Repeating Life Modules drops the Traits and Attributes but doesn't reduce their overall cost. This makes creating senior officers with multiple tours difficult, to say the least. Also, the challenges are different at the Company and Field Grade levels, so I came up with the below. I'll be adding it to the next iteration of my character creation spreadsheet, too.
Even in the war-torn BattleTech universe, the battlefield experience changes as a soldier or Warrior moves up in rank. Nations and Clans don't grant increased responsibility lightly, and like it or not, the bigger desk comes with more paperwork.
Module Cost: 900 XP (Periphery affiliations); 1,100 XP (Inner Sphere affiliations); 1,300 XP (Clan affiliations)
Prerequisites: Must have at least one Military Skill Field, Officer or Clan Rank +7 or higher. Cannot have the Combat Paralysis Trait. If character did not take the
Command and Staff College Stage 3 Module, apply the following: [Attributes] WIL (+100 XP), EDG (–100 XP); [Traits] Connections (+100 XP), Enemy (–100 XP)
Time: +3 years
Fixed XPs: [Traits] Connections (+100 XP), Choose Equipped or Vehicle (+100 XP), Choose Dependent or Dark Secret (-100 XP), Combat Sense (+50 XP), In For Life (-100 XP), Patient (+50 XP), Title/Bloodname (+50 XP); [Skills] Administration (+50 XP), Career/Soldier (+40 XP), Leadership (+50 XP), Navigation/Any (+40 XP), Protocol/Affiliation (+40 XP), Tactics/Any (+20 XP), Strategy (+10 XP)
Periphery Only: [Attributes] +100 XP to any one Attribute; [Traits] Enemy (–100 XP), Toughness (+100 XP); [Skills] Interest/Any (+20 XP), Leadership (+30 XP), MedTech/General (+20 XP), Negotiation (+50 XP), Perception (+30 XP), +150 total additional XP (+25 XP each assigned to a maximum of six Skills the character possesses from his Military Fields)
Inner Sphere Only: [Attributes] +100 XP each to any two Attributes; [Traits] Rank (+100 XP), Choose Equipped or Vehicle (+100 XP), [Skills] Perception (+25 XP), +175 total additional XP (+25 XP each assigned to a maximum of seven Skills the character possesses from his Military Fields)
Clan Only: [Attributes] +100 XP each to any two Attributes; [Traits] Bloodname (+100 XP), Combat Sense (+100 XP), Enemy (–100 XP), Choose Equipped or Vehicle (+100 XP); [Skills] Communications/Any (+30 XP), Computers (+30 XP), Interest/Any (+20 XP), Negotiation (+50 XP), Perception (+20 XP), +250 total additional XP (+25 XP each assigned to a maximum of ten Skills the character possesses from his Military Fields)
Flexible XPs (All Tours of Duty, Field Grade): +100 XP