Author Topic: scenario template suggestions  (Read 805 times)


  • Warrant Officer
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  • Posts: 403
scenario template suggestions
« on: 06 May 2019, 13:59:15 »
I am trying the StratCon rules.  My first mission was a convoy attack.  I setup the forces and gave the convoy a destination edge of east (they deployed to the west, more on this later).  Instead of moving east several units began moving north and retreated off the north edge.  By turn 4, four units had retreated off of the north edge.  I have noticed that when setting up Princess, that there is a destination edge and a retreat edge.  So I would suggest including a retreat edge as well as a destination edge for such a situation.

I mentioned deployment before.  The StratCon rules for a convoy attack are that the OpFor deploy to a random map edge.  The player's forces then deploy to a random map edge that does not overlap with the OpFor.  So I would suggest including "random" and "random edge" as potential deployment zones.  I would also suggest adding "random excluding" and "random edge excluding" as synchronize deployment zones.  This way the OpFors deployment will be random, and the players will be synchronized random excluding the OpFors chosen zone.

