Going through the short stories now, starting with the AML one since that's a faction I'm interested in. Overall I liked "Lone Wolf and Fox", glad to see Marena and the AML in fiction, and the Fox Patrol stories are a series I'm following with interest. The cliffhanger ending has me eager for the next one and finding out if [spoiler]Evan survived or died for real[/spoiler].
I'd give it 4 out of 5, taking one point off for something early on that totally broke the immersion
Marena was used to being underestimated. She was a Black woman and a merchant in a world dominated by barbarous Clan warriors like the lilywhite Malvina Hazen. Yes, she was a Trueborn Jade Falcon, but that did not matter, since she was a member of a caste considered “inferior” to the warriors.
Since when did a Clanner's
skin colour matter? In a quarter century of reading BT fiction, I do not recall one instance or even suggestion that the Clans are old-fashioned racists. According to all previous sources I've read on the Clans - fiction and sourcebook - Marena's 'inferior' position and Malvina's place as Khan would have been based upon caste and that eugenics pseudo-science BS, not their skin tone. In fact, it's one of their positive traits IMHO, that for all their numerous flaws the Clanners don't exhibit this kind of racism (or sexism), in stark contrast to certain Inner Sphere societies.
Rant over, hopefully I've respectfully raised a dissenting opinion without causing undue offence.