While positive initiative modifiers were discussed previously <https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=77407.0>, that answer still doesn't quite address how negative modifiers are applied.
Sources of negative modifiers include Random Backgrounds (Campaign Operations, page 31, fourth printing), failed administration rolls (CO, page 53), Smart Robotic Control Systems (Interstellar Operations: Alternate Eras, page 134, third printing), and Class II chemical weapons (IO:AE, page 174).
Is there a floor of negative modifiers? Do two -1 modifiers stack to -2, or do they remain -1?
My proposed solution, building on previous rulings, is that initiative modifiers start with a minimum and maximum of 0. The minimum is the lowest negative modifier if any are present, while the maximum (as previously ruled) is the highest positive modifier present.
Once minimums and maximums have been determined, all distinct initiative modifiers can simply be added up and clamped to that range to produce the actual modifier.
As an example, modifiers consisting of [-2, -2, +1] would add up to -3, clamped to -2. Modifiers consisting of [-2, -2, +1, +2] would add up to -1, clamped to -1. Modifiers consisting of [-2, -1, +1, +1, +2, +3] would add up to +4, clamped to +3.