Heavy Metal
Although the whole Clan Rearmament Project was filled with drama, when it came to heavier machines competition was particularly fierce. With only 4 middleweight power plants approved to build the new Mech and Armor Touman (with some specialty ones for certain vehicles) this severely limited the options for heavy machines. However, it also had some of the most common designs throughout the Clan Toumans contained within it and most of those were eliminated by the choice of power plant. Still there were multiple entrants and adjustments to existing designs to reduce the expense of retooling their factories.
Clan Star Adder championed their Hellfire, Glass Spider, and Blood Asp (100 ton) platforms.
The Ghost Bears, Hell’s Horse, and Mongoose surprised the other Clans when they agreed to consolidate lines on Tokasha for a slightly smaller Hellbringer (from 65 to 60) and the more fragile, slightly less flexible, but better armed Mad Dog Battlemech.
Nova Fox forwarded an 80-ton version of the Supernova, 60 ton Thresher, and 75 ton Night Gyr.
The Steel Vipers had one entrant as usual, their 75 ton Sidewinder.
Finally, Ghost Bear proposed the 90 ton Kraken Omni and Kodiak Battlemech designs.
Ultimately, the Glass Spider and Supernova were eliminated in the first round as it was deemed that an armored vehicle could perform a similar job. Ultimately it came down to a runoff with the Hellfire and Thresher occupying the lower speed 60 ton bracket compared to the slightly faster (most of the time) Hellbringer and Vulture.
The Sidewinder and Night Gyr are functionally identical except in visual styling and deployment with the Snakes and Hell’s Horses preferring the Sidewinder and the others choosing the Night Gyr. The difference in pod space between the Kraken and Blood Asp is merely three tons and thus it’s deployment was mostly decided by whether a Clan liked or hated the Star Adders. Clan Ghost Bear almost exclusively utilizes the short ranged but powerful Kodiak Battlemech.
Blood Asp
Mass: 100 tons
Chassis: Type MAES-90 Standard Biped
Power Plant: CFE 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Forging ZZ7 Standard
55.0 tons of pod space
Manufacturer: Sheridan LM-TA 10
Primary Factory: Sheridan
REVIVAL Forward Factory: Haublan Imperial Arsenal
Communication System: Series D8 CC-25X
Targeting & Tracking System: "Hermes" CT-42 Mk II
Cost: 28,575,000 C-bills
Description – The Blood Asp is a formidable design packing three medium mechs worth of pod space which is used to maximum effect. Due to their expense and limited mobility Star Adders don’t deploy many of this design. When it is needed though the Blood Asp can rip through entire stars worth of enemies although its armor is unlikely to withstand the return fire for long. Nevertheless, it is a rugged design and when deployed is a terrifying sight to behold.
Quirks - Rugged
Type: Blood Asp
Technology Base: Clan (Standard)
Tonnage: 100
Battle Value: 2,548
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure 10
Engine 300 XL 9.5
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink 28 18
Gyro 3
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 282 17.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 31 43
Center Torso (rear) 14
R/L Torso 21 30
R/L Torso (rear) 10
R/L Arm 17 30
R/L Leg 21 38
Weight and Space Allocation
Location Fixed Space Remaining
Head None 1
Center Torso None 2
Right Torso 2 XL Engine 10
Left Torso 2 XL Engine 10
Right Arm None 9
Left Arm None 9
Right Leg None 2
Left Leg None 2
Prime Configuration
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
2 Heat Sinks LL 2 - 2.0
Streak SRM 6 Ammo (15) CT 1 - 1.0
Heat Sink CT 1 - 1.0
Gauss Rifle Ammo (16) RT 2 - 2.0
Streak SRM 6 RT 2 4 3.0
Gauss Rifle RT 6 1 12.0
2 Heavy Medium Lasers LA 4 7 2.0
5 Heat Sinks LA 5 - 5.0
Gauss Rifle Ammo (16) LT 2 - 2.0
Streak SRM 6 LT 2 4 3.0
Gauss Rifle LT 6 1 12.0
2 Heat Sinks RL 2 - 2.0
Heat Sink HD 1 - 1.0
2 Heavy Medium Lasers RA 4 7 2.0
5 Heat Sinks RA 5 - 5.0
A Configuration
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
2 Heat Sinks LL 2 - 2.0
ECM Suite CT 1 - 1.0
Heat Sink CT 1 - 1.0
Gauss Rifle Ammo (32) RT 4 - 4.0
Gauss Rifle RT 6 1 12.0
Artemis IV FCS LA 1 - 1.0
LRM 20 Artemis-capable Ammo (18) LA 3 - 3.0
LRM 20 LA 4 6 5.0
Ultra AC/2 Ammo (45) LT 1 - 1.0
Ultra AC/2 LT 2 1 5.0
4 Medium Pulse Lasers LT 4 4 8.0
Heat Sink LT 1 - 1.0
Heat Sink RL 1 - 1.0
Heat Sink HD 1 - 1.0
Artemis IV FCS RA 1 - 1.0
LRM 20 Artemis-capable Ammo (18) RA 3 - 3.0
LRM 20 RA 4 6 5.0
B Configuration
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
2 Heat Sinks LL 2 - 2.0
Jump Jet CT 1 - 2.0
Heat Sink CT 1 - 1.0
Targeting Computer RT 4 - 4.0
Jump Jet RT 1 - 2.0
4 Heat Sinks RT 4 - 4.0
ER PPC LA 2 15 6.0
3 Heat Sinks LA 3 - 3.0
Heavy Large Laser LA 3 18 4.0
Jump Jet LT 1 - 2.0
8 Heat Sinks LT 8 - 8.0
2 Heat Sinks RL 2 - 2.0
Heat Sink HD 1 - 1.0
ER PPC RA 2 15 6.0
4 Heat Sinks RA 4 - 4.0
Heavy Large Laser RA 3 18 4.0
C Configuration
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
2 Heat Sinks LL 2 - 2.0
2 Heat Sinks CT 2 - 2.0
ER Large Laser RT 1 12 4.0
3 Heat Sinks RT 3 - 3.0
Gauss Rifle Ammo (24) LA 3 - 3.0
Heat Sink LA 1 - 1.0
Gauss Rifle LA 6 1 12.0
ER Large Laser LT 1 12 4.0
3 Heat Sinks LT 3 - 3.0
2 Heat Sinks RL 2 - 2.0
Ultra AC/2 Ammo (90) RA 2 - 2.0
3 Ultra AC/2s RA 6 1 15.0
2 Heat Sinks RA 2 - 2.0
Mass: 90 tons
Chassis: Type AXP Mark XX Endo Steel Biped
Power Plant: CFE 270 XL
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Forging C745 Standard
52.0 tons of pod space
Manufacturer: Gatekeeper Heavy Industries
Primary Factory: Gatekeeper
Revival Forward Factory: Botany Bay
Communication System: Cephaloid ICS
Targeting & Tracking System: Dead Eye TOTs
Cost: 27,466,875 C-bills
Description – The Kraken is a powerful and high tech fire support design that really stretched Nova Fox scientists when it was initially developed in the Political Century. Initially a Battlemech designed by Clan Nova Fox, Clan Ghost Bear took control of the factories and moved them to Gatekeeper. Built as a rugged and reliable fire support mech, the Kraken is the Bane of anything Aerospace due to its fast swiveling torso, numerous small cannons, and large missile racks that overwatch Ghost Bear positions. Constant fighting between Ghost Bear and Hell’s Horses has also increased the machine’s protection from being swarmed by Elementals.
Quirks – Extended Torso Twist, Protected Actuators
Type: Kraken
Technology Base: Mixed (Advanced)
Tonnage: 90
Battle Value: 1,728
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure Endo Steel 4.5
Engine 270 XL 7.5
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sink 18 8
Heavy Duty Gyro 6
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 272 17
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 29 43
Center Torso (rear) 14
R/L Torso 19 28
R/L Torso (rear) 9
R/L Arm 15 29
R/L Leg 19 37
Weight and Space Allocation
Location Fixed Space Remaining
Head None 1
Center Torso 2 Endo Steel 0
Right Torso 4 Endo Steel 6
2 XL Engine
Left Torso 4 Endo Steel 6
2 XL Engine
Right Arm None 10
Left Arm None 10
Right Leg 2 Endo Steel 0
Left Leg 2 Endo Steel 0
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Prime Configuration
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
2 Heat Sinks CT 2 - 2.0
3 Heat Sinks RT 3 - 3.0
Ultra AC/2 Ammo (90) LA 2 - 2.0
4 Ultra AC/2s LA 8 1 20.0
3 Heat Sinks LT 3 - 3.0
Ultra AC/2 Ammo (90) RA 2 - 2.0
4 Ultra AC/2s RA 8 1 20.0
A Configuration
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
2 Heat Sinks CT 2 - 2.0
5 Heat Sinks RT 5 - 5.0
Gauss Rifle Ammo (16) LA 2 - 2.0
ER PPC LA 2 15 6.0
Gauss Rifle LA 6 1 12.0
5 Heat Sinks LT 5 - 5.0
Gauss Rifle Ammo (16) RA 2 - 2.0
ER PPC RA 2 15 6.0
Gauss Rifle RA 6 1 12.0
B Configuration
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
Streak LRM 20 Ammo (24) RT 4 - 4.0
2 Heat Sinks RT 2 - 2.0
2 Streak LRM 20s LA 10 6 20.0
Streak LRM 20 Ammo (24) LT 4 - 4.0
2 Heat Sinks LT 2 - 2.0
2 Streak LRM 20s RA 10 6 20.0
C Configuration
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
3 Heat Sinks RT 3 - 3.0
Ultra AC/10 Ammo (10) RT 1 - 1.0
2 Ultra AC/10s LA 8 3 20.0
Ultra AC/10 Ammo (20) LA 2 - 2.0
3 Heat Sinks LT 3 - 3.0
Ultra AC/10 Ammo (10) LT 1 - 1.0
2 Ultra AC/10s RA 8 3 20.0
Ultra AC/10 Ammo (20) RA 2 - 2.0
Mass: 75 tons
Chassis: New Kent Serpent Endo Steel
Power Plant: 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets: Pryzhok WM 20
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Standard
33.0 tons of pod space
Manufacturer: Novy Minsky Armaments Plant
Primary Factory: New Kent
Revival Forward Factory: Botany Bay
Communication System: Mercer 971
Targeting & Tracking System: GEG Pattern 491/6
Cost: 19,616,406 C-bills
Description – The Sidewinder is a sleek and dangerous looking design and that is the way the Steel Vipers wanted it to be when they designed it. It is only brought out when the Vipers want to really flex their prowess against an Assault mech (something they do not field). The fact that the Hell’s Horses and Star Adders choose to use it is just icing on the cake for the proud Vipers.
Equipped with a Full-Head Ejection System
Type: Sidewinder
Technology Base: Mixed (Advanced)
Tonnage: 75
Battle Value: 2,243
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure Endo Steel 4
Engine 300 XL 9.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4
Heat Sink 20 10
Gyro 3
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 231 14.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 23 35
Center Torso (rear) 11
R/L Torso 16 24
R/L Torso (rear) 8
R/L Arm 12 24
R/L Leg 16 32
Weight and Space Allocation
Location Fixed Space Remaining
Head None 1
Center Torso 2 Heat Sink 0
Right Torso 5 Endo Steel 5
2 XL Engine
Left Torso 5 Endo Steel 5
2 XL Engine
Right Arm None 10
Left Arm 4 Endo Steel 6
Right Leg 2 Jump Jet 0
Left Leg 2 Jump Jet 0
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
LRM 10 Ammo (12) RT 1 - 1.0
LRM 10 RT 1 4 2.5
3 Heat Sinks RT 3 - 3.0
Large Pulse Laser LA 2 10 6.0
LRM 10 Ammo (12) LT 1 - 1.0
LRM 10 LT 1 4 2.5
3 Heat Sinks LT 3 - 3.0
Gauss Rifle Ammo (16) RA 2 - 2.0
Gauss Rifle RA 6 1 12.0
Night Gyr
Mass: 75 tons
Chassis: JF 7 Endo Steel Biped
Power Plant: CFE 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 64.8 kph
Jump Jets: JF Standard
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Series Ab Standard
33.0 tons of pod space
Manufacturer: Ironhold Gamma Complex
Primary Factory: Ironhold
REVIVAL Forward Factory: Paran Mechanized Industries
Communication System: JF 3048 Series III
Targeting & Tracking System: Ironhold Mk III
Cost: 19,662,344 C-bills
Description – The Night Gyr was claimed by Clan Nova Fox after they took control of the former Jade Falcon’s homeworld of Ironhold. The Nova Foxes reactivated the Gamma Complex and began churning out Night Gyrs to compete with the Steel Viper’s Sidewinder, this wasn’t a problem initially as the Vipers were often unwilling to trade their largest machine but when new work orders from the Mongoose ilKhan came in the Vipers found themselves competing with the Nova Foxes for scarce materials and were forced to adapt.
Although there is no evidence to this fact the Night Gyr is an unusually difficult machine to maintain as the leg actuators ‘might’ have been built with inferior materials or bad engineering to increase the rate of spare part purchases.
Quirks | Difficult to Maintain
Type: Night Gyr
Technology Base: Mixed (Advanced)
Tonnage: 75
Battle Value: 2,288
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure Endo Steel 4
Engine 300 XL 9.5
Walking MP: 4
Running MP: 6
Jumping MP: 4
Heat Sink 26 16
Gyro 3
Cockpit 3
Armor Factor 231 14.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 23 35
Center Torso (rear) 11
R/L Torso 16 24
R/L Torso (rear) 8
R/L Arm 12 24
R/L Leg 16 32
Weight and Space Allocation
Location Fixed Space Remaining
Head None 1
Center Torso 2 Heat Sink 0
Right Torso 4 Endo Steel 6
2 XL Engine
Left Torso 5 Endo Steel 5
2 XL Engine
Right Arm 4 Endo Steel 6
Left Arm Endo Steel 9
Right Leg 2 Jump Jet 0
Left Leg 2 Jump Jet 0
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
6 Heat Sinks RT 6 - 6.0
ER PPC LA 2 15 6.0
3 Heat Sinks LA 3 - 3.0
3 ER Medium Lasers LT 3 5 3.0
2 Heat Sinks LT 2 - 2.0
Heat Sink HD 1 - 1.0
Ultra AC/10 RA 4 3 10.0
Ultra AC/10 Ammo (20) RA 2 - 2.0