While we usually don't weigh in on questions that aren't actually submitted to the rules forum, this one came to our attention.
Per current rules, a spheroid at High Altitude that does not end its movement in a nose-up orientation must make a control roll. If it succeeds, the next turn it may move normally according to the player's wishes, but will continue having to roll in every turn it does not end nose-up. If it fails, it will continue to move along its current path per the normal rules for out-of-control units, eventually slowing down due to drag and falling, if control is never regained.
All spheroid vessels, regardless of status, are automatically placed in a nose-up orientation when they move to the Low Altitude Map(or Ground Map if Low Altitude is not being used), the game system simply does not permit them to operate any other way. Vessels that are out-of-control when this happens retain that status, and players are advised to regain control, otherwise a crash is likely imminent.