Author Topic: Another question about planets and moons (Sarna Question)  (Read 213 times)


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Another question about planets and moons (Sarna Question)
« on: 16 January 2025, 08:53:15 »
In IKEO the planet Fomalhaut has three moonss listed in its profile. These three names happen to be in alphabetical order, of the two other planet profiles that have more than one moon, Bryant is also in alphabetical order, Liberty is not. Going back to the sources of previous planetary information the Dark Age Republic Worlds (3130) PDF features all three planets with the Bryant and Libery information being presented unchanged. The DA PDF itself seems to mostly list moons alphabetically, but there are plenty of examples of the moons not being in alphabetical order.

The information for Fomalhaut in the DA PDF lists the same moons but in a different order ("Cryos, Scarlet, Iolius") to how they are presented in IKEO ("Cryos, Iolius, Scarlet"). This change caught my attention when I read in the text of both sources that Scarlet was the "inner volcanic moon" (or "volcanic inner moon" in DA).

My questions are:
1. Does the order that the names of moons appear in the infobox mean anything?
2. If so what does it mean? I am guessing that it is furthest out moon to nearest based on the Scarlet example.


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Re: Another question about planets and moons (Sarna Question)
« Reply #1 on: 16 January 2025, 11:40:31 »
The order doesn't indicate anything.

Atlas and other text will describe distance information if it's relevant. Rigil Kentarus is a good example, with Riken Minor's distance from the planet described in text.
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