"Slingshot" Aerial Drone
Mass: 2.37 tons
Frame: Cal-Boeing Ultralight
Power Plant: Fusion
Armor: BAR 2
Manufacturer: Cal-Boeing of Dorwinion
Primary Factory: Various
Communication System: Various
Targeting & Tracking System: Various
Introduction Year: 3025
Tech Rating/Availability: D/E-D-D-C
Cost: 83,338 C-bills
The Slingshot is a diminutive prop-driven aerial scout that uses a small fusion plant and drone control system to achieve virtually unlimited range.
With a maximum takeoff weight of only 2370 kg, the Slingshot performs the same role as the Boomerang but is considerably smaller. Despite its size the Slingshot's equipment package is arguably superior. Like the Boomerang it boasts a recon camera array, but also features a remote sensor dispenser.
Unsurprisingly, the Slingshot's "armor" consists of light commercial-grade material. This is just enough to protect the craft from a rough landing or the occasional bird strike, but little more.
The Slingshot's main advantage is the use of a miniaturized fusion plant. This marvel of technology powers a rear-mounted turboprop. The efficiency of this arrangement is so high that a few kilograms of hydrogen could theoretically apply continuous power for months. In practice, while Slingshots have been known to remain airborne for days at a time such continuous operation is not recommended due to maintenance requirements. The semi-articulated propeller allows the drone to take off and land from virtually any suitable area. The aircraft also features a cargo pod capable of holding up to 77kg of supplies, critical materials, or mission equipment.
While the drone control feed is vulnerable to electronic jamming, this is hardly a concern in an age where such capability is rarely used, much less available.
The Slingshot excels in environments where aerial opposition is not an issue. While the aircraft's small size makes it extremely hard to detect, it is virtually defenseless if intercepted. It is also highly vulnerable to ground fire, but this is not usually an issue given the altitude at which the craft is designed to operate.
Standard practice for a Slingshot is to drop remote sensors along expected lines of contact, and then move in for direct observation when a sensor report is made. In this way a single Slingshot can perform reconnaissance over a large area of the battlespace. The Slingshot is thus ideal for use as a forward observer for artillery and LRM units.
Type: Slingshot
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 2.37
Battle Value: 10
Equipment Mass
Engine Fusion 0.5
Safe Thrust: 4
Max Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 4
Heat Sinks: 0 0
Fuel: 0 0.0
Cockpit 0
Armor Factor (BAR 2) 6 0.091
Nose 2
Wings 1/1
Aft 2
and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
Recon Camera NOS 0.5 - - - - -
Drone Operating System BOD 0.737 - - - - -
Remote Sensors/Dispenser BOD 0.5 - - - - -
SV Chassis Mod [VSTOL] BOD 0.0 - - - - -
Advanced Fire Control BOD 0.0 - - - - -
SV Chassis Mod [Prop-Driven] BOD 0.0 - - - - -
SV Chassis Mod [Ultra-Light] BOD 0.0 - - - - -