Author Topic: Force Manual Availability Lists  (Read 798 times)


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Force Manual Availability Lists
« on: 01 November 2024, 16:11:16 »
Are the availability lists for the Force Manuals meant to be tied to the specific formations they're listed under? Or is it simply how they were organized this time around, and any unit on an availability list can be used for any formation it could fit into?

If the latter, why change it? The old wall of tables from the Combat Manuals, with multiple sorting methods, did take up a lot of space admittedly, but it made it so easy to find exactly what you needed, pretty much no matter how you were trying to build out your Formations. The new method feels clunky and slow by comparison, flipping between pages to find an oddball Brawler you like, or a Missile Boat you know should be available and that you have a model for but you're not sure what Lance it would be under.
« Last Edit: 01 November 2024, 16:30:23 by pokefan548 »
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Re: Force Manual Availability Lists
« Reply #1 on: 01 November 2024, 16:25:40 »
p85 (for Force Manual: Davion), "The assignment of units to formations is purely to assist in finding units appropriate to those formations. You are not required to use the unit in that formation....but you are free to select units form any formation list.." 

As for why, books make poor spreadsheets.  So I didn't try to make it one.  What it does try to do is present thousands of units through a logic filtering system: choose a faction, choose an era, choose a formation type, then choose from either the default lance or around twenty or less alternatives.  Not thousands through at the player through a wall of text.

I sincerely hope we will eventually have an appropriate "spreadsheet", but I can't promise one at this time.