Author Topic: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank  (Read 1489 times)


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Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« on: 31 December 2023, 11:36:44 »
Code: [Select]
Fullback Tank

Mass: 45 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 180 ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Machine Gun
     1 AC/10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3000
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-D-D-D
Cost: 732,250 C-bills

Type: Fullback
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 567

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  4.5
Engine                        180 ICE                14
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  120                   7.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         30   
     R/L Side               5/5      20/20   
     Rear                    5         20   
     Turret                  5         30   

and Ammo                      Location    Tonnage   
Machine Gun                    Turret       0.5     
AC/10                          Turret       12.0   
AC/10 Ammo (20)                 Body        2.0     
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)     Body        0.5     

A cheap 45 ton tank which carries an AC-10. That's about it really. I'm fairly certain that this has appeared on the board before, but I couldn't find it. There's not really a gimmick to it.
  • AC-10 with the prescribed 20 shots.
  • Passes the AC20 test + another AC-10 or ppc shot to the front or turret
  • is cheap
  • fits in a light vehicle bay

It's slower than the Vedette, but uses a cheaper engine, packs a harder punch, and has enough armor to stand on the line and make a decent accounting of itself.
As for the name, I don't actually play soccer but fullback seems to be the role I envision for it.

It's basically if you took a goblin, removed the infantry bay, and those extraneous 4 points of armor from each side, and replaced the large laser with an AC-10 which hits harder at the same range and can use flak ammo should you have any available. It gives ASF another thing to worry about, makes VTOLs cry, and can be used to shred enemy infantry with out the problem of Big Hammer Small Nail that slug ammo or lasers or ppcs have.
« Last Edit: 31 December 2023, 11:47:38 by Ramblefire »


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #1 on: 31 December 2023, 12:51:36 »
Nice work, but to fully optimize the armor, you should reduce the Rear by 4 points, and add 1 to each of the Front, Sides, and Turret.  That ups your survivability by one 5-point hit in all those other arcs without reducing it in the Rear.

Aside from that, congrats!  You've made the AC/10 Scorpion! ;D

Red Pins

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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #2 on: 31 December 2023, 13:34:21 »
And a slight improvement on the Gladius.

Still, its nice to see new toys for the Periphery!
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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #3 on: 31 December 2023, 20:06:26 »
A tank-class tank. I have no complaints.

Bonus points for keeping the crew requirement to 3.

Red Pins

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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #4 on: 31 December 2023, 20:31:56 »
You know, the upgrade to LB would allow for an efficient upgrade and three tons of ammo would be great.  The bonus to attack BA, Infantry, and aircraft would be ideal.
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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #5 on: 31 December 2023, 20:35:25 »
And a Thumper Artillery Cannon side grade would be pretty sweet too... ;)

Red Pins

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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #6 on: 31 December 2023, 20:38:36 »
Hey - you can do it with a scorpion.  Used it for a project. 
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TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #7 on: 31 December 2023, 20:39:54 »
It's a little harder on the Scorpion... you either have to slow down or use a more expensive engine...


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #8 on: 31 December 2023, 22:10:34 »
Nice work, but to fully optimize the armor, you should reduce the Rear by 4 points, and add 1 to each of the Front, Sides, and Turret.  That ups your survivability by one 5-point hit in all those other arcs without reducing it in the Rear.

Aside from that, congrats!  You've made the AC/10 Scorpion! ;D
I'll take the compliment. I love the scorpion, but it's always been a bit light for defensive line-of-battle work. If I've got a defensive line, I'd want it to have a bit more armor and a bit more punch.

And a slight improvement on the Gladius.

Still, its nice to see new toys for the Periphery!
Periphery needs as much help as it can get. This machine would hopefully be good enough to make any pirate attack somewhat more expensive than the payday would be worth.
Also of note. No fusion engine. Shooting the tank to bits leaves basically no valuable salvage. Maybe the AC-10 but those are dime a dozen anyway.

And a Thumper Artillery Cannon side grade would be pretty sweet too... ;)
You'd need to drop the AC-10, the machine gun, and two tons of armor, but that would let you mount a thumper and two tons of ammo while leaving just enough armor to take a direct hit from either another thumper, a gauss rifle, or a clan ERPPC and survive.
« Last Edit: 31 December 2023, 22:23:24 by Ramblefire »


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #9 on: 01 January 2024, 07:00:53 »
That's a Thumper Artillery piece... the Artillery Cannon version is only 10 tons... ;)


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #10 on: 01 January 2024, 16:44:12 »
That's a Thumper Artillery piece... the Artillery Cannon version is only 10 tons... ;)
Well I mean sure you can, and I'm sure there would be some niche for that, but I think the AC-10 would probably be much more useful than a thumper AC.


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #11 on: 01 January 2024, 16:46:12 »
Depends on what you're fighting... AOE damage is a force of its own... ;)

Red Pins

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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #12 on: 01 January 2024, 19:37:41 »
Mmh.  I think I'd prefer the LB version - flexibility above all.  But the standard AC is an excellent starting point for the Periphery.
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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #13 on: 12 January 2024, 10:05:53 »
Code: [Select]
Fullback Tank (ML)

Mass: 45 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 180 ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Small Laser
     3 Medium Laser
     1 Machine Gun
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3000
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-C-C-C
Cost: 738,413 C-bills

Type: Fullback
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 561

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  4.5
Engine                        180 ICE                14
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   10                     10
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.5
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor                  120                   7.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         30   
     R/L Side               5/5      20/20   
     Rear                    5         20   
     Turret                  5         30   

and Ammo                      Location    Tonnage   
3 Medium Laser                 Turret       3.0     
Machine Gun                    Turret       0.5     
Small Laser                    Turret       0.5     
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)     Body        0.5     
Infantry                        Body        1.0     

In keeping with being a big scorpion, here's the ML Fullback, replacing the autocannon with large lasers and then adding back the goblin's infantry bay to fill the remaining tonnage.

Code: [Select]
Fullback Tank (LRM)

Mass: 45 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 180 ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     1 Machine Gun
     1 LRM 15
     1 LRM 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3000
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-C-C-C
Cost: 910,600 C-bills

Type: Fullback
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 680

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  4.5
Engine                        180 ICE                14
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.5
Armor Factor                  120                   7.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         30   
     R/L Side               5/5      20/20   
     Rear                    5         20   
     Turret                  5         30   

and Ammo                      Location    Tonnage   
LRM 15                         Turret       7.0     
Machine Gun                    Turret       0.5     
LRM 10                         Turret       5.0     
LRM 10 Ammo (12)                Body        1.0     
LRM 15 Ammo (8)                 Body        1.0     
Half Machine Gun Ammo (100)     Body        0.5     

An LRM Fullback allows you to bring long range indirect fire to the table. Not as much as a thumper, but certainly more easily acquired than a thumper. The LRM fullback even does that LRM scorpion thing and mounts two seperate LRM launchers on it. Efficient? No. Quirky? Yes.


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #14 on: 12 January 2024, 12:21:53 »

The Fullback is a great design, a good starter Tank for a Periphery state.

As for the LRM version, I would have used a single LRM20 with additional ammo, so that it can keep up an indirect bombardment.
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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #15 on: 12 January 2024, 18:00:49 »
Fullback is a cheaper Po, and I'd go twin LRM-10 Racks with 3 ammo, 2 regular and a smoke. Last Ton make it an Infantry Compartment, so it can work with the ML Fullbacks.

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #16 on: 12 January 2024, 19:05:29 »
Someone suggested a "Half Goblin" in one of my threads that could translate to a "Halfback" with an LRM-15 and an SRM-6... ;)

Red Pins

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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #17 on: 13 January 2024, 11:30:24 »
Hmm.  No...  These violate the 'periphery' mindset, imo.  The AC/10 gives range, which translates in my mind to survival.  The ML and LRM variants aren't fast enough to survive closing or retreating, and the mismatched LRMs seem to be a missed opportunity to carry a Infantry Bay.

A LRM Infantry transport could offer support while the close-in protection of the Infantry provides security.  A BA compartment would be even nicer.
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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #18 on: 13 January 2024, 13:16:43 »
Fullback is a cheaper Po, and I'd go twin LRM-10 Racks with 3 ammo, 2 regular and a smoke. Last Ton make it an Infantry Compartment, so it can work with the ML Fullbacks.

There's already an official Goblin variant which does exactly that. It would be a better option, but I went with the LRM15 and LRM10 because that's how the scorpion do. I'm basically treating it as a heavy scorpion more than a light Po.

Hmm.  No...  These violate the 'periphery' mindset, imo.  The AC/10 gives range, which translates in my mind to survival.  The ML and LRM variants aren't fast enough to survive closing or retreating, and the mismatched LRMs seem to be a missed opportunity to carry a Infantry Bay.

A LRM Infantry transport could offer support while the close-in protection of the Infantry provides security.  A BA compartment would be even nicer.
One of the problems The mismatched LRMs are mismatched entirely because the ones on the Scorpion are also mismatched, and there's already an LRM goblin which does it better.

As for LRM Infantry Transport, I could fit an LRM 10, two tons of ammo, and a 6 ton infantry bay and fill out the remaining tonnage with machine guns and machine gun ammo.
Code: [Select]
Fullback Tank

Mass: 45 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 180 ICE
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Armor: Standard
     3 Machine Gun
     1 LRM 10
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3000
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-C-C-C
Cost: 668,450 C-bills

Type: Fullback
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Introductory)
Movement Type: Tracked
Tonnage: 45
Battle Value: 533

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                  4.5
Engine                        180 ICE                14
Cruising MP: 4
Flank MP: 6
Heat Sinks:                   0                       0
Control Equipment:                                  2.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             1.0
Armor Factor                  120                   7.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   5         30   
     R/L Side               5/5      20/20   
     Rear                    5         20   
     Turret                  5         30   

and Ammo                 Location    Tonnage   
3 Machine Gun             Turret       1.5     
LRM 10                    Turret       5.0     
Machine Gun Ammo (200)     Body        1.0     
LRM 10 Ammo (24)           Body        2.0     
Infantry                   Body        6.0     

Go whole hog on the Infantry Support job.


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #19 on: 13 January 2024, 17:58:23 »
Why 3 MG in a turret and a full 200 salvos?

Why not 1 MG each side and 1 MG Front with a Turret MG with half ton ammo?

Would allow 2 MGs in the most used positions and at least something to support the rear Infantry discharge. It would save on turret tonnage. And as a side note, it would take an Infantry Platoon a Turn each to disembark or mount up.

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #20 on: 13 January 2024, 18:45:21 »
Why 3 MG in a turret and a full 200 salvos?

. . .

Bad habit mostly. And regularly forgetting that half a ton of mg ammo is 100 shots, not 50
« Last Edit: 13 January 2024, 18:50:28 by Ramblefire »


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #21 on: 14 January 2024, 20:23:13 »
That would be the Heavy MG...

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #22 on: 14 January 2024, 21:14:21 »
Nice work, but to fully optimize the armor, you should reduce the Rear by 4 points, and add 1 to each of the Front, Sides, and Turret.  That ups your survivability by one 5-point hit in all those other arcs without reducing it in the Rear.

Aside from that, congrats!  You've made the AC/10 Scorpion! ;D

Agreed, and I would go a step further even & balance the Sides with the Turret/Front.
Side Arcs are bigger than Front/Rear & take a greater # of shots once the battle is "joined".
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #23 on: 14 January 2024, 21:16:27 »
You know, the upgrade to LB would allow for an efficient upgrade and three tons of ammo would be great.  The bonus to attack BA, Infantry, and aircraft would be ideal.

Better yet, CASE & a 2nd MG.
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #24 on: 14 January 2024, 21:17:23 »
Bonus points for keeping the crew requirement to 3. 
And Double Bonus for using a common engine found on LRM/SRM Carriers
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #25 on: 14 January 2024, 21:39:07 »

12 Ton AC  (2 tons ammo)

My variants for sheer simplicity would be the following.

LRM20,  3 Ammo,  1 Ton Infantry Squad   (Scouts for IDF)

10* SRM2,  3 Ammo,  1 Ton Infantry Squad   (Security Team)
3041: General Lance Hawkins: The Equalizers
3053: Star Colonel Rexor Kerensky: The Silver Wolves

"I don't shoot Urbanmechs, I walk up, stomp on their foot, wait for the head to pop open & drop in a hand grenade (or Elemental)" - Joel47
Against mechs, infantry have two options: Run screaming from Godzilla, or giggle under your breath as the arrogant fools blunder into your trap. - Weirdo


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Re: Fullback Periphery Battle Tank
« Reply #26 on: 14 January 2024, 22:30:58 »
Don't forget twin AC/2s for AAA... ;)