It's most likely a setting to be changed, if they so desire. Such as on my site, I can have "any word" or "exact phrase", etc. Sometimes limiting input can cause other things not to pop up, and then the other way around not limiting can drive people crazy...such as in this case. There typically isn't any easy middle ground on searches.
At least the Search Engines on your site and IWM's are semi-intelligent/semi-sane. My old Search on eBay for "Battletech"? :o Yeah, I had to add a
LOT of "-Whatsit" to it, because eBay will seemingly
INTENTIONALLY toss up garbage that has
JACK to do with "BattleTech as
WE know it. :flame: :bang: :flame:
Seems like I had to Minus about a dozen terms, if not more? ::) Oh, and they're like that with
EVERYTHING, not just BattleTech Stuff! Yes, your site and IWM are geared
TOWARDS BT, so that makes it slightly easier for the Search Engines on the 2 sites. I understand that. But it seems like no matter What I Search for on eBay, it tosses up garbage that has
NOTHING to do with what I'm looking for. :P I have
NO doubt that their "Paid Sponsors" have more than a little to do with that. :flame: