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Fan Articles / Re: Mech of the Week - Flea
« Last post by Paul on 15 September 2024, 22:44:25 »
Not much to add to this fun thread beyond observing that it's also excellent at doing property damage. And to me at least, that's a huge part of what the smaller 'Mechs should be spending their booked labor on in typical raids.
Putting stuff on fire or blowing it up. Ideally the things the enemy cares about. And a Flea is going to be a lot more effective at that job than many other 'Mechs in its weight class.

I think something people find hard when evaluating 'Mechs, is  considering aspects beyond 1:1 combat. Because it's how we all play the game. Duels. Lance on Lance. *maybe* company on company. This also creates a blind spot on the top side; 'Mechs that become more useful in battalion sized engagements, that's not likely to be a first hand experience for most players.

Meanwhile, what are the odds of 2 players "playing" a game where 1 side is a Flea that broke through, and the other 'side' is a map full of warehouses that need to be a little more on fire, or perhaps slightly more kicked and exploded?
So yeah, a Flea sucks compared to quite a few designs that are good or just decent in 'Mech combat. And that's a big problem when some of them are fast enough that a Flea can't just avoid them. But most days of the week, the Flea doesn't have to worry about how well it can do against hostile 'Mechs and vehicles, because it shouldn't see *any*. And for a regiment or brigade (once upon a time, common), sending a company of Fleas out to put crap on fire means you get to keep your company of Wolverines and your company of Thunderbolts to do the 'Mech on 'Mech stuff.
I think some of you are jumping the gun in asserting that the matter of the Khanship of the Falcons is "settled". These are the Clans, and we've seen them devour and genocide each other over far less pressing things than an illegitimate Khan...and yes, by Clan law, Jiyi Chistu is 100% illegitimate; he was not voted into his position by a quorum of the Clan's Bloodnamed warriors. Hell, the Falcons just fought a civil war over the legitimacy of their Khan within the last twenty years, so it's not like there isn't a precedent here. WoR showed us that the Clans are big on the letter of the law as much as the spirit (hence why it took them so long to overturn the Great Refusal), and the Falcons are one of the most conservative Clans that ever existed.

While I do agree that 1) current circumstances prevent Alaric and Stephanie from dealing with that situation right now and 2) the expression "possession is 9/10ths of the law" absolutely applies here right now, it seems rather foolish to assume that there won't be a reckoning at some point. Especially with Alaric in the mix; we all literally just watched him demand the RasDom go all-in on his new Star League, and we've seen the lengths he will go to in order to get what he wants. And if that so happens to be a united Clan Jade Falcon, well... a reckoning will happen sooner or later.

Then, of course, there's the biggest reason why the Khanship of the Jade Falcons is far from "settled": this isn't PeaceTech, it's BattleTech, and we've watched factions make foolish decisions time and time and time again because those decisions fuel the incessant warfare that makes this setting what it is. If TPTB decide that Alaric and/or the Terran Falcons decide that it's time to bring the rest of the Falcons under the new Star League's aegis with the Khan that actually was elected by her Clan's Bloodnamed warriors, then that's what we're gonna get.

 Opinions are all fine and dandy, but let's not speak of them as if they're facts. No one here knows how this story is going to go.

Along these lines, the only way by clan custom to decide which Jade Falcons are the 'legitimate' is basically a trial over it.

Regarding if Alaric and Stephani Chistu will 'deal' with Jiyi's... I feel like Alaric will just declare they answer to Stephanie Chistu because she answers to Alaric. If Jiyi says nope, then it'll arcs towards violence, because Alaric is a guy who in June 3152 declared he owns the universe. Not really any room for compromise with the guy as he exists now.

But... unless Wolves power up like saiyans again, or Stephanie's Falcons do so, the Falcon factions aren't likely to meet each other directly any time soon.
Not to mention Jiyi should have the entire Genertic repository in his hand therefore making his Clan the "real" Jade Falcons.

Yeah, that is what I have been saying, how this can benefit the Terran Falcons, as in a (symbolic) "harvest" Trial can be conducted, so they can get copies of Genetic material and some Iron Womb tech, so they can restart their own on Terra (Yes, results will only show in 16-18 years, but at least the Terran Falcons can tick that off in their check list of getting settled)
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by Dave Talley on 15 September 2024, 22:28:20 »
Drop the singles, put in 11 doubles straight to the engine.  Gets you 5 tons.  Add 5 medium lasers. Take the small laser out and add half ton armor, if you feel like it.

Two range fire:
Long and medium: 2 PPC
Short: 7 Medium and a run for +1 heat

Did the same to an Archer:
Dropped the 20's to 15's
Changed to 11 double heat sinks
4 tons ammo
8 medium lasers total
Nasty suprise to those who get in it's face!

I did a similar idea for a 3S, the idea was the VOs mech got mangled but due to supply issues all you have is ppcs and mediums, ended up with 3 PPCs and 8 mediums with 27 sinks iirc
Was Gray Noton owning two riflemans - one for low risk fights/inspections and one that's 'special' - canon or a fan theory?
Not the Rifle Team, I was wrong - it's the Heavy Rifle Team, the Flamer Team, Headquarters, Medic, Melee, Suicide Bomber, and Zombies that all have hard numbers instead of formulae on the AB-AD columns.  You can see the data line at the top of this screenshot, it just has 3 for a value instead of a proper formula.  When I go to the Infantry Creation worksheet, and select Heavy Rifle Teams, the ranges don't change based on whatever TL I choose for general or offensive TL.

What's really bizarre is that the Quick Infantry Creation System works as-advertised, and varies its ranges for teams such as flamethrowers and heavy rifles, unlike the Standard Infantry Creation System.  I'm willing to just ignore the SICS and roll with the QICS, which for unknown reasons OpenOffice reads right.  I don't know why OO is reading integers where there's clearly not supposed to be any, but I don't want to go digging for formulae when I can just work around it with the Quick ICS., until I put in a Squad Level of Large Team or Squad, then I get #VALUE in the Suppression Threshold in the record sheet for the QICS.  It displays properly for Team or Large Squad.  The Suppression Threshold shows in the worksheet, so I can see what it's supposed to be...but I can work around that by simply using 3- and 4-man Teams, and never using Large Teams for the Squad Level.  Four man fire teams for everyone but tank infantry, which gets two three-man teams per tank - two riflemen and a machine gun in each team.  That way they can split up and cover each side of the tank.

Have some infantry.

Laser and DEW guns would definitely be a thing, with excessively long ranges - wasn't there an antipersonnel version of the Powergun from Hammer's Slammers?  I vaguely recall that book, I remember the strip defense equipment and I swear there was a tribarrel powergun for dealing with infantry Way Over There.  Rechargable antitank lasers would be cool as well, something like these from the Akira anime:

You've honestly got a pretty good representation of capabilities as it is, from disposable one-shot weapons that could be rockets or could be battery-powered MDCs in a tube to rapid-firing coilguns acting as ersatz machine guns.  Long range flamethrowers could be plasma weapons, as well.  The range and damage changes based on TL already take this technological difference into account, so there really wouldn't be anything new outside of super-long-ranged guns like the aforementioned powerguns/High Energy Cannons and lasers.  DEWs pretty quickly fall into "if you can see it you can hit it" ranges, so it comes down to the optics that your infantry are using.  Things like the XM157 and the IVAS become major components of your sighting, especially if you add in AI image recognition and spotting...TL5 is going to be cool when we get there.


Something I noticed when I tried out 1.664 (and 1.6631) was that it was back to reading weapon Quantity on the Vehicle Worksheet as a dropdown choice between AH and AL again, and limited the quantity of ammunition to a dropdown of 1-40 - the same was for the year of introduction.  I copied over blank cells to all of those, and they work now, but it's just one more weird issue that OpenOffice has for the spreadsheet.  I imagine I'm the only one having these issues; I'd spring for a copy of XL but I'm not paying 60 bucks a month for it.  I miss the days when you actually bought and not rented software...
Fan Articles / Re: MotW Schedule Thread 2017
« Last post by Greatclub on 15 September 2024, 22:12:45 »
I think only the one ost is done, the ost scout.
I think some of you are jumping the gun in asserting that the matter of the Khanship of the Falcons is "settled". These are the Clans, and we've seen them devour and genocide each other over far less pressing things than an illegitimate Khan...and yes, by Clan law, Jiyi Chistu is 100% illegitimate; he was not voted into his position by a quorum of the Clan's Bloodnamed warriors. Hell, the Falcons just fought a civil war over the legitimacy of their Khan within the last twenty years, so it's not like there isn't a precedent here. WoR showed us that the Clans are big on the letter of the law as much as the spirit (hence why it took them so long to overturn the Great Refusal), and the Falcons are one of the most conservative Clans that ever existed.

While I do agree that 1) current circumstances prevent Alaric and Stephanie from dealing with that situation right now and 2) the expression "possession is 9/10ths of the law" absolutely applies here right now, it seems rather foolish to assume that there won't be a reckoning at some point. Especially with Alaric in the mix; we all literally just watched him demand the RasDom go all-in on his new Star League, and we've seen the lengths he will go to in order to get what he wants. And if that so happens to be a united Clan Jade Falcon, well... a reckoning will happen sooner or later.

Then, of course, there's the biggest reason why the Khanship of the Jade Falcons is far from "settled": this isn't PeaceTech, it's BattleTech, and we've watched factions make foolish decisions time and time and time again because those decisions fuel the incessant warfare that makes this setting what it is. If TPTB decide that Alaric and/or the Terran Falcons decide that it's time to bring the rest of the Falcons under the new Star League's aegis with the Khan that actually was elected by her Clan's Bloodnamed warriors, then that's what we're gonna get.

 Opinions are all fine and dandy, but let's not speak of them as if they're facts. No one here knows how this story is going to go.
The AW-18 is Sapporo's strategic sledgehammer, it's what the SDR uses to scare unruly tankers to sleep on other worlds.  It's a beatstick that's saved for special occasions.

Love it.
The problem is exhaust velocity. For ships that are using grams of fuel per second in strategic mode, you can find superluminal values of exhaust velocity (if you stick with Newtonian math)

If I recall an ancient thread correctly (with Fallguy, to date it some) there is some 'gain' in the sense that the mass of the fuel goes 'up' relative to the vessel the closer to c the fuel is made, but still nowhere in the ballpark of removing the sheer magic of it all. I can't recall if it's better or worse for DropShips; I assume there's more magic in WarShips.
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