Armor is easy to figure out. The Tank Commander is a warrior and the crew are Techs that serve as both maitnence but also as drivers and such. But firing the weapons falls to the Tank Commander as that's a warriors perogative.
Actually that runs truly contrary to everything I've ever read. So I'm intrigued.
Do you have any canon evidence of this? I've never seen it presented that way. We have descriptions of Hell's Horses tank crews for examples, and all members are warriors. Clan vehicles in TROs often provide some descriptions of their crews and talk about warriors with specific examples and references of how the warriors have to engage in a lot of teamwork in certain vehicle models.
The opening to Turning Points: Tokasha depicted a Horses' tank crew fighting a battle and talking to each other inside the vehicle. All warriors.
Mechwarrior's Guide to the Clans gives us a character template example for a Horses warrior tank crewman. Not a vehicle commander, a crew member, warrior caste.
We even got a depiction of a Clan Wolf tank crew in the fight for Terra in the book depicting that battle. The crew consisted of warriors.
I've never seen a tech, in a Clan tank, in combat, ever in canon. So, if there is an example of this, I'd love to find it.
I could imagine exceptions for something like an Anhur assigned to logistical units that isn't meant to be anywhere near combat. But at that point the vehicle is meant to be a support vehicle, away from combat, and just happens to be armed and capable of some self-defense. But the same make/model vehicle, an Anhur, assigned to a combat unit to fly combat duties and transport combat units into and out of cockpit, I'd imagine it would be flown by warriors.