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The power of Clan weaponry, the earlier Omnis' varying design and Clan tactics also have to be taken into account.  Headhunters are regularly featured for Elementals to eliminate command units.  Designs like the Fire Moth or the Hellbringer are good examples of the all or nothing trend of some Omnis.  Clanners also do not like to retreat, which can lead to more death. Look at the Diamond Sharks and Smoke Jaguars on Tukkayid for an example

To be fair here in Clan space a retreat is usually (pre 3060) not a big thing though. They fight a trial, the trial is either won or lost and then they move on. Retreating is probably rarely a thing unless you have trials that encompass cluister vs cluster. Though I agree that a retreat under fire surely drives up mortality. As von Clausewitz stated, an orderly retreat under fire is the hardest thing to accomplish
Clan Chatterweb / Re: Star League - Third Time's a Charm
« Last post by BrianDavion on Today at 02:15:30 »
Sorry, no sale on your defeatist headcanon today. I stand by what I said.

so moving the conversation in a more constructive direction.
Right now the new SLDF seems to be about 2 regiments, each being used to build a new corps around, what does everyone think, will the SLDF focus on fully staffing these two corps first, or will they try to broaden out to a token number of corps before building them all out?
Off Topic / Re: Does 16gb DDR3 RAM exist for PCs?
« Last post by Jurants on Today at 02:08:31 »
Hey there, trying to upgrade my system and this is the roadblock I've hit.

The manufacturer (gigabite) says my motherboard takes up to 64gb ram, but also that the memory support list would be updated with 16GB DDR3 hit the market. Judging by the list on their website, it never did.

I guess you can find it Penalty Shooters in the wild, but only for servers?

If someone knows better, I'd love to hear from them as I am not ready to upgrade my whole system for a few years yet.


Yes but it is rare. 8GB DDR3 modules is max for consumer motherboards. 16GB is mainly used in servers.
Heh. Boot disks.

That was so much a regular thing for some games on my old Commodore Amiga 500 back in the 80’s. :laugh:
Fan Designs and Rules / Re: "Splash" damage
« Last post by DamonLesch on Today at 02:03:56 »
Capital and secondary weapons are also area of ​​effect is absolutely correct. I didn't believe it much but after many tries it is correct.
I ate up the Liao vs Kurita action IKEO so fast. Definitely something I’d like to see more of in the future. :evil:
BattleTech Miniatures / ISD's Clan Jade Wolf Second Line Star
« Last post by ISD on Today at 02:01:26 »
I had this glorious Star (the Clan Heavy Star box) with some of my favourites since the days of Mechwarrior II, but being Second Line they didn't quite fit in my Falcon Cluster. So I wanted to paint them as foes for my Falcons, but I had serious trouble finding anything that struck me as "yes, that I want to paint!". On an evening when browsing through random sources for a home for my five 'Mechs I caught a word that opened a silly floodgate: the Jade Wolves.

Funnily enough I didn't find anyone's paintjobs on them, nor any descriptions how they could've been treated in the nineteen days the entity existed. So I decided that they wanted them to look a bit like the most stereotypical wolves (tans and greys) but with the Falcons asserting dominance with jade highlights. That's what I went for, pretty much a Wolf Beta Galaxy but with jade decorations. I didn't add any Galaxy, Cluster, or Trinary markings because I had no sources, and couldn't make some up even if someone paid me to do it :laugh: For organizing purposes I declare them to be from the Alpha Galaxy / 103rd Striker Cluster, but you couldn't tell that from the minis or anywhere else.

The cockpits ended up red as I thought it would stand out nicely from the sandy tan body. And I also went for metallic paints for joints and gun barrels only to be able to give another shot at the heat effect on the Gauss Rifle tips. They fit the light tones quite decently, I think, but I do enjoy the dark grey as bare metal approach more myself :smiley:

The Star itself, in apparent confusion on a parade ground or something:

And then photos of each from the front, and a angled/direct butt shot of those with Jump Jets. In case someone wants to get a slightly larger pic to look at, just take the URL and replace the /medium or /small param with /full, I simply used the not-largest to avoid screen hogging :smiley:

Marauder IIC

Warhammer IIC

Hunchback IIC


Stone Rhino

As always, criticism is most welcome!
Clan Chatterweb / Re: Star League - Third Time's a Charm
« Last post by tassa_kay on Today at 01:59:07 »
The Lyrans exist pretty much entirely to give territory for other people to fight over, they're narratively set up to be victims, and only to be victims

Sorry, no sale on your defeatist headcanon today. I stand by what I said.
Saw Love hurts, and enjoyed it.  Puzzled at the "Love Connection" between 2 characters, when the Actor/Actress are TWENTY-ONE YEARS apart!   :shocked:

 :grin:  :grin:

But hey, go for it Short Round!   :smilie_happy_thumbup:
Fan Fiction / Re: OPERATION:RATNIK (Retro-Golden Lion AU)
« Last post by PsihoKekec on Today at 01:41:29 »
Normally I would have rolled my eyes at something being described as four halves, but Banzai Labs is certainly organization that goes to 200% and beyond.

Dealing with artillery in 3.SW, especially one equipped with specialty ammo, is a rare experience and for the MAC raiders it turned into a life changing one. I suspect using the looted ammo will also be an emotional experience.
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