How big was your merc company and how often were they training?
A PPC costs 200,000.
An AC/5 costs 125,000.
That's 75,000 left over for ammo.
Standard ammo costs 4,500.
Precision ammo costs 27,000.
Peacetime ammunition cost is 1/4 the cost of standard ammo.
As long as the unit spends 100% of their peacetime ammunition costs every other month, or engages in combat, they don't risk any skill penalties. If 4,500 per ton is the combat cost of AC/5 ammo, the peace time cost is 1,125. You can buy a lot of ammo for that.
Support Vehicles can be made for combat. They're just not as good as Combat Vehicles. IndyMechs though are a bit better. They have to deal with autocannon heat but except for ICEs, their engines come with free heat sinks. A FCE comes with 1 heat sink which is good enough to deal with the heat from an AC/5.
Yeah. I can see that being followed.
If the unit has a standard engine, people go with the PPC over the AC/5 because there's no loss in range with double the damage.
With a Fusion Engine, a LL might be better as that engine comes with 5 heat sinks. With the 9 tons for AC/5 and ammo you can install a 5 ton LL and 3 more heat sinks and have 1 ton left. If you don't mind the loss in range.
With other engines, energy weapons end up being heavier do to heat sinks and power amplifiers than autocannons.
Not all units with AC/20s carry 4 tons of ammo. Even if they do, that doesn't mean a BC will fit in place of an AC/20.
Presuming a Mech with an ICE.
AC/20 (14)= +4 ammo+7 heat sinks=25 tons.
BC (9)+16HS+1 PA= 26 tons.
The BC is short 1 ton. More so if the AC/20 has less ammo. If the unit is a vehicle, the AC/20 ends up weighing 7 tons less than the BC. Different engine types and heat sinks will change that though. If it's a Mech with DHS the Blazer ends up being lighter.
I'm not sure I follow you. The 2 points of damage the Blazer does isn't enough to replace a PPC that's lighter, with greater range and lower heat. It gets worse against the HPPC and ERPPC. It's an interesting weapon but the PPC is just better.
It's the AC/5 that gets pulled most often and often for a PPC with the same range. Why swap for a weapon with less range and damage?
A PPC for an AC/10 can work but it's not something I hear about often as the AC/10 is a 10 point weapon.
Maintenance costs are the same and both will require space parts. But if you can't afford the PPC, you won't be maintaining it.
That depends on if you're traveling by dropship and if you can't have it made on the planet you're at. And you can buy a lot of ammo with the AC/5 for the cost of a PPC.
Bringing them doesn't mean you can use them. Depending on your unit, you may need to bring heat sinks. That's 2000-6000 each, plus coolant which the rules don't really cover but the universe does mention.
And again, why would I trade an AC/5 that hits at 18 hexes for a LL that hits at 15 hexes, when I can use a PPC that hits at 18 hexes and does even more damage? If you want to, or have to, do it but I wouldn't call it the most impactful. Even if you're limited by crit space a 5 crit AC+ammo can fit a 3 crit PPC and 2 HS.
Good points.
Rifles can't use alternative ammo, have less ammo per ton, can't rapid fire, and have the -3 nerf against BAR8+ armor. Even without the nerf, Rifles would be obsolete against Autocannons. Autocannons are still competitive against Energy Weapons though. How competitive depends on unit and engine type.
... I'm gonna be honest here Rifle. Have you actually... Consumed any BattleTech media other than this forum or like, actually played the game
Because your arguments are just making me do a confused headtilt, as you keep bringing up really weird edge cases to explain why the current Autocannons are perfectly fine, and just generally have some
really strange ideas about what weapons replace what
(Incidentally you flat out
can't replace an AC 5 with a PPC on anything that isn't a BattleMech or Aerospace Fighter - especially on an ICE or FCE vehicle, where they're
seventeen and a half tons.)
However, in the interest of fairness, I will address your points here in order:
I don't know where you got that ammunition figure as training munitions are abstracted to one ton per weapon per month (divided by two if you're actually using the specific training/dummy ammo which is half as expensive) and that can add up
very quickly when you have a lot of Autocannons to feed.
No, support vehicles cannot really be made combat viable especially well, unless you're in a SV & Infantry Only situation (IE, are Shithole Nowhere Periphery People who exist for pirates to step on), they get little to no armor at BAR 10, after paying for double chassis weight for Armored Chassis, they have full critical slot uses but the exact same number of slots as a comparible size Comvee as they use the same slot formula, and you have a 0.5t crew tax for *every single weapon* even for Autocannons and missiles.
You must also pay IIRC an additional ~8% mass tax for Fire Control so you can, you know,
not be getting hit with "lol, base +4 To-Hit, Sucks to Suck", and and just on and on and on, because the support vehicle rules are specifically designed from the word go to not be useful for building combat units. At all.
the unit has a standard engine, people go with the PPC over the AC/5 because there's no loss in range with double the damage.
With a Fusion Engine, a LL might be better as that engine comes with 5 heat sinks. With the 9 tons for AC/5 and ammo you can install a 5 ton LL and 3 more heat sinks and have 1 ton left. If you don't mind the loss in range.
I quote this section specifically because I have no idea what the hell you are talking about here. A Standard Fusion Engine comes with 10 heat sinks; this is sufficient to run an AC/5 to PPC swap (with the spare two tons going into MORE SINKS! one assumes)
only in the situations where the rest of the unit's armament is not especially impinging on the existing heat capacity in the ranges you want to be shooting the PPC (or not at all, for ComVees.) Otherwise the choice is
always to drop in a large laser, essentially, with four additional sinks to defray the load; most mechs can handle that heat gain (or have other things that can be shuffled around to manage it). The in practice difference between 6/12/18 and 5/10/15 is not especially great, particularly on the sort of platforms which typically mount AC 5s (4/6s & 5/8s, in other words) compared to the three extra damage, removal of Explosion hazard, and the fact that a Large Laser is far more likely to be fired at any given range simply because "it's an energy weapon, might as well;" you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
There are no engines that come with 5 heat sinks as far as I am aware. (Also uh nine minus five is four, not three, so er,
Rifle do you have discalcula)
Presuming a mech with an ICE,
Remember that thing I mentioned about weird edge cases? This is one. There's like, a grand total of
two BattleMechs with ICE and both of them are Dark Age Nonsense that are agreed to be crap both in and out of universe. The most notable armed
Industialmech is the Quasit- explicitly a BattleMech You Have At Home which has a fusion engine, not a conventional ICE or FCE (or Fission I suppose as those do exist...)
Autocannon 20s and Blazers,
again, ignoring your weird edge cases about ICE/FCEs again because they're an edge case,AC/20+1 ton Ammo: 15 tons
AC/20+2 ton Ammo: 16 tons
AC/20+3 ton Ammo: 17 tons (the most common amount)
AC/20+4 ton Ammo: 18 tons
AC/20 Heat: 7
Blazer+6 SHS: 15 tons
Net Heat gain, +3 (16-6=10, 10-7= 3)
Blazer+7 SHS: 16 tons
Net Heat Gain, +2 (16-7=9, 9-7=2)
Blazer+8 SHS: 17 tons
Net Heat gain, +1 (16-8=8, 8-7=1)
Blazer+9 SHS: 18 tons
Net Heat Gain, *zero* (16-9=7, 7=7)
Simply put, you can pretty much straight drop in a Blazer to
almost every BattleMech that carries an AC/20 with
negligible impact on the rest of the machine's configuration vis a vis heat curves. Yes even with 3025 tech, DHS not required.
I'm not sure I follow you. The 2 points of damage the Blazer does isn't enough to replace a PPC that's lighter, with greater range and lower heat. It gets worse against the HPPC and ERPPC. It's an interesting weapon but the PPC is just better
Yes. Exactly. A PPC cannot be replaced with a Blazer effectively.
The Inner Sphere, however,
keeps trying to do that, with the main Blazer usage being the MAD-4X where the PPCs (and basically everything else) are replaced with Blazers and the ZEU-6Y where some bloody lunatic over at Defiance replaced a damn
large laser with one, oy.
Why swap for a weapon with less range and damage?
A PPC for an AC/10 can work but it's not something I hear about often as the AC/10 is a 10 point weapon.
You... Are aware that the Large Laser does 8 damage right
Three more than an AC 5. Actual in practice damage over the course of a game actually favors the Large Laser, because the user is more likely to take long odds shots as they don't have to keep ammunition conservation in mind and the mounting platforms are less likely to suffer from Sudden Existence Failure due to ammunition explosions.
Like, there are exactly three places where Autocannons are actually competitive with energy weapons: Combat Vehicles (and other platforms using their heat rules, namely Conventional Fighters and Support Vehicles), AC 2s for DropShips (they're one of the few always accessible choices for Long Range in Aero) or other static emplacements (bunkers, turrets, gun trailers, etc), and the AC/20 specifically for Dropper-chopper ASF as being able to Threshold things with less than 201 armor points is very useful there.
(They're also pretty good for just fekking obliterating other ASF, but have the same "things big enough to carry this will have difficulty being fast enough to employ it to maximum effectiveness" issue as BattleMechs)
(Autocannons aren't "competing" in the role of field guns since you can't take energy weapons for those anyway)
The addition of advanced ACs brings up the LB/10 and 20 as the single best crit seeking weapons in the system after the Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle, but that's very much falling into Niche Use Case territory. And uh,
woe, Tacklebox be upon ye because resolving like 25 hit locations between two-three guns is uh Yeah.
And finally.
Particle Projection Cannons
In competition with the AC/5
Not in universe
Not out of universe
The primary competitor to the AC 5
This particular competition has been the case
Since before BattleTech was even called BattleTech. Please, for the love of Blake, Cameron and the deity of your choice, stop comparing AC 5s to PPCs. It's an Apple and Potato comparison.