamura Medical School, Morven Choir College, Institute of Advanced Study, Samar Polytechnic, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, and the Erasmian University of Humanism. There are also several popular private primary and secondary boarding schools located in and around the city. Also here is Gateway Field, a small airport and intercontinental airfield located south of the city. A large rail station is located near the enter of the city, Hokkyokusei {northstar} famous for its cathedral like design and its winding indoor paths through lush gardens and greenery, the serene setting is a wonderful escape from the chaos of the bustling station that serves the high speed rail lines of the continent and also the light rail public transport system of the city. Also in the city are the Kaiyosaigai Chushin {ocean disaster center} and the Global Tsunami Warning Center, suborganizations of NOAA (Neiro Oceanic & Atmospheric Agency), which both monitor and respond to global ocean events from the Akai Umi (to the east of Samar) and the Same no Umi (to the west of Samar). Samar architectural styles run from neo-classical to vernacular to neo-tropical and are deeply rooted in sustainability, attention to detail, and creating spaces that are open and airy. There is a very climate sensitive approach to the city architecture and the incorporation of lush landscaping and efficient natural shading and cooling techniques are a priority in the equatorial tropical climate. Beyond education some of the most popular industries in Samar are tourism, health, research, technology, publishing, and wild caught seafood. The pharmaceutical industry is the most prominent with eighteen pharmaceutical research labs and eleven biopharma and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies located in Samar proper, and several more research and development endeavors located in and around the jungles west of the city. The tourist industry is centered around sailing and surfing, along with some very well regarded hotels and a few premier cruise ship lines. The city (current population 128,572 plus as many as seventy thousand students) is governed by a publicly elected Mayor (currently Dean Fujioka) and their handpicked Aldermen executive council, working with a Ward Council that is elected by the individual city wards. Samar supports its own magistrate courts, police, fire, rescue, and other emergency response services, and is defended by contingents of the Koizumi Kokubo-gun {defense force} and the Koizumi Kaijo boei-gun {maritime defense force}. There is also a small NPO Tower with a resident agency and a unit of the NPO Sea Patrol located on the outskirts of the city port.   

« Last Edit: 09 May 2022, 05:51:08 by eilidhdawn »


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #653 on: 07 May 2022, 12:48:26 »

                                                                             RED Group Inc. Presents

                                                                                 The Gauntlet OCR   

                                                                             Green vs Blue Challenge   


When Kapten Bjornsen received the pamphlet covering the Green Vs Blue Challenge, had thought to himself. 'If I can spare the troops, i'd love to send two contingents. The Kobold power armor troops, and the 190th. The Kobolds should be rotating home in time. I just hope they didn't go soft.' Once those options were taken care of, he called up Quartermaster Quist. Natanael responded quickly and made his way to the C.O.'s office. "Nate, other units are asking about the Night Night guns. I understand the investment into the lines and production facilities helped increase capacity. I'd like to submit two proposals to the board. Once we do, and we get their response, I'll let you in on my plans. I think you'll like them. Oh, and we need to find some volunteer Emergency Services units to test the Res-Q when it come off the assembly line. If that works, I'm not going to limit the patent. It's important to get them out there for rescues and emergency situations."

Nate smiled, "I'll put in a call to the board, and then see who we can find for the Res-Q unit testing. We may have to test some of the aspects ourselves. Things like handling, and stressing roads. However I think that the rescue units will be appreciative of our efforts."
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #654 on: 09 May 2022, 10:40:19 »
Yes hi hello. I've been wanting to play Battletech ever since I've seen Mechwarrior 3 in gaming magazines. I'm not quite sure what's going on in this thread... but is this were I can find a group to teach me, and play with? I'm south shore suffolk county.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #655 on: 09 May 2022, 11:01:56 »
Yes hi hello. I've been wanting to play Battletech ever since I've seen Mechwarrior 3 in gaming magazines. I'm not quite sure what's going on in this thread... but is this were I can find a group to teach me, and play with? I'm south shore suffolk county.

this would be the place  :thumbsup:

what you see going on is a campaign we have running for the last 7+ years.

We always have room for new players .

Do you know of Brothers Grimm in Selden?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #656 on: 09 May 2022, 11:06:53 »
this would be the place  :thumbsup:

what you see going on is a campaign we have running for the last 7+ years.

We always have room for new players .

Do you know of Brothers Grimm in Selden?

Of course! I was there just last week, trying to find anything BT related (didn't find even a single mini :(  )


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #657 on: 09 May 2022, 19:42:10 »
Of course! I was there just last week, trying to find anything BT related (didn't find even a single mini :(  )

They do not have any minis at this time. I hope they will be getting some of the force packs but I do not know.

Our next game is 5/29 if you want to see what we have going on


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #658 on: 09 May 2022, 19:56:48 »
Sure, what time? Is it 100% noob friendly? Should I bring anything?


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #659 on: 09 May 2022, 21:05:24 »
Sure, what time? Is it 100% noob friendly? Should I bring anything?

We start at 1pm. The game is advanced but I will work with you.

Just bring your lucky dice  :thumbsup:

