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Maybe it's because the premier unit that they are associated with was wiped out?

The Albatross is this amazing 'Mech that will be instrumental to helping the Captain-General's favoured unit bring chivalry bck to the Inner Sphere.  Then they all get killed.  Obviously it wasn't that good after all.

I know that there is no link between the capability of the 'Mech and what happened, but that can sometimes be irrelevant to a reputation.  Consider the reputation of hydrogen zeppelins.
Fan Designs and Rules / Re: Why aren't Anti-personnel Pods AoE?
« Last post by Charistoph on Today at 00:58:35 »
A-POD does not needs an attack, and I think that it's the reason. Even if it counts for AoE weapons, its damage would be already represents such nature for it works when the unit is assailed by an ambush or anti mech attack.

Not necessarily.  By making it AE, it now divides the Damage by half, mathematically doubling it.  So instead of taking out a good portion of a Squad... maybe, it actually can scare the crap out of any CI trying to engage the Mech.
In-universe, being a jack-of-all-stats super-Orion doesn't seem like it would justify Bad Reputation.  Especially not in the FWL.
Fan Fiction / Re: The Lyre Ascendant: A Dark Age AU Writeup
« Last post by PsihoKekec on Today at 00:50:43 »
And the butterflies are starting to flap their wings.
Fan Fiction / Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Last post by PsihoKekec on Today at 00:30:11 »
It's quite likely she that ROM assistance didn't start with helpfully suggesting she seek help on Niops, but with getting her off Tharkad. In the Comstar interlude, they knew of Claudius plans to kill his brother and expected him to be pissed of at Niops, so ROM must have made contingency plans to make sure he is maximally enraged. Would it be possible for Comstar to manipulate LC and FWL into ceasefire, so both can go after Niops?

Karl von Strang being such Shakespearean character, I could imagine him keeping composure when facing the chopping block and apologizing to Claudius for not being able to keep with tradition of tipping ones executioner, due to all of his possessions being confiscated.
I updated my email and physical address in Backerkit.  I have not received an email from QML asking directly. 


Just an update.  I finally got tired of waiting, and emailed QML directly asking what's up.  They responded - within 1 hour (!) letting me know that all I was missing was the laser-effect Jade Falcon dice add-on.  Just an FYI in case anyone ordered those specific dice... 

Albatross 3U: XL engine, 13 tons standard plate plus CASE, 3 ammo-dependent weapons.

IMHO it compares favourably with versions of the Zeus and Battlemaster from the same era. But they're 80 and 85 tons respectively. One expects a little more from 95 tons.
Fan Fiction / Re: The Lyre Ascendant: A Dark Age AU Writeup
« Last post by PlEGUY on 15 October 2024, 23:30:01 »
From Father to Son


I received your “I told you so” on Ghost Night activity within the Commonwealth. It would seem your hunch was correct. Despite their claims of friendship and alliance, the Republic’s intelligence apparatus has been working to undermine our state. Most critically, as your report illustrates, repeated failures at restoring Lyran KF core and black water naval production following the destruction of the Jihad can be traced to Republican interference. Had the Republic contented themselves merely to impede our military production in support of their demilitarization efforts I perhaps could have understood. It would have been a severe breach of trust against we who have so earnestly cooperated with them in those efforts, but after the destruction the Sphere has witnessed, I could have understood. But in this, they have knowingly and intentionally harmed the people of the Commonwealth. That cannot be tolerated.

You did well with this investigation my son. Your cooperation with Lady von Texeiras and LIC to verify your suspicions is particularly commendable. I am very proud of you and your work. However, ultimately this entire endeavor was conceived on baseless suspicions. Had it not been for the accident over Gibbs there would have been no real reason to suspect the Republic’s activities. I know this must be overworn on you by now, but information is ammunition, and a bad round can be catastrophic. The weight of the Archonship is heavy and if you are to bear it, you must be ready. Our duty to the people of the Commonwealth requires that we act as carefully and competently as possible and not waste resources on wild goose chases or act on baseless feelings.

As part of your further development as a ruler I will be assigning you to my old stomping grounds in the Melissia Theater. Officially, you will act as an advisory attaché and representative of the Archon to the s. Indeed, you will be preforming those functions. However, you will have other tasks. See the attached documents on Violet Anchor. The Commonwealth’s naval strength cannot be allowed to languish any further. You will also be making frequent trips back to Tharkad in fulfillment of both tasks. This should allow you to continue pursuing certain opportunities. Don’t think your old man hasn’t seen where your eyes wander when you think no one else is looking.

Your loving Father,
Archon Adam Steiner

Triad Tribune: News on all things Political, Governmental, and Royal Month, xx 31xx

Attempt on Archon’s Life!-

Today an otherwise quiet riverside community was awoken to a loud Lohengrin raid. Following an intense firefight operatives emerged from a middle-income housing complex. Eight detained individuals were taken away in Lohengrin armored vehicles and medical personnel of the 1st Royal Guards departed with seventeen casualties. Lohengrin representatives report that no uninvolved civilians were harmed. Three agents died in the firefight and two were taken to Yashruti Memorial Lutheran Hospital for treatment. Nine suspects died and three died en route to medical treatment. It is claimed that the raid proceeded as planned and agents achieved a desired level of swiftness and surprise. However, suspected individuals were heavily armed and well entrenched.

Representatives report this raid follows the discovery of a potentially lethal poison by the Diplomatic Corps in a meal ordered by Archon Andrew Steiner in the Liberation Street Fair last week. An investigation by Corps officials in cooperation with local and royal policing agencies led to individuals living within the raided complex. Officials declined to comment further on the matter including answers by the press regarding potential identities, intentions, or affiliations of the suspects.

Nonetheless, an assassination attempt on the Archon has been confirmed and who is responsible remains an open question. No groups or individuals have yet come forward to claim responsibility. Not even common offenders such as Freedom Now! The reigning Steiner’s rule has been generally well regarded by the people of the Commonwealth, especially by those residing here on the capitol. This has led many to wonder if a foreign actor could be responsible. In that direction too there are few answers. For all their failings, the Clans find this kind of action to be repugnant. Public statements made by the heir apparent make it unlikely that former states of the Free Worlds League would risk an action which would lead to her ascension. Archon Andrew’s negative opinion of the Republic has driven a worsening of relations with the state; however, the relationship between the Commonwealth and her neighbor remains amicable and cooperative and, like the League, the Archon’s death would result in leadership which would not benefit the Republic. Ultimately, no obvious answer to who may be responsible exists and we must wait for further information to be released by authorities.
As an assault, it's usually seen as a good heavy. It lacks the massive punch people usually associate with classic assaults. As with most FWL designs, though, it's a team player - staying at medium range and laying down the smack while other lancemates keep the attention.

This is the reputation problem . . . the Albatross makes a really good heavy with a 'one of everything' armament.  Unfortunately it is a IS XL with heavy armor and lots of ammo/explody bits.  Further, limiting the production initially to the Knights and exchanges to the Word . . . yeah, failure/badness for users.
General BattleTech Discussion / Scenario development- deciding point values
« Last post by Colt Ward on 15 October 2024, 23:26:18 »
Ideally this map is using megamek sized 96x96 hexes, or 6x6 BT mapsheets, with double blind in play.  The E & W edges have foot hills with a 3-4 hex rise over the center of the N-S axis where the river & road are located.  Both the N & S edge of the map where the river/road passes through have hills closer than to the road than the center of the map, creating choke points that would slow movement.

Picture one of those narrow mountain valleys that form the passes through the mountains.


An Armor BN from the defenders is spread across the N boundary, in depth, preventing attackers from any dash up the river or over the road.  The N side of the map is a choke point for the river which is why the heavy armor battalion w/ supports is sitting in the position as a plug.  The Attackers have dispatched a mech company w/ support to punch through the detected armor plug to let a couple companies of hovertanks into the rear of the defenders that are facing off against the rest of the mechs, armor, & BA of the attackers.

Intel passed along occasional recon reports spotting mechs in the mountain’s foothills, the attacker’s mech company has a limited window to punch a hole in the defender’s armor position to allow the hovertanks for their run.  The attacker’s mech company is not to get trapped in that valley, which finding mech forces from the mountains ending up behind them in the valley could cause.  The hovertank company & support/supply are waiting in reserve out of range of the armor force until they make their breakthrough run- IF enemy forces are spotted trying to seal off the valley, they either have to try to punch through or go into retreat with the attacker's mechs & support

Defender mech lances (4) will start on the E or W edge between turn 5-10 at the defender's discretion but the absolute last turn to start would be turn 10.  Defender's armor forces will deploy within 6 hexes of the N edge on any terrain they can legally occupy.

Attackers force deploys to the middle of the map, no closer than 40 hexes to the N or S edge of the map.  The have no E or W boundaries but their tracked & hover armor support will be able to advance easier in the middle of the valley.

Victory Conditions

Primary Objective
Thunder Run away!-  Hovertank TF passes off the map to the N w/ 75% of hovertanks & 80% of support assets (hover APCs w/ techs, hover cargo w/ ammo)

Damage to a minimum-  Less than 25% of mechs lost or 50% lost/forced withdrawal of mechs, support forces 50% lost/forced to withdrawal
A way back- Do not let any force seal the valley on the S edge of the map before all forces retreat
Kicking Cans- points for each destroyed/immobilized tank

Bonus Objective (strategic)
Free flight- Destroy the AA platoon

Primary Objective
Keep the gap plugged-  Do not let more than half of the hovertank TF leave the N edge at road/river area
Mountain Mechs- get the mech lances in the foothills down to bottle the attacking force in the valley

Secondary Objective
Run no more- Destroy the hovertank TF or put it in forced withdrawal off S edge
Bumbles, Stumbles-  Attacker company loses 80% of mechs

Bonus Objective
Rain rain go away-  Destroy/immobilize attacker artillery detachment

The attempt with this scenario is to create a battle without mutually exclusive victory conditions.

The primary objective of the attackers is to slip a task force of hovercraft cavalry into their enemy's rear by breaking through a armored position, doing so has their regimental command considering the action a 'victory' but it should NOT be phyrric.

The defender's primary objective is to trap or severely damage the attacker's isolated company & it's supports.  IF they can trap it in the valley, it will be boxed in and breaking contact with the defender's force will be much harder due to slower pace up into the forested foothills.  IF they can pin them against the heavy armor battalion before it takes too many loses, the defenders could wipe out the isolated force.

Each side also has strategic assets, defending armor battalion has an attached AA platoon set up to protect the dug in armor while the attackers have been given a artillery detachment to assault the defended position.   

What points would you assign to each objective?  How many points for each side to achieve a major/minor victory?  What would be considered a stalemate?
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