Author Topic: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!  (Read 1673 times)


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Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« on: 07 January 2025, 10:42:41 »
The introduction of alternate ammo types for regular autocannons made LB-X cluster ammo stand out oddly.  I can see a game balance argument, but how about this?  "Cluster" ammunition for regular autocannons is a size down.  So:

AC/2s do only a single point of damage, but with that sweet -1 to hit (just like Flak!)
AC/5s roll on the 2 column
AC/10s roll on the 5 column
AC/20s roll on the 10 column

And why the heck not?  Gauss Rifles roll on the 10 column too (MagShots do 1 point like AC/2s).

LB-Xs would still exist because they're lighter, longer ranged, and do full cluster damage.  And the reverse argument of the above should apply to them, i.e., they can also choose from the variety of alternate ammo types.


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Re: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« Reply #1 on: 08 January 2025, 01:11:50 »
So flak already does normal clusters, but in groups of 5.  So this is kinda 'super flak' for AC rounds to emulate the 1 damage LBX cannister shot?

Because you made it half damage, its not 'broken', but I dont see it getting used.  It feels like a trap ammo, like something that exists for lore reasons but isnt meant to be used.  Also, its use would mostly be for eras that dont have the LBx weapons, like 3025, so are you ok with it in 3025 game play?


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Re: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« Reply #2 on: 08 January 2025, 03:58:30 »
Yes, I was intending 1-point groups... sorry I wasn't clear.  I'd be totally OK with this kind of ammo in 3025.  I see it as one of the many things we should have always had.


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Re: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« Reply #3 on: 10 January 2025, 10:41:42 »
A couple of AC cluster ammo thoughts:

1. Rather than rolling on a different column, impose a penalty like -4. That simplifies looking up the rules for cluster ammo - no need to reference a table, just remember "-4."

2. Separate of #1: there are more cluster options than 2/5/6/10/15/20 now. Like, you could roll on the 3 column for an AC/5, 7 or 8 column for an AC/10, and 15 column for an AC/20.

Vaguely related, have I mentioned my proximity fused LRM idea? The missiles pre-burst and scatter bomblets in 1-point increments. You take a -2 penalty on cluster results, though.
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

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Disclaimer: Anything stated in this post is unofficial and non-canon unless directly quoted from a published book. Random internet musings of a BattleTech writer are not canon.


  • Major General
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Re: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« Reply #4 on: 10 January 2025, 14:01:36 »
I would like to subscribe to your Proximity Fuse newsletter, good sir! :D

-4 is another way to get after it but that requires a rule for when you get lower than 2.

I know there are other columns in the chart now, but I expect many still only have the limited OG chart, and it keeps the language aligned to the sizes of ACs.

idea weenie

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Re: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« Reply #5 on: 19 January 2025, 11:00:04 »
That '-4' on the Cluster chart can also be changed based on tech level.  I.e. TL C Flak might be a -6 on the Cluster roll, TL D Flak might be -4, and TL E Flak might only be -2.


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Re: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« Reply #6 on: 20 January 2025, 03:04:26 »
Armor-Piercing Ammo has an modifier based on size. –1 for an AC/20, –2 for an AC/10, –3 for an AC/5 or –4 for an AC/2. Why not flip it for the cluster hit chart?

–1 for an AC/2, –2 for an AC/5, –3 for an AC/10 or
–4 for an AC/20.


  • Major General
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Re: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« Reply #7 on: 20 January 2025, 07:21:24 »
That could work, but it seems more complicated.