Author Topic: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]  (Read 31867 times)


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Wolf Skinner DropShip (WSDS) Mondez
Astrokaszy, Atmospheric Interface
1200 Local Time
21 July, 3024

The bang was heard throughout the ship.  While it worried most of the unit right away, panic didn't set in until "All hands, abandon ship" was passed over the 1MC.  Everyone knew the Union had sustained engine damage running from their previous garrison contract on Ghorepani.  The Maskirovka had "objected" to Major Skinner's truce and exchange of personnel and salvage with the unidentified force raiding the world, and even arrested their liaison officer when he tried to defend the unit's actions as contractually permitted.  One hastily planned jail break and boost for orbit later, the planet's meager aerospace force had managed to land several lucky hits before breaking off and returning to the ground.  Those lucky hits now helped spell the doom of the Mondez, and all aboard her if they couldn't find a way out.

Fortunately, Major Skinner and his younger brother, Captain Skinner (Captain of the Mondez) were paranoid planners, and had most personnel loaded aboard various means of escape.  While it had been years since the unit had seen a proper drop pack, the unit's technical staff had managed to find a consignment of drop chutes for sale on Galatea, and even managed to install one in a reusable configuration aboard Doc Oozora's hover beast.  The former Drillson had had its main turret removed and replaced with a much smaller one to accommodate a MASH unit and various electronics the Major (and S-2) had asked about "fitting in around the edges".  The other half dozen chutes had been fitted to the four non-jump capable 'mechs along with the APC and Recovery Vehicle.

Captain Skinner may have failed to slip the Mondez into the atmosphere as planned, but he succeeded at the heroic effort to stabilize the ship long enough to launch all but one of the Escape Pods (namely, the one he and the bridge crew would be using).  All six of the other Escape Pods jetted away from the ship, clearing the way for the first four 'mechs and the APC.  The Mondez hadn't seen an aerospace fighter in its bays for the better part of a century, and the port bay had been cut up into three light vehicle bays, though they all shared the same door.  The starboard bay had been converted into barracks and storage, and had its door welded shut.

The four 'mechs of the Recon Lance were ejected without a hitch by the Mondez's purpose-built launch mechanisms.  In contrast, two intrepid flight deck personnel were needed to launch the APC into the void.  Fortunately, all five machines cleared the hull without incident, clearing the way for the next batch.  The long minute it took to cycle the 'mech handling gear and prepare the Recovery Vehicle for launch seemed like an eternity to those waiting to escape.  Each 'mech carried not only its pilot, but also its tech, strapped into the rumble seats behind the command consoles.  Even the Recovery Vehicle had a spare seat belt for its tech.  Four flawless cycles later, the Fire Lance was in the wind, followed closely by the Recovery Vehicle on its drop chute.

By now, the ship's radar was cluttered with dropping 'mechs, vehicles, and Escape Pods.  Captain Skinner was doing his best to keep the ship steady, but even he couldn't prevent the inevitable drift.  Already, the ship was nearly 50 km off its original trajectory.  His efforts paid off, though, and the Command Lance was shortly clear of the ship and dangling from their chutes.  The Doc's Drillson followed, and that constituted the majority of the unit.  All that remained was the bridge crew, two flight deck personnel, and the drop chute tech and his industrial exoskeleton, which had been modified with a parafoil.  The tech was on the flight deck with the other two maniacs, and all three were busily strapping ration packs to themselves before leaping into the void.

On the bridge, Captain Skinner was still trying to steer the ship clear of any of the dropping units, but wasn't having much luck.  There were just too many things falling out of the sky to miss them all.  Despite the urgings of the bridge crew from the final Escape Pod, Skinner was determined to work the ship until the last possible moment.  Less than 20 km from the ground, with the word that the flight deck was clear, he finally gave it up, and struggled to the pod.  The Navigator pulled the launch handle as soon as the hatch closed behind Skinner, and the last Escape Pod shot clear of the hull.

The little kick provided by the pod's launch tipped the ship over enough to send it in the opposite direction.  It was probably for the best that Captain Skinner couldn't see that meant it was headed straight for his brother and another Escape Pod falling close by.  The chutes, of course, meant the 'mech and pod were above the crashing ship, but that didn't save them from the shockwave.  The blast blew the pod right into the Major's Marauder, and hopelessly tangled their chutes.  The tumbling mass plunged to the ground, the screams of the six souls aboard the pod and the Major's final, interrupted, curse broadcast over the distress frequency.

The rest of the unit was considerably more lucky, in that only two other injuries were reported (two pods had had hard landings).  That was the good news.  The bad news was the unit was scattered across an area roughly 200 km wide, with distress beacons blasting out in every direction on a known pirate world.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #1 on: 21 July 2019, 11:34:57 »
nice start.  looking forward to seeing where you take this. 


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #2 on: 21 July 2019, 11:43:16 »
Thanks!  Where it goes from here will depend on input from Tinyoozora, Jester006 and a few others.  They helped me work out the scatter pattern last night after Jester's game.

Dave Talley

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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #3 on: 21 July 2019, 19:51:38 »
great start
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #4 on: 22 July 2019, 00:03:29 »
Wolf Skinners, I was wondering who was taking the clothes of Wolf Dragoons.
Nice start. :thumbsup:
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #5 on: 18 August 2019, 09:54:47 »
Meanwhile, 300 km away...

The wreck of the Ex-FWLDS Condottieri
1203 Local Time
21 July, 3024

It didn't require the barely functional sensors of the crashed dropship to know something was having a rough time in the upper atmosphere, but they certainly confirmed the tale told by the huge smoke trail in the sky.  The ship's general alarm still functioned, and it quickly brought Captain Renzi to the bridge.  The Captain said a silent prayer of thanks and started barking orders to get the unit's faster elements mounted up and heading toward the crash site.  It had been nearly a decade since the Condottieri had crashed on this god-forsaken rock, and almost three years since they had seen off the last of the raiders making their lives miserable.  Any new resources would be welcome, and the first truly good luck they'd had since they seized the Condottieri on New Delos all those years ago.  He still wasn't sure what had turned Wolf's Dragoons against Duke Anton, but he and a number of other small unit commanders in the First Ducal Guard knew they didn't want to face the only mercenaries that had done the revolt any good.  The news of the Duke's death had followed them into orbit, and it was a long run out of the League from there.

Looking out the side window of the bridge, he could see the Spider and Locust forming up next to the Swiftwind and Packrat as hastily geared up infantry piled into them.  The squealing of the Buccaneers' one functioning cargo door told him the Attack Lance wouldn't be far behind.  In the event, the four fastest units left over a minute before the first 'mech, the Phoenix Hawk, emerged from its cubicle.  The Firestarter, Stinger and Wasp followed quickly, and the huge door began grinding closed.  The P-Hawk threw a smart salute toward the bridge and sprinted off, the other three in its wake.  Renzi returned the salute, though he knew the pilot, his wife, couldn't see it.

Turning back to the ship's shattered holo-table and the paper map spread over it, he started planning for the defense of his... settlement.  He still hesitated to think of it as more than a ship, even after all these years.  Calling it "home" would be giving up the faint glimmer of hope that they could all get off this rock, and he just wasn't ready to do that.  The struggling crops that meant life or death here did as little to make it feel like home as the native "rats", which at least provided a little more protein than the beans.  The half-dozen children, though.  They made it hard to avoid "home" in his thoughts.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #6 on: 19 August 2019, 15:31:42 »
Well this could be interesting, both units on the run from FWL and both on the wrong side of the conflict, wonder if they will talk before shooting...

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #7 on: 19 August 2019, 17:03:20 »
And I haven't added the locals yet...  ^-^


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #8 on: 20 August 2019, 06:19:03 »
The stage is set....
“ My Clan honor is bigger than your Dragon honor, and comes in 18 clan flavors.”


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #9 on: 20 August 2019, 07:18:24 »
The stage is set....
.. the band starts playing
Consigliere Trygg Bender, CRD-3BL Crusader, The Blazer Mafia
Takehiro 'Taco' Uchimiya, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk 'Taco', Crimson Oasis Trading Company

"Of what use is a dream, if not a blueprint for courageous action" -Adam West
As I get older, I realize that I'm not as good as I once was.
"Life is too short to be living someone else's dream" - Hugh Hefner


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #10 on: 23 August 2019, 19:06:38 »
Meanwhile, 200 km in the other direction...

Al Mazrea Patrol Group
1203 Local Time
21 July, 3024

The Hermes pilot grinned as the contrail hurtled toward the surface of the planet.  Keying his radio, he said in Astrokaszy's particular dialect of Arabic, "Al Mazrea, Al Mazrea, this is Azazil ONE... God is great, and has granted us a ship fall.  Beacons bear 120 from my position.  Estimated time to intercept is 55 minutes.  God is great, over."

"Azazil ONE, this is Azazil TWO, the glory will not be yours alone! Out!"

"Azazil ONE, Azazil TWO, this is Al Mazrea.  Al Mazrea copies all.  God his great! OUT!"


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #11 on: 24 August 2019, 09:38:06 »
Renzi's Renegades Attack Lance
1204 Local Time
21 July, 3024

Sarah Renzi read the transcript from her TekBattleCom as it scrolled.  There was still enough Terran Standard Arabic in the local dialect that the software could translate for her.  Keying her microphone, she said on the secure unit push, "All ROMEO units, this is ROMEO FIVE.  Be advised we have two units of bandits inbound on the target from the opposite direction.  Keep your eyes peeled, people.  Out."


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #12 on: 01 September 2019, 10:46:21 »
75 km NNE of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1206 Local Time
21 July, 2024

The spectrum was awash in signals.  Distress beacons in the High Frequency band on the Interstellar Distress Frequency (still 2182 kHz after all these centuries) screamed out alongside various calls on both secure and unencrypted channels in the VHF and UHF bands.  And there was a bit more energy on frequencies not assigned to the Wolf Skinners.  Sergeant Novak, aboard the Doc's converted Drillson/MASH noted them all on his equipment.  The vehicle had come down upright on its lift fans thanks to the chute installed by that maniac tech.  Even now, the head phones cancelled the noise of the retraction gear stowing that chute.  Further back in the relatively spacious vehicle, the squad of infantry the Doc had decided would be their security detail was checking their weapons, making sure the ride from orbit hadn't jammed anything.  The other officers the Doc had brought along chatted quietly among themselves, probably guessing at who else had survived the drop, and how bad the scatter pattern was.  Sergeant Novak started putting that information together as quickly as possible, if not "quickly" in an objective sense.  At the very least, no friendly units were north of their position.  The azimuth spread appeared to be confined between 125 and 270, in fact.  But without another unit to triangulate with, bearings were as good as Sergeant Novak could determine.

While Novak and the rest of the communications techs were working that problem, the driver, Sergeant Laine, was watching the rear cameras for the progress of the supposedly automatic stowing rig that maniac had installed.  It actually seemed to be doing a pretty good job.  Except for that boulder the chute had draped itself over.  The Sergeant slapped the "STOP" button, and keyed the intercom: "Lieutenant, request you disembark your squad and release the dropchute from the boulder it's caught on."

"Roger," came the response, followed by the rear hatch opening out into the blazing sunlight of high noon on Astrokaszy.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #13 on: 02 September 2019, 14:10:39 »
110 km SE of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1206 Local Time
21 July, 2024

When the escape pod finally ceased rocking from impact, the S6 let out a heavy sigh and said, "We made it!"

The former Liao liaison officer glowered, but nodded in agreement.  At the very least, this was still better than a Maskirovka cell on Ghorepani.

Major Skinner's tech was still wide-eyed and clutching the edges of her seat.  She still wasn't sure why the Major had put her aboard this escape pod instead of the rumble seat in his Marauder.  All he'd said was that he had a "bad feeling", and she couldn't disagree with him at this point.

Unhooking himself from his restraints, the S6 said, "Lieutenant, if you'd be so kind as to keep an ear out on the radio here, the Sergeant and I will gather the drop chute to make our eventual recovery that much faster."

The former Liaison Officer blinked for a moment.  Though it had been several weeks since the Wolf Skinners had formally accepted him into their ranks, he still wasn't used to being called anything other than "Force Commander".  "Ah, roger, Chief Warrant.  Thanks," he replied, eventually.

That settled, the two techs cracked the hatch and ventured out into the heat, closing it behind them.  The air in the escape pod was close, but certainly cooler than the 30-something (and rising) Celsius outside.  The "Lieutenant" had to console himself with the blank static coming in on the pod's radio, and the company of the three duffle bags stuffed with rations strapped into the three empty seats of the pod.

After just a few minutes of the heat, the Warrant had to unzip his coveralls and tie the arms around his waist.  Sweat was pouring off his bulk, and his breath came in heaves.  The younger tech looked at her boss with concern, but that only solidified his determination to finish the job of detaching the chute from the escape pod and bundling it up before crawling back into relative shelter.  Fortunately, it didn't take too long.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #14 on: 02 September 2019, 18:45:15 »
55 km ESE of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1206 Local Time
21 July, 2024

Lieutenant Harris made sure the Hunchback was steady on its feet among the rocks it had landed in before keying the microphone: "All WHISKEY units, this is WHISKEY FOXTROT ONE, rendezvous my position, grid coordinates 1-1-1-0, over."

"This is WHISKEY FOXTROT TWO, I copy... glad to hear your voice, out."

"FOXTROT FOUR copies, out."

"ROMEO FOUR copies, out."

"BRAVO ROMEO copies, but it might be a while, out."

Harris heaved a sigh of relief as the calls came in.  He had most of his lance, one from the Recon Lance, and the Recovery vehicle all within VHF range.

"LT, this is Sergeant Ludak… I aimed for you, but missed.  I'm about six klicks south of you, and not very mobile.  Request you and BRAVO ROMEO come to me... over."

Shaking his head, Harris turned the Hunchback to the south and transmitted, "All units, this is WHISKEY FOXTROT ONE, repositioning six klicks south.  Report all contacts this net. OUT."


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #15 on: 05 September 2019, 18:35:31 »
55 km S of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1206 Local Time
21 July, 2024

"This is WHISKEY FOXTROT THREE... I hold two units on VHF and one beacon.  Recommend all units rendezvous on the beacon, over."

"WHISKEY ROMEO TWO concurs, over."

"WHISKEY CHARLIE FOUR, roger, over."


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #16 on: 08 September 2019, 08:44:13 »
25 km SW of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1206 Local Time
21 July, 2024

"MIKE ONE, this is WHISKEY ROMEO ONE, I hold your beacon and one other close by, and am moving to rendezvous.  Recommend securing your beacon, over."

"MIKE ONE copies, securing beacon, out."


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #17 on: 08 September 2019, 08:55:29 »
90 km NW of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1206 Local Time
21 July, 2024

"MIKE TWO, this is ROMEO THREE, I hold your beacon south-southeast of me, and am moving to rendezvous, over."

"MIKE TWO copies, shutting down beacon, out."


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #18 on: 08 September 2019, 09:04:35 »
90 km NNW of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1206 Local Time
21 July, 2024

"FOX TWO, this is ALPHA WHISKEY, packing up and moving to pick you up, over."

"FOX TWO copies, I should be packed up by the time you get here, out."


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #19 on: 08 September 2019, 09:13:09 »
75 km NNE of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1211 Local Time
21 July, 2024

"All WHISKEY units, this is CHARLIE WHISKEY.  CHARLIE WHISKEY will link up with ALPHA WHISKEY, recover FOX ONE and TWO and move to rendezvous with MIKE FIVE.  Recommend WHISKEY CHARLIE TWO and THREE do the same, over."

"CHARLIE TWO copies... marking chute for recovery and moving to rendezvous, out."

"CHARLIE THREE, roger, same, out."

"ALPHA WHISKEY will be late to the party, over."

"CHARLIE WHISKEY copies all, out."

EDIT: Adjusted per Tinyozora's request.
« Last Edit: 08 September 2019, 09:29:10 by Daryk »


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #20 on: 08 September 2019, 12:48:02 »
~200 km radius of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1211-1259 Local Time (the "golden hour")
21 July, 2024

The hour or so after the disaster was mercifully free from outside interference.  After the initial burst of radio chatter, units set about gathering up their chutes, or moving to rendezvous with others.  The first contact on the ground was when the unit's S-3, Lieutenant Harris, successfully zeroed in on Sergeant Ludak and his exoskeleton.  What he didn't expect was the Sergeant's excited wave off as he approached.  Ludak had departed the Mondez with a one-ton pallet of ration packs, but had to jettison it just before landing.  While it appeared the packs themselves survived impact relatively unscathed, the cardboard boxes, packing straps and pallet holding them weren't so lucky.  As a result, a literal ton of food was scattered over several hundred square meters around Ludak's landing point.  Harris quickly ordered his tech to dismount the Hunchback and help Ludak gather as many of the ration packs as possible.

A few minutes later, the unit's Stinger joined the first two, and Harris ordered that tech to dismount and help as well.  After a few minutes, Lieutenant Harris noted that while a beacon was still emanating from the southeast, there had been no other radio contact, and ordered the Stinger to proceed toward it.  Hopefully whoever was aboard that escape pod was alive, and simply had a broken radio.

While Lieutenant Harris was trying to create some order out of chaos, the leader of the recon lance (WHISKEY ROMEO) was confirming there were no survivors where Major Skinner and the unfortunate escape pod had come down.  It took a few minutes to process the resultant emotions and mark the site for return.  The Vulcan then proceeded on its way to the nearest beacon.

At 1230, ROMEO THREE located Escape Pod #2, with the Mondez's engineering crew, led by the Chief Engineer.  The organized crew members had already packed up their chute, and were wisely huddling in what air conditioning the pod could provide as Astrokaszy's temperature continued to climb well past 40 degrees Celsius.  Unfortunately, the 'mech wasn't strong enough to lift the pod, so the CHENG and the MechWarrior agreed to wait for recovery.

Pod 6 was the next to be found, the Whitworth from the Fire Lance having called the other two nearby 'mechs to it.  It would be almost 20 minutes before the second 'mech, the Command Lance's Centurion, would arrive, it's chute clumsily balled in its one hand, and another 20 before the Recon Lance's Mirage arrived.

Around the same time, Pod 5 was found by the Command Lance's JaegerMech (WHISKEY CHARLIE TWO), who disembarked his tech to help the infantry squad shut down their emergency beacon.  And Lieutenant Harris welcomed his Panther (WHISKEY FOXTROT FOUR) to the working party picking up scattered rations.

Five minutes later, to everyone's relief, WHISKEY BRAVO arrived, and added four more bodies to the ration collection effort, plus the truck to load them aboard.  The two MechWarriors and WHISKEY BRAVO's gunner remained aboard their machines, just in case.  Of course, the first two enjoying full air conditioning and the latter one at least having cool air blown around them in the turret ring had absolutely nothing to do with that risk decision.

At the same time, Doc Ozora's MASH found BM2 Venters reclining in the shade of their chute, which was strung between two boulders.  The spacer was still sealed in their vac suit, apparently enjoying what little cooling it could provide in the heat of the brutal Astrokaszy afternoon.  They didn't crack the helmet open until they were aboard the converted Drillson, and the hatch had been sealed.

The next few minutes saw the Command Lance's Rifleman join the JaegerMech at Pod 5, the Blackjack contribute another tech to collecting rations, and WHISKEY ROMEO ONE finding Pod 4 and disembarking their tech to help the infantry troops shut down their beacon.  While the tech was helping with that, the Vulcan proceeded on the north, to rendezvous with Pod 1, to deliver the news that Captain Skinner was now in command with the confirmed death of Major Skinner.

The golden hour concluded with the unit's APC finally making its rendezvous with the MASH, and both proceeding to pick up the second flight deck crewman, and the Vulcan's somber arrival at Pod 1.  The MechWarrior dismounted to deliver the news, and it was during that discussion that all hell broke loose on the radio.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #21 on: 08 September 2019, 13:31:50 »
75 km NNW of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1300 Local Time
21 July, 2024

"ALL WHISKEY UNITS, THIS IS WHISKEY ROMEO THREE ON IDF!  I hold one 'mech and four jeeps inbound my position with MIKE TWO!  Request IMMEDIATE assistance, OVER!"

A good 40 km away, the Vulcan pilot was scrambling back up their ladder to board the 'mech while Captain Skinner shouted after them to "...NOT ABANDON US!"


At the same time on another frequency, an exultant voice said in Arabic, "God is great!  Take what you can, give nothing back!  For Al Mazrea!"


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #22 on: 08 September 2019, 13:39:20 »
And here we go.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #23 on: 08 September 2019, 13:41:52 »
I'm open to suggestions as to how you'd like to work out the results of this first skirmish.  We could probably do it relatively quickly after Jester's game on the 17th...


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #24 on: 08 September 2019, 13:48:42 »
We can also do it before the game on the 14th at G&S.  Jesters game is the 21st. 

I'm also up for mid week run.  I've got all the minis you need probably.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #25 on: 08 September 2019, 14:05:47 »
LOL... the only mins required are a Hermes, a Fire Javelin, 4 Jeeps, and an Escape Pod... Or, you know... bottle caps...  ;D

More seriously, mid-week is a no go for me.  I never know when I'm getting home.  And I've obviously completely lost the bubble on which game is when.  I think I'm available the 14th, so that sounds like the nearest opportunity if it holds.


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #26 on: 14 September 2019, 22:38:17 »
75 km NNW of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1305-1308 Local Time
21 July, 2024


Approximately one minute later: "THIS IS ROMEO THREE, MIKE TWO has been destroyed, along with one enemy jeep and two enemy squads of infantry.  All personnel accounted for, over."

While ROMEO THREE was giving their after action report, another voice broke in on the transmission: "This is... <who are we again?> MIKE FOUR... we see a 'mech inbound our position, and request assistance... no, IMMEDIATE assistance, over... no? no, out."

The Vulcan pilot recognized the voice of their tech on the circuit, and turned south, risking even more speed than they had been when moving to assist ROMEO THREE.  The eight kilometers they'd made to the northwest from MIKE ONE now worked against them in trying to get back to MIKE FOUR, which was about eight kilometers south of MIKE ONE.  Even at 120 kph, it was going to take about seven minutes to get there.
« Last Edit: 21 September 2019, 21:43:47 by Daryk »


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Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #27 on: 21 September 2019, 21:52:03 »
75 km NNW of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1308-1312 Local Time
21 July, 2024

"This is MIKE FOUR, MIKE FOUR has been destroyed.  Forces departing MIKE FOUR consist of one 'mech and three jeeps, heading north.  Believe this means one jeep is looking for us, over."

"ROMEO ONE copies, vectoring north to defend MIKE ONE."

Two minutes later:

"MIKE FOUR, CONTACT!  They're behind us!"

Two minutes later:

"This is MIKE FOUR.  Three personnel KIA, one bleeding out with a rib protruding, first aid will not likely be enough.  One MIA.  Seven enemy KIA.  Request immediate evac, before the bastards come back to finish us off, over."


  • Lieutenant General
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  • Posts: 37789
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #28 on: 22 September 2019, 17:15:50 »
35 km N of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point
1310 Local Time
21 July, 2024

"A little more to the east... there!  Can you see me now?"

"Roger FOX ONE, we see you.  Standby for pick up.  CHARLIE MIKE, out."


  • Lieutenant General
  • *
  • Posts: 37789
  • The Double Deuce II/II-σ
Re: This is the Way the World Ends - Wolf Skinners [3024]
« Reply #29 on: 04 October 2019, 16:51:12 »
75 km NNW of WSDS Mondez's intended landing point (and 8 km N of MIKE FOUR's former position)
1314 Local Time
21 July, 2024

Captain Skinner heaved a sigh of relief when the Vulcan came back before the inbound enemy 'mech did.  There would be WORDS when this was all over.

