Author Topic: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help  (Read 574 times)


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Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« on: 08 January 2025, 09:49:14 »
Hi all,

For a while we had a Fan Article Directory, which chanman was kind enough to cultivate over the years. However, he's no longer here, and with the only people able to edit the thread being him or people with mod/admin abilities, it's fallen into disuse- it's so out of date at this point as to be essentially useless. The result has been a couple of times (for me at least) finding that I've put a lot of work into an article like the DI Schmitt or Eyrie only to find that it already exists, and I've spent a lot of time for nothing- or even worse, no article exists for a unit and we just don't realize it (I had this a while back with the Vulcan!).

With that in mind, I'd like to rebuild the directory in a new thread. But as you can imagine, that's a pretty serious undertaking- so in order to make it work as well as possible, I'll need this to be a community effort. Here's how you can be a part!

As with the current thread, permissions for edits are only going to be available for those with mod and admin powers. I'll be taking lead on that front as a result, starting a thread and updating it (more on that later). Updating is going to be a 'first of the month, compile the last month's articles' links and add them to the thread' thing. That part shouldn't be too difficult as an occasional but scheduled event for me to do (and if I'm unavailable I can have someone step in for a bit). What's going to be difficult is compiling the back list- and here's where I want your thoughts.

My plan is to go back several years, but honestly a lot of the older articles are so out of date that we may be better off getting new articles made instead. That may sound a bit cold, and I don't mean any insult to those who wrote the older articles (well, except the ones I did, those I mean dire insult to), it's more that I want to make sure that we have updated info and recent discussion at the forefront. So I'm thinking going back maybe ten years or so, pulling links for those threads, and not more than that. Again, no insult intended- think of it more as an opportunity to get new voices heard.

So here's my thought on this- and it may be controversial, but it'll make it easier for people to find articles, I think. Unlike chanman's system of going chronologically by article date, I'd like to build something based more on book index. So I'll be compiling, for example, TRO:2750's Mechs into a list, and attaching the links for each of those Mechs in order from the book. That means new people (or even us vets) wanting to find an article aren't looking to see when the Mercury was discussed, we just look on the TRO list for the article and go from there. That'll mean an easier index to use in-general- but building it is going to be a bear, with what little spare time I have between day job, family life, and occasional miniature painting. So I need your help.

WHEN this goes live- and it's not even started yet, so don't send me stuff yet!- I'll ask that people give me a hand with finding links for articles so we can start compiling them. These should be the link to the original post for the thread, make sure it's not to a comment somewhere within. What I'll ask is for people to take on parts of a book- so Person A compiles the list for TRO:3055's Inner Sphere stuff, Person B takes on '55s Clan stuff, so on and so forth. If you don't have a link for something, no sweat, it means we have an article needed. Those lists will be sent to me, where I'll build the list in the thread, attach those links you send, and move on to the next part needed. This will be a multi-step process that will require some time to get built, but once it's made it'll be a lot easier to keep up with for me to update, and a lot easier for us all to find what we need.

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Just want to throw a brick at me? I'm hoping to move forward on this starting later this month ideally, and the more people that dive in, the faster it will go and the more accurate our info will be.

EDIT: So here's what I'll need, when we get moving on this shortly. If you volunteer, I'll give you a parameter to work with- say, Clan Mechs of TRO:3050. Once I send that to you (and I'll be working these too, of course!), I'll need you to search for articles on that unit. Go back to 2012, let's say- if you find anything older than that, ignore it. Use the TRO's table of contents as a guide for what you need- find the article link, and send it to me as a list like below:

Dasher: [link here!]
Koshi: [link here!]
Uller: [link here!]
Puma: [link here!]

I'll be able to then compile these together, once they're reorganized, and put up the first iteration of the index. It'll be incomplete at first, over time we'll flesh it out to include everything we've got- Mechs, vehicles, fighters, warships, whatever else, but we'll focus on getting Mech articles done first.

Make sense? Again, this probably won't be organized in the actual index in the format above, it's how I'll break up the research work to people into smaller batches to work on, THEN we'll reorganize it before posting.

Stay tuned, more info coming!
« Last Edit: 13 January 2025, 18:01:33 by JadeHellbringer »
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #1 on: 11 January 2025, 00:59:08 »
Can I suggest organizing alphabetically by weight, then including the native TRO as part of the individual listing?  I can only speak to my own experience but I've very, very rarely been compelled to look up all of the 'Mechs in a particular TRO, but I have on frequent and ongoing occasion had reason to look up a midweight striker or heavy brawler for an arbitrary example.


Code: [Select]
A 20 ton 'Mech (TRO 3039)
B 20 ton 'Mech (TRO 3039)
C 20 ton 'Mech (TRO 3050)

A 25 ton 'Mech (TRO 2750)
B 25 ton 'Mech (RG 22)

A 30 ton 'Mech (TRO 3145)
B 30 ton 'Mech (TRO 3085)
C 30 ton 'Mech (TP:EE)


By TRO would absolutely make it easier to determine which articles don't exist, but that seems like it could be done all at once and have a list available in the index itself.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #2 on: 11 January 2025, 01:12:06 »
Can I suggest organizing alphabetically by weight, then including the native TRO as part of the individual listing?  I can only speak to my own experience but I've very, very rarely been compelled to look up all of the 'Mechs in a particular TRO, but I have on frequent and ongoing occasion had reason to look up a midweight striker or heavy brawler for an arbitrary example.


Code: [Select]
A 20 ton 'Mech (TRO 3039)
B 20 ton 'Mech (TRO 3039)
C 20 ton 'Mech (TRO 3050)

A 25 ton 'Mech (TRO 2750)
B 25 ton 'Mech (RG 22)

A 30 ton 'Mech (TRO 3145)
B 30 ton 'Mech (TRO 3085)
C 30 ton 'Mech (TP:EE)


By TRO would absolutely make it easier to determine which articles don't exist, but that seems like it could be done all at once and have a list available in the index itself.

yeah some sort of organization beyond "purely chronological list" be helpful in finding specific *otW articles.

at the least, by weight classes (light, medium, heavy, assault, superheavy) would be useful for mechs, and could be adapted easily enough to the other unit types, since those have existing catagories that can be drawn on.

for chronology use, perhaps just have a date citation (could be in the DD/MM/YYYY format) in the entry. so we can see how old the article is.

so a possible entry would be:

Heavy mechs:
70t - ARC-* Archer (01/26/2011)

i'm not sure about the TRO info.. especially for stuff that has appeared in multiple TRO's over time.
« Last Edit: 11 January 2025, 01:17:21 by glitterboy2098 »


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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #3 on: 13 January 2025, 08:14:06 »
So, since you guys brought it up, my way of thinking here is that it's going to be easier to find things by alphabet- for sure. And that may be how it gets organized in the end. But for the purposes of looking up existing links and creating the database, it will be a lot easier on me compiling the whole thing to be able to say 'Person A, I need you to pull links for Clan 3050 Mechs. Person B, I need you to pull combat vehicles from 3058, etc.' rather than 'Person A, every Mech that starts with 'A', Person B, etc.'. That means that Person A can just use the table of contents from the book to say 'ok, I need the Dasher, the Koshi, the Uller...'

Make sense? The actual index probably won't get organized exactly that way- I'm still working on a prototype for how things will look in the end, and it probably will need to be fleshed out over time, but for the early grunt work that I'll need help with, that'll be the best way to go about organizing things, I think.
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
+Crow T. Robot+


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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #4 on: 13 January 2025, 17:51:34 »
An up to date index of all fan articles would be amazing. Thank you for the initiative, Hellbie. I'm up for doing my part, when this project gets going. I've profited so much from these articles over the years, they are a great community resource and I'd be glad to help.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #5 on: 13 January 2025, 18:02:55 »
Updated first post with an example of what I'll need in terms of research and format to send it to me in. The more people follow the same format, the less editing I'll have to do afterwards as it gets compiled, and the faster this will go.

And thank you, if you're one of the brave souls to volunteer! (Which so far is Gorgon!)
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
+Crow T. Robot+


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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #6 on: 13 January 2025, 19:53:03 »
I'll also volunteer.
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #7 on: 14 January 2025, 08:39:34 »
I'd be willing to help!  I find the *otW articles to be amazing useful resources, so I'd love to help get the index back into shape.


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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #8 on: 14 January 2025, 19:02:28 »
I'm not super active down here, but I've got some time on my hands. I'm in.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #9 on: 15 January 2025, 11:10:00 »
So here's the preliminary plan. I've got a wild week going for my day job, so I won't be able to dive in on my end until after the weekend, but we can at least start the process and I can dive in after that point.

Let's break this down into sections:

TRO:3025/50 Light/Medium
TRO:3025/50 Heavy/Assault
TRO:3050 Clan
TRO: 3055 Inner Sphere
TRO:3055 Clan
TRO:3058 Inner Sphere
TRO: 3058 Clan
TRO: 3060 Inner Sphere
TRO: 3060 Clan
TRO:3067 Inner Sphere
TRO: 3067 Clan
TRO: 3075 Inner Sphere
TRO: 3075 Clan
TRO: 3085 Inner Sphere
TRO: 3085 Clan
TRO: 3145 (probably easiest to do this one as each faction portion)
TRO: 3150

(I've intentionally left Project Phoenix off of here, since it didn't cover any units not already discussed in other lists)

Note that there will be some overlap (for example, the Crusader will show up in '25, '50, '85, and Project Phoenix)

So here's how this will work. Pick a section- say, TRO:3025 Light/Medium. Use the table of contents in the book as your guide. I need you to search the Fan Article area for an article existing on that unit since 2012- you may not find one, that's okay- if you don't, mark that there's no article. Go down the list, and collect the links to the first post in the threads.

So I can collate all of this easiest, use this format for each one:

Locust: [link]
Stinger: [link]
Wasp: [link]

I shouldn't need anything other than the unit name and the link to the article. Make sure the link goes to the FIRST POST in the thread, not a reply post. Once you have that list done, send the list to me via E-mail with the subject line Fan Article List [portion you worked on] to my e-mail at If you have questions, I'll help however I can- best ot ask here though in case others need to see the answer as well.

I'll be diving in next week on lists as well, and with any luck within a week or so we can get a good portion of this knocked out. FOR NOW we're just doing the Mechs, we'll get in there and do vehicles once the Mech lists are knocked out, and go from there.

Cool? If you're ready to go, reply here and let us know which portion you're working on so we don't have overlap, and let's get to it.

And thank you in advance for your help, folks!
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #10 on: 15 January 2025, 12:29:43 »
I'll start with both TR3085 tech bases and its Supplemental, since I know those books inside-out. (I think I still have the unedited files for Supplemental somewhere...)
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #11 on: 15 January 2025, 13:51:53 »
I'll tackle 3145.  You may also want to add Recognition Guides as a category, if only so the record of what's not done yet is already handled.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #12 on: 15 January 2025, 14:51:26 »
I'll start with TR:2750.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #13 on: 15 January 2025, 15:20:20 »
TRO 2750 is done, starting with TRO 3025 Light / Medium
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #14 on: 15 January 2025, 15:59:09 »
Should we include Alpha Strike otW articles too or do you only want MotW for now?
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #15 on: 15 January 2025, 16:52:52 »
Lights and Mediums from TRO:3025 and the IS side of 3050 done.

Starting on Heavy / Assault for TRO 3025 and the IS part of 3050.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #16 on: 15 January 2025, 17:19:16 »
Heavy and assault Mechs from TRO:3025 and the IS part of 3050 done. TROs 2750, 3025 and the IS part of 3050 are complete. That's it for me for tonight.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #17 on: Today at 05:36:09 »
Starting with TRO: 3050 Clan
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #18 on: Today at 08:29:09 »
*wakes up, pours morning caffeine, looks at e-mail* A round of applause for Gorgon, who apparently is just unstoppable!

I have day-job projects demanding OT the next few days (with an Alpha Strike game mixed in on Saturday), so I probably won't be able to start doing much with the hard work you've done until Sunday evening or Monday at the soonest, but this is WAY more progress than I was expecting! And even now, just in this format, it's showing me useful info in terms of places we have holes in the coverage (Raven, for example).

Keep it up, and thank you so much!
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #19 on: Today at 12:18:47 »
It was good timing, really. The start of the year is always slow at work, so plenty of energy for projects like this.

Speaking of, TRO:3050 Clan section is done, meaning TROs 2750, 3025 and 3050 are complete. Moving on to TRO 3055 IS.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #20 on: Today at 12:54:58 »
Moving on to the Clan section of 3055. I'll throw in the Solaris mechs and the three ComStar designed that got included in TRO 3055 (Upgrade), too.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #21 on: Today at 13:14:55 »
Moving on to the Clan section of 3055. I'll throw in the Solaris mechs and the three ComStar designed that got included in TRO 3055 (Upgrade), too.

...I kind of forgot about those being in there, to be honest. My first Battletech book was the original '55, which didn't have those Mechs. I'm honestly not sure that we've covered most of those Solaris Mechs- I can't think of articles about them, at least.

Something to cover in the future, I suppose.
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
+Crow T. Robot+


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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #22 on: Today at 13:29:26 »
Aaaand done. The search has been very cooperative so far. I can now say with absolute certainty that almost all Solaris mechs have / had an article at some point, but most were done in 2011 before our cut-off date, with a few following in 2014.

There are some surprising holes in line up of the TROs I've done. We don't have a proper article on the Jenner, for example! Anyway, that's it for me for today.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #23 on: Today at 13:33:28 »
Aaaand done. The search has been very cooperative so far. I can now say with absolute certainty that almost all Solaris mechs have / had an article at some point, but most were done in 2011 before our cut-off date, with a few following in 2014.

There are some surprising holes in line up of the TROs I've done. We don't have a proper article on the Jenner, for example! Anyway, that's it for me for today.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #24 on: Today at 14:02:48 »
A lot of the holes we're going to have are almost certainly related to the date cutoff.  Though I think I'd also recommend checking the particular articles, too, to see if they were reposts of truly ancient articles that I know happened on occasion.  That's way more common with Aero articles than 'Mechs, but if there's an article posted in 2014 that has in big red letters "REPOST OF ORIGINAL ARTICLE FROM 2004" or something I think that should flag as too old to carry forward.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #25 on: Today at 14:13:02 »
There are a couple of reposts in 2012, but most reposts I found so far happened in 2011, shortly after the forums got restored. After 2012, there are barely any, for Mechs atleast, but that's the most active line of fan articles by far. (I may have found one or two from 13 or 14 so far) I marked all reposts accordingly.

Especially with the old stalwarts - the Clan Invasion stuff, the classics - most articles are from years before the RecGuides and would need updating or replacing. A few, the Crusader for example, are up to date from what I've skimmed, but that's a handful at best.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #26 on: Today at 15:17:16 »
That's kind of why I put in the cutoff- not that those articles were bad, of course (hell, a lot of them were MINE, even- the REST weren't bad!), but the info on an article from 2010 is, fifteen years later, 'questionable' at best. We've had a lot happen in fifteen years in-universe and in terms of publication, and there's a LOT that older articles have missed out on. Sure, one could go in and revise those articles, theoretically, but my thoughts are:

1) The authors of those articles may not be around anymore, or if they are may not want to go back in and edit things after this long.

2) It gives an opportunity to start fresh with a new article, new discussions, new variants and artwork, up to date.

So while those older articles aren't getting REMOVED or anything, the index won't reflect them at this time. Who knows, in the future we may cull stuff again from this and have a cutoff of 2015 or something like that, but for now 2012 seemed like a good starting point.

It does mean we have holes that need filling- the Jenner, as noted, is an astonishing one that needs fixing, for sure- but this is how we'll be able to easily tell. I have a few more like the Wolf Trap that are kind of forgotten here and there among the more popular units, and a couple of game legends that fell through the cracks even like the Raven. This will give us a good picture of what we don't have, and help people (new and old alike) find the existing articles.

As for organization, I gave it some thought while doodling around this morning, and alphabetical seems like it's probably going to be the best bet for the final product. With many units showing up in multiple books (Crusader, for example), and tonnage being something newer players might not know well enough to search by ("how heavy IS a Wolf Trap?"), this gives us the best option, I think. I've started a bit on some of what Gorgon sent over in that regard. For units with  more than one name, I'm using the Clan name to stay consistent (so Stormcrow instead of Ryoken), and for the occasional unit with two names for other reasons I'm sticking with the original (it's a Crockett, the DCMS can stuff it with "Katana")
"There's a difference between the soldier and his fight,
But the warrior knows the true meaning of his life."
+Larry and his Flask, 'Blood Drunk'+

"You know, basically war is just, like, a bunch of people playing pranks on each other, but at the end they all die."
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #27 on: Today at 17:02:32 »
3085 and the Supplemental are done. I forgot how long ago those came out, so a bunch of articles that I know were written fall before the 2012 cut-off.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #28 on: Today at 18:36:04 »
Yeah, it's a bit shocking to realize how old many of the books are...

Anyway, I'm starting on 3058s IS section.
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Re: Creating An Article Index: How YOU can help
« Reply #29 on: Today at 19:20:10 »
I'll do TR3075 tonight or tomorrow. That's gonna be a slog.
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