Author Topic: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza  (Read 202763 times)


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1290 on: 25 January 2025, 23:27:15 »
... I do think if Rikkard and Kisho Nova Cat can meet and bring the two sundered halves of their people together, the Spirit Cats, who have saved the soul of the Nova Cats, can finally open a new chapter in their people's lives rather than holding it in stasis.

"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1291 on: 26 January 2025, 04:55:56 »
As an outsider, I am confused

I always thought Nova Cat turned into Spirit Cat

Separate question, so is it looking like there will be two (similar to Wolf and WIE) or a merge but officially called "Clan Spirit Cat" ?
« Last Edit: 26 January 2025, 05:03:11 by JAMES_PRYDE »

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1292 on: 26 January 2025, 05:32:05 »

I should have clarified it back then, when I said that Spirit Cats should become Nova Cats I meant as taking the name of their old annihilated Clan as a way of honoring their legacy and as a symbol of defiance

I didn't mean they should abandon who they have become in the meantime

Tyler Jorgensson

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1293 on: 26 January 2025, 11:25:02 »
Hey, no tears, trothkin. You're keeping the spirit (no pun intended) of the Nova Cats alive just like we are over in the Blood Spirit thread.  :smilie_party_cheers:

Wolverine fan here! Let’s not forget the Fire Mandrill fans who barely got screen time for their death.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1294 on: 26 January 2025, 11:25:24 »
As an outsider, I am confused

I always thought Nova Cat turned into Spirit Cat

Not exactly.  Post-Jihad, a group of Nova Cat warriors decided to join the Republic of the Sphere, so they left Clan Nova Cat and began calling themselves the Spirit Cats.  After Grey Monday, the Spirit Cats moved around for a bit before winding up in the reformed Free Worlds League.  Clan Nova Cat was later destroyed by the Draconis Combine, leaving the Spirit Cats as the last remnant of the Clan (with a very small number of Nova Cats having been able to flee and eventually rejoin the Spirit Cats).
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1295 on: 26 January 2025, 21:26:19 »
Not exactly.  Post-Jihad, a group of Nova Cat warriors decided to join the Republic of the Sphere, so they left Clan Nova Cat and began calling themselves the Spirit Cats.  After Grey Monday, the Spirit Cats moved around for a bit before winding up in the reformed Free Worlds League.  Clan Nova Cat was later destroyed by the Draconis Combine, leaving the Spirit Cats as the last remnant of the Clan (with a very small number of Nova Cats having been able to flee and eventually rejoin the Spirit Cats).

Not quite. 3 Galaxies of Nova Cats, lots of civilians, plus all the Clan's warships migrated to the Republic during/after the Jihad. The rest of the Clan stayed behind. Then during the early Dark Age, 3 Clan Militia Clusters under Galaxy Commander Kev Rosse were organized into the Spirit Cat Galaxy. Thousands of civilians and some warriors flocked to Kev Rosse's message of needing to find a new home for the Nova Cats. When the Blackout hit, Kev Rosse struck out looking for that home. Most of those Spirit Cats eventually conquered and settled on Marik, and some, possibly a significant number of the Nova Cats who remained in the Republic, followed them.

But some Nova Cats who stayed in the Republic either stayed loyal to the Republic to the end (see Tyrina Drummond) or rejoined the Combine, when Clan Nova Cat proper helped Katana Tormark reconquer the Dieron Prefecture. Those Nova Cats like the ones on Shitara (the capital of the Nova Cat enclaves in the Republic) got genocided when the Combine genocided all Nova Cats following their failed rebellion.

One of the devs on the official Discord said many if not most of the Nova Cats in the Republic enclaves did flee to Marik. BUT, we also know there were enough Nova Cats left in the Republic for a provisional Shitara Galaxy by 3142 (at least 3 clusters), which sat out of the war and then got destroyed after the war. Clan Nova Cat had about 5 galaxies by the Rebellion (Alpha, Vau, Xi, Gamma, Shitara)

Check out these charts I made for more info.
Clan Protectorate

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1296 on: 26 January 2025, 23:18:59 »
Ok, thank you both for your in depth answers

So basically Nova Cat is no more, or a little, or mostly merged "absorbed" / migrated ?
« Last Edit: 26 January 2025, 23:20:51 by JAMES_PRYDE »


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1297 on: 27 January 2025, 10:22:34 »
Ok, thank you both for your in depth answers

So basically Nova Cat is no more, or a little, or mostly merged "absorbed" / migrated ?

I think (as of 3152) "migrated" is probably the better way to think about it (but not "absorbed" or merged).

There is also a somewhat weird Clan "legal" matter which Spirit Cat Refugee alluded to. According to Clan law, the Nova Cats are no longer Clan (and haven't been for almost 100 years). So the Clans do not (need to) recognize Nova Cat Bloodnames as legitimate or Bloodname holders as having earned those.

As Spirit Cat Refugee pointed out though, the Spirit Cats follow all of the Nova Cat **Clan** traditions (military structure, ranks, Blood Trials, iron wombs & genetic heritage, etc.), even though they don't have to and are not recognized by the Clans (as Clan).

The Spirit Cats are - in spirit and practices - Clan; and in heritage, culture, and ideology - Nova Cat.

As of 3151 at least there are individuals (Mystic Kisho and probably SLDF Star Colonel Raus as current examples) who were decanted/born as Nova Cats, but are not/never were part of the Spirit Cats. But there is no political entity called "Nova Cat" anymore.
« Last Edit: 27 January 2025, 11:18:46 by cmerwin »
"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1298 on: 27 January 2025, 16:11:02 »
As for the Fidelis/Smoke Jaguars, they've had the intent of reclaiming their former identity as Jaguars baked into who they were from their very first appearance in Surrender Your Dreams, and the circumstances of their "rebirth" were very specific and not something that the Nova Cats have earned, so I don't think they're the best comparison to make. 

Personally speaking, I also think reviving two dead Clans in the same narrative would just be so incredibly lazy. There's something to be said for the contrast of the Fidelis having a rebirth as the Smoke Jaguars while the Spirit Cats move further away from their Nova Cat roots while continuing to embrace their own path.

I don't particularly have a cat in this fight, but I also am inclined to agree that if we just get "Spirit Cats restore Nova Cats" it will feel cheap. I'm already annoyed that Wars of Reaving destroyed so many factions only to just... add more now? I'm not particularly interested in Clan Homeworld stuff, but if the metanarrative purpose was to remove some factions, we now just have more again? But unlike the Homeworlds which are currently offscreen we have to think about these all the time.

The CSJ coming back at least has something interesting, where the CSJ-Fidelis-CSJ thing makes them a study in reinvention. But CJF? We already have Jiyi's CJF (who have their own arc of "our old ways got us dead, so let's find new ways" [which I'm sure some find very bland, but I like]), not to mention the AML and further CJF offshoots. We did the divided Clan thing already and JUST got WiE and the former-Jade-Wolves back together again. Despite all that, I hope that Jiyi and Stephanie don't just align, because if they do, what even was the point of that split? Plus I quite like Bryan Young's pair of novels on the Jiyi part. Othar in the Empire is likeable enough, but him just being annoyed that Alaric didn't telegram him doesn't seem like it'll stop a reunion of sorts (especially when he realises it wasn't a lack of trying but that the Capellans interdicted well), unless they get liberated by the FWL.

ANYWAY bringing that all back around, I think if Spirit Cats just become reborn Nova Cats, clan recognition and all, we're just having a third clan rebirth situation, and that seems inane. If they DO claim the name, I'd at least hope they remain abjured by the Inner clans (who, indeed, are themselves Abjured by the same body which Abjured the cats). It also makes for interesting times for the League and Clan Protectorate, if the latter divides between Peter K and Rikkard. Though Julietta also seems to align with wanting to bow to the ilClan, but I think in her case it's more a matter of sticking it to Nikol. 


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1299 on: 27 January 2025, 17:48:41 »
I really don't see the Terran Falcons and the Remnant Falcons merging.  First of all because nobody in the Remnant Falcons would want to, and second of all because Alaric would be very wary about letting the Falcons set up a  power base that far away from Terra, with a population and manufacturing that they can draw from that are completely independent of Alaric.
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1300 on: 27 January 2025, 20:32:29 »
I don't particularly have a cat in this fight, but I also am inclined to agree that if we just get "Spirit Cats restore Nova Cats" it will feel cheap. I'm already annoyed that Wars of Reaving destroyed so many factions only to just... add more now? I'm not particularly interested in Clan Homeworld stuff, but if the metanarrative purpose was to remove some factions, we now just have more again? But unlike the Homeworlds which are currently offscreen we have to think about these all the time.

The CSJ coming back at least has something interesting, where the CSJ-Fidelis-CSJ thing makes them a study in reinvention. But CJF? We already have Jiyi's CJF (who have their own arc of "our old ways got us dead, so let's find new ways" [which I'm sure some find very bland, but I like]), not to mention the AML and further CJF offshoots. We did the divided Clan thing already and JUST got WiE and the former-Jade-Wolves back together again. Despite all that, I hope that Jiyi and Stephanie don't just align, because if they do, what even was the point of that split? Plus I quite like Bryan Young's pair of novels on the Jiyi part. Othar in the Empire is likeable enough, but him just being annoyed that Alaric didn't telegram him doesn't seem like it'll stop a reunion of sorts (especially when he realises it wasn't a lack of trying but that the Capellans interdicted well), unless they get liberated by the FWL.

ANYWAY bringing that all back around, I think if Spirit Cats just become reborn Nova Cats, clan recognition and all, we're just having a third clan rebirth situation, and that seems inane. If they DO claim the name, I'd at least hope they remain abjured by the Inner clans (who, indeed, are themselves Abjured by the same body which Abjured the cats). It also makes for interesting times for the League and Clan Protectorate, if the latter divides between Peter K and Rikkard. Though Julietta also seems to align with wanting to bow to the ilClan, but I think in her case it's more a matter of sticking it to Nikol.

In one way I don't think the Spirit Cats declaring themselves the reborn Nova Cat Clan to be cheap is that their goal all along was to save the Nova Cat people from the doom Kev Rosse saw coming to them. They found a refuge and brought as many Nova Cats as they could there. While the main Clan Nova Cat Clan abandoned many of its traditions, the Spirit Cats kept those traditions alive. In many ways, the Spirit Cats are more Nova Cat than the Nova Cats of 3100-3143.

They're the true inheritors of Philip Drummond and Sandra Rosse And I think it'd be cool to see them declare themselves Clan Nova Cat officially, with Rikkard as Khan and Kisho as Loremaster.
Clan Protectorate

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1301 on: 28 January 2025, 05:05:58 »
I really don't see the Terran Falcons and the Remnant Falcons merging.  First of all because nobody in the Remnant Falcons would want to, and second of all because Alaric would be very wary about letting the Falcons set up a  power base that far away from Terra, with a population and manufacturing that they can draw from that are completely independent of Alaric.

I prefer the term / name "Sudeten Falcons"  :grin:
« Last Edit: 28 January 2025, 07:23:11 by JAMES_PRYDE »


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1302 on: 28 January 2025, 06:19:17 »
I prefer the term / name "Sudeten Falcons"  :police:

Let's not police each other's terminology. Remnant Falcons is a perfectly acceptable way to differentiate them against Knives Out Chistu's Falcons, since they both still identify as Clan Jade Falcon... and both have a reasonable claim to that title.
« Last Edit: 28 January 2025, 06:21:39 by tassa_kay »
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1303 on: 28 January 2025, 07:25:11 »
I did not mean it in a "policing" way. Apologies if it came across like that (and yes I used the wrong emoji)

Yeah, its just the term "Terran" Falcons was being thrown around, and it popped into my head, why not call Jiyi's Falcons "Sudeten" (as in they are both planet terms to describe them)


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1304 on: 28 January 2025, 09:11:02 »
Every time I read “Remnant Falcons” I immediately think Imperial Remnant. :cheesy:

I do like Sudeten Falcons as a name.

Wait… Jaded Sudeten Falcons. Ah. Better. :laugh:
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1305 on: 28 January 2025, 11:13:55 »
Every time I read “Remnant Falcons” I immediately think Imperial Remnant. :cheesy:

I do like Sudeten Falcons as a name.

Wait… Jaded Sudeten Falcons. Ah. Better. :laugh:

That needs to be the official name now. :laugh:
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1306 on: 28 January 2025, 12:11:58 »
I propose Jiyi's Falcons be called the Chistu Falcons and Stephanie's Falcons be called the Chistu Falcons! Wait a minute...

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1307 on: 28 January 2025, 13:52:27 »
In one way I don't think the Spirit Cats declaring themselves the reborn Nova Cat Clan to be cheap is that their goal all along was to save the Nova Cat people from the doom Kev Rosse saw coming to them. They found a refuge and brought as many Nova Cats as they could there. While the main Clan Nova Cat Clan abandoned many of its traditions, the Spirit Cats kept those traditions alive. In many ways, the Spirit Cats are more Nova Cat than the Nova Cats of 3100-3143.

They're the true inheritors of Philip Drummond and Sandra Rosse And I think it'd be cool to see them declare themselves Clan Nova Cat officially, with Rikkard as Khan and Kisho as Loremaster.

Oh, sorry, re-reading I realise I sounded like I might thing they should die. I should clarify; I don't think that should be the case - I actually really like the Rikkard and Julietta dynamics, and I'd like there to be clan-based opposition to the ilclan beyond just the Horses. I'm quite enjoying the Clan Protectorate storyline, even if I hope they ultimately stay with the League that provided them a home rather than bow to the clown on Terra.

I just think it'd be a shame if, after all the trials and tribulations from the 2nd Star League onwards, they just go back to "and now they're just a normal inner sphere clan like the other ones" again. Taking the name Nova Cat to me would indicate that. Though, perhaps, there's an argument that Alaric reinstating the Jaguars is different because they were Annihilated by a non-Clan entity, rather than the Cats who were Abjured by other clans.

I guess what I'd like is for them to do their own thing rather than line up with the ilClan, mostly, and calling themselves Nova Cat seems like the latter, but that's only the case if Alaric recognises them as such.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1308 on: 28 January 2025, 15:10:00 »
It just makes no sense to me that the Spirit Cats would spend the last twenty years of publication, the entirety of their existence, forging an identity of their own while their parent Clan spiraled into the abyss... just to rebrand themselves for no other reason than empty fanservice. It does a disservice to all of their development as a faction and accomplishes absolutely nothing.

And, again, a second Clan rebranding itself at the same time as the Jaguars is not only the height of lazy writing, it cheapens both factions. The Fidelis always had it baked into them that they'd be reborn as the Jaguars; that was the whole point of SYD's epilogue. And they earned that rebranding. The Spirit Cats have not, nor have they expressed any desire to do so that I'm aware of.

In my mind, I think of the Spirit Cats' situation a little bit like the Stone Lions, which makes me appreciate both of them a little more.
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1309 on: 28 January 2025, 19:29:31 »
It just makes no sense to me that the Spirit Cats would spend the last twenty years of publication, the entirety of their existence, forging an identity of their own while their parent Clan spiraled into the abyss... just to rebrand themselves for no other reason than empty fanservice. It does a disservice to all of their development as a faction and accomplishes absolutely nothing.

And, again, a second Clan rebranding itself at the same time as the Jaguars is not only the height of lazy writing, it cheapens both factions. The Fidelis always had it baked into them that they'd be reborn as the Jaguars; that was the whole point of SYD's epilogue. And they earned that rebranding. The Spirit Cats have not, nor have they expressed any desire to do so that I'm aware of.

In my mind, I think of the Spirit Cats' situation a little bit like the Stone Lions, which makes me appreciate both of them a little more.

I will say this as someone who has been a fan of the Spirit Cats since their inception, way back in 2003. The goal of the Spirit Cats was always, always to preserve the Spirit of the Nova Cat, to find a safe haven where their people/Clan could ride out the storm Kev Rosse saw forthcoming. It was never to split off into a new separate identity and let their parent Clan wither on the vine.

I really would like a look into internal Spirit Cat culture and politics after 3137 once they're established on Marik, because you can't just keep existing as a military for 15 years, you have to set up roots and institutions to make yourself permanent.

Now if the Spirit Cats decide en masse that they have evolved into something different, and new, and the name Nova Cat no longer fits, that's one thing. But all the textual evidence that exist indicates that they still see themselves as Nova Cats, that they are a part of Clan Nova Cat. Some also feel they are a part of Clan Spirit Cat.

But I think it's far more earned if the Spirit Cats declare themselves Clan Nova Cat reborn than the Fidelis going back to being Smoke Jaguars for a few reasons. One, the Spirit Cats never stopped being Clan in culture. The Fidelis as presented all the way up to Rock of the Republic had given up Clan culture and attitudes. In fact, they seemed to hate with a vengeance other Clans. Then out of nowhere it's revealed they've secretly been hoping to become a Clan again, and betray the people who gave them refuge when everyone else wanted them annihilated. Even IKEO calls out how self-serving the betrayal is. The Fidelis actually had a new cool (I'd say cooler) identity in the Fidelis, in becoming the Smoke Jaguars again, I feel they are lessened as a faction. The Spirit Cats however would not be lessened in declaring themselves the official Clan Nova Cat though, as they've never shed that identity or turned against it. Their entire existence was in trying to save that identity.

That's my two Sea Bills though.
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1310 on: 28 January 2025, 21:04:37 »
I will say this as someone who has been a fan of the Spirit Cats since their inception, way back in 2003. The goal of the Spirit Cats was always, always to preserve the Spirit of the Nova Cat, to find a safe haven where their people/Clan could ride out the storm Kev Rosse saw forthcoming. It was never to split off into a new separate identity and let their parent Clan wither on the vine.

It may not have been their goal to split off into a new separate identity, but that's what's happened. That's just the facts. And the Spirit Cats can preserve the Spirit of the Nova Cat without becoming Clan Nova Cat, which they in fact have done. They're not just a splinter faction anymore, they're a successor faction.

Now if the Spirit Cats decide en masse that they have evolved into something different, and new, and the name Nova Cat no longer fits, that's one thing. But all the textual evidence that exist indicates that they still see themselves as Nova Cats, that they are a part of Clan Nova Cat.

They can feel that way, but it doesn't mean anything beyond their feelings. There is no Clan Nova Cat anymore. They're gone. I don't know how much clearer TPTB need to make that. And the fact of the matter is that they have evolved into something different, and while they obviously have a strong connection to their cultural heritage, the faction is called the Spirit Cats. Names matter. How they identify in the setting matters. And that is as the Spirit Cats.

But I think it's far more earned if the Spirit Cats declare themselves Clan Nova Cat reborn than the Fidelis going back to being Smoke Jaguars for a few reasons. One, the Spirit Cats never stopped being Clan in culture. The Fidelis as presented all the way up to Rock of the Republic had given up Clan culture and attitudes. In fact, they seemed to hate with a vengeance other Clans.

I don't disagree that they kept living their culture when the Fidelis didn't, but this doesn't mean they've "earned" anything. When I say that the Fidelis earned it, I mean that they earned it with the other Clans, who welcomed them back (provisionally). This sort of thing has always mattered to the Clans as a whole, to be considered a part of something bigger than just themselves. They might fight against and even hate each other, but the Clans are also bound to each other. If they weren't, being the ilClan would have no meaning. Being Abjured would have no meaning. But these things do have meaning to them, as we've seen time and time again. It's part of what makes them the Clans, and not some greedy Successor State. I'd even argue that the Cats are especially keen on this aspect, because they have yet to stand on their own since their Abjurement; they continue to glom onto other faction, be it the Combine, the Republic or now the FWL.

Then out of nowhere it's revealed they've secretly been hoping to become a Clan again, and betray the people who gave them refuge when everyone else wanted them annihilated. Even IKEO calls out how self-serving the betrayal is.

But it wasn't out of nowhere. The epilogue of Surrender Your Dreams, which is literally where the Fidelis debuted as a faction, established this as their intended endgame from the very beginning. BLP, who wrote both of these pieces of fiction, was following through on his own plot thread, so this is 100% consistent.

And why does it matter that their actions were self-serving? Every faction in BattleTech is self-serving, LOL.

Now to be clear, I'm not saying that the Spirit Cats don't have a case to rebrand themselves if they so chose. Of course they do, that's undeniable. But I also stand by my assessment that having a second dead Clan decide to resurrect themselves in such a short span of time would cheapen the impact (because they'll always draw comparisons to the Fidelis and seem like, no pun intended, copycats) and come off as empty fanservice, and that there's more value in the Spirit Cats continuing on the divergent path that they've forged for themselves. It's in their very name: they're keeping the Spirit of the Nova Cats alive. They don't need to be the Nova Cats to carry that torch forward.
« Last Edit: 28 January 2025, 21:26:14 by tassa_kay »
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1311 on: 28 January 2025, 23:38:43 »
I like in a narrative sense that its just the Spirit Cats now, it shows (like you like to say Tassa, creative writing) faction evolution, I mean, Scorpions did it, Sea Fox, Bears, Ravens.

Also given the information I read, and about how they have kept all elements of Clan culture, I can see it as a good "successor" faction

The big questions are. Will they, and can they ever "officially" be recognized as "Clan", ie: "Clan Spirit Cat" (or be just like the Bears or Scorps, in political sense (not to be confused with cultural)

And is it looking like the Clan Protectorate is going to do it own thing in ilClan era ?


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1312 on: 29 January 2025, 01:41:50 »
The big questions are. Will they, and can they ever "officially" be recognized as "Clan", …

Do they actually want to?

I’m genuinely curious… because I always assumed they “enjoyed” their status as not-exactly-a-Clan-clan.
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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1313 on: 29 January 2025, 01:53:44 »
I'd say that the fact that Alaric hasn't mentioned the Spirit Cats nor extended an invitation to Terra to swear loyalty to him is a pretty serious indication that they're not getting official recognition.
Warning: this post may contain sarcasm.

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1314 on: 29 January 2025, 03:01:31 »
The Spirits Cats, like the Nova Cats before them, have that perception of almost always being treated like they’re the outliers of Clan society anyway.

Maybe Alaric just doesn’t even think he needs to include them? I wonder.
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Alan Grant

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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1315 on: 29 January 2025, 09:46:22 »
The Spirit Cats might also just be seen as not entirely reliable in terms of sticking around.

They abandoned the original Clan society and joined the Star Legue. Then they abandoned the Combine and joined the Republic. Then they, to some degree, abandoned the Republic and became the Spirit Cats.

Their long run track record speaks to this message: "we will leave you someday, we can be friends, but don't count on us to fulfill any oath to serve you forever."

Yeah they might have their reasons, and in their eyes, they may be good reasons. But it would suck to come to depend on them, to take them on, to add them to your faction, to expect them to fully follow orders and obey the ilClan at all times forever. To also take on the responsibility of adding them as a burden to your logistics and everything else. Only for them to sniff out a new vision in peace out and leave in 5-10 years.

A faction like that. I have no trouble imagining Alaric and crew being reluctant to take them in.

I'm not trying to punch the Cats too much here, I actually like them and think they are interesting. I can appreciate a small faction that is going to chart their own course. But joining a bigger faction and sticking with it long term is definitely not one of their strengths. They very much walk their own path and will break their oaths to a larger faction if need-be to continue to walk their own path.

I can see a scenario where the ilClan/3rd Star League lets them join, but gives them semi-autonomous status. So a looser oath, perhaps less support from the 3rd Star League. They have greater control over their own affairs, but also the burden of logistics is more shared, they have to sustain themselves to some degree. Think of it a little like the relationship between the Combine and the Azami. Or maybe a more interesting comparison would be the relationship between Clan Goliath Scorpion and their seekers.

Or they may never join at all. Alaric never views them as reliable enough. Or one of them has a vision that predicts doom for ilClan/3rd Star League and they stay away. I actually think I like this scenario more in terms of terms of storyline potential. Give them their own path, their own story. That isn't joined to the hip of what all the other Clans are doing.

I think that could be fun. The comparison to Snord Irregulars and Wolf's Dragoons come to mind. They have shared heritage and history, but they are very different, and the Irregulars became this enigmatic group that went off and just did their own thing. I'd love to see the Spirit Cats kinda become the Snord's Irregulars of this era. Not with the same focus/obsessions. Different focus/obsessions. But just clearly have their own agenda.
« Last Edit: 29 January 2025, 09:53:16 by Alan Grant »


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1316 on: 29 January 2025, 10:18:43 »
Frankly, at this point I just hope the writers stop using them (Nova Cats OR Spirit Cats) as a punching bag or current holder of the idiot ball.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1317 on: 29 January 2025, 11:03:56 »
Frankly, at this point I just hope the writers stop using them (Nova Cats OR Spirit Cats) as a punching bag or current holder of the idiot ball.


It's kinda old and the faction has rich possibilities. Let the faction have meaning, not just the writer's favorite foil and punching bag. The faction can't earn it's redemption if it's never given a chance by the writers. And by all metrics, the faction is a fan favorite.
"But the nova cat paced steadily on,
Undisturbed by the petty battles...
its heart and mind devoted to
The Ways of Seeing, devoted to a more perfect life.”
-- The Remembrance (Nova Cat), 50.5.26-32.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1318 on: 29 January 2025, 12:02:21 »
Do they actually want to?

I’m genuinely curious… because I always assumed they “enjoyed” their status as not-exactly-a-Clan-clan.

I'm by no means a longstanding Cat fan, nor am I familiar with any of the old novels once the Clans turned up but if you're going to through a 92 year odyssey of separating from the clans (with loads of betrayals and hurt feelings and lack of purpose, exclusion, annihilations, etc. etc. including from those you thought would be your new allies) it seems a bit of a bummer if they just decide they want to be in the club with the cool kids again, rather than off doing their own thing.

Their experience with the Combine should also mean they're sceptical about their place in FWL society too (which so far we've seen) but to me it doesn't seem relevant what Alaric Ward or anyone else thinks about them. If the Spirit Cats decide to consider themselves a CSC or take up the Clan Nova Cat banner again, it should be on their terms and not related to what the Council of Six wants. Especially if the Cats are salty about their own abjuration, the body that did it also turfed the six members of the Council, so why would the Cats care what the Council does? At least in terms of actual meaningful belief - the political strategy of it all might be a different story, of course.


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Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Reply #1319 on: 29 January 2025, 18:33:25 »
I think I was just kind of getting around to what Istal stated above earlier… about the Cats, Nova or Spirit, not being given a fair shake every once in a while.

It would be nice to see them, even at least peripherally, featured in a Clan Council on Alaric’s Terra.
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