Author Topic: How boosted C3 interacts with 'hostile ECM effect'?  (Read 387 times)


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How boosted C3 interacts with 'hostile ECM effect'?
« on: 26 August 2024, 04:07:54 »
I mean, other than the standard hostile ECM by ECM Suite(134, TW) or Angel ECM Suite(279, TO) or any equipments that does the similar things; Such as Chaff Pod(299, TO) or interference result of TSEMP weapons(90, IO). So how the C3 boosted system(298, TO) interacts with those hostile ECM effects that wasn't generated by an ECM device? I have mentioned Chaff and TSEMP but I don't remember there are any others.

Also, will the automatic interference result for using its own TSEMP weapons affects differently with the interference result for struck by a TSEMP weapon? What if both units have their forces' own C3 networks by using the C3 Boosted units?

