Author Topic: (Answered) Hull down jumping with a quad mech  (Read 626 times)


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(Answered) Hull down jumping with a quad mech
« on: 08 July 2024, 18:12:44 »
I am playing in a campaign at my LGS and we have a player with a Thunder Fox and we cant find any clarification on how jumping works while hull down. The only rules I've found are on p.21 of Tactical Operations

Can you jump while hull down?
If so, does the mech stay hull down after the jump?
If it does not, Does it cost 2 jump MP to un-hull down as part of the move?

EDIT: Just realized Tactical Operations has it's own subforum. I guess I should have put this there. xD
« Last Edit: 19 July 2024, 16:22:22 by Xotl »


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Re: Hull down jumping with a quad mech
« Reply #1 on: 19 July 2024, 16:21:35 »
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