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Fan Art / My 8-year-old's first attempt at drawing 'Mechs
« Last post by gyedid on Today at 17:06:38 »
So, for my 49th birthday (which was last week) my 8-year-old daughter, who knows what I like, decided to make me a BT-themed birthday card!  Attached are her first ever attempts at drawing 'Mechs!

One of these should be fairly obvious.
Can anyone guess what the other one is supposed to be?

Now how can I get her to do more of these and work on improving...?
(My older one never does anything like this for me...sigh... she's just never been into mecha except for a brief flirtation with Pacific Rim...and that was more for the kaiju)



Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by georgiaboy on Today at 16:58:26 »
Also, with combing the AAR's she will find all the ground and naval battlefields where salvage can be found. Just finding one Robinson Transport that was abandoned before unloading its cargo will give one or more regiments internally, not counting any attached DS. Maybe another cache of ships similar to Site 222, more Brian Forts maybe even Brian dropship ports or asteroid forts.
Challenges and Gatherings / Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Last post by eilidhdawn on Today at 16:56:31 »

Tikhonovich Dai Ichizoku 

{descendents of Tyche and Priapos - chance, luck, fortune, 'hit the mark', succeed, fertility, protector of merchant sailors, gardens and livestock}

part of the Sankaku {the original Trio of the Founders of Nejiro}

Kamon eight scaled kikko plates arranged in an octagonal shape   

Colors black and dark green

Motto 'The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb'

Delm Jahan Tikhonovich

Zokucho/Matrona Nadzieja Tikhonovich 

Founders MP Samyon Tikhonovich

Founders  MP Yulian Tikhonovich

Spokesperson Danya Tikhonovich

Militia: Varangian Guard Commander Eduard Tikhonovich
             Morskiye Eskadril'i {naval squadrons} Commander Larisa Nadezhda 
             Merchant Marines Commander Malia Blom
             Beregovaya Okhrana Commander Viktor Kimura 

Associate Families: Bjork, Blom, Engberg, Hagebak, Jensen, Ruud,Nadezhda, Pasternak, Utkin, Alekseev, Fyodorov, Inoue, Kimura, Bellomo

Major Territorial Holdings: the Kola  Peninsula, Tikhonovich Fortress (2017 sq km landhold west of Leyte near the center of the Kola Peninsula which has itsown small port and canals), Leyte (the second oldest chartered city on Nejiro after the capitol of Yousai, with a warm subtropical climate it is located near the southern point of the Kola Peninsula on the Tairiku continent of Nejiro, its the the largest city on the planet by population with over six million people, the city was chartered for heavy industry, and is walled and moated in sections to assist in keeping heavy industrial processes contained - refineries, mills, factories, energy plants, and as a transport nexus and home to the largest railroad hub on the planet, an intercontinental aeroport, a regional aeroport, several seaports {commercial, fishing, leisure, military}, an NDT Military Rail Depot, Air Station, and Naval Station, a canal system, and several bridges and tunnels across the Azov Bay and Subarashi Bay to Bridges, Civitas, the Spaceport, the Enclave, Yousai, and the NDT Citadel, Leyte is the origin of the Tollway system
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by Taron Storm on Today at 16:49:25 »
I think Hayes is setting up a SLDF fall back using Mitchell's plans.  She knows time is short so she is concentrating on his area of control.
The Inner Sphere / Re: Machines of the First Princes?
« Last post by Weirdo on Today at 16:47:13 »
In a novel(one of the Blood of Kerensky ones, I think), she discusses having gone through infantry training instead of mech.
So I like the boeing jump bomber with its 9/14 a LOT.  Its useful with 4 rockets as an 8/12 interceptor …

Seems to me conventionals need 8 thrust to move around on the high altitude map, without accidentally changing altitude, thus avoiding reentry burn blemishes.

I don't have a good read on what such speed might mean on the low altitude map …
2 days ago I played (and Streamed) a demo of a Touhou fan JRPG on Steam called "Fairies Praying To Heaven 2 ~ Great Devil's Return Match ~".  So far it's really good (as a demo; Don't know when the full version will be available on Steam (it says somewhere in October 2024)
Challenges and Gatherings / Re: BattleTech Long Island IV
« Last post by Kem on Today at 16:32:41 »
“I want your best people looking for a way to cut the natural ECM from the Jeido zan'nendatta as the locals call them.” Wilkes informs he technical department. “Now that WoB has shown interest in that area they will be back and we need a way to use our equipment without them messing with us.”
“Sir why do we not do what the Ironborn does, use our running lights?”
“For starters, night Operations second in the caves they would give us away.” He looks at his people. “They did it so we can as well.”
“What about laser like the locals?”
“Only works when you have direct line of sight but is something like the Ironborn light trick that is a fall back.”
“What makes you thing they have a work around?”
“Well they did not use lights. They did for the most part work as one. Yes they are Light of Mankind, the best WoB has but they are not super men and women. So if they found something we can also.” He checks something on his pad. “I also want the production department making more of the micro Sats. They may only last a few orbits but the one we used on this mission helped a lot.”
“Yes sir.”

I keep forgetting to bring this up. That bugged the hell out of me. I've been making jokes about those crystals but forget by the time I have a chance to post about it.

Jasmine's Office with Daisy, Alphonse, and Ulam

(In Swedish)

Jasmine: "So, mom. Did you know dad could curse in at least 4 languages? I say at least 4, only because the troops with him didn't know what half of them were, or what language."

Alphonse just gives an angry smile, not saying a thing. He and Jasmine already had a short chat about this, no trouble, just to remember to try and use a language that people actually know.

Daisy: "I taught him well. The reason for all that cursing is why we are here though isn't it?"

Ulam: "Those crystals, I want one. ECM at twice the range of the Schiltron. Might be from how large they are below the ground, but just over a third of a kilometer? And they completely neutered Alphonse?"

Alphonse: (French) "Nothing neuters me you..."

Daisy kicks his foot

Alphonse: (Swedish) "The HQ vehicle was ill suited to being deployed there"

Jasmine looks surprised: "No, it was perfect. I didn't hear any reports of ECCM in the units deploying being any help, and our Daimyo was regulated to being a mobile landmark. But, the cops that we saw, they had no lights, no line of sight and moved in tandem anyway. Not one of them acted out or mistimed their move."

Ulam: "So I can't strap a crystal to the back of a mech and make them into a nice EW toy?"

Jasmine: "Yeah, you did read that they are unstable and are likely to explode?"

Ulam: "It's a joke, we obviously take a truck with a crystal in the back, program a course to take, then follow behind."

Jasmine: "Or, you talk to people and see if they noticed the same things about the ECM and the behaviour of the cops. Dahlia can help until your Japanese is better."

Then to Daisy: "And you ask around about the crystals. If someone is studying them, I want to help. If someone needs help with experiments, and we can confirm that it won't be unabled to be deployed if needed, we can let Alphonse help with the Daimyo. The only ECM we have is on the Schiltron, but that's off for training, but if that can help, we can talk when they get back, or buying an ECM piece if needed is also an option. They are expensive, but those crystals keep me up at night. Too much is unknown about them, and they fascinate me."

Daisy: "I'll start with the other commanders in the GSF and our contacts specific to GSF operations. Then I will reach out from there. That way at least when I start asking, I can get their thoughts, and any more information before I run it up the flagpole as it were. I will make sure to start with it being a talk about the mission, so only people who know about it will be asked."

Alphonse: "You had me in here just to let me know my pain will be useful eh."

Jasmine: "All wins should be celebrated. Especially when that win is connected to pain. First time deployed, second deployment with the GSF and we field a unit that might as well have been a toy truck? Yeah, that sucks, but I think seeing how effective these crystals are was just as important"


The crystals do actually keep popping up in my head.

Ulam and Dahlia will casually (when possible) try and see if others noticed the coordinated behaviour of the mechs in that mission and the ECM pain we felt. Might not happen, but that parts order request is going to be getting posted by Devondra so chatter about that might be a good time to confirm things.

Daisy will ask others about the crystals and if they know of any work to study them or investigate them. She will start with GSF commanders because we want them to KNOW that we are inquiring about this. After that going up to whomever gave that mission and other official contacts for the GSF that would know of or get reports of the mission.
Finally got far enough into Gundam Breaker 4 where I can start actual Mobile Suit customizations.

Have a Zeon type brute and a Fed machine styled after the heroine support units. 
The Inner Sphere / Re: Machines of the First Princes?
« Last post by Moragion on Today at 16:24:58 »
Pretty sure Yvonne had no military training of any kind. That's why she was Regent, and not First Prince. Unless it is mentioned in some sourcebook I haven't read (quite a few of those still left for me to read).
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