I came up with this idea quite awhile ago with the release of XTRO Succession wars, that slotted into the appearance and build of the Thor from Starcraft 2; my concept was that it was a nation building it as a sort of "poor replacement" or answer to the armies of the House Lords becoming more and more combined focus with the loss of battlemechs and technology. To wit, they went for medium ranged artillery cannons to strike fast hovertanks and shell infantry attempting pushes, with large amounts of munitions to also fire smoke or obscurants for it's lance. In it's arms, its creators insulated large lasers to a serious heat pump system so that (despite it's slow speed) it can constantly stay mobile while firing, which they saw was a necessity because the largest engine that could be spared was intended for much smaller medium 'mechs.
End result was an interesting Succession wars 'mech that I feel is actually somewhat unique for it's era of limited weapons and equipment; with over 30 IRL years of design this era of battletech looses out on "interesting" ideas thanks to the limits on what is actually available, so here I feel it actually has something of a niche in a heavier lance as a kind of "pocket assault" or a really big and overwrought answer to the question of combined arms, which if it had proper fluff would likely be what doomed it in the first place. Factions I thought would make use of it would include (in order) the Concordat, Outworlds Alliance, and great houses like the Mariks, Davions, and the Lyrans. Visually to have that "Thor" appearance I could see it being built from Marauder and other 75 tonner parts, but with the caveat that it's short and very wide to accommodate the over-shoulder artillery cannons.
Succession Experemental idea 1
Mass: 75 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: Succession Wars
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-F-X-A
Production Year: 3025
Cost: 5,990,250 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,227
Chassis: Unknown Standard
Power Plant: Unknown 225 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor
2 Large Laser (Insulated)s
2 Thumper Art. Cannons
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown
Based off the Thor from Star Craft
Equipment Type Rating Mass
Internal Structure: Standard 114 points 7.50
Engine: Fusion Engine 225 10.00
Walking MP: 3
Running MP: 5
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 16 6.00
Heat Sink Locations: 1 CT, 1 LT, 1 RT, 2 LL, 2 RL
Gyro: Standard 3.00
Cockpit: Standard 3.00
Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA R: SH+UA+LA
Armor: Standard Armor AV - 200 12.50
Internal Armor
Structure Factor
Head 3 8
Center Torso 23 30
Center Torso (rear) 8
L/R Torso 16 24
L/R Torso (rear) 8
L/R Arm 12 20
L/R Leg 16 25
Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
Thumper Art. Cannon RT 5 7 10.00
Thumper Art. Cannon LT 5 7 10.00
Large Laser (Insulated) RA 7 2 5.50
Large Laser (Insulated) LA 7 2 5.50
@Thumper Cannon (20) RT - 1 1.00
@Thumper Cannon (20) LT - 1 1.00
Free Critical Slots: 20
BattleForce Statistics
MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 7 Points: 12
3 2 2 0 0 3 1 Structure: 6
Special Abilities: ARTTC, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA