Author Topic: Lucky SPA using multi roll damage  (Read 647 times)

Louie N

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Lucky SPA using multi roll damage
« on: 25 January 2025, 15:33:34 »

How to people play The lucky SPA rule while using Multiple rolls for damage?

I have read that the SPA and the Battle lance in general can be pretty powerful.  Would limiting the re roll to one damage roll (1 point) help balance this SPA?



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Re: Lucky SPA using multi roll damage
« Reply #1 on: 25 January 2025, 15:49:43 »
So far, I've found forcing a complete reroll is actually more balanced than just one pair of die.  This is because you only get 1 more Damage (at best) while using MRD along with this concept.  However, by rerolling all of them, you could end up with less Damage than your initial roll.

And of course, the same thing could be applied to Float Like a Butterfly, too.  Having a chance to only reduce Damage by 1 instead of more, at the risk of having all the Damage hit, is rather anemic.

And this is from someone who Floated a series of Attacks from 1 Structure Damage to 3.
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