Author Topic: Fleet Design: Ship ratings and their support (Complete, comments welcome)  (Read 4953 times)


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Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings
« Reply #30 on: 12 March 2024, 19:49:55 »
Pitching and Catching: Hardballs, Softballs, and Curveballs
Carrier and Missile Ship Doctrine for the SLDFleet

Description of Terms
Hardball - Dropship Carriers/Fast Attack Craft
Softball - Aerospace Fighters/Small Gunships
Curveball - Missile Ships (or rather their missiles)

It was only natural that due to the number of spheroid vessels in service with our fleet that analogies and metaphors related to baseball (and other NSFW themes) would be applied to our carrier doctrine. 'Pitching' refers to the launch capability of each carrier which is 2 fighters per minute/bay door. Most of our carriers are capable of launching all of their ready fighters/shuttle craft within 3-5 minutes. It however takes almost 5 minutes to recover each pair of fighter per bay door (referred to as 'Catching') during which time the carrier must maintain a constant course and heading and thus must be defended.

After launching its ready units a carrier can move new airframes into the now vacant launch bay but doing so takes a number of minutes equal to that units tonnage/10 plus however long it takes to refuel and arm it. This is because standard protocol for spare airframes is that they be put in the cargo bays 'above' launch cradles so that the ship's acceleration will aid in the unit's delivery 'down' via elevator. Our repair shops and maintenance facilities are 'beneath' it for the same reason.

Standard Strike Craft doctrine was briefly covered above, strike craft gathers in a 'bull pen' on the opposite side of our battle line. They will then 'wind up' accelerating to a fast enough velocity to clear capital weapons range as quickly as possible. These strike craft will then deliver their payload into a 'Strike Zone' before meeting up with their carriers on the other side at 'Home Plate.'

What is slightly more complicated however are our 'curveballs,' dropships equipped with teleoperated capital missiles which they can pilot like aerospace fighters. These missiles fly alongside the rest of the strike package until it is 'thrown' at the enemy fleet. With Gunship ECM protecting the datalinks, AMS handling interceptor missiles, and active probes cutting through the target's EWAR radius these strike packages can overwhelm an enemy's anti-missile systems and standard weaponry.

Fighters are preferentially deployed in Groups of 18, Gunships operate in Squadrons of 6, and Fast Attack Craft (Assault Dropships) operate in Flotillas of 4. This type of organization was selected for maximum effect (basically the minimum number that can reliable generate 40+ capital damage) for a minimal deployment of assets.

Medium-weight fighters or 'Jousters' form the initial strike package and are the ones normally kept in a ready state. Heavy-weight fighters or 'Undertakers' are almost entirely deployed on-board our Warship Carriers and form a secondary strike package meant to finish off any damaged Warships. Light-weight fighters or 'Swifts' are typically used as fast bombers with external hardpoints filled with ordnance rather than any internal weaponry. They move fast enough to avoid any fight they are not tasked with executing while retaining enough fuel and armor to call for help from more capable fighters. Often these are deployed for ground support missions as they can remain on station as long as the ground crew has new ordnance and fuel for them.

Gunships come in three variants, Vigilant Patrol craft are optimized for short range deployment in jump zones for security with few weapons beyond their Decad of embarked Espatiers for policing incoming vessels, these patrol craft are heavily used for SAR if nearby. Scarab Gunships are heavily armored but lightly armed and equipped with anti-missile systems, ECM, and Active Probes and are meant to fight alongside aerospace fighters during battle. Finally Dunkirk minelayers are not only equipped with space mine dispensers and Anti-Missile Systems but have fuel drogues to remass fighters during extended operations, and additional space for a paramedic and rescued pilots.


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings
« Reply #31 on: 12 March 2024, 20:28:48 »
Valiant Gunship Carrier
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 4,200 tons
Fuel: 450 tons (13,500)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
4x Gauss Rifle
8x Large Laser
9x PPC
6x Large Pulse Laser
18x AMS
    Nose: 446
    Sides: 376/376
    Aft: 305
Structural Integrity: 22
    Bay 1:  Small Craft (6)         2 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (466.0 tons)      2 Door   
Crew:  3 officers, 9 enlisted/non-rated, 6 gunners, 30 bay personnel, 18 passengers      
Battle Value: 9,767
Cost: 427,330,400 C-bills

Background - Originally conceived of as a multirole drop-shuttle the Valiant's profile has evolved over the years from its original trapezoidal design to a more volume efficient bulbous configuration. It launches its gunships from clamshell bay doors on davit cranes. These gunships are stacked in cradles around the power plant and thruster core like bullets in a revolver before they move into launch positions. On its dorsal surface there are two more bay doors from which cargo can be loaded or unloaded from a removable deck that can be pulled up so that the gunships can also be removed and engineering bays serviced more easily groundside.

Code: [Select]
    96 rounds of Gauss Rifle [IS] ammunition (12 tons),
    432 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (36 tons)

Escape Pods: 7
Life Boats: 2
Heat Sinks: 140 (280)

Notes: Mounts 79 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (37 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 PPC                                      30   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)  PPC         
4 Gauss Rifle                               4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)  AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS] (96 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (57 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 PPC                                      30   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)  PPC         
3 Large Laser                              24   2(24)   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
RS/LS Aft (48 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 Large Pulse Laser                        30   3(27)   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser
3 ER Medium Laser                          15   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
Aft (33 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 Large Pulse Laser                        30   3(27)   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser


  • Lieutenant
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Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings
« Reply #32 on: 12 March 2024, 20:38:19 »
You come up with some interesting concepts Lagrange, I always enjoy our theory-crafting discussions.
Thanks :-)  You have well drawn ideas as well.

If you try to murderball me, I split the line and murderball you in return with double envelopment while deploying mines/strike craft to go right for the front of your formation.
I'm not following the strategy precisely, but outmanuevering a more maneuverable force may prove tricky.

Using space mines to disrupt a murderball is interesting.  Deploying mines effectively in combat may be tricky, but it looks like some fast smallcraft could potentially be tasked with it.


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings
« Reply #33 on: 12 March 2024, 22:16:51 »
Swift SWF-27 Block X
Mass: 30 tons
Frame: Swift Block X Reinforced Endo-Steel
Power Plant: 210 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 97.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 151.2 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
6 EO Pylons
Manufacturer: Imperial Aerodrome Four
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Turbulence Broadwave
Targeting & Tracking System: Typhoon X-II
Battle Value: 640
Cost: 1,675,090 C-bills

Background - The Swift is a lightweight fighter and doesn't try to be more than it is. Its designers chose not to arm it with any internal weaponry that might encourage the pilot to dogfight. Instead its job is to deliver ordnance to a target as swiftly as possible then hit the afterburners and bug out. With six external ordnance pylons it can be rapidly reconfigured based on a threat environment with anything from air launched nuclear cruise missiles (Davy Crockett-Ms) to cluster bombs and rockets, then race toward the target, drop their payload, and circle back for more. This responsiveness makes it popular with ground forces and since it is has limited usefulness in orbital combat the Fleet is fine with providing Swift Bombers to planetary assault forces.

A Swift is however not useless against Large Craft, they typically carry the Harpy Homing Anti-Ship Electronic Warfare missiles when part of a Strike Package. These Harpies are fired at the intended target and those adjacent to it that might be able to fire upon the package as it hits the 'strike box.' These weapons can severely disrupt the enemy's ability to fire at follow-up forces and reduces their jamming ability aiding the delivery of the rest of the package and the safety of their fellow pilots. As their duty is very hazardous many Swift pilots have earned medals of heroism and their squadrons received commendations for professionalism and courage. Despite having the lightest aircraft they are accorded high respect from their peers and often move on to leadership positions.

Code: [Select]
Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        210 Fusion              9
Safe Thrust: 9
Max Thrust: 14
Structural Integrity:         10                       
Heat Sinks:                   10                      0
Fuel:                         520                   6.5
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          206                  11.5

     Nose                    61   
     Wings                 52/52   
     Aft                     41   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV

Quillon QUI-V
Mass: 60 tons
Frame: Crossguard Reinforced
Power Plant: 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     1 ER PPC
     2 Large Laser
Manufacturer: Imperial Aerodrome Three
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Quillon Cross-comm
Targeting & Tracking System: Cruciform TOT
Battle Value: 2,116
Cost: 8,550,100 C-bills

Background - The Quillon is the latest in a broad range of fleet fighters. Eventually it was decided that simple was better although not inexpensive thanks to the Vlar 300XL Thermonuclear Drive Core. A 3.5-5.5g acceleration curve reduces 'wind-up' and improves its interception capability. Seven tons of onboard fuel gives it a mission endurance of 80 minutes allowing for minimal inflight refueling. Depending on need the pilot can engage with their forward ERPPC for range or the wing mounted large lasers for damage but firing both might result in a temporary loss of control requiring keen discipline and judgement on the part of the pilot.

When part of a strike package a Quillon typically carries an Anti-Shipping Missile bracketed to the centerline beneath each of the curved 'bat' wings that are responsible for its name. It can also deliver the Alamo thermonuclear gravity bomb although these are understandably issued very sparingly (there are typically 5-10 on each carrier and 10-20 Davy Crockett-Ms however so it could happen). In atmosphere it is typically armed with Arrow IVs (for stand-off strike missions) or Light Anti-Air Missiles (for air superiority missions). While capable of strafing lightly armored targets with its lasers or bombing directly these types of missions are rare as a Quillon is to valuable to risk losing to ground based anti-air. Only if the area is deemed safe against air defense would a Quillon laden with regular bombs make an appearance.

Code: [Select]
Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        300 XL                9.5
Safe Thrust: 7
Max Thrust: 11
Structural Integrity:         10                       
Heat Sinks:                   10 [20]                 0
Fuel:                         560                   7.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          421                  23.5

     Nose                   127   
     Wings                105/105 
     Aft                     84   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Large Laser             RWG       5.0      8      8    8    0    0 
ER PPC                  NOS       7.0      15    10   10   10    0 
Large Laser             LWG       5.0      8      8    8    0    0 

Undertaker UTK-III
Mass: 90 tons
Frame: Tombstone Heavy
Power Plant: 270 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     2 Heavy PPC
Manufacturer: Imperial Aerodrome Two
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Tombstone Talkie
Targeting & Tracking System: Grimoire G-XY007
Battle Value: 2,879
Cost: 5,594,100 C-bills

Background - The Undertaker is an old design that has changed little since its conception, thick armoring all around, abundant fuel reserves, and enough thrust to catch most Warships and have a chance to meaningfully hurt them with its forward focused all-energy firepower. Unlike the Quillon or Swift the Undertaker is not typically equipped with external ordnance which is acceptable only because of the heavy PPCs that form much of the actual structure of its bulbous wings.

If it does mount any external payload it is typically tanks with additional fuel for when it needs to burn harder than usual for long durations. It is basically a single man gunship and is used as such with many serving in planetary garrisons as anti-dropship fighters. Like the Swift there are a number of heroic Undertaker actions with some particularly courageous Groups immortalized for taking down light Warships without assistance from the rest of the Fleet.

Code: [Select]
Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        270 Fusion           14.5
Safe Thrust: 5
Max Thrust: 8
Structural Integrity:         10                       
Heat Sinks:                   15 [30]                 5
Fuel:                         840                  10.5
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          663                    37

     Nose                   203   
     Wings                165/165 
     Aft                    130   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Heavy PPC               RWG       10.0     15    15   15    0    0 
Heavy PPC               LWG       10.0     15    15   15    0    0 


  • Major
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Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings
« Reply #34 on: 12 March 2024, 23:25:05 »
Dunkirk Minelayer
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 200 tons
Fuel: 26 tons (2,080)
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
6x Medium Pulse Lasers
4x AMS
2x Space Mine Dispenser
    Nose: 132
    Sides: 112/112
    Aft: 92
Structural Integrity: 12
    Bay 1:  Infantry (Jump) (6)     1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (5.0 tons)        1 Door   
Crew:  2 enlisted/non-rated, 21 bay personnel
Battle Value: 2,169
Cost: 16,861,520 C-bills

Background - The Dunkirk Minelayer is the latest incarnation of one of our earliest forms of attack craft. Its mission is very simple, speed up, flip, open the dispensers, decelerate, and send a large number of explosives in the direction of something you want them to hit as quickly as possible. They frequently don't hit but sometimes the enemy ends up with a nose or thruster cone full of bombs or panics and shifts out of position. This lightweight weapon allows a small craft to have an impact on the battle without exposing itself to much danger. When it is not dropping mines it can serve as a boarding craft with an embarked platoon of Espatiers or as anti-missile defense. If it is not doing that it serves as a Search and Rescue craft and can help extend an Aerospace Fighters loiter time while they wait for the strike package to develop.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 32

    84 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (7 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 0

Notes: Mounts 25 tons of standard aerospace armor.

and Ammo                                Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Space Mine Dispenser                     Aft R      10.0     -      -    -    -    - 
Medium Pulse Laser                       Aft R      2.0      4      6    0    0    0 
2 Anti-Missile Systems                    Nose      1.0      1      3    0    0    0 
Active Probe                              Nose      1.5      -      -    -    -    - 
Medium Pulse Laser                        Nose      2.0      4      6    0    0    0 
Anti-Missile System                      Fwd R      0.5      1      3    0    0    0 
Medium Pulse Laser                       Fwd R      2.0      4      6    0    0    0 
Anti-Missile System                      Fwd L      0.5      1      3    0    0    0 
Medium Pulse Laser                       Fwd L      2.0      4      6    0    0    0 
Refueling Drogue/Fluid Suction System     Aft       1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Medium Pulse Laser                        Aft       2.0      4      6    0    0    0 
Space Mine Dispenser                     Aft L      10.0     -      -    -    -    - 
Medium Pulse Laser                       Aft L      2.0      4      6    0    0    0 

Scarab Gunship
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 200
Fuel: 11 tons (880)
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
12x Medium Pulse Laser
    Nose: 163
    Sides: 139/139
    Aft: 115
Structural Integrity: 21
    Bay 1:  Cargo (1.0 tons)        1 Door   
Crew:  2 enlisted/non-rated, 2 gunners      
Battle Value: 2,699
Cost: 23,746,220 C-bills

Background - The Scarab Gunship is a low-endurance craft on par with the Fleet's Aerospace Fighters which is why it typically operates from Vigilant Gunship Carriers or Ground Bases. It not only provides some defensive lasers and anti-missile systems but it has a powerful EWAR suite and Beagle Active Probe capable of cutting through enemy jamming in service to nearby Aerospace Fighters. As such the Strike Fighters it operates alongside are more likely to connect with their heavy weapons than otherwise.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 32

    84 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (7 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 0

Notes: Mounts 29.5 tons of standard aerospace armor.

and Ammo                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Space Mine Dispenser      Aft R      10.0     -      -    -    -    - 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers     Aft R      4.0      4      6    0    0    0 
2 Anti-Missile Systems     Nose      1.0      1      3    0    0    0 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers      Nose      4.0      4      6    0    0    0 
Anti-Missile System       Fwd R      0.5      1      3    0    0    0 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers     Fwd R      4.0      4      6    0    0    0 
Anti-Missile System       Fwd L      0.5      1      3    0    0    0 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers     Fwd L      4.0      4      6    0    0    0 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers      Aft       4.0      4      6    0    0    0 
Active Probe               Hull      1.5      -      -    -    -    - 
ECM Suite                  Hull      1.5      -      -    -    -    - 
Space Mine Dispenser      Aft L      10.0     -      -    -    -    - 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers     Aft L      4.0      4      6    0    0    0 

Vigilant Patrol Craft
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 100 tons
Fuel: 13 tons (1,040)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
6x Medium Lasers
    Nose: 85
    Sides: 72/72
    Aft: 59
Structural Integrity: 8
    Bay 1:  Infantry (Jump) (6)     1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (7.5 tons)        1 Door   
Crew:  2 enlisted/non-rated, 21 bay personnel      
Battle Value: 951
Cost: 6,718,956 C-bills

Background - The Vigilant is the standard patrol craft employed by our fleet for survey, rescue, courier, transfer, customs, and inspection missions. While capable of carrying more it typically only carries ten individuals whether they be a science team, rotating ship's crew, fireteam of Espatiers, or Orbital Customs Inspectors. However in wartime it can be repurposed to serve as a boarding craft, for search and rescue, or as a sensor platform. What it cannot do is fight well, its slow acceleration, thin armor, half-dozen medium lasers, and no missile defense compromise its ability to do that. Still it is one of the most common ships in the fleet and there is typically one or two in storage onboard any ship that could carry them as they can be awkwardly launched via normal aerospace bays.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 32

Notes: Mounts 16 tons of standard aerospace armor.

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Medium Laser           Aft R      1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Medium Laser            Nose      1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Active Probe            Nose      1.5      -      -    -    -    - 
Medium Laser           Fwd R      1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Medium Laser           Fwd L      1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Medium Laser            Aft       1.0      3      5    0    0    0 
Medium Laser           Aft L      1.0      3      5    0    0    0


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings
« Reply #35 on: 13 March 2024, 11:07:52 »
Vertigo Fighter Carrier
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 4,500 tons
Fuel: 450 tons (13,500)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
4x Gauss Rifle
9x PPC
9x Large Pulse Laser
18x AMS
6x Large Laser
6x ER Medium Laser
    Nose: 446
    Sides: 376/376
    Aft: 305
Structural Integrity: 22
    Bay 1:  Fighter (9)             3 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (514.0 tons)      1 Door   
Crew:  3 officers, 9 enlisted/non-rated, 6 gunners, 18 bay personnel, 24 passengers
Battle Value: 9,095
Cost: 431,978,400 C-bills

Background - The Vertigo is another iteration of our old standby Virtue Dropshuttles, it is armed with the same type of weaponry as the Valiant but is slightly larger and wraps its 9 fighters around the power plant and thrust core like that design does its gunships. It however adds a third launch door on the dorsal surface, which would later be used in the Voodoo Missile Ship as a launch tube, while relocating the cargo and maintenance hatch to the ventral side allowing for the rapid deployment and recovery of its fighters.

The odd number of fighters is due to these carriers operating with another Vertigo in order to deploy a Group of 18 Aerospace Fighters together. Often these vessels deploy Swift and Undertaker Squadrons while the more expensive Quillons are deployed from the Large Fleet Carriers. During 'catching' operations after delivering a strike package Vertigos are often used to hasten the recovery and return of incoming strike craft either by just refueling them or bringing them onboard for rearming. There is however little space for maintenance onboard and a limited number of onboard technicians so they often operate alongside an aerospace repair ship or use larger carriers for servicing.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 140 (280)

    96 rounds of Gauss Rifle [IS] ammunition (12 tons),
    432 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (36 tons)

Escape Pods: 7
Life Boats: 2

Notes: Mounts 79 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (37 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 PPC                                      30   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)  PPC         
4 Gauss Rifle                               4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)  AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS] (96 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (57 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 PPC                                      30   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)  PPC         
3 Large Laser                              24   2(24)   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
RS/LS Aft (48 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 Large Pulse Laser                        30   3(27)   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser
3 ER Medium Laser                          15   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
Aft (33 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 Large Pulse Laser                        30   3(27)   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser

Voodoo Missile Ship
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 4,500 tons
Fuel: 166 tons (4,980)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
3x Killer Whale-T
4x Gauss Rifle
9x PPC
6x Large Laser
6x ER Medium Laser
9x Large Pulse Laser
21x AMS
    Nose: 446
    Sides: 376/376
    Aft: 305
Structural Integrity: 22
    Bay 1:  Cargo (320.5 tons)      1 Door   
Crew:  3 officers, 9 enlisted/non-rated, 9 gunners   
Battle Value: 14,264
Cost: 426,492,192 C-bills

Background - The Voodoo Missile Ship is a modification of our Vertigo fighter carrier but instead of nine aerospace fighters it carries 30 Teleoperated Killer Whale Missiles. These heavyweight missiles are stacked around the thrust core and pushed out using a similar system to our high speed launch davit before their engines ignite. Since these missiles do not require maintainers or additional fuel the Voodoo has no space allocated for them. It is instead focused on its singular task which is launching missiles at large spacecraft.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 140 (280)

    96 rounds of Gauss Rifle [IS] ammunition (12 tons),
    432 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (36 tons),
    30 rounds of Killer Whale (Tele-Operated) ammunition (1500 tons)

Escape Pods: 7
Life Boats: 2

Notes: Mounts 79 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                          Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                    Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (57 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                          3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 PPC                                         30   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)  PPC         
4 Gauss Rifle                                  4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)  AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
1 Tele-operated Missile (Killer Whale-T)      20   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)  Tele-Operated Capital Missile
    Killer Whale (Tele-Operated) Ammo (10 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (77 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                          3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 PPC                                         30   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)  PPC         
3 Large Laser                                 24   2(24)   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
1 Tele-operated Missile (Killer Whale-T)      20   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)  Tele-Operated Capital Missile
    Killer Whale (Tele-Operated) Ammo (10 shots)
RS/LS Aft (48 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                          3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 Large Pulse Laser                           30   3(27)   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser
3 ER Medium Laser                             15   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
Aft (33 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                          3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 Large Pulse Laser                           30   3(27)   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings
« Reply #36 on: 13 March 2024, 12:26:58 »
Varg Fast Attack Craft
Type: Military Aerodyne
Mass: 4,800 tons
Fuel: 166 tons (4,980)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
4x Medium SCC
12x AMS
8x Medium Pulse Laser
8x Large Pulse Laser
    Nose: 548
    Sides: 462/462
    Aft: 374
Structural Integrity: 27
    Bay 1:  Cargo (98.0 tons)       1 Door   
Crew:  3 officers, 9 enlisted/non-rated, 9 gunners      
Battle Value: 11,411
Cost: 550,867,104 C-bills

Background - The Varg is the closest to the original Virtue Dropshuttle that served as our main freighter but it has been reinforced for combat and equipped with sub-capital cannons. Like the Undertaker its job is to close with and engage large Warships but unlike that more agile gunship it is a large target and thus requires heavier armoring. Its four Medium Sub-Cap cannons are capable of delivering the same combat power as a NAC/20 against incoming fast attack craft but its Gauss Rifles and Lasers are to engage enemy interceptors while the Anti-Missile Systems can provide limited protection against lighter capital missiles. A Flotilla of four Vargs could if all their weapons connect seriously damage many lighter warships.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 140 (280)

    96 rounds of Gauss Rifle [IS] ammunition (12 tons),
    216 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (18 tons),
    40 rounds of Medium SCC ammunition (40 tons)

Escape Pods: 7
Life Boats: 2

Notes: Mounts 97 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (7 Heat)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (864 shots)
4 Gauss Rifle                               4   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)  AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS] (768 shots)
RW/LW (63 Heat)
2 Sub-Capital Cannon (Medium)              60   10(100) 10(100)  0(0)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Cannon
    Medium SCC Ammo (20 shots)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (864 shots)
RW/LW Aft (16 Heat)
4 Medium Pulse Laser                       16   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser
Aft (80 Heat)
8 Large Pulse Laser                        80   7(72)   7(72)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser

Virtue Block I (Dropshuttle Freighter)
Type: Civilian Aerodyne
Mass: 4,200 tons
Fuel: 250 tons (7,500)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
12x Medium Laser
6x AC/5
    Nose: 184
    Sides: 154/154
    Aft: 126
Structural Integrity: 12
    Bay 1:  Cargo (2504.0 tons)     3 Doors   
Crew:  3 officers, 9 enlisted/non-rated, 9 gunners
Battle Value: 2,180
Cost: 180,090,000 C-bills

Background - The first dropship design manufactured by our empire for trade the Virtue would later serve as the basis for many of our smaller dropships and in its latest incarnation continues to serve as a merchant freighter and auxiliary vessel. With three cargo doors (dorsal, port and starboard) a landed Virtue can be unloaded from both sides and behind via cranes allowing for rapid turnaround. Its cargo containers must be securely latched to the central core structure in order to protect them during transit and prevent damage to the interior of its cargo bay. Its trapezoidal design initially allowed it to fit within dropshuttle bays but is also good for groundside loading and unloading while providing some lift during atmospheric flight.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 42

    240 rounds of AC/5 ammunition (12 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 2

Notes: Mounts 54 tons of primitive aerospace armor.

Weapons:                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (8 Heat)
2 AC/5                   2   1(10)   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (1600 shots)
2 Medium Laser           6   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
RW/LW (12 Heat)
4 Medium Laser          12   2(20)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
RW/LW Aft (2 Heat)
2 AC/5                   2   1(10)   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (1600 shots)
Aft (6 Heat)
2 Medium Laser           6   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       

Virtue Block 8 (Dropship Freighter)
Type: Civilian Aerodyne
Mass: 4,200 tons
Fuel: 300 tons (9,000)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
6x AC/5
12x Medium Laser
    Nose: 272
    Sides: 228/228
    Aft: 184
Structural Integrity: 12
    Bay 1:  Cargo (2562.0 tons)     3 Doors   
Crew:  2 officer, 3 enlisted/non-rated, 3 gunners   
Battle Value: 3,124
Cost: 177,073,200 C-bills

Background - The modernized version of the Virtue is little changed from its predecessor, it has slightly more cargo and fuel capacity, the same arrangement of three bay doors on a trapezoidal fuselage, a smaller crew thanks to superior automation, and better protection from damage and rough handling. These dropships are widely used as lighters for most cost efficient jump bulkers or for intra-planetary or intra-system trade and transit. Frequently the upper decks are converted to passenger quarters and used for transferring cargo and crews to factory ships and other remote installations while the lower decks are filled with containers or more specialized cargo bays.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 40

    240 rounds of AC/5 ammunition (12 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 2

Notes: Mounts 54 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                    Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)              Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (11 Heat)
2 AC/5                   2   1(10)   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (80 shots)
3 Medium Laser           9   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
RW/LW (11 Heat)
2 AC/5                   2   1(10)   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (80 shots)
3 Medium Laser           9   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
Aft (9 Heat)
3 Medium Laser           9   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       

Vigor Light Military Freighter
Type: Military Aerodyne
Mass: 4,500 tons
Fuel: 368 tons (11,040)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
6x AC/5
9x AMS
12x Medium  Laser
    Nose: 305
    Sides: 257/257
    Aft: 208
Structural Integrity: 15
    Bay 1:  Cargo (2617.0 tons)     6 Doors   
Crew:  2 officers, 3 enlisted/non-rated, 3 gunners
Battle Value: 3,731
Cost: 244,928,592 C-bills

Background - The Vigor is a slightly longer Virtue with an internal partition and buffer space between cargo bays that enable twice as many access doors (forward and aft, dorsal, port, and starboard) for rapid loading and unloading of diverse cargoes. Each of these has approximately 430 tons of mass available with around 37 tons reserved for consumables and break-bulk. By partitioning these bays they are capable of greater damage control or can utilized as forward maintenance facilities for small craft and aerospace fighters.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 40

    240 rounds of AC/5 ammunition (12 tons),
    216 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (18 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 2

Notes: Mounts 54 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (14 Heat)
2 AC/5                                      2   1(10)   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (80 shots)
3 Medium Laser                              9   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
RW/LW (5 Heat)
2 AC/5                                      2   1(10)   1(10)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (80 shots)
3 Anti-Missile System                       3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
RW/LW Aft (9 Heat)
3 Medium Laser                              9   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
Aft (9 Heat)
3 Medium Laser                              9   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings
« Reply #37 on: 13 March 2024, 13:07:01 »
Casemate Military Station
Mass: 200,000 tons
Fuel: 40,000 tons (200,000)
5x Medium NPPCs
13x NL/55
12x NAC/20
18x Barracuda
18x SCL/3
52x AMS
    Nose: 160
    Fore Sides: 131/131
    Aft Sides: 116/116
    Aft: 72
Structural Integrity: 1
    Bay 1:  Standard Repair Facility (Pressurized) (20,000)2 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (54)            4 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Small Craft (36)        3 Doors   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (61556.0 tons)    2 Doors   
Dropship Capacity: 3
Crew:  32 officers, 53 enlisted/non-rated, 66 gunners, 288 bay personnel, 342 passengers
Battle Value: 54,789
Cost: 2,327,780,000 C-bills

Background - The Casemate is the lightest of our military stations, these facilities serve as important nodes for fleet resupply and sustainment as well as crew transport and rotation. Protected behind formidable capital firepower they are still vulnerable to longer range firepower as they lack sufficient mobility relative to other large craft. Often orbiting the moon of a gas giant rather than around a settled world Casemates serve as a waypoint between the outer and inner parts of a solar station with all traffic routing between the two traveling between the two. Being located in the outer layers of a system allows for greater security as our Warships and Fleet Jumpships can route to a non-standard point closer to these stations rather than a Lagrange or the Z/N point for resupply.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 3310

    2,592 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (216 tons),
    120 rounds of NAC/20 ammunition (48 tons),
    180 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (5400 tons)

Grav Decks: 3 (150 m, 150 m, 150 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 74

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
726 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (810 Heat)
5 Naval PPC (Medium)                        675  45(450) 45(450) 45(450) 45(450)  Capital PPC
3 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)      30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)    6(60)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (30 shots)
9 Anti-Missile System                        9   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (432 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
FRS/FLS (485 Heat)
3 Naval Autocannon (NAC/20)                 180  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/20 Ammo (30 shots)
3 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)      30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)    6(60)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (30 shots)
9 Anti-Missile System                        9   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (432 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
2 Naval Laser 55                            170  11(110) 11(110) 11(110) 11(110)  Capital Laser
ARS/ALS (485 Heat)
3 Naval Autocannon (NAC/20)                 180  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/20 Ammo (30 shots)
3 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)      30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)    6(60)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (30 shots)
9 Anti-Missile System                        9   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (432 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
2 Naval Laser 55                            170  11(110) 11(110) 11(110) 11(110)  Capital Laser
Aft (560 Heat)
5 Naval Laser 55                            425  28(275) 28(275) 28(275) 28(275)  Capital Laser
3 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)      30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)    6(60)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (30 shots)
9 Anti-Missile System                        9   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (432 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser

Anchorage Fleet Station
Mass: 500,000 tons
Fuel: 100,000 tons (250,000)
32x Heavy NPPCs
12x NL/55
18x SCL/3
12x Stingray Sub-Cap Missile Launcher
    Nose: 305
    Fore Sides: 249/249
    Aft Sides: 220/220
    Aft: 138
Structural Integrity: 1
    Bay 1:  Standard Repair Facility (Unpressurized) (970,000)1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Fighter (54)            9 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Small Craft (18)        2 Doors   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (241,476.5 tons)   3 Doors   
Crew:  38 officers, 197 enlisted/non-rated, 93 gunners, 198 bay personnel, 400 passengers
Battle Value: 57,301
Cost: 27,805,452,500 C-bills

Background - An Anchorage Fleet Station is capable of conducting repairs and extensive maintenance on a Perdition class Dreadnought or a combination of lesser ships (including dropships, gunships, and even fighters). It is well-armed and equipped with exceptional sensors in order to detect incoming threats long before they can threaten the station itself. Without the ground based section and extensive manpower of a formal cage works or the Core Forge it cannot construct Warships on its own or repair its KF-core. It can however service, repair, and if necessary replace other large components such as structure, weapons, and thrusters or replenish magazines and stores much faster than a Warship could do on its own with dropships.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 7158

    1,944 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (162 tons),
    180 rounds of Stingray ammunition (2160 tons)

Grav Decks: 3 (150 m, 150 m, 150 m)
Life Boats: 100

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
1,726.5 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (1,193 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                         900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
2 Naval Laser 55                            170  11(110) 11(110) 11(110) 11(110)  Capital Laser
9 Anti-Missile System                        9   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (324 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
2 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Stingray)   18   7(70)   7(70)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Stingray Ammo (30 shots)
FRS/FLS (1,193 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                         900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
2 Naval Laser 55                            170  11(110) 11(110) 11(110) 11(110)  Capital Laser
9 Anti-Missile System                        9   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (324 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
2 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Stingray)   18   7(70)   7(70)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Stingray Ammo (30 shots)
ARS/ALS (1,193 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                         900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
2 Naval Laser 55                            170  11(110) 11(110) 11(110) 11(110)  Capital Laser
9 Anti-Missile System                        9   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (324 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
2 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Stingray)   18   7(70)   7(70)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Stingray Ammo (30 shots)
Aft (1,193 Heat)
4 Naval PPC (Heavy)                         900  60(600) 60(600) 60(600) 60(600)  Capital PPC
2 Naval Laser 55                            170  11(110) 11(110) 11(110) 11(110)  Capital Laser
9 Anti-Missile System                        9   3(27)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (324 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
2 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Stingray)   18   7(70)   7(70)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Stingray Ammo (30 shots)


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings and their support
« Reply #38 on: 14 March 2024, 14:19:49 »
Causeway Medium Freighter
Type: Civilian Spheroid
Mass: 12,500 tons
Fuel: 702 tons (21,060)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
12x Large Laser
12x AC/10
12x AMS
    Nose: 323
    Sides: 272/272
    Aft: 221
Structural Integrity: 20
    Bay 1:  Cargo (8000.0 tons)     4 Doors   
Crew:  3 officers, 13 enlisted/non-rated, 5 gunners, 30 passengers      
Battle Value: 5,567
Cost: 344,349,824 C-bills

Background - The Causeway is based on the Cargomaster design that was preserved by our industry after its principal contractors was damaged during the Succession Wars. As such it serves as the standard Medium dropship with Carrier and Missile Ship Variants but not fast attack versions as it is to large and expensive to risk in such a manner. Capable of carrying 8 kilotons of cargo in 4 partitioned 2 kiloton cargo spaces much like the smaller Virtue dropshuttle. This allows for rapid access while groundside to offload cargo containers and unlike the virtue these cylinders have heavy decking in between the layers.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 128

    300 rounds of AC/10 ammunition (30 tons),
    288 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (24 tons)

Escape Pods: 2
Life Boats: 4

Notes: Mounts 72 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (38 Heat)
3 Large Laser                              24   2(24)   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
4 AC/10                                    12   4(40)   4(40)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/10 Ammo (100 shots)
2 Anti-Missile System                       2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (96 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (14 Heat)
4 AC/10                                    12   4(40)   4(40)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/10 Ammo (100 shots)
2 Anti-Missile System                       2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (96 shots)
RS/LS Aft (26 Heat)
3 Large Laser                              24   2(24)   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
2 Anti-Missile System                       2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (96 shots)
Aft (26 Heat)
3 Large Laser                              24   2(24)   2(24)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
2 Anti-Missile System                       2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (96 shots)

Carbide Pocket Cruiser
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 12,500
Fuel: 600 tons (18,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
8x Ultra AC/20
12x Medium SCC
4x Large Pulse Laser
12x AMS
    Nose: 431
    Sides: 361/361
    Aft: 291
Structural Integrity: 24
    Bay 1:  Cargo (1269.0 tons)     2 Doors   
Crew:  5 officers, 2 enlisted/non-rated, 15 gunners      
Battle Value: 17,165
Cost: 713,955,200 C-bills

Background - Space is big and while it would be nice to be able to afford enough Warships to maintain our orbital integrity it is just not in the budget for crew or acquisition. A lower cost solution was sought and it was found that replacing the four cargo bays of a Causeway with Triple Medium SCCs and adding twin quad mounts of Ultra Class 20 Autocannons created a 'Pocket' Cruiser that can take on most any fast attack craft and seriously damage a heaver warship. Its six gun broadside is capable of generating an impressive 30 capital damage, almost enough to breach the much heavier Freya's armor. Due to this firepower they are often paired with the Freya Frigate in times where they expect to go against fellow Warships. One of the few times a Freya gets to be a leader of its own Patrol Flotilla. However Carbides are more frequently assigned to solitary patrols in the Outer Reaches where their moderate endurance can be best leveraged or paired with a V-Craft.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 128 (256)

    240 rounds of Ultra AC/20 ammunition (48 tons),
    288 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (24 tons),
    120 rounds of Medium SCC ammunition (120 tons)

Escape Pods: 2
Life Boats: 4

Notes: Mounts 86 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (66 Heat)
2 Anti-Missile System                       2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (48 shots)
8 Ultra AC/20                              64   24(240) 24(240)  0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    Ultra AC/20 Ammo (240 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (92 Heat)
3 Sub-Capital Cannon (Medium)              90   15(150) 15(150)  0(0)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Cannon
    Medium SCC Ammo (30 shots)
2 Anti-Missile System                       2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (48 shots)
RS/LS Aft (92 Heat)
3 Sub-Capital Cannon (Medium)              90   15(150) 15(150)  0(0)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Cannon
    Medium SCC Ammo (30 shots)
2 Anti-Missile System                       2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (48 shots)
Aft (42 Heat)
2 Anti-Missile System                       2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (48 shots)
4 Large Pulse Laser                        40   4(36)   4(36)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser

Carnage Heavy Missile Ship
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 12,500 tons
Fuel: 398 tons (11,940)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
6x Killer Whale-T
9x Gauss Rifles
21x Anti-Missile Systems
18x Large Pulse Laser
18x Medium Laser
    Nose: 500
    Sides: 422/422
    Aft: 343
Structural Integrity: 28
    Bay 1:  Small Craft (2)         1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (2000.0 tons)     2 Doors   
Crew:  5 officers, 10 enlisted/non-rated, 14 gunners, 10 bay personnel
Battle Value: 20,062
Cost: 589,881,376 C-bills

Background - With twice as many launch tubes (six) as the Voodoo the Carnage can deliver serious damage to an enemy large craft much like a 'Pocket' Destroyer, indeed it and the Cyclone FDMS are referred to as such. It carries along a pair of Small Craft to aid in recon and patrol as well as to provide ECM and Targeting support to the missiles. These are typically Fleet Assets as they have very little ammunition endurance and as such are often assigned in support of a Carrier in order to engage approaching fast attack craft. Their onboard small craft bays also come in handy for providing Carrier Flight Groups with gunship support or security.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 128 (256)

    216 rounds of Gauss Rifle [IS] ammunition (27 tons),
    576 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (48 tons),
    78 rounds of Killer Whale (Tele-Operated) ammunition (3900 tons)

Escape Pods: 2
Life Boats: 5

Notes: Mounts 100.5 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                          Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                    Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (50 Heat)
2 Tele-operated Missile (Killer Whale-T)      40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)  Tele-Operated Capital Missile
    Killer Whale (Tele-Operated) Ammo (26 shots)
7 Anti-Missile System                          7   2(21)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (192 shots)
3 Gauss Rifle                                  3   5(45)   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)  AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (50 Heat)
2 Tele-operated Missile (Killer Whale-T)      40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)  Tele-Operated Capital Missile
    Killer Whale (Tele-Operated) Ammo (26 shots)
7 Anti-Missile System                          7   2(21)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (192 shots)
3 Gauss Rifle                                  3   5(45)   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)  AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
RS/LS Aft (78 Heat)
6 Large Pulse Laser                           60   5(54)   5(54)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser
6 Medium Laser                                18   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
Aft (78 Heat)
6 Large Pulse Laser                           60   5(54)   5(54)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser
6 Medium Laser                                18   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       

Cyclone Fleet Defense Missile Ship
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 12,500 tons
Fuel: 402 tons (12,060)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
9x Barracuda
12x Gauss Rifle
18x Large Pulse Laser
18x Medium Laser
21x AMS
    Nose: 500
    Sides: 422/422
    Aft: 343
Structural Integrity: 28
    Bay 1:  Cargo (2000.0 tons)     2 Doors   
Crew:  5 officers, 13 enlisted/non-rated, 17 gunners
Battle Value: 18,623
Cost: 589,428,224 C-bills

Background - The Cyclone FDMS is a modified version of the Carnage Heavy Missile Ship focused on Fleet Defense rather than attack. With 9 Barracuda Launchers forward it has more interception capability than most of our Warships. These missiles are capable of engaging incoming fighters far away from the rest of the fleet, a target class which cannot be engaged with Teleoperated Missiles. They are often attached to our higher rated Warships allowing them to focus their heavy fire on hostile Warships rather than split it in order to engage incoming small craft, a task for which they are ill suited.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 128 (256)

    216 rounds of Gauss Rifle [IS] ammunition (27 tons),
    576 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (48 tons),
    144 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (4320 tons)

Escape Pods: 2
Life Boats: 5

Notes: Mounts 100.5 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (40 Heat)
7 Anti-Missile System                        7   2(21)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (192 shots)
3 Gauss Rifle                                3   5(45)   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)  AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)      30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)  Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (48 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (40 Heat)
7 Anti-Missile System                        7   2(21)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (192 shots)
3 Gauss Rifle                                3   5(45)   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)  AC         
    Gauss Rifle Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
3 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)      30   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)  Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (48 shots)
RS/LS Aft (78 Heat)
6 Large Pulse Laser                         60   5(54)   5(54)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser
6 Medium Laser                              18   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
Aft (78 Heat)
6 Large Pulse Laser                         60   5(54)   5(54)    0(0)    0(0)  Pulse Laser
6 Medium Laser                              18   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings and their support
« Reply #39 on: 14 March 2024, 15:23:17 »
Broken Arrow 'Pocket Heavy Cruiser'
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 100,000 tons
Fuel: 1,800 tons (18,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
36x Heavy Sub-Cap Cannon
18x SCL/1
18x Anti-Missile System
    Nose: 1262
    Sides: 1078/1078
    Aft: 891
Structural Integrity: 140
    Bay 1:  Fighter (36)            6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (7108.5 tons)     3 Door   
Crew:  18 officers, 32 enlisted/non-rated, 54 gunners, 72 bay personnel, 72 passengers      
Battle Value: 78,045
Cost: 3,401,361,600 C-bills

Background - Bridging the gap between Dropship and Warship is the Broken Arrow, a immense dropship built on the Behemoth's frame with gun decks replacing cargo ones. Presently in evaluation these dropships are in the running to supplant the Tumbleweed Armored Sloop with Tumbleweed production instead redirected to Coriolis or Freya vessels. While incapable of withstanding as much damage or delivering it as far away the Broken Arrow can punch through even a Granite's armoring and potentially kill it with good gunners up close.

Even the Juno, a ship five and half times heavier, can be seriously damaged when engaging with this 'Pocket Heavy Cruiser' (according to our rates). With the threat environment constantly evolving and our enemy's Pocket Warships growing in danger Fleet Command has commissioned several of these ships to bolster our lighter Warships with heavy close in gunfire. Gunfire that we feel can confidently kill them should they close range. Surprising the enemy by hiding a Broken Arrow in the sensor shadow of a larger Warship has also been considered and would be a major boost to Argonaut led Task Forces by almost doubling their close range firepower.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 297 (594)

    792 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (66 tons),
    360 rounds of Heavy SCC ammunition (360 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 30

Notes: Mounts 504 tons of heavy ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (327 Heat)
6 Sub-Capital Cannon (Heavy)                252  42(420) 42(420)  0(0)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Cannon
    Heavy SCC Ammo (60 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/1)                 72   3(30)   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Laser
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (132 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (327 Heat)
6 Sub-Capital Cannon (Heavy)                252  42(420) 42(420)  0(0)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Cannon
    Heavy SCC Ammo (60 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/1)                 72   3(30)   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Laser
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (132 shots)
RS/LS Aft (327 Heat)
6 Sub-Capital Cannon (Heavy)                252  42(420) 42(420)  0(0)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Cannon
    Heavy SCC Ammo (60 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/1)                 72   3(30)   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Laser
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (132 shots)
Aft (327 Heat)
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/1)                 72   3(30)   3(30)   3(30)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Laser
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (132 shots)
6 Sub-Capital Cannon (Heavy)                252  42(420) 42(420)  0(0)    0(0)  Sub-Capital Cannon
    Heavy SCC Ammo (60 shots)


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings and their support
« Reply #40 on: 15 March 2024, 13:32:32 »
Clairvoyance-class Fleet Service Ship
Mass: 625,000 tons
Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
32x NL/35
32x SCL/2
12x Barracuda
36x AMS
    Nose: 210
    Fore Sides: 174/174
    Aft Sides: 156/156
    Aft: 102
Structural Integrity: 120
    Bay 1:  Standard Repair Facility (Unpressurized) (1,000,000) 2 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (33062.0 tons)    4 Doors   
Dropship Capacity: 0
Crew:  41 officers, 170 enlisted/non-rated, 76 gunners, 355 passengers      
Battle Value: 50,359
Cost: 19,360,611,000 C-bills

Background - As our Fleet and empire expands, resultant battles between Warships are increasingly likely to occur and our ability to maintain strength has heightened in importance in the eyes of the Admiralty. It has become increasingly difficult to justify the expense of maintaining and manufacturing Anchorage Fleet stations in the outer regions of our Star Systems and the resultant lag in service for our Warships. While Anchorage stations possess unique abilities what the Fleet often requires is the rapid repair and rearmament in theater beyond what the crews could do on their own, and something less expensive to acquire. Thus a mobile platform was proposed and since there was a pause in Mythic requisitions it was decided that the same yard that manufactured that Cruiser would construct our new Fleet Support Ship.

The Mythic proved an ideal platform for a Fleet Services ship as it already had abundant berthing, huge cargo stores for long voyages, and extensive maintenance workshops built in. As a bonus the cageworks was already familiar with LF-battery technology as they build Junos and Khepris. The Clairvoyance was planned with a modified version of an Anchorage's Cage recessed into its ventral surface giving it a bizarre almost parasitic appearance when attached to a substantially larger Warship. These bays interlock with dorsal dropship collars via flexible tubes allowing for rapid rearmament and cargo transfer as well as providing a sealed environment for personnel and cargo transfer.

Due to its vulnerability while in operation the lightly armed Clairvoyance and her sisters operate alongside a Carrier Task Force allowing escorting Destroyers to cover both ships and providing strategic mobility or escape potential via double jumps. Carrier based forces also require ample stores to sustain their air groups and the Clairvoyance can provide that to the Carrier Task Forces and greater Fleet by their presence.

Code: [Select]
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 14
Heat Sinks: 1303 (2606)

    1,296 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (108 tons),
    120 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (3600 tons)

Grav Decks: 3 (120 m, 120 m, 120 m)
Escape Pods: 30
Life Boats: 20

Notes: Equipped with
    lithium-fusion battery system
1,500 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (326 Heat)
4 Naval Laser 35                            208  14(140) 14(140) 14(140)   0(0)   Capital Laser
4 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/2)                 112  8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
6 Anti-Missile System                        6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (216 shots)
FRS/FLS (326 Heat)
4 Naval Laser 35                            208  14(140) 14(140) 14(140)   0(0)   Capital Laser
4 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/2)                 112  8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
6 Anti-Missile System                        6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (216 shots)
RBS/LBS (380 Heat)
4 Naval Laser 35                            208  14(140) 14(140) 14(140)   0(0)   Capital Laser
4 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/2)                 112  8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
6 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)      60   12(120) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120)  Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (60 shots)
ARS/ALS (326 Heat)
4 Naval Laser 35                            208  14(140) 14(140) 14(140)   0(0)   Capital Laser
4 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/2)                 112  8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
6 Anti-Missile System                        6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (216 shots)
Aft (326 Heat)
4 Naval Laser 35                            208  14(140) 14(140) 14(140)   0(0)   Capital Laser
4 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/2)                 112  8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
6 Anti-Missile System                        6   2(18)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (216 shots)

Heron Heavy Freighter
Type: Civilian Spheroid
Mass: 45,000 tons
Fuel: 600 tons (6,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
18x Large Laser
18x Medium Laser
18x AC/5
18x AMS
    Nose: 354
    Sides: 300/300
    Aft: 246
Structural Integrity: 30
    Bay 1:  Cargo (7300.0 tons)     2 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (7300.0 tons)     2 Doors   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (7300.0 tons)     2 Doors   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (Refrigerated) (6069.0 tons)2 Doors   
Crew:  6 officers, 24 enlisted/non-rated, 9 gunners      
Battle Value: 6,956
Cost: 771,724,800 C-bills

Background - The Heron is our standard heavy freighter and follows our tradition of planning each iteration being 3-4 times larger than its smaller cousin. In the Heron's case its almost 28 kilotons (a good portion of its rated mass) dramatically reduces the expense of shipping large quantities of raw materials between the stars compared to using Causeways. Due to its size it is often used as a mining/factory ship to support long duration expeditions seeking out ices or ores among asteroids and comets particularly if Virtue Lighters are available to bring new supplies and crew while returning product.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 136

    360 rounds of AC/5 ammunition (18 tons),
    648 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (54 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 6

Notes: Mounts 108 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (54 Heat)
6 Large Laser                               48   5(48)   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (108 shots)
3 AC/5                                       3   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (60 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (54 Heat)
6 Large Laser                               48   5(48)   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (108 shots)
3 AC/5                                       3   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (60 shots)
RS/LS Aft (24 Heat)
6 Medium Laser                              18   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (108 shots)
3 AC/5                                       3   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (60 shots)
Aft (24 Heat)
6 Medium Laser                              18   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (108 shots)
3 AC/5                                       3   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (60 shots)

Helios Fleet Tanker
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 45,000 tons
Fuel: 600 tons (6,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
18x Large Laser
18x Medium Laser
18x AC/5
18x AMS
    Nose: 354
    Sides: 300/300
    Aft: 246
Structural Integrity: 30
    Bay 1:  Cargo (Liquid) (6000.0 tons)1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (Liquid) (6000.0 tons)1 Door   
    Bay 3:  Cargo (Liquid) (6000.0 tons)1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (Liquid) (6000.0 tons)1 Door   
    Bay 5:  Cargo (2502.0 tons)     4 Doors   
Crew:  6 officers, 24 enlisted/non-rated, 9 gunners
Battle Value: 7,229
Cost: 814,688,000 C-bills

Background - The Helios Fleet Tanker is our standard bulk transport for refueling Fleet Warships and providing fresh foodstuffs and miscellaneous goods. Despite the immense size of its liquid storage tanks a single ship can only completely refuel two of our Warships. Our Fleet's long endurance is however a product of the Warship's fuel bunkerage being used to refuel their flotilla of dropships allowing long on station time. Due to this long endurance however Helios ships do not need to travel in a theater where they might be attacked by hostiles and can refuel their charges in a safer system before returning to imperial space. 

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 282

    360 rounds of AC/5 ammunition (18 tons),
    648 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (54 tons)

Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 6

Notes: Mounts 108 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (54 Heat)
6 Large Laser                               48   5(48)   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (108 shots)
3 AC/5                                       3   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (600 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (54 Heat)
6 Large Laser                               48   5(48)   5(48)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (108 shots)
3 AC/5                                       3   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (60 shots)
RS/LS Aft (24 Heat)
6 Medium Laser                              18   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (108 shots)
3 AC/5                                       3   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (60 shots)
Aft (24 Heat)
6 Medium Laser                              18   3(30)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (108 shots)
3 AC/5                                       3   2(15)   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)  AC         
    AC/5 Ammo (60 shots)


  • Major
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  • Posts: 4040
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings and their support
« Reply #41 on: 16 March 2024, 13:17:57 »
I think I've worked through all the roles I wanted to cover. Everything else is kinda covered by canon designs or just by different allocations of cargo space. Feel free to comment and test them out.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1560
Re: Fleet Design Concept: SLDF Ship Ratings and their support
« Reply #42 on: 16 March 2024, 21:03:40 »
I think I've worked through all the roles I wanted to cover. Everything else is kinda covered by canon designs or just by different allocations of cargo space. Feel free to comment and test them out.

Since you asked...

General comments:

  • Designs often seem low on SI biasing heavily towards offense over defense.  For a 5/8 design SI around 75-90 is typically more balanced.  For a 4/6 design SI around 120.  And for a 3/5 design, SI around 150.  Defense isn't as sexy as offense, but the ability to survive, or at least be harder to kill makes a real difference.
  • Also on defense, you often don't have enough rounds of ammunition to use all heat sinks for missile defense.  Having enough ammunition to use up your heat sinks leaves you prepared for coordinated missile waves, which adversaries should use.  And, if you are thinking of warship arms race type settings where AMS are limited to firing 6 times/minute, that means you should have many more AMS to support the same thing.
  • I'm somewhat skeptical of dropship collars on warships.  The cost is quite substantial, often better spent on more warship instead.  If dropships are a part of doctrine (which is easily reasonable given dropship capacity), then I'd be inclined to separate collars from the wall---stick all the collars on carriers and leave mainline battleships cheaper (= more).  Carriers should be more survivable by doctrine and design making the investment less likely to be blown apart.
  • Designating arcs as either capital or standard is often desirable w.r.t. fire control tonnage since it avoids standard weapons contributing to capital fire control.  Typically, you can control your facing to a foe, except at short range.
  • It's hard to get excited about designs costing <7B or so, given that you need to amortize the startup cost of a warship.
  • There are many designs here that mention independent function but lack a naval comm-scanner.  A small one should probably be considered required.  I also tend to like satellite imagers routinely for the same reason.

Tumbleweed: Maybe save the cash instead? I'm not seeing the value from this unit.  The only really small warships that seem viable are Q-ships / special ops types given the enormous cost and limited capabilities.

Coriolis: A pursuit vessel is interesting.  I'd also favor longer ranged attacks since a fast vessel has the opportunity to control the range.  Also, the armor is only marginally balanced towards the nose---a real nose fighter should have twice the armor of other facings.  Since the armor is light, a nose fighter is iffy---it can come in do some damage, and then evaporate.   Side arcs make more sense for keeping fire on target at range.

Freya: NAC/25 and NAC/20 is a logistical miss.

Khepri: A design with real potential, but I'd personally consider dropping the LF-battery and capital weapons in favor of 6 dropcollars and at least doubling the ASF complement.  Some of the ASF complement might also be converted to smallcraft.

Granite: NAC/20s are generally quite a bit better than NAC/10s.   The LF battery makes it a pretty expensive front-line combatant (=semi-expendable).

Argonaut: A decent design. 

Juno: Hideously expensive given the force implied due to LF+drop collar multipliers.  You might want to pick one or the other and doubling the number of carriers in the fleet.   I'm also skeptical about naval weapons on carriers.  Dropping them in favor of a 5/8 move smells like a win to me.

Mythic: This design can't figure out if it's a nose fighter or a broadside fighter.   Picking one and arranging weapons to suite will make it stronger.

Admiral Shulte: Weapons as a broadside fighter and a armor more like a nose fighter.  Otherwise solid modulo concerns about dropcollars on walls.

Olympus: If there aren't enough qualified pilots, consider drone warfare or robotic craft since 108+36 is actually kind of small.   I'd also favor a 5/8 on a carrier.   I'm not sure the LF-battery is worth it, but this is less crazy than on the Juno since it's a bigger carrier.

Athos: Another nose-or-broadside fighter which may be stronger if you make a choice.  I'm also skeptical about the weapon choice.  NL35 is generally dominated by NL45 or NL55 since those go to extreme range and NAC35 doesn't seem worth it rangewise compared to NAC20.

Perdition: I'm skeptical about the all-aspect combat as you can tell.  There's no need for that unless your plan is to be in the middle of an enemy fleet. 

Valiant: I'd be tempted to get speed up to 5/8 at a minimum.  I'm also not sure you should have it in use as a carrier and an assault dropship.

Swift: An interesting design!  An all-EO light fighter.  You might consider a drone version.

Quillon: Medium fighters have a disadvantage of low SI which makes thrust at 5.5g at substantial risk of structural damage which can cascade towards destruction. Given that, I'd prefer 90 ton 6/9 design or a 100 ton 5/8 design which is cheaper and provides more payload.

Undertaker: You can increase the close range damage by adding a blanket of small lasers and/or machine guns.

Dunkirk: Looks good.  It might be better at a 7/11 which would provide lots of overtake for a dynamic mission.

Scarab: Great weapons loadout, but it will work better if concentrated in a nose arc.  Personally, ships like this on a 7/11 profile are my go-to as an alternative to assault dropships which are absurdly expensive and tend towards fragility.

Vigilant: A super useful role.  I'd quibble with the weapons loadout (see the Interdictor for a meaner version somewhere between Scarab and Vigilant in role), but the role is a definite win to support even with this weapons loadout.

Vertigo: Only 9 fighters? And only 4/6?  At the cost of a Vengeance?  I'd suggest upping the speed, stripping cost-sink weapons, and improving the fighter load.

Voodoo: ... I'd be tempted to ditch it in favor of an improved Vertigo loaded with a heavy drone fighter sporting 6 ASMs in an internal bomb bay.

Varg: One Varg or a Vertigo with Smallcraft bays loaded with Scarabs?  I'd probably bet on the Scarabs, particularly if their weapons are aligned nose-first. 

Virtue: It's hard to argue with cargo capacity, except in that you want more.

Vigor: not much different from Virtue.

Casemate: Very expensive, presumably due to the pressurized repair bay.  You could stick the pressurized repair bay on a 100kton jumpship achieving some strategic mobility and save on the cost. 

Anchorage: Incredibly expensive.  It's better to have a yardship pricewise and benefit from the mobility.

Causeway: To heavily armed and armored for a civilian design, but the cargo load is a significant step up.

Carbide: Quite mean, but for the price you can buy quite a few Scarabs and their carrier.

Carnage: Still looking at ASMs on drone fighters as a better pain delivery mechanism.

Cyclone: Potentially interesting concept, but the standard weapons are perhaps better placed on a fighter by cost and effectiveness.

Broken Arrow: No one complain that you aren't taking full advantage of a drop collar.  I'd prefer aft weapons forward to double the damage.  I'm also not sure this is worth the price, but it would be an impressive beast to send down a jump circuit.

Clairvoyance: Good---an Anchorage replacement.  I'm not sure you need a 4/6 move though---lots of cargo/factory space can be found by reducing it to 1/2 which is fast enough in the sorts of permissive environments where you would want to deploy this.  Keep in mind that you can't thrust beyond station keeping while something is in the pressurized repair bay.

Heron: a high capacity freight design with an inexplicably heavy armor/armament.  Civilian designs should shave prices more?

Heliios: just a Heron variant.


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Always appreciate a response on this board, that's why I add it to the title.

I've always decided to offload much of the AMS to small craft, they can fire multiple times per round, are already moving in the direction of the threat with the fighters or operating just outside friendly ECM, and don't have much mass to spare for the additional crew that more weapons entail, plus they can go evasive and still shoot at missiles. Its also why I put ECM, Probes, and Mines on them as well. That's why there isn't an invincible phalanx of AMS on any of those ships, just enough to finish whatever capital damage remains should something lock on, and since you have a +1 to hit for each cap damage that can hard sometimes.

While Dropships on Warships might not be the wisest decision but its not a terrible one IMO. Jumpships are pretty fragile so you might be constrained by hostile commerce raiding, it is after all what I'd do to you.

For NCSS that's what dropships are for, they have sensors and can range away from their Warship if necessary.

Tumbleweed - Yep, that why I used it as a comparison in the Broken Arrow's fluff. Its just not very good, you can't really expect much of a super light Warship and a modded Carrack would be a better Q-Ship. If you had a Broken Arrow in your battlespace that might even accomplish the same task better since it can actually land and dwarf any other dropship at the Starport, Kirov Battlecruiser style.

Coriolis - Its mostly meant to take out dropship based blockade runners or maybe Fast Attack Craft so the armoring and firepower was deemed appropriate for the task. Otherwise agreed.

Freya - Agreed but the politicians wanted to bigger guns up front and a role for that class of NAC (the only one we don't have is a 40 because its just not very good).

Khepri - 36 is just the ready to launch fighters. There are more airframes and pilots onboard at least double if not triple which is why the Olympus draws so many. You can fit 5 Swifts or an Undertaker and Quillon in the cargo bay for the same mass as an aerospace bay and have them ready for another wave or reinforce the present one (the 'developing the strike package' hinted at in fluff) in something like 15-20 minutes.

Granite - Agreed on the NAC/20s. I was doing it for quad Bracketing bonus. Its not meant to fight Warships except as a last resort but potentially 600 standard to the nose of an attack dropship, now that might be a problem.

Argonaut - I agree, I think it is a really well balanced design and would probably be pretty common.

Juno - Cost is exactly its why I put the LF-batteries on Carriers and Carrier-adjacent things. While it certainly could go faster it remains limited by the speed of its escorts just like a real carrier.

Mythic - Agree but it was how I fit a 40+ Capital Weapons Attack into 5 Bays, and why there was a pause in Mythic procurement for the Clairvoyance, as determined by my artificial and constraining rating system.

Admiral Shulte - It has heavy nose armor because it would be a battleline leader with the bigger ships. Elsewhere those are the artifacts of my artificial rating construct.

Olympus - Certainly something to take into consideration, but like I mentioned in the Khepri having 216 pilots deployed at once would be a big drain on manpower presuming you rotate them for training, other duties, and leave. You need basically an actual Regiment of highly trained (and paid) individuals and are putting them in one place at a time.
Would I rather have them in two on a Khepri and Juno? or many aboard smaller dropship carriers (up to dozen Vertigos)? That is the question.

Athos - The NLs are for anti-fighter work and fighters should be evasive until they can strike so they are really, really difficult to shoot down outside medium anyway. Also agreed, contrivance of the Rating system and why there are only three of them.

Perdition - True but I did explain how the battleline works so having an additional 40+ bay while the Perdition is disengaging might be the one that punches through the enemy's armor and allows the lighter ships behind it to finish it off. Also the aft NPPCs works reasonably well to keep enemy PWS making attacking runs through the line think twice.

Quillon - Yes but I needed the thrust profile to work with external ordnance because it still slows you down in space (as far I recall) and delivering two ASMs using regular rules (not quirks) requires you lose 3 thrust. If not operating in that capacity it is a pretty speedy interceptor that can shoot down incoming missiles or break up an incoming strike in conjunction with its Squadron. Let's say we train our pilots well so there is less of chance to damage an airframe (and there are spares).

Scarab - While all nose could work I really meant this to be an anti-missile and support platform, its going in with Aerospace already. It just needs to keep up and maybe take some passing shots while covering everyone in flak capability and electronic warfare potential.

Vertigo - Its all in the SI and Armoring. I figure the V-class units are the ones are more likely to get shot at while patrolling (which they would be doing to provide their mothership with situational awareness) or providing aerospace support in support of ground units. The Vengeance is a little to flimsy and light on endurance to put in danger even if it can sortie out 40 fighters, one or two hits from a Varg and bam the Vengeance is gone.

Causeway - Yes it would, however lets say industrial subsidies and a wartime usage clause offset the additional cost of installing superior engines, some extra guns, and armoring for the civilian sector. Same with the Heron and Virtue.

Pocket Destroyers - Good points to both, however you do see what our three standard fighters are armed with, they spent their mass on fuel and engine so heavy standard weapons have to show up somewhere. I also am one of those people that refuse to acknowledge that a small laser could reasonably harm a Warship.

Clairvoyance - I mostly kept it as a 4/6 so it didn't hinder carrier ops and could keep up with escorting destroyers, otherwise yes agreed.


  • Lieutenant
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  • Posts: 1560
I've always decided to offload much of the AMS to small craft, they can fire multiple times per round, are already moving in the direction of the threat with the fighters or operating just outside friendly ECM, and don't have much mass to spare for the additional crew that more weapons entail, plus they can go evasive and still shoot at missiles. Its also why I put ECM, Probes, and Mines on them as well. That's why there isn't an invincible phalanx of AMS on any of those ships, just enough to finish whatever capital damage remains should something lock on, and since you have a +1 to hit for each cap damage that can hard sometimes.
AMS on smallcraft seem like a nice complement to me, but it's hard to make up for the potential of the deep heat sinks available on a warship.

Khepri - 36 is just the ready to launch fighters. There are more airframes and pilots onboard at least double if not triple which is why the Olympus draws so many. You can fit 5 Swifts or an Undertaker and Quillon in the cargo bay for the same mass as an aerospace bay and have them ready for another wave or reinforce the present one (the 'developing the strike package' hinted at in fluff) in something like 15-20 minutes.
That's a pretty long time between waves in a fight.

Juno - Cost is exactly its why I put the LF-batteries on Carriers and Carrier-adjacent things. While it certainly could go faster it remains limited by the speed of its escorts just like a real carrier.
The difference between "subject to attack by enemy ASF" and "not subject to attack by enemy ASF" is pretty big in the core rules.

Olympus - Certainly something to take into consideration, but like I mentioned in the Khepri having 216 pilots deployed at once would be a big drain on manpower presuming you rotate them for training, other duties, and leave. You need basically an actual Regiment of highly trained (and paid) individuals and are putting them in one place at a time.
Would I rather have them in two on a Khepri and Juno? or many aboard smaller dropship carriers (up to dozen Vertigos)? That is the question.
Force shaping is challenging in general.  I don't like the Vertigo in conjunction with warships because it's hard to justify something so lightweight on a warship drop collar.  A 100k ton dropship carrier can both ride a jump circuit and justify the cost of a warship drop collar.

Athos - The NLs are for anti-fighter work and fighters should be evasive until they can strike so they are really, really difficult to shoot down outside medium anyway. Also agreed, contrivance of the Rating system and why there are only three of them.
SCL/1s are a better alternative to NL35s for this purpose and in most ways.

Perdition - True but I did explain how the battleline works so having an additional 40+ bay while the Perdition is disengaging might be the one that punches through the enemy's armor and allows the lighter ships behind it to finish it off. Also the aft NPPCs works reasonably well to keep enemy PWS making attacking runs through the line think twice.
If you stuck the after weapons in the aft-side arcs, they could fire into the broadside, potentially multiple times, before you need to leave the line.  And PWS making a run for it would have only a very narrow line they could follow which you could invalidate with an ECHO.

Pocket Destroyers - Good points to both, however you do see what our three standard fighters are armed with, they spent their mass on fuel and engine so heavy standard weapons have to show up somewhere. I also am one of those people that refuse to acknowledge that a small laser could reasonably harm a Warship.
Even if they can't damage a Warship, they are good for anti-ASF and anti-missile use.


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I figured I'd fill in the 400-500kt gap because it moderately bothered me.

Sharanga Missile Frigate
Mass: 480,000 tons
Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
25x NL/45
24x Medium SCC
12x Stingray Sub-Capital Missile
9x Light NPPC
9x Piranha Sub-Capital Missile
8x Barracuda
4x Kraken-T
4x Killer Whale
15x Large Pulse Laser
15x Medium Laser
20x AMS
    Nose: 164
    Fore Sides: 132/132
    Aft Sides: 127/127
    Aft: 81
Structural Integrity: 120
    Bay 1:  Cargo (7748.0 tons)     4 Door   
Dropship Capacity: 2
Battle Value: 103,999
Cost: 7,620,742,000 C-bills

Background - The increased price and complexity of LF-equipped Granite Destroyers means they are only available in small numbers and deployed with their Carrier Task Forces not with the Frigates that our navy relies upon. With a potential threat of masses of swarming enemies a new class of ships was tendered to our imperial shipwrights for an intermediate non-LF equipped ship capable of handling that threat. Our Frigate yards decided on the Sharanga as it shares many commonalities with the numerous Argonaut Heavy Frigates while having something it doesn't a small NCSS which it can use to improve situational awareness for its flotilla. Although technically rated as (Medium) Missile Frigate with a heavy Nose bay like the Freya the Sharanga defies easy categorization as it could be arguably classed as a Destroyer or maybe even a Cruiser if all weapon bays are tallied together.

With 37 missile tubes built into the ship there are numerous answers for swarms of Aerospace Fighters and Small Craft and even the delivery of nuclear warheads or precision orbital bombardment. Multiple NL/45 and Light NPPCs provide sustained firepower while a heavy battery of 11 Medium SCCs on the Broadside can threaten hostile Frigates at close range although the Sharanga is unsuitable for linear engagements as it lacks range instead it typically occupies either the front or rear slot of a firing line slinging missiles or firing its light NPCCs into targets from afar. The biggest challenge with this vessel is the sheer tonnage and cost of ammunition carried aboard, which complicates logistics and damage control, while imposing on cost on its offensive capabilities while also making it difficult to stomach for the 'fiscal conservatives' on the Admiralty Board. Still if there are numerous aerospace fighters in theater having the extra missiles the Sharanga provides could be crucial to destroying them before they can damage the fleet and it is a useful bombardment vessel to support an Argonaut based ground assault.

Code: [Select]
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 11
Heat Sinks: 2253 (4506)

    480 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (40 tons),
    120 rounds of Stingray ammunition (1440 tons),
    40 rounds of White Shark ammunition (1600 tons),
    40 rounds of Kraken (Tele-Operated) ammunition (4000 tons),
    90 rounds of Piranha ammunition (900 tons),
    352 rounds of Medium SCC ammunition (352 tons),
    80 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (2400 tons)

Grav Decks: 1 (100 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 22
Crew:  42 officers, 99 enlisted/non-rated, 109 gunners

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
1,152 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (884 Heat)
4 Tele-operated Missile (Kraken T)          200  40(400) 40(400) 40(400) 40(400)  Tele-Operated Capital Missile
    Kraken (Tele-Operated) Ammo (40 shots)
3 Naval PPC (Light)                         315  21(210) 21(210) 21(210)   0(0)   Capital PPC
4 Naval Laser 45                            280  18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital Laser
4 Capital Missile Launcher (White Shark)    60   12(120) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120)  Capital Missile
    White Shark Ammo (40 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Piranha)    27   9(90)   9(90)   9(90)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Piranha Ammo (30 shots)
2 Anti-Missile System                        2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (48 shots)
FRS/FLS (655 Heat)
3 Naval Laser 45                            210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
3 Naval PPC (Light)                         315  21(210) 21(210) 21(210)   0(0)   Capital PPC
4 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)      40   8(80)   8(80)   8(80)    8(80)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (40 shots)
3 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Piranha)    27   9(90)   9(90)   9(90)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Piranha Ammo (30 shots)
4 ER PPC                                    60   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)     0(0)   PPC         
3 Anti-Missile System                        3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
RBS/LBS (594 Heat)
3 Naval Laser 45                            210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
6 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Stingray)   54   21(210) 21(210)  0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Stingray Ammo (60 shots)
11 Sub-Capital Cannon (Medium)              330  55(550) 55(550)  0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Cannon
    Medium SCC Ammo (176 shots)
ARS/ALS (375 Heat)
3 Naval Laser 45                            210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
5 Large Pulse Laser                         50   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Medium Laser                              15   3(25)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Anti-Missile System                        4   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (96 shots)
Aft (375 Heat)
3 Naval Laser 45                            210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
3 Sub-Capital Laser (SCL/3)                 96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
5 Large Pulse Laser                         50   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Medium Laser                              15   3(25)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Anti-Missile System                        4   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (96 shots)


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Caryatid Fleet Tug
Type: Military Spheroid
Mass: 12,500 tons
Fuel: 1,100 tons (33,000)
Safe Thrust: 7
Maximum Thrust: 11
24x Laser AMS
10x Large Laser
    Nose: 645
    Sides: 544/544
    Aft: 443
Structural Integrity: 40
    Bay 1:  Cargo (2853.5 tons)     4 Doors
Battle Value: 7,358
Cost: 582,859,200 C-bills

Background - The Caryatid is a heavily armored, high thrust tug that can be used singly or in pairs to move even a Perdition Dreadnought at reasonable accelerations (rated 687.5kt at 0.1g capacity with Maximum Thrust) should they lose engine power or require fine maneuvering while approaching our spaceports. To save time it was designed using the Carbide Pocket Cruiser fuselage which was modified to accommodate a more powerful reactor core and thruster system as well as additional armoring and a reinforced frame capable of protecting the Tug while it is pushing something.

Caryatids are also being explored by our Espatier Corps to use as an assault craft should they want to capture a damaged but not disabled Warship or instigate a landing operation. This 'Carnivore' configuration will have a portion of the cargo capacity turned over to quarters for 252 Soldiers (12 Jump Platoons), 4 Light Tank Bays, more extensive communications and training facilities, while doubling the large laser complement and adding more heat sinks.

Code: [Select]
Heat Sinks: 128 (256)
Escape Pods: 2
Life Boats: 2
Crew:  3 officers, 10 enlisted/non-rated, 5 gunners
Notes: Mounts 144 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:           Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)     Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV     ERV   Class       
Nose (28 Heat)
4 Laser AMS    28   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
RS/LS Fwd (44 Heat)
4 Laser AMS    28   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
2 Large Laser  16   2(16)   2(16)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
RS/LS Aft (44 Heat)
4 Laser AMS    28   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
2 Large Laser  16   2(16)   2(16)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       
Aft (44 Heat)
4 Laser AMS    28   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)    0(0)  AMS         
2 Large Laser  16   2(16)   2(16)    0(0)    0(0)  Laser       


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So a bit late here, but while the ranges are interesting to help refine the weight classes, they dont classify the ships based on the 'game' statistics in what I consider a meaningful way.  Below is the table for fuel useage, I like to define classes of ships kinda like how jumpjets are defined going from 'medium' to 'heavy'.


2,000 to 49,999 10 2.82
50,000 to 99,999 10 9.77
100,000 to 109,999 10 19.75
110,000 to 199,999 5 19.75
200,000 to 249,000 5 39.52
Over 249,999 2.5 39.52

So a 'sloop', the lightest class you had, if it was in the 2k to 49.9k then the "sloop" type would have an in-game reference point that reinforces its light weight guideline.  Sloops would be very useful ships for messenger or relay, seeing as they are cheap to refuel with limited military value.  As a militarized transport, a sloop would replace civilian jumpships like the invader for moving stuff in areas you might need to maneuver under power.  The Corvette, a proper one, would be 50k to 99.9k, they have fuel advantages and more military capacity then a sloop, making them suitable for patrols... reinforced by the strategic fuel consumption compared to things that are heavier.  A frigate would be in te 100-149 range, but frigates in the 100 to 109.9 would be 'light' frigates versus heavy frigates in the 110-149k range... while they dont get a strategic fuel advantage, they get a combat maneuvering one.  The 10 points of fuel versus 5 lets lighter frigates maintain combat for much longer, making them good for extended combat deployment above a planet.  Kinda like a littoral role, since being on the planet map requires burning combat/tactical fuel, the distinction via game fuel use makes the class of ships make more sense.

The other division is armor weight.  Armor weight is a joke, like lots of the construction rules, but the rules do differentiate ships at 149k tons, giving a third division in the 100-199k weight ranges.  After 149k I would start classing those frigates as cruisers, because thats where the construction rules tick over for armor.

Battlecruisers/heavy crusiers I think would occupy the 200-249k range.  These have better combat maneuvering/fuel use then battleships, but also have the same strategic fuel class as the heavier ships.  They feel like a proper tradeoff of not quite a battleship, being quicker in actual combat then a full on battleship thanks to 5 thrust fuel points instead of 2.5, making them a bit more nimble in extended combat operations with lots of fuel burned.

Over 249k tons, everything is just a brick dreadnaught.  At this size, realistically, because engines and structure scale linearly and cost multipliers for heavier tonnage dont really exist, once you hit 250k tons you are just as well off making a 2500k ton vessel, as they cost almost the same before you add stuff.  So Battleships might be 250k to 300k tons, but mostly to define them separate from proper Dreadnaughts.  Like in modern militaries, the battleship class isnt really a useful class and kinda light compared to the real navy backbone (modern carriers), as you dont really get any size bonuses to fuel or armor efficiency, but arnt big enough to carry fighters like the much larger supercarriers who make more sense to build a fleet around, as they have economy of scale in their favor.

Dreadnaught as a class is fitting I think for everything else, cause like the OG dreadnaught once you get a ship in this class, just like in history, it kinda obsoletes everything in all the other classes below it, and a rival nation's best counter is a Dreadnaught of their own.  Its just so big that only other dreadnaughts apply, and everything below it doesnt really rate compared to a dreadnaught.  Also, dreadnaughts feel more appropriate a term for how big these ships are.  500k tons is massive and silly large, thats like sticking 10 ww2 battleships together, and 500k is small for a dreadnaught.  The fact that the game rules stop scaling at 249k tons, lumping 250-2,500k ton ships in as the same efficiency, means two 500k ships are just worse then a single million ton ship... not that thats a bad thing, but Im kinda saying embrace the supersize comically large ship.  Most scifi does this.


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OOC - I have been really bored at work lately (and they blocked this site :angry:) so I decided to model this fictional Fleet.

Warning heavy ACCOUNTANT-TECH in the Excel sheet. You have been warned.

The power of exponential growth is a real and tangible thing. When our founding fathers settled these worlds they could not imagine that they would become a powerful empire in less than a century. They were however prudent in selecting the leaders that would put the orbital integrity and safety of our citizenry ahead of many of their own ambitions. From a naval budget only sufficient for a pair of Nebula Jumpships and four Virtue Jumpshuttles to go with them to orbital industries capable of maintaining and producing the many different vessels that ply our space lanes in safety. Each Captain helming these vessels knows that the Fleet and Orbital Security forces are nearby, ready, and able to respond to any emergency that might befall their vessel. Our Fleet Servicepeople also know that when their tour is complete (6-9 months) that there is an entire fresh crew that has been busy resting and improving their skills aboard our training Academies or within the Cageworks rearing to go with a ship just about to come back into service (Standard Rotation is Blue-Gold-Yard repeated until mid-life service or decommissioning).

Our worlds and their allies have not been blind to our growth and the fact that we have gone through almost three generations of dropships and are approaching the mid-life servicing of our Warship cores that will occupy much of Mythic Yard's schedule during the intervening time between our Clairvoyance, Granite, and Carrier purchases.

Meanwhile Shulte Yards continues to grow with more Sovereign and Grand Sovereign Jumpships commissioned into our military and merchant fleet alongside the Freya Frigates and Admiral Shulte Heavy Cruisers built in the same yard. Shulte Yard's newest vessel the Leviathan Yardship will see that Sovereign's can be serviced wherever they are and provides a further growth engine for this venerable enterprise.

Our immense Origin Yards are fully occupied with providing more Argonaut, Sharanga, and Perdition ships.

Turin Interplanetary Heavy Industry and its partners continue to construct dropships at incredible rates fulfilling the ceaseless orders from our orbital resource sector and Fleet.

The now public-private enterprises Vanguard Industries (maker of the Quillon) and Condensed Dark Matter (maker of the Undertaker and Swift) have never seen a slowdown in Aerospace fighter production and procurement since the original Undertaker was designed, with only incremental improvements in each block and each block sold out years in advance.

Further growth and increased retention of our Aerospace Fighter Corps are further enabling our carriers while providing additional tactical options to Planetary and Sector Commanders. The sheer magnitude of our Fleet and Patrol Carriers' need is however endless with more work to be done. Civilian flight schools run by retired pilots have given us a steady flow of competent cadets that are capable of succeeding in more strenuous Academy training aboard our Anchorage Stations.

Growth in our orbital resource sector over the past century has not only provided abundant material wealth and raw materials but has nurtured a population of individuals that have grown up on Ships and Stations or with parents who retired from these demanding tasks, to generous pensions. These individuals understand the intricacies of microgravity operation and share a comradery that many of our normal citizens can only aspire to during their service.


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Interesting approach DevianID. The thing with fuel points is that the tonnage available is really high so they never really turn up in any reasonable tabletop play. I built mine with the standard peacetime burn rate of 15 1g days per month with the cargo capacity for long patrols and dropship collars being one of the things that really separates roles. Additionally I needed terms to apply to these 'roles' that I had assigned to them in the OP, for each bay that you can generate 40+ capital you get classed that way. This made it tricky to determine 'why' I needed a 400-500 kiloton ship until I invented a reason (fleet defense missile ship) to fill the gap.

250-300 kilotons is really kinda small though for something I'd class as a Battleship, there are Jumpships bigger than that. Over 1MT I think is a cheat so I keep it under that range and justify it by saying more hulls = more capable fleet.


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For the battleship thing, I do liken battleships to real world such ships.  They weren't that big, just bigger then cruisers, and civilian vessels are indeed bigger then battleships by a large margin.  So I just kinda like to keep that bit--the idea of a 2million ton battleship like a mckenna just isnt a battleship, if we were trying to use the terms a bit more accurately.

Call an Iowa 60k tons, with its 9 capital class weapons.  Now multiply its 3 dimensions by 2x, so its 480k tons.  Now it has, in place of 9 guns, 8x the guns for 72 16 inch guns.  Thats how I feel when I see something like a Mckenna, with just silly numbers of capital weapons.  Its not that its a bad idea, again economy of scale for space is a trope, but in real life if we built a 480k ton class of ship, with 8 times the armor of an Iowa and 72 16inch guns, they wouldnt call that ship a 'Battleship' in ww2.  It would be a 'Superdreadnaught' or 'Titan/Leviathan' or something, as its just so much bigger then a battleship.

I think the 'idea' of a battleship makes us think of them as much bigger then they really are.  Honestly all space ships in btech are way larger, but I give that a pass a bit cause so much tonnage goes to the KF core that space ships would need to be bigger as a default.

Its all just our own visual images of things and how we recognize stuff, so the exact class names dont 'really' matter, I just cant help to put a ww2 spin on Battlespace combat, as it feels much more ww2 to me then anything else in terms of gameplay.

As for fuel tonnage and armor breakpoints.  I agree the construction rules make fuel and armor a silly joke.  However, I still like them, as I cant envision any interesting space navy combat without tactical and strategic fuel being a factor, so I like to use the existing fuel breakpoints as if they were meaningful (despite them not being a factor in the game, just like cargo, supplies, crew, G stress, and all the other stuff the game ignores).

Below is a 'big ship' breakdown i did, showing armor amounts and cbill costs.  The ships speed/SI stays the same.
500k 5.6trillion 155k left 89 nose armor w/4 collars 8.8t w/8 12t
1million 7.7trillion 321k left 167 nose w/4 11t w/8 14.2t w/16 20.6t
2 million 12.1 trillion, 654k left, 325 nose w/4 15trillion w/8 18.5t w/16 25t w/32 37.7t
So we see, you get more then 3x the armor on a 2 million ton ship then you do a 500k ship.  So instead of building 2-3 500k ships, a single 2million ton ship is cheaper and has a higher % of free mass.  Thats why I say all 250+ ships should gravitate to massive proper dreadnaughts... its just the efficient thing to do.  The ships lighter then 250k, because of armor and fuel breakpoints (however silly they are), at least change the equations a little bit and justify themselves.
« Last Edit: 12 June 2024, 00:26:44 by DevianID »


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Awesome chatting with you in person!  Wish I could geek out more with you.

Here is some of my sample ships, hopefully useful for inspiring some ship types.  They all have 2/3, max SI, max armor, just as a point of comparison to see how they differ.  100 burn days of fuel, for same reason, to see how their combat endurance looks per same strategic fuel load.

25k Sloop/cutter/corvette.  3.5 trillion, 90 armor, 6k free tonnage.  705 combat endurance.  0 collars.  282 tons only to refuel.  Great as a coast guard type ship, as they are too small for a dropship collar but still let you jump around and help people in space, and at 282 tons to refuel they are the cheapest by far to strategically resupply.  These also might operate like the flower corvettes, to protect the cargo ships carrying dropships.  They have good strategic refueling but poor combat endurance, so they feel like good 'near planet' ships in combat roles.  They cant outrun any warship in an actual fight, despite all ships below having the same 100 day strategic burn fuel load, so this class of ship has a definite 'feel' to it.

90k 'liberty cargo ship'.  396 million, 40 armor, >1k free tonnage.  977 tons to refuel to the 100 burn day standard.  1 collar.  This is my take on a liberty style ship, a long endurance ship with the sole goal to move a dropship and be mass produced with no quality of life or special features.  The idea remains the same of the cheapest smallest 100 day endurance jumpship for 1 dropship, at less then 100k tons and less then 400 million cbills, but with that 100 days of fuel so you can charge your core incase of no sail/resupply.

100k frigate/destroyer.  5.5 trillion with 2 collars (3.9 trillion with 0), 198 armor, 28k free tons, 4937 combat endurance.  1975 tons to refuel.  This is the lightest standard warship at 100k tons, and illustrates how all warships are about the same cost not counting dropship collars, as a 3.9 trillion 100k ton frigate and a 385k ton super battleship is 5.1 trillion.  With good fuel endurance, the frigate/destroyer weight class outruns cruisers and such, but can mount capital weapons to destroy dropships or enough standard weapons to swat fighters.  Id give destroyers capital missile weapons in addition to NL55s, as historically destroyers had torpedo tubes and frigates didnt.

145k ton light/armored cruiser.  6.5 trillion with 3 collars (4 trillion without), 261 armor, 42k free tons, 2468 combat endurance, 1975 tons to refuel.  You get a noticeable bump in armor and weapons compared to the 100k ton frigate/destroyer, so this class feels like an upgrade in power, at the cost of the combat endurance.

185k ton large/heavy cruiser.  7.4 trillion with 4 collars (4.2 trillion without), 253 armor, 54k free tons, same combat endurance and tons to refuel.  The extra dropship collar but armor tick over means you get less armor then the light/armored cruiser, but more other stuff.  This is a fun distinction for me anyway, as you get more guns but your armor is spread thinner on your larger ship, so you have a noticeable tradeoff making the class distinction between lighter armored or larger heavy cruiser matter a little bit.

235k ton battlecruiser.  8.4 trillion with 5 collars (4.4 trillion without), 307 armor, 68k tons free, 3952 to refuel 100 burn days, 4940 combat endurance.  With a higher combat endurance then larger battleships, and armor bonuses for being a smaller ship class, the 'battle cruiser' feels good as a type.  You outrun battleships, cause you have a better fuel endurance then them, and you out gun/armor everything lighter then you, so you can bully light or heavy cruisers.

285k ton battleship.  9.5 trillion with 6 collars (4.7 trillion without), 259 armor, 84k tons, 3952 tons to refuel, 2470 combat endurance.  The lower end battleships have a dip in armor from the battlecruiser, and worse endurance, making the smaller battleships an interesting point of difference from a battlecruiser, which has less tons but enjoys some armor and combat fuel benefits.

385k ton 'super' battleship.  11.5 trillion with 8 collars (5.1 trillion with 0 collars), 331 armor, 115k tons free.  Same endurance per same fuel load as the battleship above, this tonnage is notable as being the point where the post 249k weight ranges overtakes the lighter stuff in armor, assuming they have the same speed thus same SI.  I would consider this the upper limit/maximum battleship, or the last weight class where tonnage distinctions matter, straddling the line for super ships, and everything heavier then this in the 'leviathans/titan/superweapon' class, as the scaling past this point is just 'more tonnage is better'.  Like, a 500k ton ship is just better, in any metric, then a 400k ton ship, and a 1million ton ship is better then 2 500k ton ships, ect.

500k ton 'super tanker' cargo jumpship.  1.7 trillion with 9 collars, 111 armor, >1k tons free.  3952 tons to refuel 100 days worth, like above.  Notable for being the largest jumpship, so thus the most efficient dropship mover.  Brings the cost per collar down to .2 trillion per collar, so 4x cheaper then adding collars on a warship that didnt have them before, and 2x cheaper per collar then a 'liberty' type mass producible jumpship.

2.5 million ton 'Leviathian'.  54.4 trillion with 50 collars (14.3t without collars), 1854 armor, 775k tons free.  As the most efficient supership by nature of being the largest, the cost-per-collar is 1.1 trillion total.  Compared to the lightest standard warships, with a total cost of 2.75 trillion total per collar, if you dont want to use jumpships this supership is your best bet, but still more then 5x more cost per collar then a super tanker.  Per usual, you can get only 3.5 100k ton ships for the cost of 1 'Leviathian' type, but you gain 9x the armor and 27 times the free space.  Concentrating your fleet into Leviathan superships will pretty much always give more bang for the buck, but the refueling or armor break point costs on the lighter ships is the part I'm more interested in, which is why I like those smaller ships where the tonnage differences is more meaningful.

Dropships.  A mammoth is .45 trillion for ~38k cargo.  So fully loading a 'supertanker' jumpship with mammoths would yield 342k cargo for 5.75 trillion.  So for bulk cargo the leviathian with 0 collars at 825k for 14.3 trillion is slightly worse then the civilian jumpship with dropships.  So as a gut check, that is a good thing, we want the civilian 'big stuff' to be more efficient then the warship 'big stuff'.


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'Super' Swift Block XII Light Strike Fighter
Mass: 30 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 150 Light
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
Internal Bomb Bay (6t)
6 External Ordnance Wing Mounts
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Cost: 2,077,590 C-bills

Description - As our understanding of technology continues to advance the Swift Light Fighter was given the first upgrade. While the increase in cost from using a Lighter power plant, slightly reduced armoring, and more advanced sensors somewhat closer to the Quillon's engineering the Swift retains its relative cost effectiveness while providing heavier and more versatile firepower. The advanced power plant and general improved engineering provide the same 6-ton carrying capacity that its wing pylons can carry. This enables the Swift to conduct a double tap bombing run in space or carry out an orbit to surface/atmosphere attack with the same thrust characteristics as the Block X can without having to stop at a ground base to arm up before moving to target.

The standard attack payload remains the Anti-Ship Electronic Warfare Missile but once a hostile Large Craft is disabled by these weapons the Swift can use wing mounted munitions to deliver a follow up strike. All while moving at the same acceleration rate and with almost as much Delta V as a Quillon. Due to this increase in capability it has been speculated that the Quillon fleet could be further supplemented by a lighter, 'more cost effective', 'Super' Swift which certainly led to champagne and caviar within the Fleet procurement offices.

Code: [Select]
Type: Super Swift
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 554

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        150 Light             4.5
Safe Thrust: 7
Max Thrust: 11
Structural Integrity:         9                       
Heat Sinks:                   10                      0
Fuel:                         520                   6.5
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          179                    10

     Nose                    54   
     Wings                 45/45   
     Aft                     35   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV

Features the following design quirks: Fast Reload, Internal Bomb Bay (6t)

Quillon QUI-VII Fleet Defense Interceptor
Mass: 60 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 300 XL
Armor: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
     2 Large VSP Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Cost: 9,204,650 C-bills

Background - With the Block XII 'Super' Swifts serving as increasingly viable strike craft the Quillon needed a new role and thus double down on its previous role as Fleet Interceptor. Doing this however required some new weaponry that was superior at intercepting hostile Aerospace Fighters. Researchers further sought out such a weapon and came up with the Variable Speed Pulse Laser, a superior version of the already well-established Large Pulse Laser. VSP-Ls however were more expensive and thus it further exacerbated procurement of the high end Quillons. Only cost savings from the Swift XIIs and the fact that these fighters were dogfighting instead of executing strike missions  against larger craft allowed a preliminary greenlighting of the Q-7 program.

Code: [Select]
Type: Quillon
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Tonnage: 60
Battle Value: 1,728

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        300 XL                9.5
Safe Thrust: 7
Max Thrust: 11
Structural Integrity:         7                       
Heat Sinks:                   11 [22]                 1
Fuel:                         560                   7.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro)    426                  21.5

     Nose                   127   
     Wings                107/107 
     Aft                     85   

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Large VSP Laser         RWG       9.0      10    10    7    0    0 
Large VSP Laser         LWG       9.0      10    10    7    0    0 


  • Major General
  • *
  • Posts: 41145
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Not bad, but I don't know if I'd characterize it as a "Fighter"... "Attack" certainly. :)


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4040
Perhaps but I always think that you could mount rocket pods or Light AA-Arrows to shoot at conventional fighters and other less capable aircraft. Its no worse than the F-35B with its lack of a gun and a powerful VSTOL capability. I do wish Gun Pods were a thing in the setting as they'd be great for the little Swift (perhaps the Block XIII will have a Large Pulse Laser instead of the internal bay).


  • Major General
  • *
  • Posts: 41145
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
The F-35 not being the F/A-35 has always been sus to me... ;D


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4040
Faust Heavy Corvette
Mass: 335,000 tons
Fuel: 8,000 tons (20,000)
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
2x Medium N-Gauss
6x Killer Whale Missile Launchers
20x Stingray Sub-Capital Missile Launchers
20x Ultra AC/20s
16x Extended Long Range Missile Launchers
15x Light Gauss Rifle
15x Large Lasers
18x ERPPCs
24x Laser Anti-Missile Systems
15x Space Mine Dispensers
    Nose: 83
    Fore Sides: 70/70
    Aft Sides: 63/63
    Aft: 44
Structural Integrity: 120
    Bay 1:  ARTS Fighter (18)       3 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (3454.5 tons)     4 Doors   
Dropship Capacity: 2
Crew:  30 officers, 100 enlisted/non-rated, 66 gunners, 36 passengers   
Battle Value: 75,506
Cost: 7,391,351,000 C-bills

Background - As technology (and our acquisition budget/worker experience) improves procurement looked at weaknesses in our formation and found that the Coriolis, while suitable for interdiction type operations, was quite limited and in urgent need of a replacement. The Faust Heavy Corvette is as capable of controlling an engagement range with its 4g max acceleration and with an even longer effective range. The installation of the massive prow (Medium) Naval Gauss Cannons was controversial when a similar thing could be accomplished using Naval PPCs. Although the Faust is more expensive the addition of eighteen automated robotic fighter bays (reducing personnel for general maintenance), the Large Naval Comm-Scanner Suite, and additional weapons make up for it in the end product.

Code: [Select]
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 9
Heat Sinks: 895 (1790)

    400 rounds of Ultra AC/20 ammunition (80 tons),
    60 rounds of Killer Whale ammunition (3000 tons),
    20 rounds of Medium N-Gauss ammunition (8 tons),
    200 rounds of Stingray ammunition (2,400 tons),
    240 rounds of Light Gauss Rifle ammunition (15 tons),
    320 rounds of Extended LRM 20 ammunition (80 tons)

Grav Decks: 2 (120 m, 120 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 30

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
    15 Space Mine Dispenser
535.5 tons of improved ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons:                                        Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                  Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (186 Heat)
2 Naval Gauss (Medium)                      30   50(500) 50(500) 50(500) 50(500)  Capital Gauss
    Medium N-Gauss Ammo (20 shots)
4 Extended LRM 20                           40   5(48)   5(48)   5(48)    5(48)   LRM         
    Extended LRM 20 Ammo (80 shots)
5 Light Gauss Rifle                          5   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)    4(40)   AC         
    Light Gauss Rifle Ammo (80 shots)
6 ER PPC                                    90   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   PPC         
3 Laser AMS                                 21    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
FRS/FLS (236 Heat)
6 Extended LRM 20                           60   7(72)   7(72)   7(72)    7(72)   LRM         
    Extended LRM 20 Ammo (120 shots)
5 Light Gauss Rifle                          5   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)    4(40)   AC         
    Light Gauss Rifle Ammo (80 shots)
6 ER PPC                                    90   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   PPC         
3 Laser AMS                                 21    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
3 Capital Missile Launcher (Killer Whale)   60   12(120) 12(120) 12(120) 12(120)  Capital Missile
    Killer Whale Ammo (30 shots)
RBS/LBS (170 Heat)
10 Ultra AC/20                              80   30(300) 30(300)  0(0)     0(0)   AC         
    Ultra AC/20 Ammo (200 shots)
10 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Stingray)  90   35(350) 35(350)  0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Stingray Ammo (100 shots)
ARS/ALS (125 Heat)
5 Laser AMS                                 35   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
5 Large Laser                               40   4(40)   4(40)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
5 Large Pulse Laser                         50   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
Aft (125 Heat)
5 Laser AMS                                 35   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
5 Large Laser                               40   4(40)   4(40)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
5 Large Pulse Laser                         50   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)     0(0)   Pulse Laser

Megalith (Super) Battlecarrier/Dreadnought
Mass: 1,550,000 tons
Fuel: 15,000 tons (37,500)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
12x Heavy N-PPCs
5x Medium N-PPCs
12x Naval AC/20s
4x Naval AC/35s
24x NL/45s
24x SCL/2s
30x Laser Anti-Missile Systems
33x Large Lasers
16x PPCs
    Nose: 874
    Fore Sides: 714/714
    Aft Sides: 644/644
    Aft: 406
Structural Integrity: 180
    Bay 1:  Fighter (144)           12 Doors 
    Bay 2:  Cargo (20829.0 tons)    4 Doors 
Dropship Capacity: 6
Crew:  77 officers, 290 enlisted/non-rated, 90 gunners, 288 bay personnel
Battle Value: 219,700
Cost: 17,212,628,000 C-bills

Background - The Megalith is little more than a blueprint at the moment but it is being explored deeply as the next evolution of our Ultra-weight Flagship. Conceptually it is a very similar design to our Perdition class (now on SBB-V Perfidy) with an extra middle section dedicated to carrying a competitive numbers of parasitic fighter craft to an Olympus Carrier (now on SCV-III Ascension). While it cannot carry as much internal cargo volume and has more drain (fighters and guns) a growing number of Clairvoyance class ships will ensure it was properly supplied in combat zones. Its half-dozen jump collars will provide additional bulk storage of consumables such as ammo, fuel, or crew stores as well as airframe maintenance and other forward support needs.

While not as capable as the Perdition in Linear engagements the Megalith is formidable, fast, and tough to kill all of which will be crucial if there will be any hope of survivability in a full-scale engagement where it might be lost to hostile fire. Its thrusters would be capable of outputting almost twice the thrust of our previous most powerful vessel (the Olympus-class), allowing it to keep pace with our Carriers and Cruiser-class designs. The power plant also would feature enough heat capacity and excess energy generation to drive a Large Naval Comm-Scanner Suite to provide command and control. Both of these abilities would be crucial to the large fleet actions a Megalith would lead if it were built.

Perhaps one day but until then we will have to deal with the capabilities of our Fleet designs as they are and make the appropriate investments to extend their service lives and ensure that a large portion of their value might be reclaimed for future designs with any new technology that might appear.

Code: [Select]
Sail Integrity: 7
KF Drive Integrity: 31
Heat Sinks: 3852 (7704)

    120 rounds of NAC/20 ammunition (48 tons),
    40 rounds of NAC/35 ammunition (40 tons)

Grav Decks: 2 (140 m, 140 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 24

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
4,860 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                         Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                   Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (849 Heat)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/35)  240  70(700) 70(700)  0(0)     0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/35 Ammo (20 shots)
2 Naval Autocannon (NAC/35)  240  70(700) 70(700)  0(0)     0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/35 Ammo (20 shots)
3 Naval Laser 45             294  20(195) 20(195) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
    3 Sub-Capital Laser /2
5 Laser AMS                  35   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
5 Large Laser                40   4(40)   4(40)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
FRS/FLS (1,052 Heat)
3 Naval PPC (Heavy)          675  45(450) 45(450) 45(450) 45(450)  Capital PPC
3 Naval Laser 45             294  20(195) 20(195) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
    3 Sub-Capital Laser /2
5 Laser AMS                  35   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
6 Large Laser                48   5(48)   5(48)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
RBS/LBS (734 Heat)
3 Naval Autocannon (NAC/20)  180  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/20 Ammo (30 shots)
3 Naval Autocannon (NAC/20)  180  60(600) 60(600) 60(600)   0(0)   Capital AC 
    NAC/20 Ammo (30 shots)
3 Naval Laser 45             294  20(195) 20(195) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
    3 Sub-Capital Laser /2
8 PPC                        80   8(80)   8(80)    0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
ARS/ALS (1,052 Heat)
3 Naval PPC (Heavy)          675  45(450) 45(450) 45(450) 45(450)  Capital PPC
3 Naval Laser 45             294  20(195) 20(195) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
    3 Sub-Capital Laser /2
5 Laser AMS                  35   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
6 Large Laser                48   5(48)   5(48)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
Aft (1,036 Heat)
5 Naval PPC (Medium)         675  45(450) 45(450) 45(450) 45(450)  Capital PPC
3 Naval Laser 45             294  20(195) 20(195) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
    3 Sub-Capital Laser /2
5 Laser AMS                  35   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
4 Large Laser                32   3(32)   3(32)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4040
OOC - Procrastination continues to drive me to look back at this project and add more stuff rather than write fiction at the moment. All numbers are from the Industrial Tycoon's Handbook

Fleet Composition and Capitalization

As our fleet has grown over the past century so has the Fleet's budget for investment in research, design, and development as well as standing up multiple lines for components, ammunition, transport, and fueling infrastructure. Much of this material and contractors provide dual-purpose products as a healthy economy fuels both the need while providing funding and materials for our growing orbital infrastructure. While our Fleet is not outrageously large and the production process is mostly robotized (particularly in orbit) it is a noticeable drain on the state coffers but being unarmed in such a dangerous environment could inflict even larger damage. It has cannibalized much of our ground forces which are reliant on conventional mechanized brigades running on fuel cells due to the abundant hydrogen and hydrocarbon resources. As older smaller ships mature they will eventually be taken into mothballs or recycled with their production lines upgraded or changed over to larger more cost and combat effective designs

At any one time there are
Max Warship Hulls (during this century) = 125 (due to 90 year lifespan)
17 Large Combatants (5 Perditions, 3 Athos, 2 Olympus, 7 Admiral Shultes)
45 Medium Combatants (6 Clairvoyances, 10 Mythics, 4 Junos, 17 Argonauts, 8 Sharangas)
67 Small Combatants (12 Granites, 10 Fausts, 5 Khepris, 24 Freyas, 20 Coriolis, 6 Tumbleweeds)

Jumpships = 395
Space Stations = 45
Dropships = 297 (with as many in reserve)
Small Craft = 1365 (with as many in reserve)

Annual Cost (Production + Upkeep) over 100 years = 345.2 BILLION! c-bills
Production Headcount (at peak) = 37,274
Officer Headcount (at peak) = 32,758 [with almost half of that (13,752) being pilots]
Crew Headcount (at peak) = 102,346
Bay Personnel Headcount (at peak) = 153,272 (with a good portion of that being Aerospace forces already accounted for)

Fleet Goals for the next 50
Reduce Coriolis and Freya Hull count to consolidate on the Faust. Add more Broken Arrows to pick up the slack on the Gun Line and for deterrence patrols.
Continue increasing Admiral Shulte Class at the cost of Mythics.
Further increase combat dropship production to better supplement the fleet and reduce the expensive Sharanga Missile Frigates.
Add another Olympus Class Carrier and increase the production rate of Quillons.
Further invest in pilot training and orbital/moon basing of Aerospace assets.
Conduct further research into ARTS, drones, and fully autonomous platforms to enable better scaling.
Update Sharanga Missile Frigates to serve as drone motherships (Shiva-class Drone Carrier)
Build new LF-equipped ships with improved anti-Large Craft firepower of a carrier screen (Legate Battlecruiser).


  • Major
  • *
  • Posts: 4040
Future Growth
Quantum QUA-II
Role - Drone Dogfighter
Mass: 60 tons
Frame: Quillon Demi-Drone
Power Plant: 300 XL
Armor: Heavy Ferro-Aluminum
     5 Medium Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: Imperial Cybernetics
     Primary Factory: Orbital Station OSS Vanguard
Communication System: Quantum Type X
Targeting & Tracking System: Quantum RedEye
Cost: 8,550,100 C-bills

Background - Our Fleet has long invested in cutting edge robotics and automation to reduce the manpower required to staff and fight our Warships. With the increasing need for pilots and our academies at capacity it has become increasingly urgent to find a solution to protecting our fleet from fighters and project power via our carrier dropships. Thus drones were pursued as a way to not only eke out higher performance from the Quillon fuselage but as a way to extend and protect our pilots. The Quillon was chosen due to the optimal payload and performance characteristics that allowed from drone adaptation plus the likelihood that it would be operating in close proximity to electronic warfare equipped gunships that can maintain and extend the radio connection with its mothership.

Code: [Select]
Type: Quantum
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 60
Battle Value: 1,609

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        300 XL                9.5
Safe Thrust: 7
Max Thrust: 11
Structural Integrity:         7                       
Heat Sinks:                   10 [20]                 0
Fuel:                         560                   7.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro)    476                    24

     Nose                   143   
     Wings                119/119 
     Aft                     95   

and Ammo                 Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Medium Pulse Laser         NOS       2.0      4      6    0    0    0 
2 Medium Pulse Laser       RWG       4.0      4      6    0    0    0 
Drone Operating System     FSLG      6.5      -      -    -    -    - 
2 Medium Pulse Laser       LWG       4.0      4      6    0    0    0 

Shiva Drone Carrier/Frigate
Mass: 480,000 tons
Fuel: 10,000 tons (25,000)
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
25x NL/45
9x Light N-PPC
4x Barracuda
8x Piranha
22x Medium SCC
9x SCL/3
15x Large Pulse Laser
15x Medium Laser
20x AMS
    Nose: 215
    Fore Sides: 174/174
    Aft Sides: 163/163
    Aft: 104
Structural Integrity: 120
    Bay 1:  ARTS Fighter (54)       6 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (6463.0 tons)     4 Doors
Dropship Capacity: 2
Crew:  43 officers, 110 enlisted/non-rated, 109 gunners, 108 passengers
Battle Value: 74,635
Cost: 8,086,881,000 C-bills

Background - With an increased interest in deploying drone fighters there was a growing need to develop a mothership for these units that was capable of maintaining the data transfer link and providing superior situation awareness of the battlespace. The Sharanga with its teleoperated missiles and naval comm-scanner suit was suggested and ARS IX Shiva was modified to carry drone fighters that it would launch from the modules that were formerly the Stingray tubes mounted in its broadsides. With a Large NCSS and 6.4 kt of cargo it can maintain full control of these Quantum drones that would serve to protect the Fleet from Aerospace Fighters just like its cousin class does with its missiles, except these can return and be reused. It still maintains much of the lighter weaponry of the Sharanga including the Medium Sub-Capital Cannons on the broadsides that maintain their previous use of close range defense against lighter Warships and attack dropships.

The Advanced Robotic Transport System integrated into the Aerospace Bays of the Shiva reduces the manpower required to conduct basic maintenance on the air frames within the cradles via automation and advanced diagnostic equipment. With half the airpower of the Olympus in the form of the Quantum Drone Fighter the Shiva can serve an important role alongside the regular Fleet who were otherwise reliant on their own fighter wings and those of the dropships they carried for this capability. Additionally the unmanned nature of these drones allows for 'acceptable' losses although procurement will continue to hound an Star Commodore that wastes equipment needlessly, not that they are particularly fond of either the Sharanga and its expensive ammunition or the Shiva and its top end fighter drones.

Code: [Select]
Sail Integrity: 4
KF Drive Integrity: 11
Heat Sinks: 2253 (4506)

    480 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (40 tons),
    352 rounds of Medium SCC ammunition (352 tons),
    90 rounds of Piranha ammunition (900 tons),
    80 rounds of Barracuda ammunition (2,400 tons)

Grav Decks: 2 (100 m, 100 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 53

Notes: Equipped with
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Large)
1,151.5 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                      Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (624 Heat)
3 Naval PPC (Light)                       315  21(210) 21(210) 21(210)   0(0)   Capital PPC
4 Naval Laser 45                          280  18(180) 18(180) 18(180) 18(180)  Capital Laser
3 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Piranha)  27   9(90)   9(90)   9(90)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Piranha Ammo (30 shots)
2 Anti-Missile System                      2    1(6)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
FRS/FLS (626 Heat)
3 Naval Laser 45                          210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
3 Naval PPC (Light)                       315  21(210) 21(210) 21(210)   0(0)   Capital PPC
2 Capital Missile Launcher (Barracuda)    20   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)    4(40)   Capital Missile
    Barracuda Ammo (40 shots)
2 Sub-Capital Missile Launcher (Piranha)  18   6(60)   6(60)   6(60)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Missile
    Piranha Ammo (30 shots)
4 ER PPC                                  60   4(40)   4(40)   4(40)     0(0)   PPC         
3 Anti-Missile System                      3    1(9)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (72 shots)
RBS/LBS (540 Heat)
3 Naval Laser 45                          210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
11 Sub-Capital Cannon (Medium)            330  55(550) 55(550)  0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Cannon
    Medium SCC Ammo (176 shots)
ARS/ALS (375 Heat)
3 Naval Laser 45                          210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
3 Sub-Capital Laser /3                    96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
5 Large Pulse Laser                       50   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Medium Laser                            15   3(25)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Anti-Missile System                      4   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (96 shots)
Aft (375 Heat)
3 Naval Laser 45                          210  14(135) 14(135) 14(135) 14(135)  Capital Laser
3 Sub-Capital Laser /3                    96   9(90)   9(90)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
5 Large Pulse Laser                       50   5(45)   5(45)    0(0)     0(0)   Pulse Laser
5 Medium Laser                            15   3(25)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Anti-Missile System                      4   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (96 shots)

Legate Battlecruiser
Mass: 625,000 tons
Fuel: 8,000 tons (20,000)
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
25x Medium N-PPC
15x NL/45
18x SCL/2
18x Ultra AC/20
14x Heavy PPC
28x Large Laser
30x AMS
    Nose: 203
    Fore Sides: 183/183
    Aft Sides: 141/141
    Aft: 103
Structural Integrity: 90
    Bay 1:  Fighter (18)            4 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (8266.0 tons)     4 Doors   
Dropship Capacity: 2
Crew:  41 officers, 135 enlisted/non-rated, 70 gunners, 36 bay personnel, 120 passengers      
Battle Value: 91,009
Cost: 14,500,731,000 C-bills

Background - With so much investment into Mythic Cruiser production going into the Clairvoyance FSSS there was a growing interest in reusing that LF-capable hull for a new design to bolster the Granite Destroyer contingent. The Legate class Battlecruiser was chosen as a supplemental design to serve as either a Destroyer Leader for a Carrier Task Force, an independent escort Battlecruiser for the fast Carriers, or as the centerpiece of an Offensive Raid Force. Its arrival has also increased investment in Granite Destroyers who are now beginning to have more construction capability come online as our lightest Warships continue to decline in hull count only to be replaced by more modern Faust, Sharanga/Shiva, or Argonaut class vessels.

Instead of the Mythic's Fore and Aft Quarterdeck and Nose focus the Legate pushes all the guns forward to the Nose, Fore Quarterdecks, and Broadsides allowing for greater point firepower and a similar engagement profile to the Granite Destroyers or Faust Heavy Corvettes it would operate alongside. This would leave it mostly unarmed in the rear. This was seen as less of a concern due to the high potential acceleration of 4g that allow it to keep up with the Coriolis and Faust Corvettes while enabling it to control the engagement range and approach while maintaining the capability to escape stern chases. Its mostly mediumweight and energy focused armament make it more ammo independent than the Granites although the less sturdy design requires its Captain to very carefully balance the threats it is to combat. 

Code: [Select]
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 14
Heat Sinks: 2850 (5700)

    360 rounds of Ultra AC/20 ammunition (72 tons),
    864 rounds of Anti-Missile System [IS] ammunition (72 tons)

Grav Decks: 1 (100 m)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 52

Notes: Equipped with
    lithium-fusion battery system
    1 Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small)
1,125 tons of ferro-carbide armor.

Weapons:                                       Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)                                 Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (869 Heat)
5 Naval PPC (Medium)                       675  45(450) 45(450) 45(450) 45(450)  Capital PPC
3 Sub-Capital Laser /2                     84   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
5 Anti-Missile System                       5   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (144 shots)
7 Heavy PPC                                105  11(105) 11(105)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         
FRS/FLS (820 Heat)
5 Naval PPC (Medium)                       675  45(450) 45(450) 45(450) 45(450)  Capital PPC
3 Sub-Capital Laser /2                     84   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
5 Anti-Missile System                       5   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (144 shots)
7 Large Laser                              56   6(56)   6(56)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
RBS/LBS (819 Heat)
5 Naval PPC (Medium)                       675  45(450) 45(450) 45(450) 45(450)  Capital PPC
9 Ultra AC/20                              72   27(270) 27(270)  0(0)     0(0)   AC         
    Ultra AC/20 Ammo (180 shots)
6 ER Large Laser                           72   5(48)   5(48)   5(48)     0(0)   Laser       
ARS/ALS (495 Heat)
5 Naval Laser 45                           350  23(225) 23(225) 23(225) 23(225)  Capital Laser
3 Sub-Capital Laser /2                     84   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
5 Anti-Missile System                       5   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (144 shots)
7 Large Laser                              56   6(56)   6(56)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
Aft (544 Heat)
5 Naval Laser 45                           350  23(225) 23(225) 23(225) 23(225)  Capital Laser
3 Sub-Capital Laser /2                     84   6(60)   6(60)    0(0)     0(0)   Sub-Capital Laser
5 Anti-Missile System                       5   2(15)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   AMS         
    Anti-Missile System Ammo [IS] (144 shots)
7 Heavy PPC                                105  11(105) 11(105)  0(0)     0(0)   PPC         


  • Lieutenant Colonel
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  • Posts: 10021
  • Clan Hells Horses 666th Mech. Assualt Cluster
What do you think a massive 5 Mil ton WS conjoined via the Multiple Docking Collar System?

I'm saying, using several collars to permanently attach the other to it, so that both travel as one.

One carries the other, using the reinforced Tug adaption on both.

Would this be possible?

Khan, Clan Iron Dolphin
Azeroth Pocketverse
That is, if true tanker doesn't beat me to it. He makes truly evil units.Col.Hengist on 31 May 2013
TT, we know you are the master of nasty  O0 ~ Fletch on 22 June 2013
If I'm attacking you, conventional wisom says to bring 3x your force.  I want extra insurance, so I'll bring 4 for every 1 of what you have :D ~ Tai Dai Cultist on 21 April 2016
Me: Would you rather fight my Epithymía Thanátou from the Whispers of Blake?
Nav_Alpha: That THING... that is horrid
~ Nav_Alpha on 10 October 2016