The crew requirements for Space Stations are currently on page 138 of Strategic Operations: Advanced Aerospace Rules. I've recently been tinkering with small (2-3,000 ton) Space Stations, and tacking Space Stations on to the WarShip line seems more than a little excessive. Were they perhaps mistakenly put on that line instead of the JumpShip one? Or have I missed an errata?
To illustrate, at 2,000 tons:
A Space Station requires a crew of 46 (45 + 1 per 5,000 tons)
A Military DropShip requires 5 (4 + 1 per 5,000 tons) [Civilians are one less]
A minimum sized JumpShip (50,000 tons) requires 9 (6 + 1 per 20,000 tons)
A minimum sized WarShip (100,000 tons) requires 65 (again 45 + 1 per 5,000 tons)