Author Topic: LCAC-type hover transports for mechs?  (Read 686 times)

Desert Scribe

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LCAC-type hover transports for mechs?
« on: 05 January 2025, 22:33:34 »
I have these models that I want to use for an Alpha Strike scenario, with the larger hover vehicles each transporting a battlemech across open water:

Are there any hover units on the MUL similar to a LCAC (landing craft, air cushioned) that can carry a mech? My own searches have not been productive.


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Re: LCAC-type hover transports for mechs?
« Reply #1 on: 05 January 2025, 23:05:32 »
Probably quite a few with the External Cargo Rules, depending on 'Mech size. A Size 2 hovercraft can move at half speed carrying a Size 1 'mech, IIRc, with the external cargo rules. I'd have to re-read them to be sure.
Size sometimes matters.


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Re: LCAC-type hover transports for mechs?
« Reply #2 on: 06 January 2025, 04:24:35 »
Sarna has you covered!

However (as for most support vehicles), no game stats provided, for classic or AS. But the key points are:
- very large (I'd interpret size 5)
- top speed 86kph (eg. 10"h movement)
- can carry a lance of 'Mechs (so CT somewhere between 200 and 400 ...)
 Other details in the Sarna article.

Purely my take, I'd probably give A5 S5 (or S8 at a pinch).
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Re: LCAC-type hover transports for mechs?
« Reply #3 on: 06 January 2025, 09:45:46 »
Sz 4 is the max but you could give it the LG, VLG, or SLG specials. I think SLG for something four times the size of a 'mech (if it can carry four 'Mechs).
Size sometimes matters.