Clan Chatterweb / Re: Clan Warrior Mortality: what's the primary driver?
« Last post by Metallgewitter on Today at 02:21:27 »The power of Clan weaponry, the earlier Omnis' varying design and Clan tactics also have to be taken into account. Headhunters are regularly featured for Elementals to eliminate command units. Designs like the Fire Moth or the Hellbringer are good examples of the all or nothing trend of some Omnis. Clanners also do not like to retreat, which can lead to more death. Look at the Diamond Sharks and Smoke Jaguars on Tukkayid for an example
To be fair here in Clan space a retreat is usually (pre 3060) not a big thing though. They fight a trial, the trial is either won or lost and then they move on. Retreating is probably rarely a thing unless you have trials that encompass cluister vs cluster. Though I agree that a retreat under fire surely drives up mortality. As von Clausewitz stated, an orderly retreat under fire is the hardest thing to accomplish