Not much action here so have a battle report from a practice game for an upcoming tournament.
Shockwave, Wraith, Exterminator and Götterdämmerung vs Rime Otter Prime, Horned Owl, Kontio, and Firemoth P.
By the second turn the Rime Otter was unconscious and prone, the Kontio was down an arm, and the Götterdämmerung had been decapitated. The ROtter stayed down another three turns taking hits while the Götterdämmerung got clawed in the head again.
Ultimately the Exterminator got its head clawed while the Fire Moth took the back out of the Wraith. The Shockwave got triple teamed. The ROtter got to its feet with nearly no armor, one pulse laser, but full motive systems intact and drew off the blinded Götterdämmerung. A run of good initiative prevented it from being mauled, but ultimately it was worn down, firing wildly.
Basically I was saved by the bot's insistence of attacking the immobile Rime Otter. The Wraith failed to stay mobile enough letting the pulse Mechs take it out. The early head hit on the Götterdämmerung showed both its strength and weakness. It was alive, but useless without sensors. Horned Owls are always consistent performers. Rime Otters are damage sponges though this time it had little chance to use its firepower, and Kontios can't be allowed to operate freely. Ditto for the Fire Moth.