Author Topic: Strip away the plot armour...Who do you hire?  (Read 1666 times)


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Re: Strip away the plot armour...Who do you hire?
« Reply #30 on: 03 April 2024, 20:44:35 »
Especially in their later years, they were basically a House unit by another name.  Closer to the Tau Ceti Rangers in their level of independence (or lack of), as compared to  the ELH who were probably one of the most independent units.

And they paid for that independence in blood.
Even in their early years, they were full on Lyran loyalists.

The GDL should have died on Trellwan. The sheer number of head shots beggars belief. But I’m glad they survived. Jeremiah Rose OTOH just made me angry. Guy thinks he’s going to stroll into the Northwind Highlanders Warriors Assembly literally hours after getting off a dropship and ask to poach their warriors and equipment, and gets upset when they told him no.

If I’m going to hire someone, I’d go with Wolf’s Dragoons too. They were still some of the best trained, best supplied units in the Inner Sphere.

Rainbow 6

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Re: Strip away the plot armour...Who do you hire?
« Reply #31 on: 07 April 2024, 15:03:51 »
It's mission dependent but for ,most things I'm thinking a regimental sized force is probably right for most things.

My go to would be the 21st Centauri Lancers, if they're not available Hansen's Roughriders and failing that (per blakest interference) the Stealthy Tigers.

GoGo Yubari

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Re: Strip away the plot armour...Who do you hire?
« Reply #32 on: 09 April 2024, 15:04:45 »
Obviously, you'd need serious cash (and some moral quality for the other at least) to hire either but it is a no brainer for me: Wolf's Dragoons and Eridani Light Horse. We can argue if there's plot armor in some specific instances and stories (we could also argue that the Dragoons actually go from one highly contrived near destruction to another tbh, but yes arguably they do make it out at the end of each those), but just in general these are very professional, fully fledged military formations that lack typical mercenary problems (both have inherited institutional knowledge of very solid and active militaries at the outset, which then develops into years of actual experience in mercenary operations). These are not units you hire to secure your sister's farm or go blow up some building (and if that's what I'm doing, I'd hire someone else), but to do some serious theater-wide work and to produce large scale, significant military outcomes. They also bring their own unique culture and way of doing things, so you don't get to dictate and micro-manage their operations on that scale, which might be an issue depending on what you're out there doing.

« Last Edit: 09 April 2024, 15:12:57 by GoGo Yubari »

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