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I guess C3 not possible given this isn't team / faction game
MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by Wrangler on Today at 17:37:53 »
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Mechacide?
« Last post by glitterboy2098 on Today at 16:55:21 »
it's also presented as something really hard to do. you have to not only disable safeties and force the thing to operate at unsafe levels, then physically damage hardware. kai had to have a passenger literally pull control boards in the cockpit right before ejecting the head, while Dan allard was planning to let his mech be shot up to the same end. and in his case he was gambling that he'd get the result we wanted, it wasn't certain.

the only sure way to get the result is to install boobytrap hardware. but as mentioned.. except in a handful of cases like the bullet drone, its usually way too expensive for what you get.
What's the time stamp on that, so I can link it for my local Discord groups?

It's spread between the 37-to-40-minute mark.
I can't really say which one is best to be used of those 3.  However, I would say which sub-type is best for each one.

For ASF, go with Light.  Keeps it cheap and easy to build in quantity.

For CVs, go with Tread.  PSRs are almost not a thing for them, and they aren't as easily immobilized.  I've used Drone J. Edgars, and they ended up running in to Level Changes more often than not.  Keep them in the lighter ranges, and you have a cheap system.

For Mechs, go with Quads.  The benefits to staying standing up is important to counter the lack of skill DOS brings to the table really needs the stability.
What's the time stamp on that, so I can link it for my local Discord groups?

Edit: Found them.
37:38 for the uploads

40:05 for shipping.
what surprises me is that those things survived and are still working
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Mechacide?
« Last post by CitizenErased on Today at 16:00:15 »
Didn’t Dan Allard self destruct his Valkyrie to try and kill/disable Yorinaga’s Warhammer?

Yeah, but again, that's another Stackpole classic. He really loves having action sequences reach an explosive climax.

Outside of the logic of early BT novels, it's the kind of tactic that is more likely to get you a discharge from whatever unit you're in, assuming you survive the ejection. Plus, at maximum you're looking at 40 damage applied LRM-style against anything adjacent to you (and then 20 the next ring of hexes out, and 10 at the next ring), which isn't likely to do much unless your opponents are already as bad off as you are. But hey, if someone wants to start a trend of being the BattleTech equivalent of the Pokémon player who spams Self-Destruct, more power to them, I guess.
During today's Tuesday Newsday stream Rem announced that most Kickstarter product has reached the hubs, its just some of the swag that is still on route.

They also said they currently expect everyone to have the new shipping charges uploaded to their backerkits by the end of the week.  Logistics is shooting for shipping to begin by end of May or beginning of June (but that could change, of course).
During today's Tuesday Newsday stream Rem announced that most Kickstarter product has reached the hubs, its just some of the swag that is still on route.
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