Hangar Ninety-Four Barracks, Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
21 September, 3032
“You look worse for wear, Star Captain.” The voice came from behind Amanda, and she jumped a little. She jumped more, and to attention, when she realised that it was Neal di Martino behind her.
“Khan di Martino! I am sorry, I did not hear you coming.”
“No, and by the state of your face you did not see others coming either.” He indicated to the bruising and contusions that marred her.
“I saw them coming, but there was little I could do. The unit has had several run ins with members of the Katyusha and Strana Mechty Keshiks, and last night was a major one.”
The Cobra Khan moved to sit at one of the field chairs that were arranged around a table of similar manufacture below, and to the side of, the Star Captain’s Reaver OmniMech. The area had become one of Amanda’s de facto workspaces as she strove to bring her unit together. He indicated for her to do the same, and despite the noise in the hangar as Technicians serviced the Mechs of her formation, they could talk without too much effort.
“That is becoming a problem and the ilKhan may request Star Colonel Harper be replaced, but he is hesitant to dishonour the Raven Khan as he needs her support. At least you have not lost anyone to this brawling, though the same can’t be said for your antagonists. Ah well, this is the way of the Warrior. But that is not what I am really here to discuss. You have been busy, and your proposed little jaunt is interesting.”
“Jaunt? I am not planning a relaxing tour of the planet Khan di Martino.”
He smiled at her response, “I was not suggesting you were. I was taunting you in my way. You will need to learn to not jump at every barb as you progress, or others will use it to goad you into fighting on their terms. Do you understand?”
“I think so.”
“Good. Because as you can see, you are a lightning rod. There is a small but not insignificant body of people who see you as either an abomination or anathema to what we are. They are enough to cause trouble and delay matters, possibly even kill you, and that is not an event we should seek out here in the Homeworlds. You have unbalanced the Clans as much, if not more so, than the invasion itself and I am not entirely sure you understand just how. Do you?”
Amanda looked down and the metal tabletop, and then back to the Cobra Khan opposite her, “Because I threaten certain established power structures.”
He nodded, “Partly, but that is not the entire story. Yes, you are a threat to the power the Crusaders built, a threat to the Wolves and a threat to some of the more conservative parts of our society, but it is not because of power itself, it is what underlies that power. You have the potential to threaten our belief system.”
“We don’t have a belief system, or at least if we are not a Cobra or Nova Cat.”
“Oh, but we do Amanda. We believe in the supreme individual, the ultimate product of our genetic programs. Even one like Keyonna Hamann, a Freeborn Khan, has been through our systems, was enhanced before birth and survived against the best we could produce. Her line evolved, as have all our lines, to create ever better versions of ourselves, or at least, that is what we believe.”
“You do not?”
“What I believe does not matter here, or at least not at this moment. What others believe does. You are a clone Amanda, you represent the past, or stagnation, depending on the view. Your success also attacks the very nature of what we see as our reason for our structure of governance.”
“I don’t really see how I do that. I might represent a touchstone to the past we thought lost, but I am not trying to overthrow the Grand Council.”
“You don’t have to try; you just need to live. You see if you succeed, if you excel, which I am certain you will do, you undermine the belief in the supreme evolved individual. You are a genetic line with no enhancement, plucked from a birth more than two hundred and fifty years in the past. You excel and the entire reason for the Warrior Caste’s domination of our people is thrown into question. Few realise this, even those that oppose you have probably not articulated their thinking to that level as yet, and are acting on programming for now. You are a fundamental threat to the Clan way of life, even as you become the greatest beacon for us in achieving our ultimate goal. No matter what happens you will change us in many ways, ways that we might not be equipped to deal with.”
Amanda was disturbed by the Cobra’s thinking and was not sure how to integrate or process the information. Her place in Clan society was not of her choosing, that decision had been made two centuries earlier, and it frustrated her that others aimed their vitriol at her when she continued to conduct herself in the manner of a true Warrior. “What must I do then?”
“What do you think you should do?”
“If I excel, I incite those who despise me further, if I fail, I justify their attacks on me and incite them further…”
“Ah, to know the mind of a fanatic, for fanatics we all are. Fanatics of the Clan way. I have read of many who used belief in the past to inspire themselves to any deed, which they would moralise as good, as long as they did such deeds in line with their faith. You will face this from those who oppose you. They will justify any action against you by the structures of their faith, and even more insidious ones will use those of faith to drive their own ambitions for power, and they are more dangerous still.”
“That is not the Way of the Clans.”
“That has always been the Way of the Clans. We Cobras know it. If you have read Nicholas Kerensky’s journals, then you too are coming to know it. Those who do not die as Warriors or are cast out into the solahma as failures. To be a Warrior is good, but to be a Warrior politician is to know glory.” Amanda said nothing, simply glowering at the man opposite her. “The issue for you little clone, is that over the coming years opposition to you will coalesce, and leaders who can manipulate it will emerge. You will become the new faultline for the Clans. The term Loyalists may come to mean something very different in the future.” There was an ominous silence as the Cobra Khan finished and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms and watching Amanda closely.
“I cannot break the Unity.”
“You could interpret your words in different ways Amanda…advice to yourself, a statement of the strength of our people’s convictions, a word to a would-be ally…you see how no matter what you say or do you may be our doom, as those around you twist your words to suit themselves.”
“And if I die?”
“A martyr is always better than a hero, they are less inclined to disagree with the leaders of the faithful or get in the way of their plans.”
Amanda stood and walked towards her Mech and then back again. She pointed a finger at Neal, “What do you want then Cobra?” Her voice was raised.
“To restore the honour of my Clan and be ilKhan, but that will only come with time, so I am in no hurry. That also means that you and I will work together for a long time. I have no fear of you, as I do not ‘believe’ in you. I trust in your abilities, as you have displayed those amply to date, and I do not think you are as self-absorbed as many of our people, your unique upbringing saw to that. Therefore, I wish to work with you, and not against; you as you might be the best hope, along with Kimball, in preventing our people from Annihilating themselves.”
There was quiet for a moment as Amanda sat, “I am comfortable with that, but I will not be your pawn.”
“I would prefer you not to be, you are at your best when you are your own person, at least so far as I can see. Your little idea for your training campaign is prime evidence of that. How comes your planning for it?”
“It is…difficult. The ilKhanate lacks the vehicles for support, so I am drawing on Free Guild assets. If we are to fight twenty Trials, one against each Clan now that the ilKhan has said he wants combats, not simulations, we will need a little more five thousand tons of supplies, with about five hundred more in replacement parts and equipment. That means I have had to requisition over two hundred trucks to haul all of that with us, as well as what we need to support the trucks and the people in them. I need a train of two hundred and fifty, fifty-ton trucks to support twenty-star sized engagements of a pair of Binaries!!! I know that I am making it harder on myself not using a DropShip, but it makes me wonder how we will manage in the Inner Sphere.”
The Cobra Khan nodded as she spoke and then smiled, “With DropShip support as you noted. By blitzkrieg. By living off the land where we can. That said, you are starting to understand what is concerning the ilKhan and I. Some Clans are planning on taking minimal supplies, some are being more practical, but even for those we are at the end of a vastly long supply line. The good news is that your little training exercise will be shown to many and may help some wake up. But it will also be your introduction to working with me as we pull this little circus together for our jaunt to the Inner Sphere.”
“I think half my unit want to go back to their Clans. We are training well, but I may kill them from boredom over the logistics.”
“Wait until I order you to take a PGC Trinary to escort your train, that will only add to your headaches.”
“You wouldn’t!” Amanda was a combination of shocked and angry.
“I would. For the very simple reason we’ll need them for just that role in the Inner Sphere, as well as the need to garrison our new holdings. A Supernova Trinary of Free Guild assigned Katyusha Keshik troops would do the trick for you.”
“That’s another four hundred odd mouths to feed, plus the spares and support needs for the tanks themselves, and the Technicians that go with it. I might as well dragoon in some Free guild Merchants to help at this point.” Amanda crossed her arms and looked away in anger.
“Yes, good. That is exactly what I would hope you would do. We need to learn skills we have lost, and from whoever we can. Here,” He tossed her a document he dug from his bag, “This should help with your education. Khan Moreau gave it to me.”
Amanda looked at the cover, which said ‘Star League Defence Force: Quartermaster Command Training Section – An Introduction to Logistics.’
“This is a SLDF manual?”
“It is, and I have found it, and several others, to be exceptionally useful in what I am doing. It might help you as well. I expect you to have read it by the time you get back from your little holiday.”
She smiled at his quip. “Extended vacation actually.”
“Call it what you want. There are more matters for you to sweat on as well. The ilKhan will give you the two Aerospace and two Elemental Points you asked for and has also set a goal for you.”
Amanda looked up sharply. “What does the ilKhan ask?”
“Beat more than half the Clans and your unit will be expanded, you’ll be made a Star Colonel and split off from the Keshik. You will receive an additional Mech Binary, Fighter Binary, two Elemental Binaries, and another Mech Star.”
“We would be a small Cluster in our own right!”
“Yes, if you succeed. If not, you’ll be stuck under Harper.”
Hangar Ninety-Four Barracks, Strana Mechty, Kerensky Cluster
21 September, 3032
“We need to make provisions for a light infantry and armour Supernova from the Katyusha Keshik, and whatever other logistical needs they will have. That will also potentially slow us down.” Amanda was briefing her unit on the additional requirements of the unit’s trek and was standing in front of a digital wall map of Kerensky Prime, the continent they planned to traverse. They departed in ten days, and there was still a mass of tasks to complete in that time.
“That may not be so much of a problem Star Captain, said Alfio Amoyan, the former Star Adder Warrior. “We have settled on using the Touman Right Of Ways. The TROWs connect all of the settlements and ranges we wish to access, in an around about way, and they are designed for moving military forces around the planet without breaking anything that is important. The tanks and heavy trucks will have no issues using them, the Guilds keep them well maintained.”
The young Adder walked up to the screen and punched in commands and a network of yellow lines appeared, linking all the major military settlements on the continent. “Like I said, by using these it does change the order of the Clans we will engage, but it means we are not limited to the timing of rail or other transport. We’ll test it with Alpha support Group tomorrow out to Range Eighty-Eight, break down for an overnight stay and then return the next day. Three days later the entire support unit will be here, and Factor Archelaos is ready to take the entire group on the same trip. Two days later, we and the light Supernova will join them for a full practice session. Then we have three days before we head out.”
It all seemed so easy on the map and in discussions, but every time they tried something in the field, the unexpected occurred. That was Amanda’s biggest fear. Originally the plan called for battling a Clan every day, but she pushed that back to all of them in four weeks. Those extra eight days seemed an ever-tinier reserve every time they learned a new lesson in moving this many vehicles overland to support a combat operation. Three hundred cargo and support vehicles, with fifteen hundred Technicians, Merchants and Labourers, were to support a force of five stars…This is madness. Three hundred!!! That is six per point per month. How do we do that in the Inner Sphere without DropShip support?
Amanda pushed that thought from her mind, there were operational matters to manage. “Factor Archelaos is certain he can move on time? And what of Star Captain Andrii? He has been less than impressive.”
“They will be ready,” said Sybilla, “I had a pointed word with the Star Captain this morning. We will not have any more trouble from that one.”
“Good. What of the new order of engagement, what are our first five fights shaping up to be now?”
Susheela looked up from her place and spoke, as she was responsible for coordinating their “dances” as she liked to call them, much to the hysterical amusement of Einar Lunde, their resident Goliath Scorpion. “Our first five dances…” Lunde snorted, “…are the 14th Raven Battle, Adder Quasar Keshik, 57th Cobra Guards, 8th Nova Cat Lancers, and the Horse 201st Mechanised Assault. The Cobras and Cats we should account for. The Ravens and Horses will be tough, but the Adders are the best unit on planet. If we take them down, we not only make a statement, but we will also be well on our way to making sure we win half the engagements.”
“The five of us will bid on the first five combats tonight, I want us training to face our initial targets from tomorrow. Five fights, two days’ rest, and then again, with two days spare if we need them anywhere.” Amanda spoke with confidence, but the timing and resources were tight. This will be hard, despite the bidding working partly in our favour. Some of the better units did not want to face us, which is disappointing, but means we have more chances for victory against those Clans who discount us. We should account for twelve, all other things being equal, but I want more than that. We need to make a statement that the other Keshiks and any who want to impede us will clearly understand.
After the planning was complete, the group moved out into the courtyard, where an impromptu game of football began, Warriors subbing in and out with seven in each team trying to get the ball into the overturned bin at each end. Every now and then, Thomas would come hurtling out of the bushes and pounce on the ball, before dashing away again. The game, played every night, had been what encouraged him to engage with the broader unit, and the Warriors had taken a shine to the little creature as he disrupted the game.
“I think we need a name.” This came from Verdandi Yun, the otherwise very quiet Widowmaker MechWarrior, who sat on the bench with Amanda and a few of the others.
“What do you mean?” Asked Natasia from closer to Amanda.
“Units have nicknames, and we should give ourselves one before someone else does. I do not want to be named by an officer with a grudge against us.”
“Thomas’s Tricksters!” Said Nout Zeira, the Cobra Warrior with a giggle.
There was much laughter at that, but then Sybilla stood, “Laugh if you want, but Nout is onto something. We are the Night Stalkers, maybe even the Night Stalkers Keshik if we are successful enough on this campaign. We should paint our machines and armour to match our little friend there…if nothing else, it will enrage Star Colonel Harper.”
There was more laughter around the table. “Make it so.” Said Amanda with a smile, “And tell that old fool Star Captain Andrii to paint his vehicles and infantry armour in the same way. Let us give the Clans something to shoot at when they come for us!”
Those at the table cheered, as too did those playing once they heard the decision.
Thomas simply preened himself while halfway up a tree, utterly unconcerned at the behaviour of those who otherwise entertained him.
Once the game recommenced and the others settled down, Sybilla leant in and asked, “Have you got the rest of your Star yet?”
“I do. A pair of Jengiz and a pair of Turks, with a Raven, Cobra, Burrock and Mongoose in them. They are joining us tomorrow. For now, they are exercising together over Novy Terra. The two Elemental points have a Bear and Horse commanding them; they’ll arrive sometime tonight. Those two points are already familiar with each other and came straight out of the Ebon Keshik.”
“You best be careful with a Star like that, Einar Lunde will adopt you into the Goliath Scorpions before you know it.” Both laughed at the joke, but Amanda was simply happy to have a full Star and have a little flexibility with her unit. Should the campaign to come be successful, she would gain even more troops and have her own Cluster…Don’t get ahead of yourself Amanda, this is not a sure battle as yet. She spoke to herself harshly. One step at a time. We are an untested unit, despite our raw materials, and we have not spent a lot of time together. We will be pressed hard and take losses, and this is as much a test of lang term deployment as it is of combat. We might not even make it all the way through.
Thinking on that topic some more, Amanda looked to Sybilla, “I will travel with the supply unit on their two excursions this week, you will be in command while I am gone. I want to see firsthand how they operate in the field.”
“You should take Krisna Carson with you…she is a Mongoose after all.”
“Perhaps, I will think in it, but I would prefer her to spend more time integrating with Susheela’s Star, she is not the strongest of our Warriors.”
“This is true. Enjoy your time with the civilians while we train as Warriors Star Captain.”
Amanda gave the smiling Sybilla a sour look. “I am sacrificing for the greater good. This should be recorded in my codex so that future generations do not forget my contribution and dedication to our noble cause.”