BattleTech Miniatures and Terrain > Gaming Terrain

Billboard Designs?


Seeking billboard designs to print off. I keep seeing billboards in Mechwarrior 5 and I'd love to have designs along those lines to print and place on the board! All suggestions welcome.


idea weenie:
A billboard for Target that has to keep getting repaired after every pirate raid?

man I saw some billboards on one of the facebook group but now I can't find them. one of them was a Discount Dan Ad

Colt Ward:
One of the things you can do is take small labels and use them for signs.  I have a Dunkin' Donut building w/ a sign cut from a Munchkins box.  I have a Jameson's Whiskey billboard cut from the bottle's box I brought back from Ireland.  Some Nabisco brands to go on the side of buildings, etc.

You can also get very small sticker letters, set in either Z or N scale for signs.


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