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BattleMechs / Giant Foot
« Last post by Lagrange on 15 September 2024, 16:53:58 »
Thud.  THUD.  THUD!!!  The least stealthy mech in existence, a Giant Foot can easily be detected by seismic sensors a kilometer away due to it's standard movement pattern of 300 meter jumps on a 100 ton chassis. 

In a typical engagement the Giant Foot starts at long range sniping with an ER large laser backed by a targeting computer.  It can continue at this range indefinitely using 300 meter bounding movement to stay out of the reach of virtually all heavy and assault mechs while only allowing return fire from mechs armed with other extreme range weapons.  Hitting a target at long range with the extreme movements profile of the Giant Foot is impossible for many mechs which lack appropriate weapons and many others with merely regular quality pilots.  For more elite units, this is merely a quite difficult task with chipping through the 18.5 tons of ferro-fibrous armor extremely challenging.

The Giant Foot is however actually designed for point blank high intensity combat.  When the moment comes to switch range profiles, it jumps 300 meters closer to the target and fires complimentary 4x Medium Pulse Lasers (and a Micro pulse laser) to inflict initial damage at medium range and activate TSM.  After that, the mech jumps to short range and uses 5x Medium Pulse lasers (with a targeting computer) every round to inflict significant damage while remaining difficult to hit.

In it's ideal use, the Giant Foot jumps directly behind another slower mech and unloads with 5x Medium Pulse Lasers backed by a targeting computer, fully counteracting the targeting difficulty introduced by jumping.  Twin TSM-activated punches each dealing 20 point hits on the punch table with a bonus to hit typically do devastating structural damage with a decapitation perk.   

Several elements combine to make the Giant Foot work well.  The Mechanical Jump Boosters allow even assault mechs to jump huge distances while imposing a substantial +3 penalty to fire and fixing facing.  The Tripod chassis makes the entire torso effectively function as a turret, negating the facing drawback of Mechanical Jump Boosters and additionally providing a -1 bonus to piloting rolls.  Combining this with an array of MPLs and a targeting computer also fully negates the drawback of jumping.  The typical built-in penalties in a close attack are then just a +1 to fire from heat and a +2 penalty to punches.  On the other hand, the penalty to be hit is at least a +5 movement penalty which typically halves (or more) the weight of incoming fire at short range.

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Giant Foot mech

Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Endo Steel Tripod
Power Plant: 100 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 10.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 21.6 kph
Jump Jets: Jump Booster
     Jump Capacity: 300 meters
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
     2 Micro Pulse Laser
     1 ER Large Laser
     5 Medium Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-F
Cost: 11,955,333 C-bills

Type: Giant Foot
Technology Base: Mixed (Advanced)
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 3,050

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure            Endo Steel            5.5
Engine                        100 Fusion              3
Walking MP: 1
Running MP: 2
Jumping MP: 10
Double Heat Sink              10 [20]                 0
Gyro                                                  1
Tripod Cockpit                                        4
Armor Factor (Ferro)          349                  18.5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Head                    3         9     
     Center Torso            31        47   
     Center Torso (rear)               15   
     R/L Torso               21        32   
     R/L Torso (rear)                  10   
     R/L Arm                 17        34   
     R/C/L Leg               21        42   

Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand

and Ammo                        Location  Critical   Heat    Tonnage
ER Large Laser                     CT        1        12      4.0   
Medium Pulse Laser                 CT        1        4       2.0   
2 Triple Strength Myomer       HD/RT/RA/LA 1/2/1/2    -       0.0   
2 Medium Pulse Laser               RT        2        4       4.0   
3 Double Heat Sink                 RT        6        -       3.0   
Micro Pulse Laser                  RT        1        1       0.5   
2 Triple Strength Myomer       HD/RT/RA/LA 1/2/1/2    -       0.0   
Targeting Computer                 LT        3        -       3.0   
2 Medium Pulse Laser               LT        2        4       4.0   
3 Double Heat Sink                 LT        6        -       3.0   
Micro Pulse Laser                  LT        1        1       0.5   
Mech Mechanical Jump Boosters   RL/LL/CL   2/2/2      -       50.0 
Triple Strength Myomer         HD/RT/RA/LA 1/2/1/2    -       0.0   
Triple Strength Myomer         HD/RT/RA/LA 1/2/1/2    -       0.0   

Natasha's Wolf Hawk was the immediate inspiration for this.  That's a 55 ton 5/8/10 movement profile with a similar weapons load.  I opted for an ERLL over an ERPPC to make the close-in firepower a tad more dangerous and enable longer range (although definitely less whithering) sniping.    Relative to those, this design is actually modestly cheaper at 12M while the BV of 3050 is 10% higher than the Wolf Hawk and much lower than the Wolf Hawk 2 (which uses an interface cockpit).   For the BV, this seems modestly more potent due to inflicting 25% more damage in point blank attack and having about twice the armor.  Although the Giant Foot cannot have an interface cockpit, it seems Enhanced Imaging compatibility is possible.  This would provide another -1 to piloting skill rolls and partially negate various penalties to hit.
I suspect it would appeal easily to the Pact.  Not so sure about the Dominion, given its current state of upheaval.
Fan Fiction / Re: Alternate Timeline with Thanks (Part 3)
« Last post by Dragon Cat on 15 September 2024, 16:51:06 »
Forty-seventh Star League Games
Star League Stadium, Solaris VII
Independent Clan Space
4th June 3120

   On the sands of the Star League Stadium on Solaris VII MechWarrior Nikhail Jade Falcon of the Clan Jade Falcon wins the competition marking the fifth time in forty-five successful Star League Games that a warrior from the Clan had successfully won the competition. With the Eighteenth Games cancelled by armed conflict and the Twentieth interrupted by a terrorist attack. The victory also marks the second time a MechWarrior piloting a Gryfalcon BattleMech, this one a different variant than previously, has won the competition. During the conflict regular season competitor MechWarrior Vlad Carlyle enters piloting a modified Templar OmniMech coming in fourth place.

   An ever presence on the world of Solaris Star League Intelligence agents look into MechWarrior Nikhail finding he is a warrior with no history in the Jade Falcon Clan. Although Solaris has a heavy Clan military presence and is administered by the Clan’s Free Guilds and the Loremaster of the Clans the SLIC has several assets on the world and they find that every member of Clan Jade Falcon who entered the competition on Solaris was an ungraduated Warrior of their Clan and the Falcons had used it as a testing ground. They find that the warrior were all from the same gene-house and after analysing their fighting styles note that these Jade Falcon warriors ignore the Clan disdain for physical attack and combined fire.

   During the competition executives of the Solaris Racing League meet with representatives of the Niosiel Racing Competition regarding a multi-planet race using conventional aircraft involving both systems racing circuits.

Nadir Jump Point, Bulwark (Halcyon-class Cruiser)
Staplefield, Lynx Occupation Zone
14th June 3120

   The Hell’s Horses WarShip Bulwark had jumped into the Staplefield system which was controlled by Clan Lynx where they had been challenged by Lynx sentry craft. Still building a Touman the Lynx had lacked sufficient WarShips or DropShips to patrol every system so instead the challengers two modified TIG-15 Tigress Gunships. Not looking for an armed conflict with the Lynx Clan for no reason the crew of the Bulwark had invited the gunships onboard to discuss free passage.

   Boarding the Bulwark the four-person crew of one of the Tigress Gunships were surprised to come across Khan Teresia Cooper. “Gentlemen welcome onboard the Bulwark; I am Khan Teresia Cooper”

   “Star Commander Lexington, Guardian Point of the Staplefield system” the older man said he was easily in his fifties. “Why are you in our system?”

   “Passing through to strike at the Inner Sphere.” Cooper answered

   “We were not informed of your arrival; your presence will be reported to Clan Lynx authorities.”

   “Of course, it will” Cooper responded “however our strike is time sensitive.”

   “Orders are orders” Lexington responded

   “I completely agree and will make our apologies with Isorla to answer for your challenge?” She suggested seeing the confused look on the Lexington’s face “you challenged our WarShip and you are correct we have no right to be in this system, however I do not have time to waste waiting for your Clan to clear us to travel and I do not want to kill you. So, I will offer you Isorla for your challenge and permission for us to move on. You will pass our Isorla onto your Clan as an answer to your superiors why you let us pass.” She suggested, she could see wheels turning behind the man’s eyes “it is a victory against insurmountable odds Star Commander, take the win allow us on our way.”

   “What is your offer of Isorla?”

   “We will transfer a single point of Gnome Battle Armour suits to your craft as payment to Clan Lynx for your victory.” She said suggesting to the man that he was coming out ahead, she did not need her Clan being delayed.

   “I agree to your Isorla terms Khan Cooper.” He said saluting her by crossing his fist across his chest the Hell’s Horses Khan responded by saluting the Lynx warrior with the same salute before turning and leaving them at the docking bay. Within an hour the five Battle Armour suits had been transferred to the Tigress and the Bulwark quickly made its way out of the system.

Anti-Government Protest
Rudigen, Altenmarket Province
Rasalhague Dominion
22nd June 3120

   The balance sought by Clan Ghost Bear and the former Free Rasalhague Republic had been a delicate one for decades with the Rasalhague Dominion government monitoring and shutting down protests quickly however every now and then a public protest flared up like the one which was currently being staged in the capital city on Rudigen. While it was peaceful the several hundred protestors marching through the city calling for the end of Ghost Bear “domination” over the population.

   Angela Bekker, Khan of the Ghost Bears and leader of the Rasalhague Dominion, stood with the Administrator of Rudigen City on a balcony overlooking the protestors as they assembled in the square opposite the City’s main administration block. The Watch had informed her of the protest and their inability to stop it so she had attended herself, now she would address the crowd. The Khan did not like addressing the freeborn population but she saw little other way of calming them and making them understand that the Strength and Prowess of the Ghost Bears was all that was giving them their freedom and that some freedoms needed to be sacrificed.

   As she stepped out into public view on the balcony several shots rang out the first two struck Administrator Kate in the chest while the following three shots struck Bekker in the shoulder and the side of the head both of them went down immediately with large pools of blood. With the sound of gunshots and the imposing Elemental Guards watching them, the gathered crowd panicked which was intensified as the Ghost Bear Elementals based around the administration block fired tear gas into the crowd to disperse them, the tear gas and panic caused the crowd to stampede in multiple directions causing dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries.

With the use of tear gas against civilians and the injuries from the stampeding protestors more aggressive factions of the population come out turning the whole situation a lot worse with what amounted to a riot. Cached weapons which had been hidden for decades were brought out and turned on the Ghost Bears as those employing them hoped for the violence to spread beyond Rudigen City and beyond the system of Rudigen. With the factions lashing out and destroying everything in their path the Lassenerra saw no option other than to bring heavier weapons in to quell the violence, regardless of the rationale adding more weapons could do only one thing.

   Lassenerra’s order unleashed a wave of violence on Rudigen City which had not been seen since the early days of Clan rule on the world with points of Ghost Bear infantry and Battle Armour moving rapidly through the city stopping rioting citizens with levels of violence only a military force could match. And matched they were as Planetary Garrison Clusters manned by freeborns who had been born on Rudigen as part of the Rasalhague Dominion’s attempt for worlds to be completely capable of self-defence mobilised into Rudigen City and forced Lassenerra’s troops to pull back to their staging base. While the Garrison Clusters were under the saKhan’s command they had defied orders which had held them in their bases and they had moved to defend the city.

   As dawn broke news passed that Angela Bekker had died of her wounds and the people of Rudigen braced for more violence this time against Lassenerra’s troops and the garrison clusters which had remained in the city all night maintaining order but it never came. The troops had been preparing for operations but they had not been needed as one person stood up and halted any further movement Planetary Administrator David Bekker former saKhan of the Rasalhague Dominion and now the leader of the world. “We are Ghost Bears, we are family, we do not bring war to our own people. This is not our way, this has never been our way, I will not allow it to ever be our way. We built this Dominion with the people of Rasalhague, we will not tear it down.” He had said while standing completely unarmed in front of the military base which saKhan Fulk Lassenerra was based within, while David Bekker had no standing within the Touman his words carried weight and none of them truly wished to bring conflict upon their own people. With the Garrison Clusters maintaining peace in the City Lassenerra called for all of his troops to stand down as well.
BattleTech Game Errata / Re: Shrapnel - The Official BattleTech Magazine
« Last post by ShroudedSciuridae on 15 September 2024, 16:39:55 »
Shrapnel #18, p. 211

"10 OCTOBER 3152"
Issue: Wrong date
Correction Replace with "10 OCTOBER 3151"
Off Topic / Re: Eminence in Anime - The M@ster Anime Thread Beyond Viewing's End
« Last post by elf25s on 15 September 2024, 16:36:39 »
not anime but
neighbors from hell
sadly it got only one season and "red" kurtwood smith really goes all out in his performance as the c o of petromundo
Awesome, thanks.

We definitely misrulled both of these at the taɓle.
The latest Shrapnel has a scenario, Raid on Tomans, where the Tamar Pact has sent a force to be the garrison of Tomans in Jan 3152 after that world joins the Pact.

By June 3152, the Ghost Bears have sorted themselves out enough to explore the worlds abandoned by the Jade Falcons with a emphasis on taking production on Arcturus and Pandora.  The Rasalhague Galaxy is the first into former Falcon territory, landing a assault cluster on Tomans.

Both sides fought each other for a while but during one breaks, Star Colonel Lena recommended a cease fire while both sides went to higher for orders.  The Ghost Bear officer was suggesting the two nations have a non-aggression agreement to give each a secure border and let them focus on other sectors.  She mentally compared it to the FRR providing a buffer state for the Combine in the previous century, I would expect her report would suggest that to her chain of command.

Would this realpoltik appeal to both factions?  Which might be more interested in it?

As far as battlefield results having a impact . . . playing it out now, just to see the results.
Assuming the worlds of the Fringe all have Earth-like atmospheric compositions and density, you're going to end up with pretty similar aerodynamic limits putting a cap on actual non-marketing brochure aircraft performance.

More powerful engines generally mean better acceleration and better payload, but generally, you're fighting a lack of oxygen for engine combustion, lack of air density for lift and cooling against the effect of denser air on drag and heating.

For fixed-wing aircraft, that's something like Mach 1.2 at sea level, and that requires a tremendous thrust-to-weight ratio and tiny wings (or VG). You're only really going to see that performance from stuff like the F-111 or MiG-23. Modern designs simply have too much wing. At altitude, something like Mach 1.6? Planes can in theory get faster in the "Carry nothing, burn all the fuel, and maybe fry the engines" sense, but not in any useful way. I think you'll also rarely see them flying much higher than 40,000 feet. The lack of lift makes handling extra squirrly, and that's assuming the weight/drag/lift even allows it. IIRC, F-14s carrying 4 AIM-54s have a ceiling of something like only 38,000 ft.

For rotary-wing, it's under the 200 mph / 300 km/h range. Rotors start losing their ability to generate lift and aerodynamic instability starts being a (fatal) risk. Getting past that pretty much requires a compound helicopter design that start incorporating elements of fixed-wing aircraft. Thin air also causes issues with degrading both lift and engine power, which is how you get helo rescues being halted in Death Valley on hot days. Even when they can fly in 'hot and high' AORs, payload is reduced, and you can also throw in the complication of reduced air and increased drag from air filters and internal engine wear and damage from particularly dusty or sandy places.
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by Daryk on 15 September 2024, 15:23:25 »
That's a brilliant win-win!  One can only hope the two can get there through the fog of outraged bureaucracy! ;D
Anyone run the Pact vs Dominion battle from Shrapnel yet?
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