Author Topic: Southern Assault List Help  (Read 1730 times)


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Southern Assault List Help
« on: 08 December 2024, 18:17:15 »
I'm hoping for some list ideas, looking for some Clan Hell's Horse's combined arms ideas in the Dark Age. Hoping to go this coming year, I've only played a handful of time's and have never been to ANY war game tournament before.


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Re: Southern Assault List Help
« Reply #1 on: 08 December 2024, 18:49:40 »
Do you know what the PV range is, and if there are any unit limitations?
Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Quote from: Megavolt
They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

Charistoph's Painted Products of Mechanical Mayhem


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Re: Southern Assault List Help
« Reply #2 on: 08 December 2024, 20:51:08 »
The PV is up to 375, Players may only have up to 2 units that share the same chassis name in their
-BattleMechs, OmniMechs, and IndustrialMechs cannot share the same variant in
an Army.
-All other units allowed can have two units of the same chassis and the same


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Re: Southern Assault List Help
« Reply #3 on: 09 December 2024, 00:01:57 »
The PV is up to 375, Players may only have up to 2 units that share the same chassis name in their
-BattleMechs, OmniMechs, and IndustrialMechs cannot share the same variant in
an Army.
-All other units allowed can have two units of the same chassis and the same

So it looks like a Point of Protomechs are out.  That could be a good thing, as they aren't very resilient for their PV.
Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Quote from: Megavolt
They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.

Charistoph's Painted Products of Mechanical Mayhem

MarauderCH IIC

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Re: Southern Assault List Help
« Reply #4 on: 08 January 2025, 17:59:33 »
I'm hoping for some list ideas, looking for some Clan Hell's Horse's combined arms ideas in the Dark Age. Hoping to go this coming year, I've only played a handful of time's and have never been to ANY war game tournament before.

Start with Eponas and the Eurus. Add Hephaestus jump tanks. Add battle armor as necessary. The Eurus and Epona both have the omni ability so can mount battle armor. There are a lot of good options and combinations for the Horses in this era. VTOLs aren't a bad idea but there can be plenty of flack in this era.

MarauderCH IIC

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Re: Southern Assault List Help
« Reply #5 on: 08 January 2025, 18:02:39 »
So it looks like a Point of Protomechs are out.  That could be a good thing, as they aren't very resilient for their PV.

A point of five can probably be fielded but there would only be two of each type in the point. Protos and their mobility can be very good objective grabbers in these types of events. It's not a bad idea to take them.

MarauderCH IIC

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Re: Southern Assault List Help
« Reply #6 on: 08 January 2025, 18:15:20 »
I put together a quick list of:

Eurus A, Eurus C, Epona Prime, Epona E, 2x Golem Assault Armor (Rock Golem) (Sqd5), 2x Hephaestus Jump Tank, 2x Skadi Swift Attack VTOL

That comes in at 329 points which allows for some skill adjustments or additional units. Start there!

Colt Ward

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Re: Southern Assault List Help
« Reply #7 on: 15 January 2025, 14:24:42 »

You are leaving out the original Enyos, though I do not play AS so perhaps it is a design that loses from TW.
Colt Ward
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MarauderCH IIC

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Re: Southern Assault List Help
« Reply #8 on: 15 January 2025, 22:13:52 »
The Enyo is a good tank. The Eurus has more armor and dies more damage. It also has the Critical Resistant ability. It's also more expensive. Pick one or the other or one of each.