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Clan Chatterweb / Re: Star League - Third Time's a Charm
« Last post by Church14 on Today at 07:42:44 »


Every other ilKhan has been elected. ilKhan of an ilClan might be different but it’s never actually happened
Sarna cites the old Jade Falcon and Wolf sourcebooks for the choosing successor stuff, and that includes the remembrance passage declaring that conquering Terra is the test.
Ideally a list,.but overall size is fine
III Principes
X Principes
XVI Principes
X Hastati
XI Hastati
XIII Hastati
XIV Hastati
XV Hastati
XVI Hastati
XIV Triarii
5th Fides
Stone’s Lament
Stone’s Liberators
Stone’s Revenants
Stone’s Pride
Stone’s Defenders
Stone’s Fury
Stone's Executioners
The Old Guard
1st New South Wales Militia
1st Melbourne Militia
10th Republic Militia
91st Republic Militia
110th Assault Regiment
102nd Republic Armored Regiment
Alexandria Defense Force
The Lions
Pride of Zululand
31st Republic Infantry Division
1st Republican Phalanx
1st Milanese Regiment
32nd Republic Militia
82nd Republican Division
122nd Militia Regiment
First Bavarian Bravados
24th Republican Infantry Regiment
55th Armored Regiment
Thai Tigers
First Gurkha Rifle Regiment
Hansen's Roughriders
Redburn Guards
Northwind Highlanders
Mongolian Cavaliers
Gray Gunny Lancers
Callison's Rangers
+Who and whatever was on Japan, enough to cleanly wipe a galaxy, so presumably a significant mech presences and supporting assets.
31 regiments mechs, 41 tank, and one Japan

Shattered Fortress killed off or abandoned
XII Hastati - Left on Northwind
XI Principes
XII Principes
XIII Principes
XIV Principes
XV Principes
VIII Triarii - Fate unknown
X Triarii
XI Triarii - Last seen on Liberty
XII Triarii
XIII Triarii
1st Fides
2nd Fides
3rd Fides - No known Deployment
4th Fides
6th Fides - Left on Northwind
So start of SF, the RF was 43 regiments mechs, 85 of tanks,
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Wraith.
« Last post by jimdigris on Today at 07:36:54 »
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Carrying case
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 07:29:21 »
Brilliant!  The labels on the bottom level are a great idea too! :)
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Wraith.
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 07:27:28 »
I think they mean the antennas...
Fan Designs and Rules / Re: Improved XL Engine
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 07:24:54 »
The only thing that would make sense to me is a lower cost, like x2 instead of normal XL's x4 or a Light Engine's x3.
Actually, it does say that Skye is the one reaching out to the Lyrans to establish relations, and nothing about the Lyrans responding.
Ah shoot. It was that they’re talking, but nothing about joining. My mistake
Fan Designs and Rules / Re: Cluster Ammo for Everyone!
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 07:21:24 »
That could work, but it seems more complicated.
Ask the Lead Developers / Re: Xhante III raid 2828
« Last post by pserrat on Today at 07:08:38 »
Can you help with this one?
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