When an aerospace unit with one or more internal cargo bays, the Internal Bomb Bay quirk, and mounted internal bombs takes a Cargo critical hit (Total Warfare pp. 237, 239), what is the intended effect:
1. 1 bomb is destroyed, as per T.W. Bomb critical rule (controlling player decides which bomb is destroyed)
2. N % of bombs are destroyed, as per T.W. Cargo and Bomb critical rules (controlling player decides which are destroyed)
3. N % of bombs _explode_, as per T.W. Cargo critical rules and Strategic Operations Internal Bomb Bay rules (pg. 195)
4. All remaining bombs explode, as per StratOps Internal Bomb Bay rules (pg. 195)
#4 seems like the simplest to play and implement, as it behaves the same way as the IBB explosion rule. #3 seems funnier, somehow.