Only vote when you have received your shipping email. In order to estimate how long it will take for our pledges to be pulled, I am asking for you to vote your pledge level.
Pardon my saying so, but I'm not sure this is really going to work like you want it to. By voting when you get your Shipping email, the order has already been pulled and boxed up. I got my "Verify Your Mailing Address" email on 12 July, but I've heard nothing since. While I initially Pledged at the Company ($150.00) level, I later added on $620.00 more.
Of that, $390 was the LE BT Universe book, the new Cities Battlemats set, and the Legends II Combo.
How long will it take to pull
MY order?
Only QML knows, and they're too busy to say!
Going by posts on FB, there doesn't seem to be any rhyme
OR reason how they're fulfilling orders.
They're not going Alphabetically
OR by Pledge Level, given that some people in one city have received theirs while others haven't even gotten an "Order Shipped" email yet. That also rules out shipping to any specific City or State in any sort of order as well.
"Bob in Milwaukee got his Company order 2 weeks ago, but Steve and Phil (also in Milwaukee) are still waiting to get their emails to verify their addresses, and they pledged at the Company Level as well." Seems like they're going by random random!