On the MUL the Fa Shih (Support) [Plasma] (sqd4) is listed at 225 BV, and in MegaMek it is listed at 221 BV.
Battle Value Calculation for
Fa Shih Battle Armor (Support) [Plasma](Sqd4)
Effective MP: R: 1, J: 3, U: 0
Defensive Battle Rating:
Armor: 1 + 7 x 2.5 18.5
TMMs: 0 (R), 2 (J), 0 (U)
TMM Factor: 1.2 + 0.1 (BA)
Defensive Factor: 18.5 x 1.3 = 24.05
Offensive Battle Rating:
- Plasma Rifle (Man-Portable) + 12 = 12
- Plasma Rifle (Man-Portable) + 12 = 24
Speed Factor: 24 x 0.77 = 18.48
Trooper Battle Value:
24.05 + 18.48, rn = 42.53
Squad Battle Value:
Total Squad BV: 170.12
Average BV per Trooper / 4 = 42.53
Squad Size x 5.2 = 221.156
--- Base Unit BV: 221.156, rn = 221