Heavily Modified Version of one of my lower tech combat dropships.
Coast Guard Dropship Lifeguard- When it comes to the duties of the coast guard one of the most important is saving lives. Here every minute matters. As such this dropship has a blistering 9/14 MP. In case even this is not enough it carries a single even faster shuttle for fast response which will be listed next.
To aid in it's duties this ship carries a size 5 MASH for emergency medical treatment. 12 Extra medical personnel for deployment. 12 experienced marine's for either boarding operation or to keep order on ship being helped. 8 Extra engineers for deployment on top of the shuttles techs and if necessary the dropships techs. Has 8 infantry bay combined with the 2 in the shuttle this ship can carry 280 passengers for a few days.
If needed to fight the dropship has decent armor. The dropship has 3 two gun Large Laser Bays per face and a single 30 gun Medium laser bay on the nose capable of savaging dropships with its 15 CAP damage.
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3100
Mass: 5,000
Battle Value: 12,062
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-D
Cost: 407,360,800 C-bills
Fuel: 150 tons (4,500)
Safe Thrust: 9
Maximum Thrust: 14
Heat Sinks: 400
Structural Integrity: 25
Nose: 457
Sides: 385/385
Aft: 313
Bay 1: Small Craft (1) 1 Door
Bay 2: Infantry (Foot) (40) 1 Door
Bay 3: Cargo (179.5 tons) 1 Door
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 5
Crew: 9 officers, 21 enlisted/non-rated, 15 gunners, 229 bay personnel, 20 passengers, 12 marines
Notes: Mounts 90 tons of standard aerospace armor.
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV Class
Nose (138 Heat)
30 Medium Laser 90 15(150) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
RS/LS Fwd (48 Heat)
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
RS/LS Aft (48 Heat)
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
Aft (48 Heat)
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
2 Large Laser 16 2(16) 2(16) 0(0) 0(0) Laser
Life Ring Shuttle- If the dropships speed isn't enough to get there in time the shuttle may be sent ahead to stabilize the situation and but time or to evacuate as many people as possible. The shuttle has 11/17 MP. The shuttle has 2 infantry bays to either offload people or to transport to the emergency engineers, marines and medical personnel.
Lifeguard Fast Rescue Shuttle Life Ring
Type: Military Spheriod
Mass: 200 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 200
Battle Value: 256
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 15,333,500 C-bills
Fuel: 8 tons (640)
Safe Thrust: 11
Maximum Thrust: 17
Heat Sinks: 15
Structural Integrity: 18
Nose: 23
Sides: 22/22
Aft: 21
Bay 1: Infantry (Foot) (10) 1 Door
Bay 2: Cargo (13.5 tons) 1 Door
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 0
Crew: 1 officer, 2 enlisted/non-rated, 56 bay personnel
Notes: Mounts 1 tons of standard aerospace armor.
and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV