And done.
Honestly, while it was really fun seeing more Duncan, and his commentary is fire as always, I feel like nearly everything else needs work... I don't know how I feel about them porting the Solaris maps from MWO over to this game, but I don't think this was the best porting job. Not a single one of those maps were designed with more than 4 ’Mechs in mind, and in some of them, there was a significant risk someone could spawn inside terrain and get stuck, or in the case of some enemies, never spawn at all, and therefore softlocking the mission. Thankfully this never actually happened in Duncan Fisher's actual questline, but when my partners and I started doing normal arena missions...
This is quite possibly the first time I ever actually felt a DLC for the game wasn't something worth buying. I enjoyed all the others, even if the Career Mode starts designed to fast-track you into the content were poorly designed for that role. The story itself is fun, but the surrounding content is... barely functional at best. lol
It needs some fixes. The Liao Jungle map in particular needs some work, as the water there causes some crazy frame drops that I don't encounter anywhere else in the game.