Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109229 times)


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #990 on: 20 April 2023, 02:25:52 »
Saganami - Nejiro Timeline   

3034 - The Free Rasalhague Republic is born in the wake of the Fourth Succession War. Many of the DCMS forces refused to recognize the independence of the realm and were declared renegade and ronin by Kanrei Theodore Kurita. With the permission of Prince Haakon Magnusson, Kanrei Theodore Kurta led several loyal DCMS regiments in cooperation with the KungsArme and successfully destroyed all the ronin forces. All DCMS forces had withdrawn to the Alshain Military District by 3035. 

3039 - The Federated Commonwealth launches an invasion of the Draconis Combine, but were forced back when the Kuritans, with the assistance of ComStar, proves more formidable than expected.   

3049 - The Clans, descendents of the SLDF exiles, launch their invasion of the Sphere.   

3052 - After their victory at the Battle of Tukayyid, ComStar establishes the Tukayyid Line beyond which no Clan may advance for the next fifteen years.   
            The Free Worlds League signs an HPG service contract with Word of Blake, all other Houses sign with ComStar.   

3058 - The cooperation fostered during the Battle of Coventry allows Inner Sphere leadership to resurrect the Star League.   
             Word of Blake conquers Terra.   

3057 - Operation Guerrero's major outcome is the creation of the Chaos March which comprise at least six minor independent states and several independent worlds, all within thirty light years of Terra.   

3058 - The Trinity Alliance of mutual protection and non-aggression between the Capellan Confederation, the Taurian Concordat, and the Magistracy of Canopus is signed.   

3059 - Operation Bulldog successfully assaults Clan Smoke Jaguar shattering units and expelling them from the Sphere.   

3061 - Completion of Operation Serpent, which saw the annihilation of Clan Smoke Jaguar, and Serpent Forces successful in the Trial of Refusal against the Crusader Clans marking the end of the Clan invasion of the Sphere.   

3062 - FedCom Civil War breaks out after the death of Prince Arthur.   

3065 - Sho-sa Meiyo Saganami of the Draconis Combine Admiralty Marines (CRO) is given leave from her duties due to the deaths of her mother and her father, the Governor of Nejiro, and receives a priority ride home for the funeral along with members of her unit, an honor guard, and some VIPs. After some negotiation, instead of submitting her resignation, Meiyo is promoted to the rank of Chu-sa and moved to reserve status with the DCA due to her selection as her father's successor as the Chair of Phoenix Industries, Delm of the Saganami Dai Ichizoku, and the Governor of Nejiro. Many retired, non-active, and reserve members of the DCA and the DCMS, quite a lot having worked with Meiyo previously, follow her to Nejiro and form the core of the Suzaku Guard, Meiyo's personal guard contingent.   

3066 - Coronation of Governor Meiyo Saganami, Governors Palace, Yousai, Nejiro, January 9. 
            Wedding of Governor Meiyo Saganami and Sho-ko Jack Nakatomi (DCA reserve), Governors Palace, Yousai, Nejiro July 9   
             Word of Blake announces the formation of the Word of Blake Protectorate composed of Terra and many worlds of the Chaos March.   

3067 - Katherine surrenders to Prince Victor Davion's forces on New Avalon, Prince Peter takes control of Tharkad. Peter and Yvonne are given the thrones of the Lyran Alliance and Federated Suns states after Victor abdicates and resumes his role as Precentor Martial of ComStar.   
            The Taurian Concordat accepts aid from Word of Blake and the Trinity Alliance is dissolved.   
            Governor Meiyo Saganami, Nejiro personnally hires a few small mercenary units to combat remnants of Clan Smoke Jaguar who had resorted to banditry and were harassing Nejiro and other nearby systems. 
            The Northwind Highlanders terminate or invoke escape clauses in their contracts to return home after the death of Clan Elder Patrick Duffy and three other Clan Council Members. The world is then blockaded by Word of Blake forces.   
             Roughly four regiments of renegade mercenary companies assault Harlech, Outreach and cut a swath of destruction across the city destroying the Dragoons C&C Center and the MRBC Headquarters. Most Dragoon forces are recalled to Outreach. The world is then blockaded by Word of Blake forces.
               The Fourth Whiting Conference is held on Tharkad, and announces the dissolution of the Star League as the Federated Suns, the Capellan Confederation, and the Lyran Alliance remove their support. Word of Blake, expecting to become a member state, retaliates with orbital bombardment on capitals and wanton attacks on civilian targets across the Sphere, disabling the HPG network, and wreaking havoc on the Inner Sphere with military units smashed, factories annihilated, people slaughtered, and whole planets wiped out.             
                The HPG stops transmitting from Luthien December 19. The Kokuryu-kai engage in a military coup and wrest control of the capital, the Voice of the Dragon compound, and the Imperial Palace. Word of Blake forces land to 'assist' the Kuritans, but are seen as the enemy, and so there is a three way conflict between Combine Loyalists, Black Dragons, and Blakist forces.
                Phoenix Mercantile, Neptune Orient Lines, and Horizon Tradeships recall their merchant fleets to the Nejiro system for resupply and refit for wartime operations. Also recalled to Nejiro are the Devil Dogs PMC (now more than a regiment in strength of armor, mechanized infantry, battle armor, and support with their own private transport) for wartime refit and reorganization.     

« Last Edit: 05 May 2023, 06:23:52 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #991 on: 04 May 2023, 19:18:52 »
All GSF commanders will receive a notice that all Units will be getting extra bonuses.

To All GSF Commanders
I am pleased to informing all of you that special bonuses have been secured for your performance last month. Each of your units will be receiving the following.

For last month’s work:
All units of the GSF will be getting 1,000,000 C-Bill in addition to the normal pay they receive.
All GSF personnel will be getting an extra 500 K-Bill bonus as well.

For Units that took part in the mission outside of Majuro:
These units will receive a 3,000,000 C-Bill bonus.
All GSF members on this mission will be getting a 5,000 K-Bill bonus.

These bonuses will be placed in your accounts in a few days.

I hope that you will keep up the fine work so more of this type of special compensation will happen in the future.

Elisio Aguiar Tekeda
GSF Liaison

“Sho-ko we have just received a report of ‘Mechs north of Lanikai.”
“Great, just what we needed.” Jack looks at the trooper handing him the report. “Who spotted them? Do they know what ‘Mechs they spotted are?”
“Sorry to say they were civilians and just that they were combat not worker ‘Mechs.”
“OK so get a sat over the area to see just what is going.”

“Sho-ko the Sat recon found the ‘Mechs in question and they are on Carson lands.”
“OK did the Sat get ID’s on them?”
“No it just picked up heat and EM sigs.”
“OK a start, we know where they are. Now we need to find out how they got there and who they are working for.”
“Do you want us to have Jonah look into this?”
“No he is of better use where he is” Jack looks over the maps of the area. “No see if we can get a drone in the area and I think we will let the GSF look into this and see what cages they rattle.”
“Get Tekeda to have the GSF to prep a recon force.”

“GSF Command to all units you are to prep forces to investigate reports of unknown BattleMechs and vehicles on the lands of Ichizoku Carson and report what you find. If fired on you are to return fire. Protect all civilians and property.”

OK so the next mission is and normal deployment. No repairs are not done yet got to see how much you dice like you so you might want to have a few different setups to start this one off  >:D


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #992 on: 05 May 2023, 07:19:14 »
Near the end of December Dr. Kira Musashi (and entourage), Sho-sa Kono Kalakaua (and entourage), Mr. Tristan Botley (and guests), Mr. Nicolas Corado (and escort), and all of the GSF Commanders and their Senior Officers and Senior Technicians will receive elegant invitations (that include a plus one) to the formal Presentation Banquet of Yasha Saganami the evening of Sunday May 20 3069 at the Governors Palace Receiving Hall, Yousai. Please RSVP by February 31 3069.     

Also receiving invitations are Precentor Ian Wilkes (and escort), Ministers, MPs, senior Civil Service Members, the Enclave Trade Council Chief Naji Rahman (and escort), senior Court Judges, the Ichizoku Hierarchy {with some exceptions}, Diplomats, Scholars, Traders, senior Officers and Technicians of the Nejiro Defense Troop, senior NPO officials and Officers, senior officials and Officers of the Nejiro Fire Brigade, senior corporate executives and board members of Phoenix Industries and their partners and subsidiaries, locally assigned (and select retired personnel) senior Officers of the DCA and the DCMS {in good standing}, senior Officers and Technicians of the Devil Dogs and the Suzaku Guard, senior Captains of Phoenix Mercantile, senior Captains of Neptune Orient Lines, senior Captains of Horizon Line Tradeships, senior Guild Masters, prominent Mayors and Council Members, prominent social, cultural, and corporate people from Pluoton and the stellar system, Crown Corporation senior executives and board members, prominent social, cultural, and corporate people of Nejiro, Meiyo's extended family, Meiyo's Staff, Jack's Team, Buki Industries CEO-Nejiro Arkady Borsakov (and escort) and other prominent foreign investors, and a carefully vetted list of prominent Nejiroan journalists     

[entourage up to twenty five, escort up to fifteen, guests up to five]

post script to the invitation the staff of the Orla Eyrie [the restaurant located in Yousai, owned by the Eagles Tears, providing gourmet food services for the event] respectfully requests you include any necessary dietary limitations or needs in your response

« Last Edit: 05 May 2023, 07:43:31 by eilidhdawn »


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #993 on: 06 May 2023, 23:38:32 »
Kapten Marius Bjornsen sighed as he read the notification of their next mission. His eyes bounced back and forth between the intel and the available units. His hand reached over to the intercom and pressed the button for his aide. "Sargent, Get me Lojtnants Anker and Lundmark. Tell them to meet me at the motor pool. Have Laughing Wolf, Twister, Winter's Wish and Hunter's Den prepped. Inform their crews that they are on pad for deployment."

He stood up, and started fastening the Night-night gun he kept in his drawer to his waist as his side arm. He left his office, and nodded to his aide. "Gotta show them how it's done."

 :D >:D :thumbsup:

Sending Blizzard Winter's wish (With Combat Engineers[And Kapten Bjornsen] and Heavy SRM infantry), Hunter's Den (with Kobold Power armor), Twister (Warrior w/ac2) and Laughing Wolf in his Jackal.
Strength Through Perseverance


  • Catalyst Demo Team
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #994 on: 08 May 2023, 15:42:36 »
post script to the invitation the staff of the Orla Eyrie [the restaurant located in Yousai, owned by the Eagles Tears, providing gourmet food services for the event] respectfully requests you include any necessary dietary limitations or needs in your response
  I don't remember if I responded, but Hands of the Goddess contingent have no dietary restrictions.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #995 on: 19 May 2023, 20:59:23 »
Near the end of December Dr. Kira Musashi (and entourage), Sho-sa Kono Kalakaua (and entourage), Mr. Tristan Botley (and guests), Mr. Nicolas Corado (and escort), and all of the GSF Commanders and their Senior Officers and Senior Technicians will receive elegant invitations (that include a plus one) to the formal Presentation Banquet of Yasha Saganami the evening of Sunday May 20 3069 at the Governors Palace Receiving Hall, Yousai. Please RSVP by February 31 3069.     

Also receiving invitations are Precentor Ian Wilkes (and escort), Ministers, MPs, senior Civil Service Members, the Enclave Trade Council Chief Naji Rahman (and escort), senior Court Judges, the Ichizoku Hierarchy {with some exceptions}, Diplomats, Scholars, Traders, senior Officers and Technicians of the Nejiro Defense Troop, senior NPO officials and Officers, senior officials and Officers of the Nejiro Fire Brigade, senior corporate executives and board members of Phoenix Industries and their partners and subsidiaries, locally assigned (and select retired personnel) senior Officers of the DCA and the DCMS {in good standing}, senior Officers and Technicians of the Devil Dogs and the Suzaku Guard, senior Captains of Phoenix Mercantile, senior Captains of Neptune Orient Lines, senior Captains of Horizon Line Tradeships, senior Guild Masters, prominent Mayors and Council Members, prominent social, cultural, and corporate people from Pluoton and the stellar system, Crown Corporation senior executives and board members, prominent social, cultural, and corporate people of Nejiro, Meiyo's extended family, Meiyo's Staff, Jack's Team, Buki Industries CEO-Nejiro Arkady Borsakov (and escort) and other prominent foreign investors, and a carefully vetted list of prominent Nejiroan journalists     

[entourage up to twenty five, escort up to fifteen, guests up to five]

Kiah has her personnel secretary send the acceptance to this event. And has a notification sent to her security detail so they can coordinate security. picking up the link she hums waiting for it to connect when the call connects she smiles. "Hey little brother want to go to a party?"

"only by three minutes."

"every minute counts, you have not set foot off base since you got here, you could use a day out."

"kiah I have my hands full originating your calendar and your household at the base and starfall."

"you do not have to run my households your my twin and brother and..."

"and I want to do what i am doing , i do not want to be in the lime light anymore I am perfectly happy organizing you , Bully and Carl's shit" he sighs "I know your worried but I will be fine the doctors and therapist have said so. you were always the better warrior then I was , I like organizing and seeing the houses run well and that should be enough"

"so that's a no to going to the event of the year?"

the warm laugh warms her soul.

"that is a no, but I will see that you and your party are decked out to the nines, I will call Bully's people to organize everything. You go make the world safe for us all....I just don't want to be separate from you anymore I have missed you and just want to be in the background. I will promise you this, I will come with you the next time you go to tea with grandmother. I just don't want large crowds and the stress of not feeling safe."

"You are safe"

"I was trapped in a crumpled Mech for days under rubble and it was just a fluke I was found at all, we have talked about this just...let me be in your shadow K, it is warm and comforting."

"it is not just my shadow that protects you"

"I know but their shadows overlap with yours, and the security detail you have on me is actually a comfort so thank you for that."

"I promised my very wise husband that i would not smother you."

another laugh "I let him know you said that."

Kiah laughs. "I will neither confirm or deny i said it."

"send me the details of the event and Ill get moving on it"

"will do love, dinner?"

"yup will be ready when you get in from the office."

the call disconnects and Kiah sits back sighs and crosses to the fireplace staring into its flame, her thought are interrupted by the knock and door opening.

"we just got this in new mission."

Kiah takes the offered tablet "okay lets get to work" she scans the message and walks out heading to the hangers.



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #996 on: 20 May 2023, 17:30:55 »
"Well no rest for the wicked." Kristen said as he and Evvon walked toward the hanger. Kristen grabbed a runner and handed a note to the boy. "Get this to LT Asher. the loading lineup is screwed up." the boy took off toward headquarters speaking into his com as he ran.

The hanker was a bussing activity of  controlled panic, shouts and call outs equipment being moved, ordinance being loaded. crew and techs doing finial checks the countdown to pickup clock counting down on the back wall.

"you get anything to eat Ev?" Rose asked as she watched the Striker's ground crew as she sipped something hot from a cup.

"Yup, Hanna?"

"She is over by the Bandit and her not attraction commander Murphy."

Kristen chuckled his eyes meeting his lead tech and nodding. "Someday they will see what we all do." he said clasping Evvon and then Rose's forearm.  "See you in the air if I don't get over there they will come drag me off."

"Stay chill Brother."

Kristen walked backwards a few steps with a wicked cocky smile. "You too." he turned and sidestepped out of the way of several rushing techs then broke into a jog toward his Hunchback.

Kiahs hammer will be fielding

raptor rtx1-0 w/squad of clan elemental
striker light tank
bandit hover F w/ 2 squads is grey death ba


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    • Winter's Dream Mercenary Unit
Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #997 on: 21 May 2023, 09:27:09 »
Not going to make it today. Not feeling well, and better safe than sorry.
Strength Through Perseverance


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #998 on: 21 May 2023, 16:41:25 »
What did I miss?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #999 on: 21 May 2023, 23:11:42 »
Euron completed the RSVP to the Governor's invitation for the presentation of her newborn son and sent it on to her office.

"Was there anything else, Alannah?"  He asked Major Harlaw.

"Lorren Botley is requesting to be rotated out of his garrison duty.  He said he was starting to go stir-crazy."  Alannah replied.

"Well, he wanted a command."  Euron remarked.  "He should know what goes along with it.  But they have been out there a long time.  Tell him I'll relieve him once I can put together a relief group for him and his men."

"With pleasure, sir."

"OK, tell the folks outside I'm ready for them."  Euron continued.

Alannah nodded and went outside.  When she returned, she was followed by Meifeng Zhou, Chao Yang, Hawk Moth pilot Marselo Perez and Warrior pilot Jimmy Lau.  The quartet took their seats while Alannah returned to her place behind Euron's desk.

"You said you had a job for us, boss?"  Chao inquired.

"I do."  Euron answered.  "I've decide that the four of you are going to be sent on walkabout."

"Walkabout, sir?"  asked Meifeng.

"You're all going to be sent on deep reconnaisance missions to different areas of the continent."  said Euron.  "Using knowledge of our past engagements with the enemy, you will be sent to parts of the continent where we think the enemy will be both at present as well as where they could be in the future.  I'm getting tired of just reacting to their movements.  We need to roadblock them somehow.  Or at least herd them to locations where we can be waiting for them with enough force to defeat them."

"So you want us to harass them." said Meifeng with a grin.

"No."  Euron corrected her, causing Meifeng's smile to fade.  "Rule Number One: Do not engage the enemy.  Once you spot them, call back to base for back-up.  Don't let them out of your sight, but do not engage.  And Meifeng, no buzzing
 or raiding their camp at night.  I know it's what you're trained for, but I don't want you getting greedy and risking yourself against a larger force.  You may have Stealth armor, but you're not invincible."

"Understood, sir."  said Meifeng.

"Rule Number Two:" Euron added.  "If you run across any friendlies on your recon missions, flash them your IFF code, then go dark and get out.  We don't want the militias thinking you're the bad guys and attacking you out of turn.  Also, Chao, no blasting death metal over your speakers.  Not everyone appreciates it.  The militia might shoot you just for that."

"You had to take the fun out of it, didn't you, sir."  Chao said rhetorically.

Euron chuckled.  "Sorry, Chao, but I don't want you giving Grandmother a heart attack if you pass by her mansion."

"I would never do that to her."  Chao retorted, but then added, "though I might do it to her grandsons."

"So," Marselo chimed in, "where exactly are you sending us all?"

"Glad you asked."  said Euron.  He turned to each of them in turn as he gave them their assignments.  "Jimmy, we're dropping you off south of Baja.  You're to patrol the peninsulas near Pearl Harbor, that includes the Sugai castle."

"Aye aye, Colonel."  Lau obeyed.

"Marselo, you're getting sent north to Lanikai and the Akazawa Coast along the edge of Ceallach territory."

"Yes, sir."

"Chao," Euron turned to Raven pilot.  "You get to patrol the eastern desert along the Yoshino-gawa river to the border of the Annettai Heiya."

"Yes, sir."  Chao said unenthusiastically.  "Any particular reason I get to play in the desert, Colonel?"

"Fewer people around to complain about your musical choices, for one."  Euron joked, but then added more seriously.
"In addition, Alvarez's group just chased an enemy force out of the area and they may still be nearby.  I want you to keep an eye on them."

"What about me, sir?"  Meifeng asked.

Euron turned to her.  "You get the fun assignment.  You're going to the Southern Steppe, near the old Nakazawa Shiro.  Your mission area will include the cities of Kamloops, Port and Marene, as well as the Shiro."

"Understood, Colonel."

"These assignments will last for one month.  Once a month has past, you will be airlifted back to base will you'll be refitted and resupplied before I decide on reassignment to different areas.  Dismissed." Euron concluded.  The four saluted before filing out of the office.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1000 on: 22 May 2023, 18:53:55 »
7/2 will be our next mission date  :thumbsup:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1001 on: 23 May 2023, 06:55:03 »
I will be in Florida.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1002 on: 24 May 2023, 19:00:11 »
What did I miss?

lets see  ::)

some bad guys strolled across the AO got shot at ... some got pasted ... picked up a couple of Demons that will need some TCL. a squad of IS BA. The ComGuard has a Raptor not named pogo due to the loss of a leg, a Hollander that went on a weight loss program but can be repaired.

Just another day on Nejiro  >:D.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1003 on: 24 May 2023, 19:03:35 »
“So what are you doing with the extra money?”
“Not so sure. Some will stay in the bank but some will be used for a good time.”
“It was great that we got both, that made for some major funds.”
“Just need to get the boss to give us some time off.”
“Sure at least a week if not two off to have fun.”

“Sho-sho the supply convoy has returned and they are heavy.”
“What happened?” Meiyo asks.
“A pirate outfit picked on the wrong convoy. We now have a used Merchant JumpShip, Avenger DropShip, Fury DropShip and a Buccaneer DropShip. All will need time in the repair yards but from what our people say they all should be online in a year.”
“That is good that they were not destroyed then. The time in the yards will give us time to train new crews. What about the pirates?”
“They were dropped with local authorities and the bounties will cover our fuel costs for the trip and some of the repairs on the ships”
“That is good news!”
“The locals were not too happy that they did not get the ships but when the Marines informed them that the ships are now the property of the Dragon they backed off real fast.”
“How did we do?”
“Not bad at all, about a dozen wounded troopers from both the DCA and Devil Dogs no KIAs. The Battle Armor is a major game changer.”
“Good do any of them need extra medical care?”
“No Sho-sho the medics on board took good care of them and all are back on duty.”

“Gunsho Lai I want you to do some sim work on the other Hitman model so you understand how it operates. I also want you work with Hamma as well during this training.”
“Hai Sho-sa.”
“Chu-i Shinozaki I want you and the others of your lance to do sim work with these ‘Mechs.” She hands her a list of three ‘Mechs. “I think you can see why.”
The Chu-i looks over the list. “Hai Sho-sa they would make how my lance works very different.”
“Gunsho Kawakami You will spend some sim time on this ‘Mech as we may make some changes in how we fight.” She hands over a disc.
“Hai Sho-sa!”
“Gunsho Nader you will spend time with this ‘Mech in the sims. It will be a challenge for you as it is much heavier than anything you have piloted before. It has the same ground speed but does not jump. It does have much more firepower. You will need to adjust.”
“Hai Sho-sa!”
“Chu-i Liu pick people to crew these vehicles. I want them on line by the end of the month.”
“Hai Sho-sa!”
“While they are working up I want your lance working on these vehicles.” She hand the Chu-i the lists.

“Colonel I have been looking over the units from Pegasus and have put together a list of what units get repaired and what order.” Harold hands over a data pad. “As you can see I am not just looking at units with minimal damage but what will serve better and not force to expand our supply problems.” Looking at his commander. “The Knight, P-Hawk, Javelin and Mongoose are the first on my list as they are going to form up the security lance for Hilo. As these units do not need ammunition it will keep our supply problems down for this unit. The next group would be the Crab and Ostscout. As they too are energy only units they also would not forces into keeping large amounts of munitions on hand. The Ost last due to the advanced gear that we will need to bring in. The Slayer, Reaper, Tarantula and Highlander are the last group. These all need some form of ammo and bring them on line lase will let us stock up on said ammo.  I know most of the warriors want the Highlander on line ASAP but she needs a lot of TLC and we do not have anyone that knows how to pilot something that heavy, so that is why she is last.”
“You are my chief tech and I will keep your ideas in mind as always.”

“We will start work on the ground site in a few days and the space side is almost done, we just need the equipment to get into system.”
“Very good, what are we going to call this new line?”
“The PR crew has come up with Kōri to hi no kinzoku (Ice and Fire Metals)”
“That works nice. Make sure all that have invested know.”
“On it sir.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1004 on: 26 May 2023, 19:43:44 »
As Boom Box was being loaded into the Dropship to take it and the other Ironborn machines to their seperate recon assignments, Chao asked Euron, "I know you said we weren't supposed to engage the enemy, but what about if they turn around to engage us?  What do we do then?"

"You run like hell and call for back-up."  Euron replied.  "Although as long as you maintain a sufficient distance from them and keep your stealth armor on, they shouldn't even detect you."

"Well, it's just that my 'Mech isn't as fast as the others' rides.  If I get caught out, I have the lowest chance of outrunning the bad guys."  Chao reminded Euron.

"Then don't get caught."  Euron returned.  "You have the technological edge.  Plus the bad guys have damaged rides.  There shouldn't be a problem unless you put yourself in a bad situation.  Remember, you can call in back-up at any time.  If it gets too hot, retreat."

"Yes, sir." said Chao.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1005 on: 28 May 2023, 11:23:56 »
My life just got a bit more interesting.  I got a summons for Grand Jury Duty starting June 6.  They said that it could be anywhere from 2-4 weeks.  I have non-refundable tickets to go to Florida starting June 26.   :ticked:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1006 on: 29 May 2023, 11:28:19 »
My life just got a bit more interesting.  I got a summons for Grand Jury Duty starting June 6.  They said that it could be anywhere from 2-4 weeks.  I have non-refundable tickets to go to Florida starting June 26.   :ticked:

that is how things work out sometimes. did you get Brooklyn? If you did it is a not so fun trip in. When I got blessed they were re-doing Riverhead.

Look at the notice you may be able to push it back like NYS but you will need to make the second notice time. I did that when Chris and I got married.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1007 on: 29 May 2023, 15:58:29 »
I've been summoned by Nassau County, so it's Mineola for me.
In other news, the NOAA weather service is predicting "patchy smoke" tomorrow between 1 and 3pm.  How do you predict that?!? :o
« Last Edit: 29 May 2023, 16:03:46 by jimdigris »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1008 on: 29 May 2023, 20:29:06 »
I've been summoned by Nassau County, so it's Mineola for me.

that is not so bad. local is way better than fed.

In other news, the NOAA weather service is predicting "patchy smoke" tomorrow between 1 and 3pm.  How do you predict that?!? :o

easy, see what is burning, check wind direction and speed and bang. just don't ask them to get the weather correct  ::)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1009 on: 30 May 2023, 15:03:26 »
The smoke, which seems to be absent here, is coming from Nova Scotia.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1010 on: 31 May 2023, 15:37:43 »
Lucky bastards I never get jury duty
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1011 on: 01 June 2023, 04:55:11 »
Several of my fellow teachers said the same thing. :D
Are you getting any smoke from Nova Scotia?  They keep saying we'll be getting haze from it but nothing happens.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1012 on: 04 June 2023, 10:05:19 »
Lucky bastards I never get jury duty

you can volunteer for jury duty just call your commissioner of juries


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1013 on: 06 June 2023, 15:37:23 »
New development in the jury saga:
All of us of the special grand jury were brought in today and asked to volunteer to go in every Tuesday for the next six months.  I didn't, so in about 3-6 months they'll call me in again to assign me to a four-week stint hearing related cases.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1014 on: 07 June 2023, 05:34:50 »
New development in the jury saga:
All of us of the special grand jury were brought in today and asked to volunteer to go in every Tuesday for the next six months.  I didn't, so in about 3-6 months they'll call me in again to assign me to a four-week stint hearing related cases.

the fun of the jury duty  xp


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1015 on: 07 June 2023, 05:40:05 »
“Precentor how long will I be on the sidelines?” Adept Cage asks.
“Well son until the Doc gives you a green light.” Precentor Wilks answers.
“I’m sorry about the damage.”
“No worries the techs are on it and we have that Raptor that we got as comp back in February of ‘68.”
“When that Omni heavy Black Drac unit hit rock the Gnomes dropped the Venom.”
“OK but how did we get the Raptor?”
“I swapped the Venom for the Raptor. With You and Adept Wood running that frame and the Venom having a C3 that we do not use I traded with the GSF.” Wilks looks at the chart at the foot of Cage’s bed. “So until your ride gets repaired you will pilot the spare. That is when the Doc’s kick you out and from this chart you will be cooling your heels here for the rest of the month, having you hard head rattle around like that is not good.”
“What config will I be running?”
“Same as you have been. Nice thing about the Omni’s is that the pods swap over easy.”

“Sho-sho this is the list of equipment that the convoy returned with.”
Meiyo looks over the pad. “From what I see we did very well for all units local and DCMS.”
“Yes mam, I do not think that we will be getting any more runs like this in anytime soon as the reports that our people have are showing things in the Sphere are very hot and getting hotter.”
“Make sure that all unit commanders understand that this just may be all they will get for some time and to take care of this equipment.” Looking over the list once more. “I see that the DCMS was good to the Ichizoku I hope they understand why.”
“The supply team did work some major magic on that end. Per your instructions not all of the Ichizoku were on the equipment request lists.”
“This pad is for your eyes only. It is from the DCMS high command.” Handing Meiyo a second pad.
She lets it run the security scan and reads it. “Well, well looks like we will be having some long term guests. The Ghosts, 918th Marines and their transports will be staying here. The Tengoku no kaze and her group maybe recalled if things require her but she is ours for now.”
“Having the 565th and 918th plus the Ghosts out here for the long term will make things better for our security. But why?”
“Someone at HQ thinks they will be better serving the Dragon here than in the Combine. Plus the 918th is rebuilding.”
“We will need to look into becoming more self-sufficient. Somehow I see these same commanders later on saying but you were given all of this before, how much more equipment do you think we can give you.”
“I was thinking just that. I hope the GSF is also thinking more long term as well. Some only have a short time until the contracts they have are due to expire.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1016 on: 08 June 2023, 06:21:42 »
They cancelled school today because of the smoke.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1017 on: 08 June 2023, 18:52:07 »
“Welcome to Nejiro Tai-sho.” Meiyo bows to Tai-sho Tanaka Kei
“Thank you. You know that this is my first trip here and it is much nicer than what I have been told.”
“Thank you but we are just a small system in the middle of nowhere.”
“Please you are too modest. I have been on worlds in the DC that are not as well looked after.”
“We are happy that you think so highly of our world.”  She looks to the Tai-sho. “Quarters have been setup for all of your people in Yousai and tours of the city and the MAW. Dr. Yamamoto and Tai-i Zinni are looking forward to showing around MAW.”
“Thank you for all of this but it is I as the Dragon’s eyes and ears who is the one here for you and your child.” Looking around as they move to the vehicles that will bring them to Yousai. “Most impressive you Household Guard, they are true Samurai.”
“I will pass that along to the Guards commander. He will be most pleased you think so highly of them.”
“But it is true. Just look at them.” He looks up and down the rank of troopers.
“OH I have also had time set aside so you will have time the Marines that are training here.”
“Thank you for that, I was wondering if that would be possible.” As they enter the limo.

“Tai-i, are you getting that strange reading to starboard?”
“Sure am. I think we need to take a good look.”
“Just keep your eyes open and on the fuel gauge.”
“I have no idea what so ever of going into that field very deep and I know fuel is low.”

“So, what does it look like?”
“Not sure our, sensors are not setup for this all I can tell is that something big and metallic is on that rock and we are way too low on fuel to keep poking around here.” Looking at his instrument panel and tapping the fuel readout. “RTB.”
“Roger that.”

“Colonel I have some ideas for some of our pilots” Alannah hands Euron her pad. “We will have two lances of ‘Mechs that at some time will be on line and I think now is the time to get some of them trained on them.”
“OK so what do you have in mind?”
“Well to start with I think you need to spend time in the Highlander.”
“Yes as one of only three heavy pilots that we have it will be easier to translon to that unit. I also think that Jurgen should train on it as well.”
“OK, but why us and not any of the others? Fuka and Theon pilot heavy ‘Mechs.”
“To start you two are the only ones that have any time piloting heavies that jump. Yes I know that Fuka piloted Crows Eye But that was only twice. Both her and Theon have more time in the Dragon and that thing does not jump is much faster. Both Jurgan and you have time in heavy weight somewhat faster, jump capable units.”
“OK I see your point, so what more. I know you have more just by the look in your eye.”
“Well next up I think that both Theon and Fuke should spend time in the Lao Hu, Marauders, Guillotine and Black Knight. Four of them are the same weight and speed. The Guillotine is lighter and jumps but has the same speed. I also think you and Jurgen should spend time in them as well. Cross training will not hurt any of you.”
“OK so I see what you are looking to do get every trained on units they can transition fast in case a ‘Mech goes down.”
“That and get Freyja, Victarion and Julia up to speed on units they can pilot if things force that.” She takes back her pad. “Victarion should be ready to pilot any of the heavies and maybe the Highlander. Freyja any of the mediums, the Reaper first on the list. Julia should get time with the recovered P-Hawk and Starslayer.” Alannah looks at him. “We also need to look over some of the Pegasus adoptees and see if they have some skill as well. We have almost a dozen that are of an age that we should test them.”

“Hi dear.”
“Hi yourself.” Looking up from her desk. ”Why do I feel like I’m about to be setup for something?”
“Wow I stop by to say hi and you think I’m setting you up.” Jack gives her a hurt look. “I feel hurt.”
“Nice try but I do know better so spill it.” She moves her chair back a bit.
“Well we need to move some heavy equipment but as it is a local matter the Militia and Bridges would like some escort units from the GSF.”
“So why are you the one asking and not the Mayor of Bridges or the Militia Commander?”
“That would be because I told them that the GSF will handle it.”
“Once more why are you asking me?” She gives him a long look. “You are able to inform the GSF to provide a security force for this.”
“Well that is the rub, I am not the Liaison for the GSF and Elisio has turned down both.” Jack does not look happy. “Something along the lines of the GSF has better things to do with its time. Now to a small point he is correct but that equipment well help with security around Bridges and that will keep the GSF open for other problems.”
“OK so you want me to override him on this?”
“Yes. This is not a power play on my part but when any of the Mayors or local Militia commanders asked for the GSF to help of late he has been turning them down. The only times he has not said no is when it is something that is over the top like Nakazawa, the Bandit raids and that like.”
“Why am I only being told of this now?”
“Well I just found out myself just a little while ago myself. I was speaking with Sho-ko Tamiya and was told how the Militia and Bridges security need to handle these small problems. I informed them I am no longer the GSF liaison and as the senior DCMS NCO it is not my place to be involved in such matters. The rub is that the GSF need to be involved in these types of things not just larger matters.” Jack moves around the office like a caged cat. “If that stuffed shirt bothered to check former missions he would see that this is just one of the mission types the GSF has done before and should be doing as it lets our people see them doing other things not just shooting. Also let’s not forget trying to look like he was the one that was behind the bonuses you gave the GSF earlier this month.”
“I will overturn him on this.” She gets up and walks over to him. “Do you want your old job back?”
Looking into his wife’s eyes. “Yes and no. Someone needs to keep the GSF on point and on mission. They need to be seen as more then hired guns. But I …. We …. All of us are now on active duty and for the ones that are not the Governor of Nijero must keep DCMS and Nijero things separate.” He looks into her eyes. “Even you have to with some matters. I know I can do both jobs and keep them separate but some would not see it that way and others will use that mix for their own ends.”
“I am happy you understand the problem. But if I remove him from the job, who do I replace him with?”
“At this time I do not know. What I do know is that he does need to be watched. Some of the problems that we have with the GSF are because Elisio has been keeping the GSF back. His little stunt also gives me reason as well.”
“I will keep a closer eye on this and will also look to see if someone who can assist him.”

“To all GSF commands you will prep a force to provide security for a convoy. Said convoy will be moving heavy equipment from the spaceport to Bridges. This escort will take about a week and all units should be outfitted for that time in the field. The convoy will have some light vehicles to help with security and the heavy cargo vehicles will have a max speed of 54 KPH.”

“We need to get all of the vehicles in line so they well are ready when the GSF security units arrive.”
“Hai sir!” Looking to the vehicle crews. “You have you orders move.”
“I want the light security forces mixed in with the cargo vehicles so if we are raided the heavy units of the GSF will keep any heavy raider units away from the convoy and our light units will keep any raider light units from doing harm to the convoy units.”
“Will do sir, we will have two of our security units with each convoy vehicle.”
“Have the support vehicles also setup so they will be able take care of any convoy vehicles that may take damage.”
“Hai, Sir!”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1018 on: 08 June 2023, 22:39:14 »
South of Baja, Jimmy and his Warrior VTOL was set down by the Dropship.  "You're clear."  The Dropship commander told him.

"Thanks much, guys."  Jimmy said before turning over the VTOL's rotors.  He turned to his girlfriend and co-pilot, Karen Luo and added.  "You got our flight plan all planned, babe?"

"You know it."  Karen responded, calling up the map.  "We start out going south over the peninsula.  Then a quick turn at Pearl Harbor.  Finally we turn back north, pass the Sugai Shiro and return to Baja."

"OK then, let's do some recon."  The Warrior lifted off and headed south.


Chao found himself in the Eastern Desert.  There was scattered debris from the most recent battle that had nearly cost Alvarez half his 'Mech.  Armor bits littered the ground as well as several gauss slugs and missile casings.  The vehicles the others had KO'ed had already been removed.

"OK." Said Chao to no one in particular.  "Where were you jerks heading?"  He called up the Battle ROM, determining the general direction the enemy 'Mechs and vehicles had escaped in.  Once he found his heading, he gunned Boom Box's engines, bringing the 'Mech into a run.  Engaging his Stealth armor, Chao took up the pursuit.  The mercs had to stop somewhere.  Once they did, he'd call the others and then they'd deal with them.


Marselo and his co-pilot, Andre, were landed west of Lanikai.  The Hawk Moth spun up it's engines shortly after being dropped off. 

"Our path is to head west toward the mountains."  Andre explained. "To the border of the Ceallach's territory.  Then turn south, then back east to Lanikai."

"Roger."  Said Marselo.  He lifted off and started the mission.


Night Witch marched off the Dropship on the southern side of the Tone-gawa river.  Meifeng looked out to the west.  She could see the old Nakazawa Shiro far in the distance.  Checking the river, she could see the bridge she'd have to cross if she didn't want to ford across.

"How do you want me to proceed, Colonel?"  Meifeng said over the radio.

"You're to head east over the river."  Came the reply.  "Follow the Southern Steppe north to Kamloops.  Then turn northwest toward Marene.  Lastly, you'll head south by southwest to Port.  Then head to the east where you'll be picked up.  You're looking for weapons caches as well as BlackDrac hold-outs.  If you find any, mark them on the map and we'll send a squad to deal with them.  Remember, don't try to face off with them yourself.  You're only one 'Mech and we can't reach you in time if you get into trouble."

"Understood, Colonel."  Meifeng replied.  Sighing in annoyance, she added, "I'll see you in a month.  Night Witch going dark."  She activated her Stealth Armor and passed from all radar screens.  She brought the Anubis into a loping run and headed toward the bridge.  She'd recently had her 'Mech's back painted with the image of a sexy witch with green skin riding a broomstick against a crescent moon as well as the number "588" painted on it's left leg.  She began to sing a tune she'd heard Chao play one time:

"From the depths of Hell in silence, cast their spells, explosive violence..."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1019 on: 14 June 2023, 18:12:11 »
“So what is the latest on the survivors from Pegasus?”
“Well, all that made it here are going to live, the Docs know that much. Some will need much more medical help but will recover with time.”
“That is something, from the reports many were borderline when they made system.”
“That one is thanks to our friends that helped the hospital and staff a few years back. We must send them a proper thank you.”
“I do believe that a few dozen cases of Howaitogōsuto latest will be most welcome.”
“True, they did enjoy it while they were here. I will see what can be done.”
“How is the housing going for our new residents?”
“The ground breaking will be next week. It will be low key just as the Docs asked.”
“Well we do not need to let people know where to cause problems. What are we doing for security?”
“The militia will have some of the new units take care of that. Both should be up and running around the same time.”
“Good things are happening for them, all we need to do is keep it that way.”

“Colonel may I have some of your time?” His Chief Tech asks over the unit comms.
“Sure Harald, say fifteen?”
“That will let me finish up what I am working on.”

A knock at Euron’s door. “Come!”
“Thanks for making time for me sir.”
“No problem, so what can I do for you?”
“Well sir going over the ‘Mechs for the new security lance I will have the Black Knight, Ostscout and the Javelin on line soon. I have Metal Storm working on the high end gear for the Ost. The P-Hawk is going to be a problem.” He hands Euron a pad. “The engine took some damage we missed in the first assessment and we will need to source these items. The problem is no one on world has them.”
“OK I will get an order placed for them. So what do you want to replace that unit for?”
“I was looking at the Crab. The Ferro Armor is the only Hi-Tech item on it and we have that in stock plus a new supply line for that is in the works.”

Nejiro News 1
Word from the Magistracy of Canopus Emma Centrella and General Haji Doru had been to be taken in to custody by Word of Blake forces in October of last year. As we find out more we will pass along that information.

HBC News
This information that the leader of Canopus is in the custody of Word of Blake is troubling. Why take her in to custody? What could she have done?

The Tarawa Times
Now the leaders in Yousai spread rumors of other realms. Why? To keep you from seeing what is going here!

The Dakuu-orianyusu (Dark Warrior News)
This is interesting, but how is this something that you the people of Nijero have to worry about?

Shin no wadopuresu (True Word Press)
Why is your local news giving you false information? Why, because your Government is putting them up to it.

