Author Topic: Periphery and the MUL  (Read 1522 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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Periphery and the MUL
« on: 17 July 2022, 22:44:33 »
shouldn't Mech distribution be more by geographic region has mechs would not be found in the same numbers and types from coreward and spinward as they closer to some factories then others which would effect there availability?
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Re: Periphery and the MUL
« Reply #1 on: 18 July 2022, 01:48:21 »

There is plenty of interstellar shipping, a lot of real Politik style diplomacy in proping up the enemy of your enemy, and salvage to account for stuff going all over the place. Plus companies aren’t necessarily beholden to sell to only their host nations geographic neighbors.
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Re: Periphery and the MUL
« Reply #2 on: 18 July 2022, 03:18:39 »
The general periphery availability is supposed to be about common designs that can be found everywhere. You will not that most of them are also in the general inner sphere list, sometimes being older models of the ones that are available in the core of the IS.

And then we get the faciton specific designs that deals specifically with the designs that these more local factions get IN ADDITION to those of the general periphery list. this is what brings this local flavor that you ask for, I think. :)

Kind regards,


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Periphery and the MUL
« Reply #3 on: 18 July 2022, 06:15:33 »
Think of this like the Russians sending old T-62 tanks everywhere to make money.  So Brazil, Ethiopia and even Mexico could have them.  It doesn't mean that the Canopians won't have lots of Stingers, Wasps, Locusts(50 total a year per original house book) and Shadow Hawks(10 a year).  They probably buy from the FWL and anyone else who will sell.  I prefer heavy numbers in what we make and then I look around at who sells and is close.  In the Canopians case the FWL build more than 20 types of mechs in the 3rd Succession War era.  Salvage from the brief Taurian war or Capellan raids and from failed pirate attacks can also be considered.

After that you can take into account what mechs have bad reputations.  The Blackjack, Clint, Scorpion, stock Banshee, Charger, etc. have bad reps and you could probably buy some up at a good price.  The MUL is there as a guide.  A lazy guide if you don't want to put extra work into making the OPFOR more like what your opponent actually has.


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Re: Periphery and the MUL
« Reply #4 on: 18 July 2022, 08:10:56 »
The MUL is just a generic list of units that those factions have access to for various reasons. It doesn't show how common those are in the various factions.

Like take the introtech 2H Shadow Hawk. Its on the Periphery General list during the Succession Wars to show that the Shadow Hawk is generally available to all the Periphery faction. It doesn't show that the Magistracy probably has more because they have factory for them, because it isn't designed for that. It just shows that they have access to it.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: Periphery and the MUL
« Reply #5 on: 07 August 2022, 09:29:34 »
To look at this more closely.

Outworlds Alliance:  They build the Stinger, Wasp, Locust and later the Merlin(3010?).  They border the Draconis Combine and Federated Suns, and are frequent targets of pirates.  So, heavy on bugs with lots of salvage or purchase of units "maligned" by their neighbors.  Blackjacks, Chargers, maybe a run of Valkyries(the FS make 130/year), Perhaps a few heavies(Thunderbolt, Warhammer, Archer, Marauder) from the TC in exchange for aerospace fighter trainers.

Taurian Concordat:  They build the Stinger, Wasp, Locust, Commando, Griffin, Thunderbolt, Warhammer, Archer and Marauder.  The Griffin line should, perhaps, be replaced by the Toro as it is a homebuilt Taurian mech with the same loadout as the Griffin.  They also had the Hatchetman listed in the first Periphery book, it could be replaced by the Talos, another Taurian mech that had the same AC 10 as the Hatchetman, misreporting?  Other than the purchase of a few assault mechs, Banshee(converted to the two PPC Marik version?) and anything else they can find, they don't need much more.

Magistracy of Canopus:  They build 50 Stingers, Wasps, and Locusts and 10 Shadow Hawks.  They border the Free Worlds League and Capellan Confederation.  They become very friendly with the Duchy of Andurien around early 3000.  They also have a 240 engine from the Manticore and a 225 engine from the Sabre ASF that they make.  Their 3050 plus mechs were the Calliope(40 tons) and the Penthesilea(75 tons).  Downgrade those designs and you get a Hermes II clone(Calliope) with a LL, SRM 4 and LRM 5 and a 3/5/3 Penthesilea with an AC 10, LL, PPC and 3 ML's.  If you don't do that, you can buy from the Free Worlds which gives you access to over 20 designs.  Most likely the Flea, Hermes II, Trebuchet, Quickdraw, Rifleman and maybe a Griffin or two.

