Author Topic: A question about planets and moons and things. (Sarna Question)  (Read 228 times)


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I have been meaning to ask this for a while. A good number of planets have been given grid maps over the last few years. I am not sure if it all of them, but it is certainly a lot of them get a small system map in the lower right corner. Often featuring the first 5(ish) planets of the system and moons.

Kandersteg III has one moon, it is listed right in the planet profile on page 4 of the Touring the Stars book, but does anybody know that Kandersteg IV also has a solitary moon? Likely not, and nobody is likely to care but there is also that chance that that story submitted to Shrapnel set in a mining colony on Kandersteg IVs second moon might be pretty good!

My Question is:
Are the grid maps canon or are they to be considered as more of a toolbox like the jump maps in recent products like IKEO?
« Last Edit: 16 January 2025, 08:53:43 by Dmon »


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Re: A question about planets and moons and things. (Sarna Question)
« Reply #1 on: 16 January 2025, 11:44:15 »
Touring the Stars maps and system maps are canon maps of a star system and can be considered a general facsimile of the system for gaming. 
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